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Kissing Cousins (McKenzie Cousins Book 4)

Page 5

by Lexi Buchanan

  “You’re mine Rachel, and we’ll get through this, but only if we stay together.”

  “I’m all for staying together.”

  He kisses me on the forehead and picks me up in his strong arms. “We need to stay very, very, close together,” he mumbles against my neck as he lowers us both to his bed. “Very close.” He strips me of the robe, spreads my legs and immediately joins our bodies.

  A shudder ripples through me at the feeling of him stretching me in the most delicious way. But when he captures one of my nipples in his warm mouth, I forget everything but the man I love.



  Breakfast in bed followed by hot sex in the shower, followed by more hot sex on the bed, has me set for the day—it should have me set for the day, but the minute my gaze catches sight of Rachel in her dress my thoughts scatter, and I’m left with my tongue hanging out of my mouth like an idiot.

  “You like the dress?” she asks, twirling around the room, laughing.

  It takes a moment or two but once I can think again, I snake an arm around her waist and pull her in. “It’s the woman in the dress that I love, but the dress is going to be a favorite of mine, I think. The way the silk caress over your bottom when you walk makes me breathless.” My hand shapes to her womanly curves.

  “I think you look sexy in this tuxedo. The way your pants fit, and cup the bulge just for me.” The palm of her hand presses and her fingers gently squeeze while her eyes are alight with arousal and amusement.

  “We’re going to be late.” I push into her hand while my hands slide through the long side-split and caress her thighs, and further up.

  She quivers under my touch and I nearly come in my pants when I feel the lacy garters around the top of her thighs. I meet her gaze. “You’ve been sent from hell to tempt me.”

  Throwing her head back she laughs. “You’ve discovered what’s waiting for you tonight.”

  “Pure temptation,” I agree and place my hands on her hips, putting her away from me. “I need a minute before I leave the room.”

  She chuckles. “I think you might need a few,” she glances at the erection, “or I’m not opposed to getting on my knees.”

  Cursing, I snap my eyes closed. “Not today.” I inhale deeply.

  “Open your eyes, Alex. I’ll be good. I promise.”

  Peering at her through my lowered lids, I grin when I see her standing in the doorway between our rooms. “You really are beautiful, and you’re all mine.”

  “I am.” Her smile fades and worry slowly slips onto her face. “I wish we could attend the wedding together.”

  Moving closer, I catch a tear as it runs down her cheek. “It won’t be for much longer. Once we get back home we’ll tell everyone, okay?” I kiss her sweet lips. “If I could be assured that our relationship will be accepted by all then you’d be by my side today. You know that, right?”

  She nods. “I know.” Sighing she glances at the time on the television. “I better go.”

  Neither of us move and then I tug her tightly against me for one final hug before we part for the rest of the day. We’ll be around each other just no touching or kissing.

  “Go, Rachel. I’ll follow you down.” I kiss her forehead. “Love you.”

  “Love you more.” She offers a watery smile and quickly exits through the door to her own room.

  I sag into the chair by the window and stare out at the snow capped mountains before me. My head and heart ache at the thought of what’s to come, but there is no turning back. I love my cousin Rachel, and she’s the only woman I want. Nothing feels right unless I’m with her. She makes me feel like I could reach the moon if I so wished.

  Glancing at my phone when it beeps, I read the notification from my sister, Olivia: Get your ass downstairs!

  Laughing, I snap out of my thoughts and look forward to seeing my family, especially my cousin Charlotte as she marries Tanner. My family is like being in the middle of a soap opera and, I’m hoping that Tanner’s father, Derek, and my cousin Madison, distract everyone so that I might get one dance with the woman in my heart.

  Stepping into the elevator, I find Paige with her two Dads, along with my Uncle Michael.

  Paige glares and looks along the hallway from where I’ve come from, and then back at me. She frowns. “Where are you staying?” she asks sharply, drawing the gaze of the others.

  “This floor,” I reply, and turn to Uncle Michael. “That shawl suits you.” He has a silver shawl over his arm.

