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Page 8

by Phoenyx Slaughter

  “Dante, where are we going?”

  “Need to show you something and I want to discuss this in private.”

  He leads me upstairs and opens one of the doors. This room is nice. Homey even. It has a giant bed similar to the one at home. Two dressers and even a vanity table. Best of all it has its own bathroom.

  “What’s this?”

  “Our new room. I want you to be more comfortable when we gotta spend time here.”

  “You…you…did this for me?”

  “Yeah. Never gave a shit before.”

  My nose stings and my eyes water. Then I remember why I’m here. “Dante, Mr. Hackett. Is that what you had to do last night?”

  His face hardens into something a lot sterner and a lot scarier.

  “Don’t ever question me about stuff like that, babe.”

  Fuck me. Never thought that uptight prick would actually go to work all beat to fuck. Figured he’d call in sick the rest of the week.

  And Karina puttin’ that together so quick. In the future, I gotta keep in mind how fuckin’ smart my girl is.

  Her face falls from my harsh words. But she needs to understand something. Club business, my business, is not her business. Ever. I won’t have any of my bad shit touchin’ her.

  Her bottom lip quivers and I almost apologize for bein’ so sharp.

  “Dante, you did that…for me? I can’t even…what if?”

  “What, babe? Spit it out.”

  She throws her body against me. Of course, I wrap my arms around her. She lets out a harsh sob. “I can’t have anything happen to you. What if he talks to the police? I can’t lose you.”

  Fuck me fucking sideways.

  She ain’t worried about what I did. She ain’t worried about any blowback that might come her way. No, my little bitch is worried about me. Worried I might get taken away from her.

  “Shh, baby girl. I’m fine. Nothin’s gonna happen to me. He ain’t talkin’ to the cops; trust me. But you gotta understand something ‘bout me, Karina. No one disrespects my girl. No one threatens you. There are consequences to fuckin’ with what’s mine.”

  “Dante,” she sighs so sweet. “No one has ever made me feel…I’ve never…mattered to anyone—”

  My mouth crashes into hers and we stumble over to the bed. My brain’s on autopilot as I strip her down, and get my cock out. “You fuckin’ matter to me, baby girl. I don’t know how. Or why. But you matter more than anything,” I growl against her throat as I shove inside her.

  She whimpers and cries out. Her little hands furiously work to get my clothes off. Except I don’t give her a second as I hammer into her. Finally, she gives up and hangs on to me.

  “Dante,” she whispers, and keeps whispering as I have my filthy way with her. There’re words I want to give her but I can’t just yet. They’re in my head, but I don’t know how to force them out. Instead, I keep giving her what I know how to give her. My dick and an orgasm or two. It’s all I’m able to give right now, but I know it’s not enough.

  She deserves more.

  “You awake, baby girl?”

  “No,” she mumbles against my shoulder. “Died and gone to heaven,” she adds with a soft giggle.

  Well, isn’t that enough to puff up my ego.



  “Thank you for…protecting me. Did you find out who—”

  “Babe, what did I tell you?”

  She gives me a blank look. Yeah, I said a lot of things before I pounded her into the mattress. “Don’t question me about club stuff.”

  “But, it’s not club stuff. It was about me. You could get in trouble because of me.”

  Fuck. How much am I gonna burden her with? “Luck was with me, so that makes it club stuff. You just forget about it, and go on like normal. He ain’t gonna bother you again if he wants to live.”

  She hesitates and I see the dozen or so questions forming. Then she purses her lips, glances away and nods.

  “Wanna go home?”

  She sits up and brushes her hair off her sweaty forehead. “Can we? I love the room, Dante. Thank you—”

  “But you’re more comfortable at home?”

  She nods.

  “Get dressed.”

  I’m too mesmerized watching her naked ass wiggle back into her shorts to bother fixing myself up. Only when she throws me a questioning look do I finally get my ass in gear. This woman has the power to send every last one of my brain cells shooting out my dick.

