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The Stuntman

Page 11

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I have, but not, uh, not like you, not someone I’d listen to,” she stammered. “Not really.”

  “So he was someone you were submissive to when it was convenient. When you were in the mood.”

  “Um, yes, kind of.”

  “We all have our ups and downs, and that’s to be expected, but I won’t allow you to be a brat, or be disrespectful,” he warned. “Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  “Yes, Sir, I think so.”

  “Let me put it like this. We’re equals, but I’m your Dominant. I will listen to everything you say, but I will exact discipline if you blatantly disobey me, or if you’re disrespectful, or throw a tantrum, and sometimes I’ll spank you good and hard simply because I think you need it. Does that make it clear? Are we on the same page?”

  “Yes, Sir, definitely.”

  To underscore his point he spanked her three times in succession on each cheek.

  “If you have an issue about something you must tell me, but not in front of others. In company you’ll behave, you’ll do as you’re told, then tell me your concerns later. No arguing around other people. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir, OOWWW,” she wailed as he dispatched more swats.

  “If you lie to me,” he warned pausing his hand, “I suspect you will only do so once, and that includes the sin of omission. I can’t stress this enough, Belinda,” he declared landing several hard slaps to underscore his message.

  “OW, OW, I understand,” she swore. “I won’t lie to you, not about anything.”

  “Do you have any questions?” he asked squeezing her cheeks.

  “No, Sir, but I can’t think right now. I might later.”

  “Later is fine. I’m going to finish now. As I said before, you need to know that while I am loving and kind, I can also be strict.”

  “Ooh, Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s why those cuffs are still around your wrists, so you won’t make the mistake of trying to put your hands behind you.”

  Avoiding the area he’d just punished, Blake slapped his hand across the underside of her cheeks, directly on her sit spot, then back up, finishing with several very hard smacks. The zinging end to the spanking made her wriggle and wail, but the point needed to be made and she’d borne it well.

  “We’re done,” he said warmly as he began to rub away the burn. “This bottom is mine to spank, to cuddle, to do with as I see fit, and it is lovely. I’ll spank you often, mostly for pleasure, and I hope you won’t give me too much cause to punish you.”

  “I won’t, Sir,” she bleated.

  Pulling her up he laid her on the bed next to him, lifted off her blindfold, and unbuckled the cuffs. Her eyes sparkled up at him, her cheeks were as red as her backside, and she was breathless. Retrieving a condom from the nightstand he slipped it on, and rolling on top of her he pushed her legs apart with his knees and thrust himself home.

  Her hot wetness engulfed him, and he rested on top of her, wanting her to feel his weight, then grabbing her wrists he pulled them to either side of her head, pinning them down as he stroked.

  “Beautiful girl,” he whispered, “I’m going to make love to you until you come. You don’t have to ask, just come.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she bleated, “you feel so amazing, I’m already so close.”

  “I have a bag full of all kinds of wicked toys,” he breathed in her ear. “Toys that will make you crazy, toys that you will dread, then love, just like my hot hand.”

  “Ooh, Blake, I’m almost there.”

  “On my next day off I’m going to explore every inch of you,” he promised, “every inch.”

  It was all she needed to put her over the edge. She leapt off the cliff, surrendering to the sparks shooting through her head, and the explosion of tingling prickles that were rippling through her limbs. His legs kept hers from closing as the convulsions took hold, but the control contributed to the intensity of her release.

  She knew he was climaxing, she could hear his groans, but she was tumbling through space, but as her moment began to wane she was aware of him slipping out. Moments later she felt him moving off her body, then he was nestling her in his arms, and when she tried to speak all she felt was a surge of emotion.

  “Hey, easy,” he crooned smoothing the hair off her face. “Why the tears?”

  “I don’t know,” she sniffled, “but I kind of do.”

  “Tell me, you can tell me anything.”

  “I, uh, I’ve just wanted this for so long, and it feels so real, and I’m so happy and so scared, and I just can’t quite believe it.”

