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A Dark Seduction

Page 14

by Grant, Donna

  “Aye,” Gabriel agreed, “but if there was a Viking here, why haven’t we seen him?

  He isn’t the creature. He would be aiding the castle guards, not hiding in the castle.” He had a point. Cole knew their options were running out. “I think it‘s time we put my plan into action.”


  Cole had expected Gabriel to argue, so when he readily agreed, it sent up warning signals. “Why so eager?”

  “Someone has to go in.”

  Cole nodded. “I’ve already got Gyles’ ire. It will be me.”

  “Nay,” Shannon whispered, the stricken look on her face a blow to his heart.

  He turned towards her. “I have to go in and find answers.”

  “Someone has to go in,” Gabriel said, “and that someone will be me.” Cole turned to Gabriel. “Nay.”

  “Aye,” Gabriel thundered. “You need to make sure you get Shannon out of here while I’m being taken to the castle. I’ll meet you inside.”



  “And you taking my place isn’t?”

  “Stop,” Shannon said as she paced the floor. “Surely there has to be another way.”

  “There isn’t,” Cole said as he stood and walked to her. “You have done all you can. It is time to get you back to your own time and time for us to discover just what kind of creature is in the castle walls.”

  She shook her head. “I can get you more information.”

  He ran a hand down her cheek. “You’ve risked your life enough. I promised you freedom, and freedom you shall have.”

  “Use me as bait,” she tried.

  Gabriel finished wiping his face and turned to them. “Before, the creatures always attacked us, giving us ample time to study them, but this one, this one is being kept on a very short tether. All that changes tonight. This entire village will be destroyed. Every life we can save is worth anything that will happen to us this evening.” Cole, seeing a protest coming, put a finger to Shannon’s lips to quiet her. “Go below. Tell Benton you discovered it was me who has thwarted the castle guards twice now. Then, I want you to be ready. As soon as I can, I’ll get you out of here. Promise me.”

  He hated the tears that welled up in her eyes, tears he himself felt.

  “I promise,” she whispered before she turned and left the chamber.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Gabriel waited for several hours before he was able to get near Shannon at the tavern. She still didn’t recognize him in his new disguise as she placed a tankard of ale in front of him.


  She jerked and lifted her gaze to him. She searched his eyes a moment.


  “Aye. I need you to help me.”

  “What?” she asked as she acted as if she was cleaning his table.

  “Help me keep Cole away from the castle. I will make sure Gyles takes me, I just need Cole occupied.”

  She lifted her gaze to him. “I don’t like the idea of either of you going in alone.”

  “I know, but they would never take both of us. Cole’s mind is full of you, he won’t be thinking straight. I have a better chance of getting out of there alive.” He waited for several moments before she finally nodded. “Don’t make me regret it, Gabriel.”

  Gabriel let out the breath he had been holding and drained the tankard. Cole would never forgive him for this, but it was worth it to keep his friend alive.

  * * *

  Le Blanc Castle was as silent as a tomb, just the way Gyles preferred it. Everyone feared him, respected him. About bloody time, too.

  He walked down the dark hallway to the back of the castle. The beast had summoned him. Him! Gyles had nearly ignored the summons. However, something told him to go see what the animal had to say.

  The guards at the back door jerked to attention. “Milord,” they said in unison.

  “Open it,” he ordered.

  Gyles watched as they unlocked the iron gate. It creaked open, the sound echoing loudly around him. After a deep breath, the great baron of Le Blanc Castle strode into the black as pitch hallway with the stench of death lingering in the air.

  “I didn’t think you would come.”

  The deep baritone of the voice behind him startled Gyles. Though he had complete control over the creature, it still frightened him. Oh, he would never admit that to anyone, but there was no denying the quaking of his heart anytime he neared the beast.

  Slowly, Gyles turned around and raised his gaze to the beast. “Why did you think I wouldn’t come?”

  The laugh, evil to the core, cackled around him. “You can barely tolerate to look at me. Do I scare you that much?”

  “You do not frighten me.”

  A large hairy hand, thrice the size of a normal man’s hand, wrapped around Gyles’ throat. Part of him wanted to flee immediately, but he knew what the Beast was doing.

  “Release me. Now,” he demanded.

  Instantly, the hand was removed. “You can deny it all you want, my lord, but the quickening of your heartbeat when I am near gives you away.” Gyles grew more uncomfortable. “What is the reason you called for me?”

  “I’ve spoken with Him.”

  “Him?” Gyles reeled back. “What did he want?” The Beast crossed his huge arms over his thick chest and glared at Gyles. “’Tis because you are incompetent and don’t realize just who is in that village.” Gyles mimicked the Beast and crossed his arms over his chest. “Then tell me.”

