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Final Ride (Lords of Mayhem)

Page 13

by Shyla Colt

  “I’m getting a headache. If neither of you need me any longer I’d like to lie down,” Ariel said.

  Feather frowned. “Maybe you just need to eat—”

  “No. I couldn’t eat a bite right now. Really sleep is what’s best,” Ariel said.

  Feather studied her for a moment. “I’m good here. The rest is up to the boys.”

  “I don’t need you,” Hawk said.

  The words were a shot to the kidneys.

  She turned on her heel and hurried away before either of them could see the tears forming. She’d screwed up and fallen in love with the asshole. Now he was losing interest. She’d be left out in the cold. Inside the room, she closed the door and slid down to the floor. She’d been fooling herself getting lost in the fantasy.

  This wasn’t her club. They weren’t her family, and he sure as hell wasn’t her man. Sobs shook her body as she released the anguish, disappointment and humiliation. He’d looked right through her. In the blink of an eye, he’d clammed up and reminded her of her place. This is just a role. Only silly girls lose themselves in things they know could never happen. He’d made her hope. Now I know better. Swiping away her tears, she rose to her feet. I survived a shooting. I’m not going to let a little heartbreak put me down for the count. Spent, she trudged to the bed and fell down face first. Later she would pull herself together, walk out with her head held high, and be there for the girls who’d been brought in late last night. Right now, she’d sleep and forget about the pain.

  * * * * *

  “What did you do to that girl, Hawk?” His mother’s accusatory tone shocked him.

  “Nothing, Ma. You need to leave her alone. Don’t ask her too many questions. She needs to stay under the radar. If you draw attention to her you could jeopardize our setup.”

  His mother gave him the stink eye. “Fine. For what it’s worth, I like her.”

  “There’s nothing there for you to have an opinion about, Mom. Didn’t she explain it to you?” he asked.

  “Humph. You seem worked up for it to be nothing.”

  “Because the club is dealing with a lot, and I don’t need this on top of it.”

  “What exactly is this?” his mother asked.

  “I don’t know, Ma, you tell me. Twenty questions? Love connection? All the above?”

  “Is that what you want it to be?” his mother asked.

  Yes. The thought took the wind from his sails. His anger dissipated as swiftly as it had arrived. Her comment about them being nothing rubbed him the wrong way and pissed him off. It didn’t matter how or why things had started between them. Ariel belonged to him now. “Shit.”

  His mother chuckled. “Just like your father, a bull in a china shop. Go fix what you broke before the crack widens.”

  For once, he was going to listen to his mother.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, turning to leave the kitchen. He was halfway down the hall when he heard his name called. The sound of Tiny’s voice stopped him short. “We got a problem.”

  Naturally. “What’s going on?” Hawk asked.

  “Angels are selling again in our territory.”

  “Fuck man. Why are they pushing this?”

  “I wish I knew, brother. The new pres is green and pissing off the wrong people. I say we deliver a message he’ll remember. The last one didn’t stick too well.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Hawk said, fully immersing himself in the business at hand.

  “It’s time we hit one of their production centers,” Tiny said.

  Hawk grinned. He could use a little mayhem and destruction right now. “I’m always down to ride, brother.”

  “I want to take down their main location in the southeast area and the one up north.”


  “We need to hit him hard. Get your cut on. This could be bloody. We need to shut down the Angels’ main source of income. I want these fuckers scrambling to put their shit to right as business grinds to a halt and I want his people questioning his leadership.”

  “You’re trying to mount an assault.”

  “Damn straight,” Tiny said. “I want the buildings burned to the ground. Once that place catches, it’s all going to go up. All the chemicals they used to manufacture the drugs are accelerant on crack.”

  “We need guns,” Hawk said thinking of the warehouse where they stored the heavy firepower.

  “I know. I’m going to get the prospects to pull the vans around and rally the troops.”

  “Let me get my vest on and I’m good to go.”

  “See you out there, brother,” Tiny said.

  Hawk jogged to his room and slipped inside. He spotted Ariel splayed across the bed, belly first. Maybe she did have a headache. He knelt beside her and ran a hand over her silky hair.

  “It figures you were the one to fuck up everything I had going. Now other bitches don’t even make my dick twitch.” He kissed her crown. “I’m going to fix this shit when I get back, but between the two of us, I’m in love with you, siren.” The words rolled off his tongue with ease. The weight on his shoulders lifted. “When I get back we’re going to talk this shit out and you’ll know who you belong to. Right now, I got to go to work.” He stood, and walked to the closet, stripped off his cut, hung it on a hanger. He grabbed his bulletproof vest off the top shelf, pulled it over his white T-shirt, and tightened the straps on the side. He Velcroed it shut and patted the chest for good luck. Slipping a black hoodie over his head, he added his cut.

  She stirred on the bed. “Hawk?”

  “I’m here,” he said, secretly happy he’d get a chance to speak with her before he left. She rolled over, rubbing her eyes. “What are you doing?”

  “I got to run an errand. I won’t be back until later. But when I so get home you and I are going to have a talk, siren.”

  “Are you still mad at me?” she asked softly.