  “Sweet girl,” he sighed kissing her forehead. “Believe it. I’m going to take care of you, and I won’t let you down, I promise.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Belinda blinked open her eyes. It was dark, she was cold, and pulling the blankets around her she rolled over to reach for Blake, but to her dismay she found the bed was empty. Sitting up she stared around the room, her eye catching the glow of the digital clock. It read 9:47 p.m.

  Slipping from the bed she padded into the bathroom, and pulling his heavy robe off the door she wrapped it around her as she made her way down the stairs. There was a light coming from the kitchen, and as she walked in she saw him studying his laptop and making notes on a pad.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked moving across to him.

  “Couldn’t be better,” he smiled up at her. “I was about to fall asleep when something hit me.”

  “For tomorrow?”

  “Yep, for tomorrow, but I’m done now. I can come back up with you.”

  “Wow, we’re in the middle of a cloud,” she breathed looking out the window.

  “It seems like it,” he said softly.

  “That’s how I feel,” she sighed sliding on to his lap, “like I’m floating on a cloud.”

  “I wish I didn’t have to get up so early,” he remarked laying his head against her.

  “Me too.”

  “I put the remote control for the garage in your car. Stay as long as you like.”

  “Where should I leave it?”

  “Keep it,” he said firmly. “I want you to.”


  “Yep, really. You’re welcome up here any time, and if I’m working and you need to get away, you come on over. You’re my girl now.”

  “So soon?”

  “It feels right, Belinda. Doesn’t it feel right to you?”

  “Yes, it does, I’m just used to guys taking things slowly. I’m used to me, taking things slowly.”

  “We probably should,” he remarked. “Common sense would dictate that, but I’m going with my gut on this one. Come on, let’s get back to bed. I have to be out of here by six.”

  “What? Oh, Blake, that’s awful.”

  “I’m used to it,” he said pushing her off his lap, “but I’d much rather lay in bed and ravage you all morning.”

  Closing his computer he plugged in the charger, then taking her hand he led her from the kitchen and up the stairs, and as they climbed between the sheets, she sank into the nook of his shoulder.

  “I can really come up here when I want? Are you sure?”

  “Yep. Any time.”

  “You haven’t even been to my place. Why don’t you come over when you have time? I’ll make dinner for you, or rather, I’ll try.”

  “Done,” he yawned. “Go to sleep now.”

  “Mmm,” she mumbled. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight beautiful girl.”

  He could feel the softness of her yielding body against his, he could smell the aroma of her hair, and the sweet scent that was uniquely hers.

  I cannot believe I have this beautiful girl in my arms. I cannot believe I can live my life as a Dominant again. Please, don’t let me screw this up. I hope I haven’t jumped the gun giving her that remote, but I’m feeling like a person again, a whole person, and man it feels good.

  It was dark when his internal alarm clock woke him from sleep. As gen
tly as he could he extricated himself from her limbs, and to his surprise she didn’t wake up. Moving into the bathroom he took a quick shower, dried off, and walking into his closet he pulled on jeans and a heavy sweatshirt. Searching around he found a scrap of paper and pen and scribbled a note, then tiptoeing back to the bed he gazed down at his sleeping girl as he carefully laid the piece of paper on his pillow.

  Isn’t this one for the books? My beautiful Belinda, I hope I didn’t scare you jumping in with both feet.

  He was tempted to plant a soft kiss on her cheek, but she was sleeping so soundly he didn’t want to wake her, so he softly moved from the room. Hoping he was in time to beat the rush-hour traffic, he picked up his laptop, threw his notepad into the canvas shoulder bag laying on the table, and headed for his car.

  Driving carefully through the fog, he made his way down the winding canyon road, the image of Belinda asleep in his bed forefront in his mind. There was an odd comfort attached to the picture and it made him smile. When he hit the freeway he wasn’t surprised that the traffic was already heavy, but it was flowing, and as he expertly maneuvered his Porsche in and out of the lanes, he realized just how much he’d missed having a girl in his life. Not just a girl, a girl who surrendered to him, a girl he could explore with, a girl he could cherish, a girl who called him, ‘Sir.’

