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Forbidden Lust: 3 (Lust for Life)

Page 4

by Jayne Kingston

  His other hand went around the back of her neck again and his next kiss wiped all coherent thought out of her mind. She put one shaking hand over his and showed him how she wanted him to squeeze her breast. Heat poured through her body and she remembered he was a man with a cock and she was this close to getting her hands on it.

  But the world was tipping and suddenly she was on her back and he was pulling her sleep shorts down her legs. “Open your legs and let me see you, sweetheart.”

  She hesitated, then did it. “Like this?”

  His eyes stayed locked on hers for a long moment before his gaze traveled slowly down her body and stopped on her pussy. God, she’d never felt as exposed, or so fucking turned-on. The way he was looking at her, as if hers was the most beautiful, most tantalizing cunt he’d ever laid eyes on was making her feel squirmy and impatient with the need to be touched. Immediately.

  “You want to know my favorite fantasy?” he asked quietly, pulling off one of his riding boots and letting it drop to the floor with a heavy thump.

  “Yeah, I kinda do.”

  “This is my fantasy, Eva.” The other boot came off. He took a handful of condoms out of his pocket, tossed one onto the bed next to her and put the rest on the nightstand before he pushed his jeans and underwear over his hips at the same time.

  Fuck, he was beautiful. His Mediterranean heritage was evident in the light olive of his skin, the pure-black hair that also covered his body in all the right places, and those sinful eyes. His shoulders were straight and square, his arms and legs long and strong. Factor in the tattoos covering his arms and the pirate ship that took up most of the front and side of his right thigh and it all added up to one devastatingly sexy man.

  “You, naked and wet for me.” He met her eyes again. “Just like this.”

  She said his name and he dropped onto his hands over her. He wasn’t gentle about it when he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, making her back arch all the way off the bed, only her head and her legs from the ass down touching it.

  He wrapped an arm around her back and lifted her more toward the center of the mattress. His mouth never lost suction on her nipple and the slow, back-and-forth slide of his tongue across it was making her pant like a dog on a hot summer day.

  She grappled with one hand on the bed, desperately searching for the condom before she found it and tore open the wrapper. “Oscar, now,” she breathed when she finally got the damn thing free and tossed the wrapper aside.

  He showed her some mercy and released her nipple, parted her legs with his knees and stretched his body over hers with his weight on his elbows and knees. Eva reached between them and sheathed him as quickly as her trembling hands would allow.

  She grasped at him desperately once it was on, her hands not knowing where to touch him first as he laid siege to her mouth once more. She tipped her pelvis and then he was inside her—slowly, gradually, slipping all the way in, inch by incredibly thick, hard inch. He whispered her name against her lips and a shiver racked her body. She swept his shock of hair back and he took possession of her mouth again, deeply but more slowly this time.

  It was the single most delicious, erotic moment of her life to have Oscar kissing her that way while buried so far inside her. She smoothed her hands over his head, learning the shape of his skull and the feel of the heated skin on the back of his neck.

  Again she had that sensation that everything about him was both familiar and brand new at the same time. The scent of his hair or his skin or whatever it was about him that had been driving her crazy since the beginning of time filled her senses. She knew him well enough she would recognize the shape of his body and the way he walked even at a great distance but had never been able to freely explore him.

  It was an amazing feeling.

  And for as many times as she’d wanted to punch him in the mouth or push him far away from her for being an asshole, suddenly he couldn’t be close enough. He couldn’t kiss her deep enough or have his cock buried far enough inside her. She was clinging to him, holding him close, spreading her legs wide to take all of him inside.

  He began fucking her steadily, his hips thrusting hard. White-hot rushes of pleasure were bouncing around in her body like lightning trapped in a bottle. She kept having to break free from his mouth to catch her breath and he kept stealing it back as though he couldn’t part with her kiss.

  He pushed deep and stopped, his hips rolling in a way that made her cry out, dig her nails into his ass with one hand and push his face away with the other. He hummed his approval. “Like that?”

