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Soul Bound (The Soul Mark Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Cara E Holt

  I awake the next morning and can’t shake off my strange dream. Despite the weird dream I feel energised and full of go today. My magic feels so powerful, like it is humming inside of me. I walk to the window and stretching look out and am disappointed to see it is a miserable day with grey clouds and rain. No sooner has the thought crossed my mind that I wish the weather was better the clouds clear in an instant with the rain stopping and the sun breaks through. Did I just do that? It changed so quickly, surely not. “Come on Ebs, get a grip.” I say out loud to myself and shaking my head I turn and venture downstairs. I walk in the kitchen area to find Lorcen and Drustan deep in conversation.

  “What are you two looking so serious about on this beautiful day?” I ask smiling at them both as I walk past them to the coffee machine. “I need pancakes today, a bit pile of them. I’m starving marvin.”

  Drustan looks at me eyebrows raised. “Someone is mightily cheerful today. Is she normally like this?” He asks Lorcen who shakes his head observing me like I am some weird specimen.

  I smile and nod. “I am, I feel so alive today. Could we go for a hike later?”

  Lorcen looks at me like I’m a stranger. “You, want to go for a hike?”

  I pull a face at him. “Yes me! No need to sound so surprised.”

  Lorcen walks over and turns me to face him and feels my forehead . “You sure you are feeling okay after last night?”

  I pat his cheek gently. “I feel fine, great actually.”

  Lorcen nods and seeming satisfied he gives me a quick kiss on the lips. “Well in that case Drustan has news for you.”

  “You do?” I say giving him a hopeful look. I start cracking my eggs into the jug to make my pancake mix.

  Drustan nods and leans on the kitchen island. “I have narrowed it down to two lakes.”

  I stop what I am doing and fist bump the air. “That is the best news. When do we leave?”

  Lorcen grimaces and chews on his lip. “That was the good news. Bad news is a seeress from the circle has prophesised that the cauldron will be activated soon, by you.”

  “By me? Er not likely.” I scoff. “I guess it’s more important than ever then that I find my mother.”

  Drustan frowns and folding his arms he walks round to where we are standing. “Have you considered that they may not want to help us? I mean they did turn their backs on their people centuries ago.”

  I give him a determined look, my chin held high. “They will help us. I know it.”

  Drustan nods but I can tell by his face he isn’t convinced. Lorcan smiles at Drustan. “My mate has a Croi Fiochmhar Drustan.”

  I look at him in question. “It means a fierce heart.”

  I can’t help give him a wide smile. I love that he believes in me so much. From early on he had believed in me and trusted my decisions and never questioned them. He had supported me to fight despite the fact that in the fae realm it wasn’t a done thing for females to fight. I slide my hands around his neck, which requires me to stand on my tip-toes because yeah I’m a short arse and he’s tall. I reach up kiss him.

  He smiles. “What was that for?”

  I shrug in response. “For your absolute faith in me.”

  Drustan coughs. “I think that’s my sign to leave. I’ll see you both in our realm in an hour.” Without a backward glance he opens the portal in the living area and leave us. I make us both pancakes and then we both shower and change. I know it will be thick with snow in the unseelie realm so I wear a thick jumper with a long sleeved top underneath and put knee lengths socks on under my jeans and my fur lined boots. Lorcen wears his Fae clothing, black leathers and a black tunic with leather sleeves and his fae cloak with the family crest on the back. Lorcen magics a white fur cape onto me.

  Chapter Twenty.

  We portal home to the unseelie court and find Drustan waiting for us in the library his head bent over a very old looking book. He looks up and grins. “We ready to go? I’ve had the unicorns saddled up for us.”

  “No need.” I tell him. “I can sift us there.”

  “You can?” Drustan says clearly impressed.

  “Yep. If you can show me a picture of where we are going I can sift us there.”

  Lorcan chuckles and nods. “She really can. Last night she accidentally sifted us to her old home in England.”

  Drustan gives me a half-impressed look and then digs out a book off of the large desk before him and holds it out in front of me. I study the picture closely, taking in every minute detail. I take Lorcen’s hand and hold my other out for Drustan, who looks at my hand like it’s a foreign object and then at me.

  “I can’t sift you with me unless we are in physical contact.”

  He frowns and reluctantly takes my hand. We sift and arrive before the lake in the picture. In front of surrounded by a forest is a large lake. The tall trees bloom flowers in all the colours of the rainbow. Around us the only noise is that of the water and slight breeze in the air. I walk to the edge of the lake and study it carefully.

  “This isn’t it. The trees were taller and the lake bigger than this one.”

  Drustan thrusts another picture in front of me. “This is the second one.”

  Again I study it’s every detail and close my eyes and hold both hands out for them each to take one. Drustan does so this time without question and we arrive at our second destination. As soon as I open my eyes I know this is the right lake, the one from my dreams.

  “This is it!” I tell them excitedly. I take a deep breath and try to steady my erratic heartbeat. I could be about to meet my birth mother. I walk towards the edge of the lake and as I do the voices whip round me whispering in my ear. “Come home child.”

  “How?” I ask them out loud shouting at the air around me. My answer comes in the form of a blue light that shines and pulses from under the water in the centre of the lake.

