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The Stuntman

Page 18

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Barrett, George Barrett.”

  “Right, George Barrett. You and your sidekick show up, get George and Belinda out of there and disappear into the night. You’re safely up at your house, you contact the authorities, assuming George isn’t harboring some deep dark illegal secret that is, and doesn’t go crazy when you do, but what then? Brovinski will know Belinda spiked their drink, or food, or whatever, and I can promise you, there isn’t a hiding place secret enough, or a length of time long enough, that will stop them from finding her. Oh, and by the time the authorities get up to Barrett’s house, they’ll be long gone.”

  “Oh, shit, now I feel like an idiot,” Blake grimaced.

  “You’re not a complete idiot,” Brian chuckled. “You called me. Whatever we do, Belinda has to appear to be completely unconnected, and there are ways we can make that happen.”

  “So, you want to be involved, I mean, the FBI will be interested in this?”

  “Blake, we’ve been after Brovinksi for a long time. We had him on our radar but we lost track of him about eighteen months ago. We had information that he’d arrived on that yacht last year but we had no grounds to raid it. We were watching it, but he obviously slipped by us.”

  “What’s a guy like that doing with Barrett?” Blake asked. “I don’t understand.”

  “This is just conjecture, but I suspect he insinuated himself into Barrett’s life with girls and drugs, and now he’s using his house as a base. I also suspect whatever money Barrett is pulling in from his television shows is going straight into Brovinki’s pockets. I’ll dig up Barrett’s bank accounts. See what’s happening.”

  “How can they get away with shit like this?”

  “It wouldn’t have been difficult. Hollywood geniuses are famous for aberrant behavior, and if anyone came knocking on his door, what do you think he’d say? Come in and rescue me from the underworld gang that’s taken over my life?”

  “I made a similar point myself recently,” Blake remarked.

  “There are guys like Brovinski everywhere. They’re insinuating themselves all over the place. Money talks, and they have it, a ton of it. I can’t begin to tell you how big this is for us. I wish we had more time though. How about I come over there in the morning, say around ten?”

  “Yes, ten is great. I’ll have tea and muffins waiting. I remember how you love your tea and muffins.”

  “Sounds good. Wow, wait until I tell the guys about this.”

  “Is it safe to do that?” Blake said quickly. “I hate to raise the question, but don’t these gangsters have long tentacles?”

  “Yes, but I can assure you, this is one time we don’t have to worry. Brovinski is not just a wanted man, he’s a hated man. There’s a unit tasked with nabbing him based right here in L.A., and they are going to be delirious when I tell them about this, but it’s a tight group. Every man on it is vetted and checked constantly, and they want it that way. If there’s one team that’s solid, it’s this one. I’ll probably have a couple of them with me when I arrive.”

  “You should know, I had an accident yesterday, and I look like the bogey man,” Blake said. “Just want to prepare you.”

  “Ouch. Are you okay?”

  “Fine, or at least I will be. Thanks Brian, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  The headache that had been lurking suddenly returned with both barrels blazing. It wasn’t a carb headache after all, and as he made his way up the stairs he changed his mind about the painkillers.

  I hate to take them, but damn, I have to. I’m starting to feel a bit weird again. Shit, I’ve probably overdone it.

  Walking into the bedroom, the salacious sight of Belinda’s naked body and punished bottom greeted him, and though he felt bad that he’d had to discipline her so severely, it had been necessary and they both knew it.

  Hmm, I wonder if she was testing me. If she was she could have picked a safer way to do it. Messing with those guys? If I’d known who they were I might have spanked her even harder.

  After going into the bathroom and downing the medication, he walked across to her, slipped off her blindfold and took the cuffs off her wrists.

  “Come on, naughty girl,” he said softly, helping her to her feet. “You’re going to get your cuddle and we’re going to take that nap.”

  As they climbed into bed and she snuggled against him, in spite of her sorry state she could sense he was having a relapse.

  “I’m sorry I put you in a position where you had to punish me,” she whispered. “You need to get better and that didn’t help. It won’t happen again.”

  “I’m very happy to hear it,” he sighed surrendering to the fatigue that was suddenly sweeping over him. “Don’t ever put yourself at risk like that again.”

  “My ass is so sore.”

  “Good. Now cuddle against me, and remember I did it because I care about you so much.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she sighed, “thank you watching out for me,” it feels amazing, and maybe that’s why I did it. Maybe subconsciously I was testing you. Damn, I won’t do that again in a hurry. I think you’re the first guy who hasn’t let me down, and it hurts, but it feels incredible.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  When Blake woke from sleep he did so with a raging erection. Belinda was curled into his body, and when he grasped her hair and gently tugged it back she lifted her eyes and stared up at him.

  “Suck me,” he said gruffly.

  She smiled up at him. It was a grateful smile, a relieved smile, and sliding down his body she pushed aside the covers as she kissed her way to his engorged penis. Holding it in her hand she licked up and down his shaft, then opened her lips and drew him in.