  “No, girl. I’m mad at myself. You didn’t do anything wrong. We need to change some parameters when I get back, yeah?”

  She watched him from beneath lowered lids with eyes full of uncertainty and mistrust. The look gutted him. I hurt her.


  “Are we back here again?”

  “Back where?” she asked.

  “Where you resist me and I remind you how this works.” He cupped her pussy. “There are things that I have come to think of as mine. This is one of them.”

  She gasped. “When I get back I’m going to explain thoroughly what else I’m claiming until you understand that everything you are now and ever will be belongs to me.”

  Her body trembled. “Hawk.”

  “I wanted to tell you before I left. So there won’t be any confusion when I come home and fuck you until you beg me to let you come.”

  “Oh, lord,” she whispered.

  He chuckled. “Keep the bed and my pussy warm for me,” he said, kneeling on the bed to kiss her forehead before he force himself away from her.

  Adrenaline flowed through his veins, giving him a high like no other as he steered the powerful bike down the back roads. Shooter was leading the charge with Tiny, and Hawk had Moose as his wingman for the north location. Behind them prospects hoping to earn their top rockers were following with a van ready to light the place up with Molotov cocktails. This was their main cook house. He cleared his mind, not thinking of the workers counting, cutting, and mixing chemicals. They’d made their choice to stand with the Angels. He’d learned a long time ago to accept casualties as a part of this life.

  Each time he rode out, he took a risk of not coming home. In the end, it would be him or the other guy. He wanted to live, so he would do whatever it took to make that happen. When he was younger he’d waffled. He tried to show mercy and suss out the situation. It almost got him killed when he’d misjudged a baby-faced biker bunny. The gangly limbed blonde with the face of a fairy had blown a hole in the door millimeters from his face. He’d put one between her eyes and vowed to take a pirate policy of no prison

  He and Moose would be the distraction that got the security detail out of the building and engaged in combat. From there, the prospects would creep in. In the heart of the neighborhood, they’d grown lazy. No one bothered the Angels’ production centers. They knew it was a death sentence.

  He clenched and released his fists, sending blood flowing through his hand as he and Moose rounded the corner. His heart thudded, and time slowed around him. The world narrowed to what was in front of them. They pulled up to the chain-link fence, and he pulled out his Glock 18. The door flew open and he and Moose unleashed a barrage of bullets. Bodies hit the ground and more came out like a line of soldiers arranged to continue pushing back the enemy and holding the main line of defense. His breath was ragged as he breathed through the skull handkerchief he had wrapped around the lower half of his face.

  Bullets whizzed by, hitting the ground. One hit his arm.


  The van roared up from behind, acting as shield as it broke through the fence and headed for the building. He quickly ejected the magazine of the Glock and shoved it into his saddle bag along with the weapon. The gun was untraceable. They’d paid a sickening amount of money to make sure of that. Glass shattered, screams rent the air, and tires squealed over the pavement, and he focused on keeping his grip on his bike as he and Moose took off. A flow of warm sticky blood spread from his shirt to his hoodie. Pain radiated through his left arm.

  Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to continue riding. They needed to get away from the scene. Fifteen grueling minutes later, he broke the formation to pull over into a rest stop. His head felt too heavy to keep up, and his vision was waning. He pulled into a parking spot and Moose rode up beside him.

  “You okay, Veep?” Moose asked.

  “Nope.” He slumped over his bike and Moose swore.

  “I got you,” Moose said wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He jostled is left arm and Hawk grunted.

  “Where are you hit?”

  “Left arm. Think the bullet is still there. Did we get the building?”

  “I think so. It was flaming up when I last looked. Only a matter of time before it blows with the meth they were cooking up.”

  “Hope you’re right,” he said as his teeth began to chatter.

  “Shit, this is not good, brother,” Moose said.

  He slipped in and out of consciousness as he focused on staying upright. Moose’s voice was full of concern as he spoke with someone.

  “You still with us, Veep?” Moose asked. His accent is thicker. That means I’m worse off than I thought.

  Hawk forced his heavy his heavy lids open. “Yeah,” he croaked. He cleared his throat and swayed.

  “Let’s get you off the bike and into the van,” Moose said. He could see the prospects had returned. I have to get us out of here before the Angels catch up with us. The world exploded into pain. His will and necessity were the only things keeping him moving as his brothers flanked him, helping him make the journey to the blurry shape of a black van. He managed to step up into the vehicle, and his world went black.

  Chapter Eleven

  Pounding on the door jolted Ariel from sleep. She smacked her lips together and rubbed at her eyes. Are they partying out there? The pounding started again.

  “Yes?” her voice cracked, and she cleared her throat.

  “Ariel, we need you out here right now.”

  She didn’t recognize the voice. Fear rose inside her. Hawk had told her to stay in her room unless he was with her.

  “Hawk’s been hurt.”

  “Oh God. Give me a minute,” she said sliding out of the bed and stumbling around the dark room. She moved to the drawer in the dresser she’d claimed for her own and pulled out a pair of leggings. If she walked out there in nothing but his T-shirt, he’d be pissed, hurt or not. Shimmying into the pants, she moved to the door and opened it, peering out. It was Magic, the prospect. Hawk said I could trust him. She opened the door and stepped out.