  And speaking of people who think with their dicks. When we get downstairs, Romeo’s chatting up Karina’s friend, Athena. Seems she never fuckin’ left after droppin’ my girl off.

  Karina glances at me with worried eyes. As if I’m gonna be mad at her for my prez’s bad judgment and her trouble-makin’ little friend.

  “Athena,” she snaps, and then drags her out the front door.

  “What the fuck you doin’?” I ask prez even though he’s so focused on the front door, I doubt he heard me.

  He turns to me with a filthy grin in place. “She’s a fireball.”

  “She’s a little young for you, don’t ya think?”

  Romeo laughs. “You fuckin’ serious right now? She wouldn’t have even been here if it wasn’t for your cradle-robbing ass.”

  “Yeah, well, she’s underage, so I’d wait on that one.”

  That finally wipes the smirk off his face. “She forgot to mention that.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure she did.”

  Karina comes through the door and hurries to my side. “I sent her home,” she whispers.

  Romeo lifts his chin at us. “Hey, Karina. You mind keepin’ your jailbait friends outta my clubhouse?” He’s laughing as he says it, but my girl’s still upset. I drill him with a stare meant to shut him the fuck up.

  “I’m sorry, Romeo. I didn’t think she’d—”

  “I’m just messin’ with you. I’m the one who saw her waitin’ outside and invited her in.” He flicks his gaze at me and shrugs, then walks off. Karina doesn’t seem to know what to do with that.

  “Let’s go home, baby girl.”

  At least I’ve given her a place to call home. I can do that much for her.


  Athena won’t shut up about Romeo. It’s awkward when we’re at her house tearing through her closet the next afternoon. While my father has barely ever been around, Athena’s mom and dad give new meaning to the term “helicopter parent.” They had Athena when they were older, so they’ve constantly worried and babied her. When we were younger, I was jealous of all the attention. Now, I’m grateful I don’t have to put up with it. They’d drive me nuts. I have to give Athena credit though; our friendship is the one area she’s always stood up to them about. They’ve never cared for their princess hanging out with a girl from the other side of town. I’m not sure if she’s told them about my new living arrangements yet. Can’t wait for that.

  “You know if your mom overhears you, she’s going to lock you in a closet,” I whisper as she’s showing me the earrings she got for prom night.

  “I’m so outta here after graduation,” she whispers back. “I’ve been saving every penny. I’m going to go to Los Angeles the day after my birthday.

  “What? Since when?”

  Her eyes take on a dreamy glaze. “Since forever.”

  “How come you never told me?”

  She lifts her shoulders. “I figured you’d think it was stupid.”

  “Athena.” Shit, I don’t know what to say. How could my best friend hide something like that from me? “I’d never think that. I thought we were going to State together?”

  “No. I’m going to try acting,” she says with a straight face. What the hell? “I know what you’re thinking.”

  I raise an eyebrow at her. “Do you?”

  “I want to at least try. I won’t be young and pretty forever.”

  I don’t know how to respond to that.

  We don’t end up talking abo
ut it anymore.

  When Athena drops me off, there’s an unfamiliar bike in the driveway and I assume it means Luck reported for duty. I can’t believe Dante basically asked his friend to babysit me. I’m mortified.

  And touched that he cares about me so much.

  Athena’s in a hurry to get home and doesn’t ask to come inside, thankfully. I’m not sure how I’d explain my bodyguard for the evening.

  Dante’s normally stone cold face warms when I walk in the door. I can’t help flinging myself against him. As he wraps me up in his arms and slides his hands up and down my back, I’m finally able to shake off the uneasy feeling that followed me home from Athena’s.

  “Have fun with your girl?”

  My shoulders lift. “I think she finally knows what she’s wearing to prom.”

  He chuckles, and then turns me to face Luck, who’s sitting on the couch watching us. “Hi, Luck,” I greet softly while fluttering my hand in the air. Why am I so damn nervous? He’s never been anything but nice to me. Well, he’s also watched Dante get me off in the middle of the clubhouse once or twice. My cheeks warm from the memory.