  Closing his eyes Blake succumbed to the prurient pleasure. Her warm wet mouth was sliding up and down, her tongue was licking and teasing, and the salacious sensation cloaked him like a warm coat on a cold, blustery night. He didn’t guide her, or command her, or attempt to direct her. He didn’t want to think. He just wanted his girl to serve him and bring him to his climax.

  He was not disappointed. As the minutes ticked by she milked his pleasure, slowing down her attention when she thought he was nearing. It was divine, and when he decided it was time to release he brought his hand to her hair and softly pulled her back.

  “I’m close,” he mumbled. “Use your hand.”

  “I want to feel what it’s like,” she said raising her eyes to meet his. “I want you to come in my mouth. I’ve never done that, but I want to do it for you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive, please, please let me?”

  Begging to let me come in her mouth. It doesn’t get much better than that.

  He smiled his agreement, and releasing her hair he laid back, relishing the attention of her lips as they returned to their work. Her fingers joined in, stroking his shaft as her tongue swirled around the head, and when he felt his moment nearing he let out a guttural groan.

  It was a moment she’d refused all others, and she was glad she had. His essence bubbled to the surface, and as she allowed it to flow across her tongue she was surprised by the sweeping sense of satisfaction. She swallowed the hot, tangy cream, sucking and slurping, never ceasing in her devotion to please him. When his last groan was uttered, and his cock fell away, flaccid and limp, she rested her head against his thigh.

  Blake was a handsome, rugged, athletic stuntman, and over the years there had been many willing and eager females happy to oblige him. In his younger years there had been quick, furtive moments behind the stage, nameless young women kneeling before him, thrilled at the opportunity to spend time with the attractive young stunt god. On location the girls would hang around the set hoping to be chosen by the gorgeous hunky man who had just performed a death-defying act. He would slip away for five minutes to a secluded spot, and the chosen one would show her adoration.

  Laying on his bed, feeling Belinda resting against his leg, in spite of all his encounters, Blake had never experienced the unnamed
‘something’ that was washing over him, a ‘something’ that was taking his breath away.

  Gliding up his body, she laid her head in the crook of his shoulder, and as his arm fell around her pulling her close, she felt his other hand softly stroking her hair.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “That made me so happy. I feel so close to you.”

  “It was heaven, Belinda. I feel the same way.”

  “Did it help your headache?”

  “What headache?”

  Breaking into a smile she lifted her gaze and smiled at him, then shifted her eyes to study the bandage.

  “I want to look at that. I think I need to change the dressing,” she said softly.

  “What time is it?”

  She glanced across at the clock.

  “Almost eight.”

  “I think we should have a light dinner and maybe watch some TV,” he suggested. “You can change the dressing before we go to bed. Did you hear Josh come back?”

  “No, come to think of it, I didn’t.”

  “Let’s get up and make sure he’s here. I have a couple of things to tell you both and I’d rather not have to repeat myself. We can eat together.”



  “I, uh, I feel all funny.”


  “I think I need a few more minutes of hug time.”

  “Hey, you can have all the minutes you want,” he replied turning on his side and engulfing her.

  “I’m so sorry I took those risks today. When I think of what might have happened it makes me shudder.”

  “I should have spanked you before you went into the hospital, given you an ounce of prevention. I didn’t realize what a naughty girl you could be.”

  “Not anymore,” she whispered.

  “It’s behind us now,” he murmured. “You’ll know better next time.”

  She closed her eyes, feeling the warmth and protection of his powerful arms.

  This is the best thing in the whole world. I belong here. I totally belong here.

  Still shadowed by the intense, ‘something,’ Blake tried to identify exactly what the ‘something,’ was.

  He loved holding her and having her next to him, he loved her wit, her sense of humor, and of course, her sublime surrender. In spite of the foolishness of her actions he couldn’t help but admire her courage and compassion. She had put herself at risk for a man she didn’t even know.

  Suddenly, light bulb burst to life, illuminating the dark corners of his mind and bringing his heart under its revealing glow.

  Am I falling in love. Is this what it feels like? I am. Holy crap, I’m falling in love. I’m crazy about this girl.

  “I think I’m okay now,” she murmured.

  “One more minute,” he said quietly. You might be, but I’m not. How do I wrap my brain around this?

  He felt her shift, snuggling her luscious body into a more comfortable position, and closing his eyes he surrendered to the depth of his feelings.

  I’m jumping off a building. That’s what it feels like, except there’s no airbag waiting for me. Maybe that’s not true. Maybe this is the airbag, having her next to me like this. What am I supposed do now? Do I do anything? No, this isn’t like jumping off a building. I’ve jumped off plenty of buildings. This feeling is something brand new. In the days when I was learning, what did I tell myself? Let instinct take over and go with the flow. That’s exactly what I have to do.

  Opening his eyes he stared around the room. The timer had turned on the bedside lamp, the clock read 8:12 p.m., there was a wind rustling through the canyon, and he heard the distant howl of a coyote.

  I’ll never forget this moment. No matter what happens between Belinda and me, no matter what happens in my life, this is a moment that will live with me for the rest of my days. It’s never come before, and it can never be repeated. It’s unique to her, to us. Wow. What a feeling.