  “Take me to him.”

  “It’s bad, Ariel. They took out the bullet, but he’s lost a lot of blood. We need to keep him calm until the doc can get some transfusions going,” Magic said.

  “Is he going to be okay?”

  “I don’t know,” Magic said.

  She followed him down the hallway and into a large room. They had Hawk laid out on a massive wooden table. Blood-soaked white rags were strewn about him. Her stomach clenched. How much can one person lose and be okay? He moaned as he struggled against the men trying to hold him down so the doc could sew him shut.

  “Is this the girl?” a gray-haired man barked.

  “Yeah, Doc,” Tiny said.

  “Get over here, talk to your man. I need to get in there, clean out the wound and sew him. Calm him down.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” she said softly.

  “Try,” Tiny said.

  She walked to the table and leaned down over Hawk. His eyes were clenched shut and his face was contorted with pain.

  “Hey, Hawk. They’re trying to help you.”

  He moaned.

  She bent over the table and took his face in her hands. “Shhh. I know it hurts, but they’re trying to help you. You have to be still and let them work.” The metallic tinge of coppery blood burned her nostrils. Her stomach turned. She ignored the gag reflex that wanted to rise and forced herself to breathe through the nausea.

  “Keep talking,” Doc said.

  “The doc is right here, and so is Tiny, Moose, and Shooter. They won’t let anything happen to you.” She placed a kiss on his forehead.

  “Ariel,” he moaned.

  “That’s my name, don’t wear it out,” she said, trying to keep things light as she glanced up at Doc and nodded. “They’re going to clean out that wound now, okay?” She tightened her grip on his face and ran her lips over his. The heat pouring off him frightened her. It means his body is trying to heal itself, doesn’t it? Maybe it’s a good thing.” The doctor opened the wound. Hawk groaned and arched as the doc washed it out with saline. She moved her lips to Hawk’s ears and whispered, “What happened to you coming home and fucking me until I begged you to let me come? This wasn’t part of the plan. My pussy was aching, wet, and ready for you.”

  He stilled.

  “Whatever you’re talking about, keep doing it,” Tiny said.

  Her face flamed. I know they hear me. They were in close quarters. Tamping down her embarrassment, she continued. “I thought about taking care of myself, but I knew you wouldn’t like it. Now I’m going to have to while you heal. If it means I get a spanking out of it, I don’t mind a little misbehavior.”

  He moaned, and she smirked. “You like that don’t you? Such an asshole. You were right about me all along. I like that you challenge me. When you take control my panties are instantly wet. I live to get under your skin because I know you’re going to give me exactly what I’m looking for.”

  “Good girl, we’re done,” Doc said.

  “And he’s passed out. Probably best. There was no time for the painkiller to take effect.”

  “I got the blood supply,” someone said as they walked in with a cooler.

  “Good, let’s get him set up. Get the girl a seat. I want her here if he wakes up again.”

  She sank into the chair someone brought over and held Hawk’s hand, willing him to hang on. His breathing was labored, and he skin was too hot.

  “I’m going to set up an IV after we give him blood. It’ll help him fight infection and regain his strength.”

  She nodded. “When can I clean him up?”

  “After I get him settled,” Doc said.

  “Okay.” She ran her hands through his hair to calm herself as Doc began the blood transfusion. Two bags in, she felt tears fill her eyes. He’d come damn close to expiring tonight.

  “One more bag, and we’ll start fluids,” Doc said.

  “Will he be okay?”

  “I think so, as long as we keep him from get
ting an infection. It was the blood loss that had me concerned. I need to get my hands on some that fast clot.” Time folded onto itself and sleep dragged her back into its embrace.


  The sound of Hawk’s voice was an exquisite symphony to her ears.

  “Hawk.” She opened her eyes and sat up, wincing at the jolt of pain that went through her neck.

  She’d fallen asleep with her head on the table beside him.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  “Like I’ve been shot.”

  Her lips twitched upward. “You feel well enough to joke, so that’s a good sign. I’ll go and get the doc.”

  “Was it just me or were you whispering naughty things in my ear?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  His eyes darkened. “Wait ’til I’m well again.”

  A shiver skittered down her spin. “Until then, I’m going to be giving you so much shit.” She brushed her head over his forehead, and stood. “I’m going to send the doc in to you, take a shower, and check on the girls. I don’t want them to feel like they were abandoned.”

  “Good, I’m going to work on getting mobile.”

  “Please don’t push it. You lost so much blood.” She closed her eyes.

  “Gonna take more than that to put me to ground.”

  “I’m counting on that,” she said before she left in search of Doc.

  Showered and dressed in a black maxi dress with a plunging neckline and brightly colored flowers, she walked down to the cabin to visit the girls. She knocked on the door and smiled at Tex when he opened it. He was the perfect choice to handle them.

  “Hey, Tex.”

  “Hey, Ariel. The girls are all out back on the patio enjoying breakfast.”


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