  “God yes,” she breathed.

  He pulled almost all the way out of her, thrust in so fast her back arched and rolled his hips again. She moaned something that sounded like his name and he smiled.

  “Ooo, Oscar what?” he asked, looking way too damn pleased with himself.

  He did it again and she cried out, making him groan in response.

  “I’m…oh shit.” Her arms flew over her head looking for something to hold—the headboard, the edge of the bed, even a pillow she could put over her face so she didn’t break apart into a million little pieces. He balanced his weight on one arm, caught one of her flailing hands by interlocking his fingers with hers and pinned it over her head to the mattress.

  She gripped his wrist with her other hand and let him anchor her to the earth that way. His hips moved in long, smooth, controlled waves, driving his cock into her. He moaned her name again and her toes curled. God, she didn’t want it to ever end, but surely there was a limit to how high he was going to take her before he let her go.

  She let go of his wrist and wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck, bringing his hot forehead to hers as she chanted his name over and over again.

  “Hold on,” he whispered, planting a small kiss on her lips before he seated himself deep and rolled his hips, making her vision go black and her teeth grind together as she started to come. “I’ve got you, Eva,” he promised right before he buried his face in her neck and groaned in a way she’d never heard a man groan before.

  Her jaw unlocked and a desperate cry poured out of her throat. He was so deep that the root of his cock was rubbing that ultra-sensitive spot just below her clit with each reflexive jerk of his hips as he came, drawing out her orgasm until she was sure her heart was going to stop with the intensity of it.

  They collapsed in a heap of heaving, sweating body parts, him with his face still buried in her neck, his hand still holding one of hers. His solid heaviness on top of her seemed vital, as if the reality of him was the only thing keeping her from floating into outer space on a cloud of blissful weightlessness.

  The thought “thank God he hadn’t taken her up on her offer to take her virginity” caused a laugh to rise, but she managed to keep it in. She’d been a clueless idiot to think she would have been able to handle Oscar’s intensity as an inexperienced seventeen-year-old. And he would have completely ruined her for anyone else.

  Her eyes opened when that thought was immediately followed by the realization that he had just ruined her for anyone else in one overwhelmingly amazing fuck.

  “Did you know?” she asked, her free hand traveling over his shoulder.

  His quiet answering grunt could have meant anything.

  “Did you know it would be that good if we ever fucked?” she clarified.

  He stirred and planted a lingering kiss on her neck. “I had a pretty good idea.”

  A not-so-small part of her thrilled at his admission.

  She turned her head and sighed as he lightly kissed his way up her throat.

  “Is that what you were afraid of?” She had to know.

  He lifted his head and looked into her eyes and that part of her that had still been drifting came screaming back to earth and slammed solidly into love with him. She shouldn’t have been so damn all right with it considering the antagonistic nature of their relationship, but there it was in all of its wonderfully flawed glory.

That and my own certain mortality,” he answered, letting go of her fingers to smooth his hand over her hair.

  She started to tell him he needed to quit with the Diego thing, but he kissed her and the words vanished. She could have stayed there forever, drifting again while he worked his magic on her, kissing her with a slow but hungry dreaminess.

  Eva dug a heel into the mattress and pushed. They both rolled until he was beneath her. She bit his lip, licked it lightly and promised, “Oz, the only way you’re dying any time soon is if I fuck you to death.”

  He took her head in his hands and held her face close so she met his gaze. His nostrils flared in challenge and in a voice that was deep and rough he said, “Baby, I would love to see you try.”

  Chapter Five

  He was willing to die a thousand miserable, agonizing deaths for her.

  But he’d already known that, hadn’t he?

  Oscar sat on the foot of Eva’s bed watching her sleep soundly despite the bright morning sun coming through the windows—not one of which were covered by anything heavier than thin bamboo blinds. The light had woke him up a little while ago, but it didn’t seem to be bothering her at all.