  His preoccupation with Belinda saw his commute whiz by, and as he pulled into the Burbank Studios, he had a lightness of being he’d not felt in a long time.

  “Morning Blake,” the guard said as he raised the gate.

  “Morning Al, how are you?”

  “Ready for another day in paradise,” he chuckled.

  “You and me both,” Blake grinned, and I am, I truly am.

  Zipping his car through the endless array of sound stages, he found the one he’d be working in and pulled into a parking space. Grabbing his laptop and bag he hurried inside, and was greeted by the smell of breakfast; coffee, toast, eggs and bacon.

  “Hey, Blake.”

  Blake turned around and saw Josh walking eagerly towards him.

  “Morning, Josh. It’s going to be an intense few days.”

  “I know, I can’t wait,” the young man grinned.

  “I appreciate your enthusiasm,” Blake replied. “I’m going to have some breakfast. My notepad is in my bag. Check out what I’ve come up with while I eat, and are Murray and Jake here yet?”

  “I haven’t seen them,” Josh replied as he opened Blake’s bag.

  Marty and Jake were two of the best fighters in the business, and though fight scenes weren’t the most difficult gags to get right, the very nature of the perceived lack of danger could create the opportunity for someone to get hurt. Blake had seen it, and being the coordinator he didn’t want it happening under his watch. He wanted to start rehearsing early and stay ahead of schedule throughout the day. Accidents happened when people felt pressured and were worried about the clock.

  “Keep your eyes peeled, let me know when they arrive,” Blake said as he piled food on a plate.

  “Uh, how can I keep my eyes peeled and read your notes at the same time?”

  “I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out,” Blake replied.

  Dropping into a nearby chair he watched Josh pull the yellow pad from the canvas bag and slowly walk away. He nodded approvingly as the young man darted his gaze around the set, obviously watching for the seasoned stuntmen, then drop his eyes back to the notes in front of him.

  “There you go,” Blake muttered. “Doing two things at once. It’s not difficult.”

  He finished in his breakfast and drank some coffee, then smiled a secret smile. As the day unfolded, when he performed his short ritual before a gag, the girl wrapped in leather straps laid out on his coffee table would be Belinda. Just thinking about it gave him a surge of energy, and rising from his chair he dropped the empty paper plate into the garbage can and looked around.

  “Okay, Marty, Jake, where the hell are you, let’s get this show on the road.”

  * * *

  A little while later, as Blake was in the middle of rehearsing a complicated fight scene, Belinda was gazing at the small scrap of paper laying innocently on the pillow next to her. The fog had kept the morning sun from blazing through the windows. It was cuddle weather, and she was already missing the man who had swept into her life. Taking the note in her hand she focused on the words haphazardly scrawled in blue ink.

  Good morning. As you read this I’m thinking about you. I’ll call you when I can. Text me when you get home. Be good, I’ll know if you’re not. xxx. B.

  Sighing heavily she pulled his pillow into her body and hugged it tightly.

  Where did you come from? Has wishing for someone like you brought you to life? My butt hurts. Ouch, it does. What a wonderful way to wake up.

  It was quiet, divinely quiet. There were no traffic sounds, no sirens, nothing, just quiet.

  I know why you live here. It’s a slice of heaven. I want to be here as much as I can be. I feel so at peace.

  “I suppose I have to get up soon,” she muttered as she stretched. “I have to get in my car and head home, back to reality, but this is part of my reality now. It’s not a dream, it’s real. Blake’s real, and I can come back here whenever I want.”

  Relishing the joy of the moment, she let her mind take her back to the salacious events of the day before.

