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Indignation Page 2

by Celinda Santillan

  The woman crosses to the middle of the stage where she takes a look at her audience. Everyone becomes silent. The music starts, a haunting sound. Then all you hear is the sound of several women creating a melody that has everyone dazed. The horror of the song, the tension is so beautiful. The lead singer falls down to her knees as she hears the invisible women sing that tragic melody. Her wavy hair falls in front of her face as it looks like she’s struggling with herself.

  “Wow.” Is all Alyssa can say.

  The lead singer looks up at the crowd with tears filling her eyes. Tears that look so real, but it’s just a show. It can’t be real at all.

  “In my dreams you appear as a nightmare.

  You dark my thoughts with every turn, every turn I take.

  I don’t sleep at night cause your haunting me.”

  Alyssa has never heard the song before. It must be new and she has no recollection of ever having listened to it. The odd part is that she finds herself repeating each word quietly along with the woman.

  “Will I ever let you go?

  Will you ever stop haunting my dreams?”

  Alyssa questions herself.

  “Let me break free from my reality.

  I don’t want to die knowing you’re not here.

  I gave you my heart; I left my soul to rot to you.

  I gave you everything, everything.

  The chains I have on are all of dead memories.

  Still beating alive.

  You left me to die; you left my heart to stop beating.

  I have lived for a long time.

  Centuries have passed me through the decades,

  with the feel of your touch still keeping me here.

  The kingdom you once lead long ago to destruction

  Is the same one I saw you fall off your throne.

  You became forsaken.”

  Alyssa has a memory of an image. More like a story. She can’t put her finger on it, but she remembers it was something important. Something she should know. What sense does it matter to remember something she can’t make out?

  “The bloodbath I’ve seen after your fall

  The anger of the gods made you fall

  Am I wrong to let you go when all you do is,

  Haunt me.”

  “Am I?” She whispers to herself.

  “Let me break free from my reality.

  I don’t want to die knowing you’re not here.

  I gave you my heart; I left my soul to rot to you.

  I gave you everything, everything.

  The chains I have on are all of dead memories.

  Still beating alive

  You left me to die; you left my heart to stop beating.”

  “What’s wrong with me?” she stares down at the goose bumps that are appearing on her arms.


  Her heart stops for that Moment. She can’t seem to catch her breath. Everything around her freezes as she hears that name. Torments come rushing back and even though it’s been four years she can still feel it ripping her apart. The nightmares and the awful memories that she still can’t let go without struggle. Just one man who destroyed her to a new level. Just one man.

  “Stop torturing me with all your lies.

  The glorious love story is left unfinished.

  I can’t continue it alone.”

  “Stop.” She weakly says to no one in particular. Her heart races as the painful nights reappear in a rush. How can she let go when everything he’s left behind still stays embodied in her memory.

  “You will never come back to me…”

  “Please stop.” Tears run down her eyes as she stares at the singer with grief. The singer stares at her directly and continues to sing, looking at her.

  “You will be the cause of my suffocation.”

  Alyssa knows she’s singing to her, telling her, but her lips don’t move. Only tears drop. The melody is suffocating her. She can’t breathe correctly or willingly. It’s not just him, but everything that’s happened after him. Julian. He was her friend, her lover, and now he’s her memory.

  “I still wait for you, I stare out my window.

  Will your memories ever fade?

  Will my heart ever forget you?”

  Alyssa wipes her tears pathetically. No, no more tears will she shed on someone that holds no place in her heart anymore. No more. Brandon smiles at her. He hasn’t heard it. Actually hear it. It doesn’t surprise her at all. He doesn’t pay attention to detail like she does. In the dark room she smiles back, knowing he can’t see her red eyes.

  She stares forward. The woman walks off stage and before completely disappearing turns to stare at her. Her eyes are clear of emotion. “Don’t.” She mouths. At least that’s what Alyssa thinks, but she shakes it off. This is just a coincidence. What if it wasn’t? After ignoring his name for years, now she hears it in a public place where she can’t run. The air never felt so thin. The lyrics repeat through her mind like a whisper. As if someone knew, someone is giving her a message. Someone who has entered a door of her past tortures and revealed them to the public for her to feel the agony of remembrance.

  She turns to Brandon, a friend who is ever so loyal to her. A true man who would never hurt her, the way Julian has. She hugs her best friend with a fierce need to have company. He may notice her sudden reaction, but he will always welcome it. She will try to enjoy the night, but she knows she can’t. All she can see in her head are images of love, heartache, and remembrance. All those images are surrounding Julian.

  The world is so different if you see them through an Archon’s eyes. They aren’t angels, they are Elims, and angels are a common word for them. This type of Elim helps others, but they can’t be helped themselves. A very difficult form of Elim is one man who died and came back as punishment. His wings are raven black, but he isn’t fallen. He’s more imprisoned by his past. He’s so much more than the wings on his back.

  “Hey.” A woman wearing a blue lacey dress stands behind the Elim. Her sobriety is in question. Those around him stay away from him. It’s the energy he will always have. It’s the energy of fear and horror that surround him.

  “Hey.” He responds back, turning away from her, and motioning the bartender for another drink.