  And while he’d been sitting there contemplating his impending doom and wanting her again with a desperate kind of ache, she was lying there sprawled diagonally across the bed on her stomach, spectacularly naked and snoring softly, oblivious.

  He needed to go straight to Diego, tell him what had happened and face whatever wrath his friend was going to heap on him for touching her.

  Oscar’s eyes closed and his hands curled into fists. He hadn’t just touched her. He’d had his fingers, his tongue, his cock inside her mouth and her sweet, heavenly little cunt. And the things she’d done to him in return…

  His eyes opened as a shiver ran the length of his spine.

  She’d done something to him, changed him, opened the floodgate when she’d issued that challenge outside the reception hall, and then again at her parents’ house. All those years he’d managed to keep his feelings for her reined in and the whole damn thing had fallen to pieces the moment she’d said those two very small words—prove it.

  He’d kept himself in check for one night, but it had just about killed him.

  And he’d really only meant to apologize to Eva for standing her up when he’d followed her up to the bathroom the day after the wedding. Then she’d opened the door and looked at him with those green eyes that were his weakness, and he’d found he didn’t have the strength to resist anymore.

  God help him, he wasn’t the least bit sorry about crossing the threshold and kissing her, and he wasn’t sorry about any of the things he’d done to her the night before.

  Unable to make himself leave her just yet, he slid his hand over the sole of her foot and she stopped snoring. He lifted it and planted a kiss on the pad of her big toe, three across the ball of her foot, one more on the ultra-soft skin of her arch.

  She drew in a deep breath and croaked, “That’s disgusting.”

  He picked up her other foot and smiled when she didn’t stop him from giving it the same treatment. “I can see how much you hate it,” he said quietly, lowering her foot as he shifted onto his knees.

  “What time is it?” she asked as he kissed his way up her calf.

  “It’s still early.” He touched his lips to the back of her knee and ran his hand up the silky skin of her thigh. “One more time and then I’ll go,” he told her, smoothing his hands over her bottom before he kissed those brain-scrambling dimples just below the small of her back. She stretched, arching her back and raising her ass, and groaned.

  “All right,” she said with a sigh. “One more time.”

  Oscar brushed his nose and mouth over the tip of her tailbone and slipped the fingers of one hand into the warm, wet folds of her pussy. He stroked her slowly as he kissed a path up the center of her back, over the geisha he’d tattooed on her before Jamie had asked him to take her on as his apprentice.

  The piece started with the Japanese woman’s elaborate hairstyle between Eva’s shoulder blades and ended with her getas peeking out from under the hem of her elaborate kimono, just below Eva’s waist. It was one of his favorite pieces, and it had taken him six long sessions to finish it, making sure he got every detail exactly right.

  He could remember how she’d sat without so much as a grunt for hours on end while he’d worked. Since he’d once heard her curse like a deranged sailor for stubbing her toe, he’d found that something of a miracle.

  “God that feels good,” she whispered, eyes still closed.

  He kissed her shoulder, sank his teeth into her neck as he took her hand in his, slicked her fingers with her own wetness and guided it to his cock. She twisted her hand around him and he exhaled sharply through another spine-tingling shudder.

  “You get so hard, Oscar,” she said, her tone reverent.

  He slid his hand between the mattress and her body and found a tight nipple.

  “Only for you.” He’d risen to the occasion every time she’d wanted to fuck, over and over again throughout the night, and each time he had become just as hard as the first. She drove him wild, looking at him with that lusty heat in her beautiful eyes, touching him with her soft hands and scrambling his thoughts with her mouth.

  “Whatever,” she said with a soft laugh, and started to stroke his cock in earnest.

  She tugged on his dick and that was all the encouragement he needed to get one of the two condoms left on the nightstand. He moved both of his legs between hers when he had it on, lowered his body and let her guide him into her from behind.