  “You must come alone.” The eerie voices whisper. “Only you can cross.”

  I turn to round back to Lorcen and Drustan. This is going to go down well. “I have to go alone. The two of you will not be able to cross through.”

  Lorcen stiffens. “No way Ebs.”

  I walk over to him and rest a hand on his arm. “I have to do this. I need to meet my mother. I need to know where I come from. I will be okay I promise.”

  Lorcen sighs and shakes his head. “We have no idea where that will take you. It could even be a trap.” He looks at me with worry etched across his face. “What if you can’t get back.”

  I put my hand to his cheek. “I’ll come back I swear. This isn’t a trap Lorcen, I can feel it.”

  He draws in a long breath and rubs his chin. “Okay.”

  I smile at him in thanks and reach up to kiss him. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me passionately. Like he is afraid he might not kiss me again.

  “I love you.” I whisper into his ear.

  He leans his head against mine and closes his eyes. “I love you amanchara.”

  I take a step back from him and he lets my hand go at the last possible moment and I turn towards the lake. I gasp when I step into the water as it is freezing cold. I wade forward until it comes up to my shoulders. As I get nearer the centre of the lake and nearer to the glowing light the water becomes quite warm. I realise I will need to swim the rest of the way and take a deep breath and with one last look to where my mate stands, I dive down into the water and swim towards the centre. As I near it is as if an invisible force pulls me in and into the light and then it all goes dark and then suddenly bright again. I open my eyes and I am standing on the most picturesque beach you could imagine. The sand under my feet is almost white and the sea is turquoise blue. I close my eyes and lift my face to the warm sun that blazes down. I turn from the sea view to look at the landscape and freeze in place when I see a woman on the edge of the beach. She has long black hair and wears a flowing silver toga like gown that billows in the sea breeze. I can’t make out her eye colour from here but if I had to guess I’d say t
hey were a light blue or grey colour. This woman is my mother. I don’t know how I know this I just do. She begins to walk towards me and I towards her. As she nears

  I see how beautiful she is. No wonder my dad fell for her. Everything about her is beautiful. Her big blue eyes are framed by thick dark eyebrows much like mine. As she comes closer she is smiling but I can see she is fighting back tears.

  We come to a stop before each other and just stare at each other, as if we a memorising every feature of each others faces.

  “Hello Mother.” I say shyly.

  She beams at me. “I have waited so long for this day.” She slowly reaches out and takes my face in her hands. “You have your father’s eyes, but my nose and my haircolouring. You are a perfect combination of the both of us. So beautiful.”

  She pulls me into an embrace then and I fold my arms around her and lean into her and hug her back just as tightly as she holds me. She releases me and smiling offers me her hand.

  “Come we have much to discuss and a whole family waiting to meet you.”

  I accept her hand and allow her to lead me across the beach onto a sandy path framed by wildflowers and green grass. As the trees clear I stop in awe at the sight before me. In front of us is a very large glass shaped dome building. Think of the Eden project in Cornwall only prettier and that would come somewhere close to describing it.

  “Is this where you live?”

  She smiles. “This is the castle of the gods.”

  I look up at the building as we pass through its entrance. The floor looks like white marble. Even though we are inside now, trees grow in here. It is like a giant conservatory. I imagine what this place must look like at night with the stars out.

  My mother leads me forward and I am surprised to find fae people here. They go about their business but stop and stare when I pass with my mother and they bow their heads in respect. We arrive into a huge circular room with domed ceiling, a golden circle sits in the centre of the floor. My mother stops us when we are standing within the circle and we portal up onto a higher floor. The room we appear in is again round in shape. The floor is silver and around the edge of the room are large marble looking chairs and on each of these chairs sits what I can only presume to be a Tuatha god or goddess. They are all dressed beautifully and look very regal. My mother keeps my hand in hers.

  “Our daughter has returned to us.” She announces and holds my hand up and out as if displaying me.

  A beast of a man with a black beard and dark eyes, a mane of long dark hair that falls down his back observes me with a look I can’t quite fathom, interest maybe or maybe apprehension.

  “So this is your firstborn Ernmas.”

  Ernmas nods proudly. “Daughter this is my cousin Lugh.”

  I look at her and then the man before me and wrinkle my nose in confusion. “I thought Lugh died in battle?”

  His eyes sparkle with humour. “That Lugh did indeed die. I am named after my great ancestor.” He tells me.

  I decide there’s no time like the present and come out with it. “Why did you all abandon your people?”

  I sense movement to my right and turn to see a lady stand and walk towards me. She too has black hair that is piled on top of her head. “Our people abandoned us my child. They stopped believing in their own gods and started worshipping the human god.”

  I crease my forehead confused. “Is the human god not everyone’s god. Isn’t he the creator of life?”

  She shakes her head giving me a smile. “The human god created earth and the humans that reside there. Danu created the fae realms and the fae people and all other magical creatures. Our people stopped believing in us you see. Some even hunted us for our blood or to gain our treasures. We had no choice but to create a new realm where we could live in peace.”

  I shrug, it seems a reasonable explanation to be fair. The lady takes my hand and kisses it.