  Uncle Ramon chuckles, and adds, “I’ve already told him that.”

  “You girls can stop having a go at me. Lily left it in the room and she’s cold in the chapel.” Uncle Michael glares at his brother.

  The elevator arrives at the ground floor and once we’ve stepped out, Uncle Noah catches my arm and holds me back. I give him a questioning look.

  “What’s going on between you and Paige?”

  “What?” I say surprised. “There’s nothing going on with Paige and I. Why would you ask?”

  “My daughter can be very abrupt as you know, but she hasn’t been herself this morning and then the dig in the elevator made me wonder if you’ve both had an argument.”

  I shake my head and sigh, admitting, “Paige has a problem with me, but I’m not going to talk about it until we’re all back home in Lexington.” I plead with him. “Please leave it for the weekend.”

  He watches me carefully before he nods. “Okay.” He smiles. “Let’s join the others.”

  Uncle Noah wanders into the room, and I’m just about to follow him, when I spot Madison hiding behind a large potted plant. I have to do a double take before I realize it is my cousin.

  The little kid in me creeps up behind her and bending toward her ear, I whisper, “Boo!”

  She screeches and jumps a mile. I reach out and grab her around the waist before she falls over the green artificial plant.

  She wiggles free and punches me on the arm.


  “You scared me to death.”

  “Why are you hiding behind here?”

  “I’m not.”

  “Really?” I raise a brow and start laughing. “Madison, you know how ridiculous you’re being hiding out here, right?”

  “I can’t go in there wearing this.” She widens her arms showing me her dress.

  Frowning, I ask, “I’m not sure what you mean. You look good.”


  “I’m out of my element right now, why don’t I go and get Dylan.”

  “Hell no!” she mumbles. “I think I’ll go change.”

  “You don’t have time.” Hoping like hell she doesn’t punch me again because she has one hell of a right hook, I grab her arm and thread it through mine, and then we’re in the room.

  “What are you doing?” she squeaks.

  I glance at her and hold my amusement. “I don’t have all day to stand talking to you behind a potted plant.” I smirk. “Derek can’t take his eyes off of you.”

  My comment gets a reaction. “Really?”

  “Well, he’s currently trying his best not to look at you, but I think he’s failing spectacularly.” I glance at the man in question and although he is trying not to look at Madison, he also appears angry with himself—at least that’s my guess.

  “Will you sit with me?” I don’t get much of a choice as she drags me to where she’s chosen to sit, and pulls me down beside her.

  It all works out just fine when Rachel moves toward me from the opposite end of the makeshift aisle. Her father, Ramon, is behind her and then Noah, and Paige follows him.

  Rachel’s face lights up when she spots me and she sits beside me. “This worked out well,” she whispers.

  About to reply I catch the glare from Paige. I wish she’d lighten up. The sisters have always been close and it bothers me that I’m coming between them. I wonder if some of Paige’s anger is more jealousy—that she doesn’t have her twin all to herself anymore.

sp; “What’s wrong with Madison?” Rachel asks.

  Leaning closer, I whisper, “I found her hiding behind the plant outside the room.”

  Rachel looks surprised and a small bit amused.

  “I think it has something to do with Derek, but only time will tell what’s going on there.”

  “He’s a lot older than her,” Rachel mumbles.

  “He’s around the same age as Garrett,” I reply.

  “I hadn’t thought about it like that.” Rachel turns to Ramon before she turns to me, and whispers, “You can’t help whom your heart falls in love with.”

  “No you can’t.” I give her a look that tells her exactly whom my heart lies with.

  Silence follows as the rest of our family take their seats with a nervous Tanner standing out front. It must be nerve racking waiting for the woman you love to walk down the aisle toward you, knowing that she’s finally going to belong to you—that no one else will ever be able to stake a claim on her.

  My eyes drift to Rachel and I know that’s what I want more than anything—for her to be my wife and by my side for the rest of my life.

  She meets my gaze and I’m so close to dipping my head and capturing her lips when a loud cough behind us interrupts.