  “Two of the Shields.”

  Gyles shrugged. “What does that mean for me?” The Beast let out a roar and flung his arms open, his hot breath coming out in blasts from his nose. “Didn’t you listen to anything you were told? The Shield’s are here to destroy me and your blue stone. They have succeeded in thwarting many of the master’s plans.”

  “You worry overmuch,” Gyles said as he uncrossed his arms and walked to the door. “Which two are these so called Shields?”

  “Cole and Gabriel.”

  Gyles rubbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger. “I know which one Cole is.

  This other…Gabriel…might be a little trickier to find, but I have a plan to bring them out of hiding as well as give you a treat.”

  The Beast laughed. “Let me loose. I will take care of them.”

  “I’m not ready for you to kill everyone yet.” The Beast snorted. “The master won’t wait much longer. Having control over the stone and me meant that you had to annihilate your village.”

  “I’ll take care of the master when the time comes,” Gyles all but spat. He stalked from the hallway through the open door. As the great door was shut and barred behind him he heard the Beast let out another roar.

  I am in charge here. I rule this castle and village. Me. No one else.

  He started for the stairs that would take him to the great hall. ‘Twas time to bring in the Shields.

  * * *

  Cole stood in the trees behind the tavern. He watched Shannon through the open windows. With a sigh, he turned and found Aimery standing beside him.

  “You called?” the Fae asked.

  Cole nodded. “The creature will come to destroy the town tonight. Before that happens, I’ve got a plan to get me into the castle, but before I can do that, I need for Shannon to be returned to her time.”

  “Did you find the mark?”

  “She doesn’t have it,” Cole said and ran his hand through his hair. “I haven’t yet determined why she was brought here or who the woman is we search for, but I will.” Aimery’s Fae blue eyes regarded him solemnly. “How deeply do you feel for Shannon?”

  Cole looked away. “More than I would like to.”



  Cole had to have Aimery’s word. He faced the Fae commander again. “Will you take her out of here and return her to her own time?”

  “Aye. She doesn’t belong here and was brought agai
nst her will. Just call. I’ll be waiting.”

  With that Aimery disappeared. Cole raked a hand down his face and looked to the sky. The day had flown by. Noon had already come and gone and afternoon was creeping upon them. Cole was going to have to be very careful of just how he got Shannon out of the tavern.

  He started back toward the tavern when a roar split the air. His fingers flexed on the handle of his war axe. Aye, the time was drawing near. He wanted a look at the creature, and a chance to kill it.

  As he walked around the tavern and reached for the door, yet another roar sounded, this one louder, angrier. Cole hesitated a moment before he entered the tavern.

  His eyes immediately found Gabriel before they swung to Shannon. He gave her a wink, making sure Benton saw, before he took his usual seat.

  Shannon sauntered over to him, a huge smile on her face. “Hungry?” she asked.

  “Famished, but not for food.”

  She laughed, the sound musical to his ears. “I confess, I’m pretty hungry myself.” Cole reached for her hand and ran his thumb over the back of it. “Did Benton accept what you told him?”

  “Oh, yes,” she said with a giggle. “He wants me to stay near you at all times.”

  “Just what I hoped for.”



  He smiled, letting his eyes run down her body. “Yet, you like it.” Her smile faltered as she gazed at him. “Yes. I do like it.” Somehow their playful teasing had shifted, moved into an area Cole couldn’t and wouldn’t venture into. “All the plans in place?” She nodded woodenly before glancing out a window. “It won’t be long now.”

  “Nay, and then you’ll finally be free of this place. I would take you now, but I don’t want Benton to realize you’re gone. I need for my plan to go exactly as I planned it.”

  She gave him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes and took a deep breath. “Let me get you something to drink to pass the time.” He watched as she walked to the bar. When Benton stopped her, Cole wondered if they might get a few moments alone before he brought her to Aimery. It might be better if he didn’t, for if he did, he might say something or do something that could only hurt him. Nay, he needed to stay detached from her as best he could, which was becoming more and more impossible with each moment he spent with her. How could he, after nearly seven hundred years, have been able to walk away from every woman—

  until Shannon? What was it about her that drew him like a thirsty man to water?

  She was just a woman.

  A woman who was incredibly brave and strong and beautiful.

  Cole didn’t need his conscience to tell him what he already knew. But he was a Shield, a warrior who put his life on the line every day to save the realm of Earth. There wasn’t time to have a woman by his side.

  He sighed and leaned back in his chair as Shannon approached with his mug of ale. “What did Benton want?”

  “To see if you were interested in spending more time with me. He wants more information.”