  Oscar pushed inside of her with a groan. She echoed the sound and the hand she’d been using to hold his cock covered the one he’d put back to her breast.

  “Look how well we get along when we try,” she said, then laughed her deep, throaty laugh when he gently bit her earlobe.

  His self-control was nearly lost. The way she felt, all soft and hot and pliant beneath him, made him want to confess everything to her. He wanted to come clean about how he’d been a goner since the day she’d given him that shell bracelet, that the words she’d spoken as she’d buckled it on his wrist had stolen his heart clean out of his chest, never to be seen again.

  He needed her to know that he’d spent years hating himself for it.

  With his weight on his elbows and one hand still cradling her perfect little breast, he began to fuck her in slow strokes. He could feel the slight arch of her back as she brought her ass up to meet him. Her eyes were closed and her mouth open, her face turned halfway into the mattress. The flushed color on her cheeks was gorgeous.

  He kept his pace steady, sliding within her tight little cunt while the electric buzz coursing through his body built steadily but stayed under control. He kissed her jaw, her neck, her small ear with its multiple silver hoops along the lobe.

  “You feel so good, Eva,” he said, angling his face close to hers, breathing her breath.

  She swallowed hard and said, “Guh.”

  “So much better than a fantasy,” he whispered. “So beautiful.”

  He balanced his weight on one arm, took his hand off her breast and moved it under her body, between her legs. When he found her clit she shuddered beneath him and breathed, “Hoh, fah.”

  “So un-fucking-believably sexy, aren’t you, honey?”

  He quickened his pace as the buzz became more urgent. She groaned something else he didn’t understand and her entire body started to tremble when he caught her clit between his first and second fingers and clamped down lightly.

  “Come for me, Eva.”

  She got a hard grip on his hair and tried to pull him around for another over-the-shoulder kiss. He resisted and her eyes opened.

  “Please,” he added with a smile and saw the muscle in her jaw tic defiantly.

  The fight never left her, and he fucking loved her for it.

  He pumped faster, stroked her clit in small circles and said, “Pretty ple

  She laughed a breathy little laugh once and her eyes rolled back into her head as she started to come, her clit pulsing against his fingers and her cunt squeezing his cock so incredibly tight. When she licked her lips and whispered his name the buzz racing through his body pooled behind his balls and then rocketed through his cock as he came too, his voice reduced to ragged tatters as he called out her name.

  He felt her lips touch his and he kissed her, savoring the taste and feel of her mouth as his body started to come down and his heartbeat slowed. He moved carefully onto his side and she turned into his arms, clinging to him, feeding off his mouth, touching him everywhere as she wound her legs around his.

  “You fucker,” she whispered, pushing her fingers through his hair and brushing it away from his face. Her eyes were wide, almost frightened.

  Oscar opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, but she latched on to him again, her body moving restlessly against his as she drew him deep into her mouth. He got his bottom arm under and around her and held her close, caught her wandering hand and pinned it to his chest.

  “Dammit, Oz,” she whispered against his mouth.

  He pulled back far enough he could look into her eyes. “What did I do this time?”

  Her nostrils flared, and then she cracked a smile and started to laugh. She pulled her hand free and he let her. She brushed her fingertips over one of his eyebrows, trailed them lightly down the bridge of his nose and traced the seam of his mouth.

  “My God it’s almost painful to look at you,” she said quietly.

  “That hideous?” he asked, straight-faced but secretly pleased with the notion that she found him as attractive as he found her.

  She nodded. “Worse than I remember.”

  “Are you saying I should grow back the beard and spare the public?”

  She smiled and nodded again. “If you’re taking requests I think you should grow back the muttonchop, Fu Manchu combo again.”

  That made him laugh. He’d been Lemmy Kilmister from Motörhead for Halloween a couple of years ago. Eva had teased him so much about the way he’d shaved his beard that he’d worn it that way for another three months just to torture her. He’d never told her, and never would, but that beard had gotten him a whole lot of laid that winter.


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