  We glance over our shoulder and see Joshua with a frown on his face, staring at us. He raises a brow and tips his head to the back of the room.

  Charlotte has arrived.

  I only catch a glimpse through the rest of my family, but as she slowly moves past on Uncle Michael’s arm, I’m unable to miss the clear and bright excitement on her face as she’s led toward her future husband.

  Something catches in my chest and I find it difficult to breathe, until I feel the gentle touch of Rachel as she intertwines our fingers together. She squeezes and doesn’t let go—all through the marriage ceremony she keeps hold.

  Once Charlotte and Tanner are pronounced man and wife and it’s our turn to follow them from the room, only then do we reluctantly let each other go. I don’t like it.



  Entering the reception area I watch Charlotte as she smiles up at her husband. Tanner is just as besotted with his new wife, and so far, I haven’t seen them let go of each other. It makes my heart heavy with longing for what I can’t have for now.

  It was beautiful getting to hold Alexander’s hand throughout the ceremony. I’d felt his touch all the way through to my soul. Even the dark look from Paige hadn’t put a dampener on how light my heart had felt.

  Alexander is close to me and that helps me move forward to wrap my cousin, Charlotte, up in a hug of congratulations.

  “You look like a Princess, Mrs. Jackson,” I whisper, pulling away. “And you’ve certainly caught your Prince Charming.”

  “I have haven’t I?” She grins and kisses my cheek. “You’ll catch yours one day.”

  Moving into the room, I whisper, “I already have,” and get caught up with Aunt Sabrina, Alexander’s mom, as she slips her arm through mine.

  “We’re sitting at the same table. I switched you with Sofia so you can breathe.”

  I glance at her face and sigh when she smiles. “I’m not blind Rachel, and there is something going on between you and Paige. I’m not taking sides, but I have seen how uncomfortable she’s making you regardless of how much you try to hide it.” She pats my arm. “Weddings are for smiles and laughter, and that’s what you’re going to experience.”

  Turning into her, I throw my arms around her shoulders. “I love you, Aunt Sabrina.”

  “You’re going to make me cry.” She pulls back and dabs at her eyes. “I love you too.” She cups my face and only lets go when her husband, Lucien, wraps an arm around her waist.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “I’m always emotional at weddings. You know this.” She nuzzles into his neck while Uncle Lucien cups her chin and lifts her to his mouth for a brief kiss. The kiss may have been brief but I bet it would have continued on if they’d been alone.

  I haven’t spoken to Uncle Lucien since the night he found Alexander and I in Uncle Michael’s study.

  As I’m taking my seat he glances between Alexander—a frown marring his brow—and me. I turn to Alex. “Your mother changed the seating around.”

  He raises a brow so I continue, “She picked up on the anger in Paige. Moved me here so that I didn’t have to worry about her.” Sighing, I add, “She’s my twin and I do need to talk to her, but I’m sick of arguing and having her lecturing me.”

  “She’ll come around,” Alex says.

  “I hope so.”

  “Anyone else froze to death outside?” Uncle Sebastian says, sitting his wife before himself. “I wouldn’t recommend the trip from the hot tub to the room.” He shudders. “I nearly turned into a damn icicle.”

  Uncle Lucien rolls his eyes. “Haven’t you grown up yet?”

  “Hey, I have a hot wife. What can I say?”

  “Not in front of the children, please,” Olivia adds, dropping into her seat.

  Ryan pulls his cloth-covered chair out, and joins us. “I’m eloping. Less hassle.”

  “Since when did you plan on getting married?” I raise a brow.

  Ryan has always insisted that there’s too much choice to settle down with one woman. I honestly think that’s the opinion of a lot of guys, especially younger ones. Ryan has his pick of women and knows it too, which doesn’t sit too well with his mother, Aunt Rosie.

  “The married cousins are slowly making me change my mind.” He grins. “I think it would be nice to have a partner.” His eyes glaze over while he’s lost in thought. “Someone to wake up to every morning.” He clears his throat and grins. “Nothing better than slow morning sex.”