  “Hey, Karina.”

  “Do you have time to eat before you leave?” I ask Dante.

  “No. I’m set. I’ll try to be back before you leave in the morning.”

  “Okay.” This is awkward, but I can already see Dante changing from the man I know at home, to whoever he becomes when he’s wearing his Iron Bulls MC cut and out on club business. I get a final kiss on my forehead as he walks out the door.

  Luck and I stare at each other.

  “Got any homework?” he asks, then winces.

  The awkward look on his face is enough to break the tension. For me anyway. I end up laughing, which makes him laugh too. “I’m sorry you got stuck babysitting me.”

  He rolls his lip and the corner of his mouth quirks into a smile. “I don’t mind protecting you. Don’t know what he’d do if Hemi came near you again.”

  My face warms even more. It’s obvious to Dante’s club brothers that I’m…important to him. The thought steals my breath.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just hungry.”

  “I can make you—”

  “No. I got it.”

  I end up making sandwiches for both of us. After some time, we relax in each other’s company.

  “Big night tomorrow?”

  Did Dante really talk to his friend about my prom? “I guess.”

  “You don’t seem excited.”

  Instead of answering, I get up and clear our dishes.


  Turning, I put my back to the counter, and cross my arms over my chest. “I’m not. It all seems very anticlimactic.”

  He snorts and a not unkind smile lifts his cheeks. “You’re ready to move on. That’s good. Some people never want to leave high school.”

  I hadn’t thought of it like that. “I guess.”

  We end up watching Vampire Diaries together, which is weird, but fun. He doesn’t crack any of the jokes I expected.

  At ten, I let out a yawn and Luck glances at me. “You should probably head to bed.”

  I don’t know what to say. It’s sort of odd and bossy, but it doesn’t bother me.

  “Are you…are you, staying?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be down here. You’re safe.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  It’s strange going to bed without Dante here. Knowing someone else is in the house, I manage to fall asleep anyway.

  “Christ, hurry up, you fuckers.”

  This job should not be takin’ this long. Fuckin’ prospects are slower than fuck. Or maybe I’m just antsy to get home and see my girl before she leaves for school.

  One of the more corrupt gun dealers the club works with manages to “set aside” a large number of weapons every month. Then I get to help him transport them safely outside the state. It’s dangerous, yet boring work. I could help the prospects unload the one van and load up the truck, but how will the little fucks learn if they never do the heavy lifting themselves?

  I don’t make it home until almost ten in the morning. Karina’s gotta be in school, so I stop by the clubhouse first.

  “How’d it go?” Romeo asks the minute I set foot inside.

  “Fine. Long.” I thrust the envelope of cash I was given at him and he takes it, counts it, and then hands me my share.

  I’ll hand out just enough to the prospects so they can eat for the week.

  If it were up to Romeo, they’d get nothing.

  “Seen Luck?”

  By the perverted gleam in my president’s eye, I have a feeling I know the answer to this question.

  “I’m pretty sure he’s taking a strap to Amy’s ass, last I checked.”

  Fucking wonderful.

  I knock on his fuckin’ door anyway. The visual on the other side is straight out of a low-budget bondage video.

  “What’s up, brother. I’m busy.”

  I lift my chin at Amy, who, at the moment, is naked on top of a black leather bench on all fours. Ass facing the door, so I get a good view of everything. It’s hard to miss the red ropes wrapped around her wrists and ankles keeping her tethered to the bench. “I can see that.”

  Amy tries to turn her head, I assume to say hello. The ball gag strapped to her face prevents much more than some gibberish. Even though, I catch the hint of a smile and an excited gleam in her eyes.

  Luck turns and pops her on the ass with a long red suede flogger. “Eyes forward. Don’t move again.”

  Not the first time I’ve walked in on a similar scene.

  We step in the hallway, but Luck keeps the door cracked and positions himself to keep an eye on Amy.