  “So… What’s your name?” She bashes her eye lashes at him, not caring if her presence isn’t welcomed. He doesn’t respond. He continues to take shot after shot. Not caring if the woman is throwing herself at him. He’s not interested in dealing with a human tonight or any for the rest of the nights to come. “I’m Libya, but you can call me Libby.”

  He stares at her with a fake dazing smile. Interest clearly showing in his eyes. “Not interested.” His smile drops to his frustrated one. He dislikes humans with no common knowledge. Does she not notice I’m not in the best mood? He thinks to himself. Clearly she doesn’t. Women have no respect for themselves when under the influence of alcohol. It will be the only way a woman might near him. He is a very danger being that everyone clearly notices. Women like bad men, but his version is more like a killer. Other than fear they feel the attraction of him and the need to please him. They ignore the darkness that comes along with it when intoxicated. He’s worse than the best incubus. They might suck the life energy of a woman, but he can easily give an order to have them commit suicide.

  Women have passed him in his long life, but none of them spiked his interest, except one. One he decides not to acknowledge at all. He’s five countries away from where she must be. Lucky for him, she could be dead. It would save him a lot of trouble, but he wouldn’t want that. As much as he once thought that killing her would be best, he wouldn’t go through with it. It’s the life he’s chosen to live through. One lifetime after the other.

  The woman, Libby, analyzes his features. His short raven black hair compliments his pure black eyes. His eyes are like pools of darkness that many are too scared to gaze upon. He’s a little too pale, but that’s the way it’s meant to be since he’s supposed to be
dead by now. He notices her admiring his hardness body that shows through his tight black shirt. The dark leather jacket that he has on just delights her more. Just the feel of her eyes on him are disgusting. He wants nothing to do with the human population at all unless it’s for his benefit. Only then would he accept them looking at him like raw meat in front of a wolf.

  The woman runs her fingers around his neck. The gesture reminds him of her. The one woman he loves and hates all at the same time. The woman who has destroyed him and killed the little bit of humanity he had. “You could be.” Libby lays her hand on his upper arm and leans closer to whisper in his ear. “Some things you just can’t turn down.” She tries to be seductive.

  The Elim has had enough. No human will ever disrespect his rejection. It is unheard of to his world to disrespect him and live. Only one man has done so and still walks and that is the God of all the Gods.

  He stands to face her. His rage and impatience showing in his black pools that is his eyes. His eyes turn all black with no whiteness surrounding them. Libby steps backward frightened. She may not know who he is, but she can feel the power and danger radiating off of him. His eyes give her a fear that runs to her bone. “Understand this, human. I am not interested.” He gulps the last shot. He crushes it with his hands and the glass breaks between his fingers, but he doesn’t scar. He’s an Immortal. His eyes brighten at the fear that now drives the woman to run. He likes that. The fear of those that don’t even know who he really is. It’s his enjoyment to do it. To drive someone into a fear that they will never forget. It amuses him to no end.

  He exits the bar with a knowing look. His thoughts are back to all the times he would purposely torment humans to rid himself of the ache in his being at having him be betrayed once again. No more will he let one woman control him and his being. He was born for greatness all those centuries ago and now he is destined to live by his mistakes. Like a true man he will take his punishment as it is set in stone. He jumps on his black motorcycle. He starts it when he senses something wrong. He races off and speeds up as he senses the fear from the twelve year old girl he guards. He’s going to get hell from his superiors if something happens to Anna. But then again, he’s already in hell.


  Alyssa awakes from the sounds of a beautiful melody. Her face is facing the ceiling. She stands slowly. She walks out the living room and carefully walks to her bedroom, not making a single sound. Each step is taken with caution and perfect timing. Like a horror movie waiting for its climax.

  She closes her eyes just outside her room. She can hear the notes reach to their fullest. The melody is so calming, so loving. It can tell a story by just hearing closely to the change in notes. The passions that reveal in each note as it rises to a chorus that many tend to ignore. She takes a deep breath and opens her bedroom door. Her eyes open and her room is the same as it’s always been. It’s pale with hints of purple and modern vintage styled furniture. She narrows her eyes when she notices the intruder and the instrument that she has left behind so long ago.

  She sees a clone of herself playing the Harp. The clone closes its eyes and plays for love. Playing for a make believe fairy tale being created with many inspirations. The sound is so beautiful that she sits right next to her clone self on the long white bench. It’s been so long since she was able to see the instrument she considered priceless. Staring between herself and the instrument, she runs her fingers against it without interrupting the clone. Just feeling the smooth surface that her fingers longingly awaited is much more than what she thought it would be. She misses it so much. Memories are what kept her from playing it all these years. If she ever played again, she would have to struggle with maintaining her memories away. Especially her nightmares.

  She could try to play again, but it would just be a past riding up to her present. Some things you have to let go. She has learned that first hand.

  “It is quite beautiful, is it not?” Alyssa reopens her eyes and turns to the voice that she knows are not of her clone or herself.