  “I am Banba. Mother to Ernmas. I am the goddess of fertility.”

  “Hi.” I say shyly not quite sure how to react.

  “Why exactly have you come here?” Demands a deep male voice from behind me and I turn to face another black haired male whose hair is shaved at the sides and then longer on top and this is held in a tie at his neck.

  “She has come to meet her family Uncle.” She tells him firmly.

  A red haired lady leans forward who sits to his left. “She comes for more than that.”

  “That is Fodla goddess of foresight.” My mother tells me in my ear.

  “You’re right I have. I have come to ask my family to help us. The fae realm and the human realm, well, all realms really are in grave danger. We need to know if you will fight with us?”

  Another man to my right chuckles in his seat, stroking his black beard into a point. “We are not able to intervene.”

  Fodla smiles at me. “My child this is a fight you must face alone.”

  “Why?” I ask frustrated. “Why must I face it alone?”

  She smiles and looks up into the sky. “The fates have decided this journey for you. We are not a part of it. It is your path to walk, your destiny.”

  I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, I’m growing tired of hearing about fate and destiny. “But you are all gods! You could put a stop to this.”

  My mother comes to stand in front of me and takes both my hands in hers and holds them there. “My daughter you are also a goddess. One with great power. The power of the trinity. You are prophesised to stop the evil that is coming. We cannot interfere.”

  I give her a begging look. “I can’t do this alone. I have magic, yes, but I am not strong enough on my own.”

  Fodla speaks from her seat. “You will not face this alone. The other part of you will fight by your side.”

  “Who Lorcen?” I ask feeling more confused than ever.

  “Not Lorcen, no. Although he will fight by your side. Your soul sister will join you on this path.”

  I purse my lips. “I’m sorry but I don’t have a sister and the only girl I saw has my soul sister died recently.”

  My mum sighs as if preparing herself emotionally. “Your sister Leora will join you in this fight. You see Ebony you are one of three. All carried together in my womb.”

  I take a step back “Are you trying to tell me that what? I’m a triplet?”

  My mother smiles and bobs her head. “You have two sisters Ebony. Together the three of you are the Morrigan.”

  “You’re shittin me right. This is a joke?” probably not appropriate language in a room full of gods but hey I didn’t grow up here. I grew up in northern England and well we swear when shocked, or surprised, or angry, well anytime really.

  “Two sisters.” Banba confirms. “Leora and Alana.”

  I sigh and rub my head that hurts from information overload. “I think I need to sit down.” At this statement a chair stone chair appears behind me and I drop down into it not considering whether I made it appear or one of my family in the room.

  “Where are they then? My sisters.”

  My mother gives me a sad smile. “Like you I had to give my other two daughters away. Leora was left at a convent in Australia and Alana with a family in America.”

  My head jerks up. “Wait! Did you just say Australia? Could that be why Devlon is in Australia.” I say to myself rather than anyone else. “Could he know about the three of us.”

  Fodla confirms my fears. “I foresaw that he would find your sister. She is with him now and he has used magic to awaken her powers like he did with you.”

  The penny drops and it all falls into place. “That’s why I was in pain the other night. I could feel her awakening, is that possible?”

  “Of course it is.” My mother replies gently. “You are the triple goddesses, your souls are linked you will each other’s pain.”

  “Has he found Alana too?” I ask Fodla as she seems to be the one in the know.

  “Not yet, but he will if you do not find her first. You must find her before he does and befor
e he can poison her mind with lies.” I nod as I can imagine Devlon spinning a story that would be difficult not to believe, especially if she has no other version to hear.

  To say that I was reeling from all that I have heard would be an understatement of the colossal kind. Here I am surrounded by a room of gods and goddesses who are my family and then as if that wasn’t enough I find out that I have two sisters. That I am a triplet.

  “Come Ebony. I would like us to have some time together as we do not have long.”

  I nod still in somewhat of a daze and allow her to lead me from the room. I look behind me to the room full of my family. “Erm, I guess I’ll see you later guys.”

  We leave and walk down another marble floored corridor. As we pass by Fae stop and bow again.

  “How come there are fae people here?”

  My Mother looks at a fae lady who bows and she smiles acknowledging her. “Families who have been loyal to us and served us for generations chose to come with us when we created a separate realm.”

  We come to stop to at another set of large wooden doors which open on their own and my mother leads me into a room that is floor to ceiling painted with various scenes.

  “Your family history.” She tells me as she gestures to the room around us. I walk into the centre and stare in silence at the beautiful scenes painted on every surface.

  “This is just amazing.”

  My mother points with her hand at the wall to my right. “Come, this is what I wanted you to see.”

  I follow her across the room and take in the scene painted here on the wall. Three women are depicted standing together, one with fiery red hair, one with long dark hair and the final one has blonde locks. All three wear white flowing robes and ravens fly in the sky behind them.

  “These were the Morrigan. They were my aunts and together were a very powerful trio of goddesses. All could change their form, one could transform into a raven.” She points to the ravens in the picture.

  “Are they here in this realm? Will I get to meet them?” I ask curious as I would very much like to meet this trio.


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