  “Then we’ll be sure he thinks he’s getting it.” Her head tilted to the side. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Some more time alone.” He tried to stop himself from saying the words, but they were out of his mouth before he could halt them.

  Her eyes twinkled with excitement. “I thought you’d never ask.” He couldn’t stop the laugh that erupted from him. Despite their grave situation, she teased and jested with him as if everything was fine in the realm. His admiration for her grew. She was a remarkable woman, and he was going to hate to see her go, but leave she had to do.

  “Come,” she said and took his hand.

  He raised a brow. “Now?”

  “Is there a better time?” she asked over her shoulder as she pulled him from his chair and led him to her chamber.

  Cole threw Benton a smile as they walked past him. Not even the mean brute’s sneer could dampen Cole’s mood. He was given one more moment alone with Shannon, and he was going to make the most of it.

  He stepped into her chamber and watched as she closed and barred the door. Her honey brown eyes glittered with passion, and he longed to bury himself inside of her.

  All humor fled as he stared into her eyes. He knew he would never see her again after this night, and it disturbed him immensely. He was going to memorize every inch of her body, kiss every inch of her, and love every inch of her.

  His heart thumped loudly in his chest, and his body tingled with anticipation. He took a step toward Shannon and reached up to loosen the pins holding her hair. Her thick, dark tresses fell around her shoulders, and he combed his fingers through them.

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  She put her finger to his lips. “Don’t talk of that. Not now. Let us pretend the troubles outside that door aren’t there, that we are lovers with a bright future ahead of us.”

  His breath hitched in his throat as she disrobed to stand in front of him with only the lacy under-things she wore. He reached for her, dismayed to see his hands tremble.

  Her warm, silken skin glided beneath his hands as she stepped into his arms.

  She rose up on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck as their lips met.

  The kiss held desperation, at least it did for Cole. It was the first time he had ever wished he wasn’t a Shield.

  The thought of letting Shannon go nearly doubled him over.

  When her hands moved to shove off his jerkin, he let it fall to the floor, and then helped her remove his tunic, breaking the kiss only long enough to pull it over his head.

  He couldn’t stand to be apart from her for more than a heartbeat.

  He backed to the bed until his knees hit it. He broke the kiss and slowly sank onto the bed.

  “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” She smiled softly. “No.”

  He ran his hand from her face to her hair. “Of all the things I’ve seen, you are by far the most stunning in this realm or the Fae realm.” Before she could say anything, he spun her around until her back faced him, then he began to place kisses over her sensitive skin. With every moan and gasp, he found it harder and harder to remember anything but making love to her.

  He knew he was about to pass a barrier in which he had never come to before, and quite frankly, it frightened him more than any creature he had ever faced. For he knew, if he passed that invisible barrier, he might not be able to let Shannon go.

  With the pads of his fingers, he traced the line of Shannon’s bra until he came to the hook that held it together. He eased his fingers beneath it and unclasped it. The bra fell open, and he pushed the straps from her shoulders and watched the pretty garment fall to the floor.

  His gaze traveled down to her narrow waist, then to the exquisite lace of her panties. He turned her back to face him. Her lips were parted, her eyes closed as she allowed him to run his hands over her sleek body.

  He hooked his thumbs in her panties and slowly slid them down her legs to pool on the floor. He reached for her, but she shoved his hands aside and pushed him back on the bed. As he watched her, his breath came out in gasps as she pulled off his boots and tossed them to the floor. Next, she began to unlace his trousers and tug them from his body.

  His head fell back on the bed. Time stood still as he closed his eyes and let himself feel the wonder of her hands on him. He yearned to have her, but he held off, giving her time to feel his body as he had felt hers.

  Her hands skimmed his aching rod, and he nearly came off the bed.

  “It’s my turn,” he heard her whisper as she placed kisses on his chest and abdomen.

  He didn’t know if he would be able to take it, but he would try. For Shannon.

  Her expert hands drove him wild with desire. His blood pounded through his veins, demanding he take her. He gripped the covers to keep his hands from taking hold of her as his passion drew and pulsed within him.

  When her hand encircled his rod, he wasn�
��t able to hold back the moan of pleasure through his clenched teeth. She knew just how to touch him and where to drive him wild. The feel of her soft hair on his thighs as her hands worked their magic only added to his growing lust.

  He opened his eyes and met her gaze as she lowered her head, his rod inches from her sweet, heavenly lips.

  Chapter Twenty

  Shannon had never felt so wanton and free in her life. Holding Cole’s thick, hard staff in her hands was exhilarating. It throbbed within her hand as her mouth moved closer to the tip. She ran her hand along the sleek skin and sighed with pleasure.


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