  On the far wall a woman stands staring at her with her arms crossed. Her strawberry blonde hair falls straight on her shoulders. Her eyes are icy blue that can penetrate a hole with the intensity. “Who are you?” Alyssa questions the blonde beauty.

  The woman uncrosses her arms to sit next to her. “My name is Miranda.” She smiles lightly. “Alyssa.”

  “I know.” Alyssa turns back around to face her clone, but the clone has vanished into thin air, it has disappeared. Only the instrument is left behind. “So you didn’t answer my question.” She turns back around to face the blonde haired woman. “This is a dream, right? Who are you?”

  Miranda nods. “You could say that.” She stretches her arms in front of her to relax. “Since I am somehow a fragment of your imagination, do spill out your heart to me.” Alyssa stares at her uncertain if she should trust her. “Come on, I saw you look at the harp with longing.” She points at the instrument. “Do not hold anything back.” She encourages.

  Alyssa glances at the instrument. “I do miss it, but I can’t play anymore.” She fights the urge to cry. This is not the time to breakdown as much as she would like to finally let all her painful tears out.

  “Why not?” Miranda questions her with much interest.

  “My heart isn’t into it anymore.” She sheepishly confesses.

  “Oh, I understand. You are one of those, ‘need-inspiration-to-do-something’ type of girl.” Miranda concludes.

  “No. Not really. It’s a long story.” One she will not ever discuss. Memories are too painfully to unbury. She’s worked too hard to leave it hidden. A nightmare that is far long to ever bring itself back into her life willingly. The concert was enough.

  Miranda shakes her head. “Long? I have all the time in the world. Do tell.” She pushes.

  “I rather not.” Alyssa narrows her eyes at her with suspicion. “Weird… I never had a dream like this before. It’s unusual.”

  Miranda whips her long, straight blonde hair. “Of course not. I will probably get in deep hell for this, but I guess I am already in it, right?” She laughs at her own inside joke leaving Alyssa slightly confused.


  “Never mind.”

  Silence passes them both awkwardly. Alyssa is figuring out who the strange blonde woman is and Miranda is finding out how much the purple eyed woman knows about her own past.

  Miranda sighs. So far she is finding nothing. “I am not good with talking about girl based conversations. Kill me if that is how life is run today.” She looks up to nothing. “I want a damn vacation!” She yells to the ceiling. The yelling makes her seem mentally unstable.

  “Who are you talking to?” Alyssa is feeling uncomfortable. How could she make up someone like this in her dream? She would have thought she’d be in a dream with Brandon, not make up someone like Miranda.

  Miranda turns to her. “I am most definitely talking to the man upstairs. The God? He is commonly referred to as Zeus, even if it’s not a name he likes. That is who. You could only imagine how he makes me work. I have not had a vacation for over a century. It is always. Do this. Do that. Such selfish man if I may say so myself.” She whines.

  Alyssa laughs in confusion. “You talk like you’re from a different century and then you talk like a cheerleader on too much caffeine. It’s confusing.”

  “Excuse me if I am still trying to adapt of this modern life you call a century. Dreams are easier, but not that easy.” She laughs again. “Oh, you want to laugh? Last weekend he,” Miranda points at the ceiling, “decides to set me up on this fate-date with Mr. Charming.” She pretends to vomit. “It was the worst night of my existence.”

  “Why? It couldn’t have been that bad.” Surprisingly Alyssa finds herself interested in her dream-made-up friend.

  “Not that bad?” Miranda lets out a weak laugh. “The guy thinks he’s Hercules himself. He’s all ‘We can’t do this. It’s too sinful or not honorable’. Oh, and I air quote
sinful. When the doors are closed this guy gets so wild you would think he was an Incubus. Is my spoken language better now?”

  “Getting better. What’s an incubus?” she moves closer to the entertaining blonde. She’s very interested.

  “It is a demon that sleeps with women and steals their life energy. Man whore who can kill you, in other words. Maybe I should call Gabriel a man whore. I like the sound of that.” Miranda explains.

  “Oh.” She laughs nervously.

  She smiles at Alyssa’s confusion. “Let’s stop talking about me. How are you?” She tries to push the young woman into a conversation. She knows it must be hard for Alyssa to cope after everything she has been through after his departure. It’s something she knows that she has to fix even if her guess is incorrect.

  “Great.” Alyssa interrupts her thoughts.

  “You are not much of a talker are you?”

  “Not really.”

  Miranda analyzes at her. She notices her long light brown hair and her pale complexion. What amaze her about her are her fascinating purple eyes. You could see how unnatural it is, but you can tell they are real. Her eyes are what bring out her beauty. Not only is she talented, and beautiful, but Miranda can sense that she has a heart. Something she almost never encounters because of desire, jealousy, and power in the world today. She final sees what he saw in her. The final encounter was more of a tragedy, but there’s always room for hope if she uncovers the mystery from the past. Miranda stands up sensing her name being called. It’s time to leave the human world and tend her world that seeks her. “I need to leave, but I will come again.” Her old language escapes her lips.


  Miranda remembers what exactly she has come for. How could she forget her propose to expose herself to Alyssa? “Alyssa, if you ever find yourself to choose to go to a certain place, do not go. Understand?”


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