  I feel my cheeks redden as the table goes silent and then of course Uncle Sebastian has something to say, “I totally agree with you … Make sure you try the Jacuzzi, that’s a close second.”

  “I’m sure your nephews and nieces would prefer not to hear about our sex life. I sure would rather they didn’t.” Aunt Carla nudges her husband harshly in the ribs.

  “Hey, Sis, who was that you were talking to?” Alex asks, and Olivia has the caught in the headlights look.

  “Um, who?” she replies, a blush working it’s way on to her face.

  Alex grins and looks to be about to continue, when I change the subject, “How’s Sofia doing at the bakery, Ryan?”

  Olivia offers me a grateful smile while I hear Alex give a light chuckle, and he whispers under his breath, “I’ll get you for that.”

  I pay no attention and focus on Ryan.

  “She has a big wedding coming up in Lexington. She’s really buzzing about it.”

  “Do tell?” Olivia asks.

  Ryan shrugs, digging into the entrée. “I don’t know much more than that, other than the brother who is paying for his sister’s wedding is a recluse. Has a fortune too.” He quickly clears his plate. “She hasn’t met him yet.”

  I frown. “I really must catch up with her. It feels like forever since new year.”

  “Who is the recluse?” Uncle Lucien asks.

  “Shane Fletcher. Something to do with computers.” Ryan smirks. “I’d much rather talk about who Olivia was talking to earlier.”

  Olivia gasps, smacking Ryan on the arm. “Will you and my brother quit? It was a friend of Tanner’s, all right? Stop bugging me.”

  Alex goes to open his mouth but I think my hand on his thigh shocks him enough that he stays silent, although I do hear a soft hiss. Feeling happy, I squeeze and move my hand higher before leaving him alone. I nudge into him. “Stop teasing your sister.”

  “I’d rather be teasing you,” he whispers so low that I only just catch his words.

  “Hmm.” I cast a glance in his direction and catch Aunt Carla looking between us both before she turns her attention to her husband.

  “What’s going on with Paige?” Ryan asks.

  My eyes snap to him as he’s shoving more food into hi
s mouth, and I find I’m lost for words.

  Ryan meets my gaze and frowns when he looks at the others. “I guess I was supposed to mind my own business, huh?”

  “Since when have you minded your own business?” I smirk. “Paige and I are having a disagreement, and that’s all I’m going to say.”

  “Fair enough.” He glances at his food then back to me. “It’s nothing to do with Seth is it?”

  “Who’s Seth?” Olivia asks, all eyes currently on Ryan.

  “God, these four remind me of us when we were their age,” Uncle Sebastian moans.

  “Some of us have even grown up.” Uncle Lucien raises a brow.

  Uncle Sebastian doesn’t comment but focuses on Ryan. “So spill the beans.”

  “Um,” Dylan hedges. “Ask Jaxon.”

  “Someone at college then?” Aunt Carla mumbles. “I’ll ask Dylan, he can’t resist his mother when I want to know something.” She frowns. “In fact, isn’t he a friend of Dylan’s? I’m sure I’ve met a Seth when we’ve visited Dylan at college.”

  This conversation is going to annoy Paige when she finds out, which she will because Ryan has to know everything going on. “Instead of speculating,” I say, “why don’t we talk about something else.”

  “Good idea,” Aunt Sabrina agrees. “Why don’t you tell us about your Italian trip? It’s been moved forward from what Ramon was telling me.”

  My heart sinks and I feel Alexander still beside me.

  The family know that I’m intending on going to Europe for a few weeks, but I haven’t had chance to tell anyone other than my fathers that it’s been moved forward. Now though, I don’t want to go anywhere unless Alexander is with me. But I can’t say that with a table full of witnesses.

  “Um, yeah. I’m heading to Florence in a few weeks for a month.” I shrug. “It’s part of my study program. A lot of the students opted for the semester abroad, but I don’t want to be away that long.” I nervously glance at Alexander and realize he’s forcing himself to eat while ignoring me.


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