  An alien, hot lump was forming in his throat, and swallowing it back he rolled them over so she was under his body. Her milk chocolate eyes sparkled up at him, and lifting an arm he smoothed some wayward locks from her face.

  “I want you to listen to me very carefully,” he said softly.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “You are, uh, becoming very special to me. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, you come to me first. You come to me about anything. Okay?”

  “Blake, oh, my gosh,” she breathed staring at the intensity in his smoky-blue eyes.

  “Just to be clear, we’re an item. Monogamous. Us against the world.”

  “Yes, please,” she managed.

  Shrouded by the emotion of the moment they fell into a fresh hug that neither wanted to end.

  “Shall we make a move?” Blake mumbled finally separating from her.

  “I guess we should,” she sighed.

  “Don’t worry, this bed isn’t going anywhere.”

  “Better not be,” she said with a small smile.

  A short time later they were heading down the hallway, and as they passed Josh’s guest room Blake tapped on his door. There was no reply, and starting to worry they quickened their pace as they moved down the stairs. The sound of the television greeted them, but Blake knew it could have been turned on by the timer.

  “Josh,” he called.

  “In here,” his protege called back.

  “Thank goodness,” Belinda muttered. “I’ll go into the kitchen and set the table. Chicken soup again? Does that work?”

  “Yes, perfect, but put those salads out too. Josh might like something more substantial.”

  Belinda could hear Blake and Josh talking about the film. Josh had been in touch with the set and there hadn’t been any major hiccups, though everyone was concerned about Blake, how he was feeling and when he’d be back.

  Puttering around the kitchen, though her backside was scratchy and sore, Belinda was happily humming. As she set out the plates, heated up the soup and toasted some bread, she felt contented and at home, as though she belonged there. When Blake and Josh sauntered in and began to help her, she paused and soaked in the moment.

  Something had happened, an invisible line had been crossed, and she realized one of the things she was feeling was a sense of security.

  What a great thing. How can I feel this way after such a short time? It’s Blake. It’s all the things he’s said and how he is with me. I’m so crazy about him. Please, dear God, let this be real. Please don’t let this be a mirage.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Belinda and Josh sat in shocked silence as Blake told them about Nicolai Brovinski, and how Brian Reilly would be arriving in the morning with other agents to meet with them. Josh’s reaction was one of excitement; the FBI had always held a special allure for him and he’d once considered trying to join.

  Belinda though, was mortified by the news, and as they cleared away the dinner plates and washed the dishes she was quiet and reserved. It didn’t go unnoticed, and once they were back upstairs, and had undressed and climbed into bed, he held her tenderly and asked her what was wrong.

  “It scares me, what I did, it really scares me. When you were telling us that Fred Simons is this guy Brovinksi, it hit me, what I’d done today, I mean. If I’d known I would never have taken those chances, and poor George, he must be absolutely desperate.”

  “I suspected they were bad guys, but not the worst of the worst.”

  “Simons, or rather, Brovinski, has an odd way of speaking,” she remarked. “It’s probably because he’s concentrating on his speech. He’s hiding his accent. Blake, what’s going to happen now?”

  “I’m not sure, but as I said earlier my so-called brilliant plan is not so brilliant, and it’s off the table. Brian pointed out all the things that were wrong with it. I guess we’ll just have and see what tomorrow brings. I am relieved though. I was worried that we were getting in over our heads and I was right. Now the pros can step in and do what they do. It’s better for eve

  “When you put it like that I’m feeling relieved myself.”

  “How would you like another kind of relief?” he asked softly.

  “I think that sounds like a very attractive offer,” she purred, “but were you serious when you said you didn’t have a headache anymore?”

  “Sort of. Let’s just say, it’s not a crippling headache.”

  “I still want to look at that dressing.”

  “If you’d rather do that, than have me...” his voice trailed off as he began kissing the top of her breasts.

  “I meant, after,” she sighed sinking into the attention.

  “After what?” he asked lifting his head.

  “You are such a tease.”

  “Stay there, I know just what I want to do with you.”

  She watched him slide out of bed and pad across the room into the bathroom, and when he returned he had a towel around his neck, and was carrying a mug.

  “Spread your legs very wide,” he crooned stretching out beside her, “and lift up so I can put this towel under your butt.”

  “It’ll be scratchy,” she complained.

  “Seriously? Do you really want to go there?”

  “Sorry,” she apologized lifting her hips so he could put it in place.

  “Close your eyes.”

  “No blindfold?”

  “Sweetheart, you need to stop the conversation and do as you’re told.”

  “Sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  “You’re discombobulated. Just close your eyes and be quiet.”

  Letting out a sigh she did as he said, and seconds later, as he fervently kissed her, she found herself throwing away her troubled thoughts and surrendering herself to his loving Dominant skill.

  Moving his to her neck, he journeyed them back to her nipples, drawing them in, devouring first one, then its twin. She could feel the wetness between her legs, and she was aching for him to touch her, but he was making her wait.

  “Please, Blake, please touch me,” she finally begged.


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