  It’s just the beginning. I know there’s a lot more coming. A lot more.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Rather than hurry home, Belinda decided to spend the morning at Blake’s home. Finding organic granola in his pantry, she had breakfast at the kitchen table and watched the fog slowly retreat, then made herself a cup of tea and wandered around the house.

  She discovered a wall of photographs that took her breath away. Posing next to an endless line of superstars, Blake was grinning happily. There were also pictures that had captured him in the middle of death defying stunts, and though they were impressive they frightened her. She’d found the photographs in a room that appeared to be his study, and she wondered if he’d left it off his tour because he knew the pictures of his stunts might worry her. Everything was neat and tidy, with a leather topped desk sporting an antique banker’s lamp in the center. There was a bookcase full of first editions, and innumerable books about show business. The room was so captivating time got away from her, and she found herself having to hurry in order to leave on time.

  After taking a shower, she gathered up the clothes Blake had been kind enough to lend her so she could drop them at the cleaners, made the bed, and carefully placed the precious scribbled note in a small secured zippered compartment in her bag. Having a last look around the bedroom, she stood for a moment smiling at the memory of her time there, then headed home.

  On her way she stopped at the cleaners, then ran into the grocery store to pick up some much needed supplies, and when she reached her modest condo she had about thirty minutes to catch her breath.

  Making some coffee, she powered up her computer and sat down to see who, if anyone, had been trying to reach her. There were some responses to her Spanking Friends ad, and she made a mental note to close the account, then on a whim she Googled Blake Berenson.

  The first links were about his heroic act with Doris Handleman.

  “Wow, that night feels like ages ago,” she mumbled.

  Clicking on other links, she found images of Blake flying through the air, crashing cars, and standing with some of the most famous actors in the business. He’d won many awards, and it was obvious he was well-liked and respected in the industry. There were also photographs of him with a few stunning starlets, and not wanting to look at those she decided she’d seen enough. The man was exactly who he appeared to be, a successful stuntman in the glamorous world of Hollywood.

  Shifting her focus to the day ahead, it occurred to her to do some quick research on George Barrett, and typed his name over Blake’s in the search box.

  If I’m go
ing to work for the man it would be helpful to have some idea who he is.

  After scanning his many achievements, she discovered his life had become a mystery. There were photographs of him from years past at all the big events and awards ceremonies, always with a beautiful girl on his arm, but then something had happened. He’d suddenly disappeared from the limelight and become a recluse.

  “That is so strange,” she murmured as she turned off her computer. “I wonder why he pulled away. Drugs, maybe? Heartbreak? Huh. What a strange thing.”

  Slightly bewildered by what she’d learned, she changed into her uniform, and taking another look at the scribbled note from Blake in the safety of its little compartment, she headed to the hospital.

  The afternoon started as any other. She walked in to find the waiting room full of anxious patients, and the doctors doing their best to provide quality care as they zipped from cubicle to cubicle. When it was time for her first break, she went straight to her bag to see if there was any word from Blake. To her joy there was a text.

  Working hard. How’s your butt? Xxx

  She felt a blush cross her face, and with a happy grin she texted him back.

  I’m working hard too. My butt feels exactly the way you think it should. xxx.

  Sighing happily she poured herself some coffee, sat down, pushed her shoes off her feet, then picked up her phone to check the one voicemail she had waiting. It was from a number she didn’t recognize, and she assumed it was one of the agencies she’d called the day before. Sipping her drink she waited for the message to play, and as it did she felt her pulse tick up.

  “Miss Harris, my name is Fred Simons and I work for George Barrett. Dr. Stephen Davis gave me your number. Please call me when you get this.”

  Feeling both excited and nervous she returned his call, but when he answered she was surprised by his voice; it sounded clipped, almost strange. Taking a deep breath she steadied her nerves and introduced herself.

  “Mr. Simons, this is Belinda Harris. I’m returning your call.”

  “Ah, Miss Harris, thank you for getting back to me so promptly. I understand you’re at the hospital this afternoon and will be working into the evening.”


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