  “Everything go okay?”

  He nods once. “Yeah. No problems. Her friend picked her up this morning, said she’s going over there after school to get ready. But I assume you knew that.”

  “Yeah.” I tilt my head in Amy’s direction. “Kinda early for whips and chains, no?”

  The twitch of his mouth and the rubbing of his thumb against the handle of the flogger tell me he’s only going to tolerate my intrusion for so long.

  “It’s never too early.” He pushes the door open. Amy’s hot. No doubt. She’s perfect. A little tiny for my big brute hands. But all I can think about is stringing up Karina the same way. Luck catches my eye, and for a second I swear brother knows exactly what’s on my filthy mind.

  “You want in? I can take the gag out.”

  Okay maybe not. “Nah.”

  Amy turns and mumbles something. Luck whacks her a little harder with the flogger. “Someone needs discipline.”

  “I think someone just likes being flogged,” I say loud enough for Amy to hear. She wiggles her ass in response. I raise an eyebrow at Luck. “Have fun.” I swear he’s almost weary as he shuts the door. Muffled moans and screams follow me down the hall.


  All afternoon I primped, styled my hair, painted my nails, did my makeup—every last predictable girly thing I could think of—with Athena and a couple other girls from school hoping it would get me in the mood for prom.

  It didn’t.

  I can’t relate to any of the kids in my class. The hotel ballroom where the prom is being held is nice enough. No doubt, some committee is responsible for the silver-foil stars and white twinkle lights hanging from the ceiling. A couple years ago, I might have found it magical. Now I don’t care. The only place I don’t feel out of place is with Dante. When it’s just us, at home together. Not at his clubhouse where I can be assured there will be at least one jailbait joke every night. Maybe I won’t feel so strange in Dante’s world after graduation. Well, Luck didn’t make me feel weird. We had a pleasant morning. He hadn’t heard from Dante, which disappointed me, but it was nice not to be alone.

  “Please dance with me,” Athena begs as she takes my hands and drags me onto the dance floor. We dance. Or rather, I dance, and she flails around like
a Ritalin-laced Kermit the Frog. Her happy energy finally clears some of my fog and I actually have fun. A few boys in our class join us and I don’t think much of it.

  Until I spot Dante by the open door. As usual, he’s wearing jeans, a tight Harley T-shirt, boots and his Iron Bulls cut. He’s casually leaning against the wall ignoring the stares from my teachers and classmates. Everyone else is forgotten as I hurry over to him. We don’t even speak. I just jump into his arms, and he catches me, kissing me breathless, and then setting me down.

  “I had to see how pretty you were,” he whispers into my hair.

  “I’m so happy you’re here.” Seeing him is worth the dirty looks I’m getting from my History teacher.

  “You didn’t have to leave your friends. I was gonna wait for you.”

  “No. I’m more than ready to leave.”

  He stops and scrutinizes my face. “You sure?”


  He takes another glance and his face twists with revulsion. “Okay, yeah. I understand why you wanna go.”

  Instead of leaving right away, he insists I run back in and say goodbye to Athena. She pouts, but when she sees Dante waiting, her mouth twists into a dirty grin. “Yeah, I don’t blame you. You’re such a lucky bitch.”

  I really am.

  I feel like one warped motherfucker watching my girl run in to tell her friends she’s leaving. Am I seriously at a high school prom to pick up my girlfriend? What the fuck’s happened to me?

  Any doubts are wiped away as she comes running back with a big smile on her beautiful face. Christ, I’m fucked.

  Like an idiot, I didn’t consider that she’d be in a dress and heels when I brought my bike. “You okay?” I ask.

  “Yup. I just want to go home with you.”

  I hadn’t actually planned on taking her home. But we stop there long enough for her to change. She skips back down the stairs in simple jeans and a sweatshirt. Her hair’s a little blown from the ride, but otherwise still pinned and sprayed into place. Reaching out, I tuck a few wayward strands behind her ear. “You’re beautiful.”


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