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The Stuntman

Page 20

by Maggie Carpenter

  Leaving a note for Josh they headed out, and a short time later they walked into the cozy cabin restaurant. Having had breakfast early, and not indulging in the muffins they’d served the agents, they were both ready for some lunch.

  “Good grief, Blake, what happened to you? I want to see the other guy,” Janice declared as she greeted them.

  “You don’t, it’s ugly,” Belinda said in a pretend whisper, “but keep that to yourself.”

  “She’s telling tall tales,” Blake said. “I had an accident, fell down some stairs.”

  “I thought you did that for a living,” Janice said staring at him completely bewildered.

  “I do, but it wasn’t planned.”

  “Ah, I see. I hope you get better quick. Come and sit down.”

  They settled in, studied their menus, and had just placed their orders when Belinda’s phone rang. Pulling it from her bag she stared at the screen, then up at Blake.

  “It’s him, Fred Simons, or rather, Brovinski.”

  “Keep calling him Fred Simons, you don’t want to make a blunder. Answer it. Stay cool.”

  “Right, Fred Simons,” she muttered, then hitting the ACCEPT button she held the phone to her ear. “Hello, Mr. Simons.”

  “Good afternoon, Miss Harris. You are well?”

  “Yes, very, thank you. How is our patient? Looking forward to getting home I’m sure.”

  “Yes, yes. I hope you’re out enjoying this lovely day.”

  “I am, I’m in Malibu,” she replied, “at my girlfriend’s house.”

  “Which beach? I have friends out there. Maybe they are mutual. I mean, maybe we have mutual friends.”

  “She lives on Malibu Road.”

  “My friends are on Broad Beach.”

  “Your friends are lucky,” she said as she stared at Blake. “They have parking. There’s no parking on Malibu Road. It’s really difficult.”

  “Yes, I have heard this. What do you do about that?”

  “I use the parking lot in front of Ralphs and just walk through to Malibu Road. They don’t seem to mind and it’s safe. There are always plenty of people around.”

  “You are very clever. I shall remember this.”

  “Don’t tell too many people or it won’t work anymore,” she laughed. “Mr. Simons, I’m glad you called. I forgot to ask you something.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll probably think I’m crazy, but I have some potted plants and I would very much like to bring them with me.”


  “Yes, plants. They’re almost like my pets. I feed them, and talk to them, I’m kind of nuts about them, and five days is too long to leave them.”

  “Yes, Miss Harris, you may bring your plants.”

  “Wonderful. Thank you. Was there a specific reason you called?”

  “I just wanted to confirm our arrangements. As we discussed a car will pick you up at noon. Mr. Barrett will be arriving by ambulance shortly after you reach the house. That should give you time to unpack and make sure his room is ready.”

  “That will be fine, Mr. Simons.”

  “I should also tell you that we have strict security at the house. Mr. Barrett has received death threats, and I know you are harmless of course, but it is protocol that all visitors must have their belongings thoroughly searched when they come in.”

  “No problem, I understand.”

  “Excellent. Then I shall see you at noon tomorrow.”

  “Yes, I’ll see you then.”

  She ended the call, and dropping the phone on the table, she let out a sigh and buried her head in her hands.

  “This is so intense,” she exclaimed.

  “You were brilliant. Totally convincing. I had a thought though, about the plants.”

  “What’s that?”

  “They may have been in your place. You should tell them you’ve had a friend taking care of them for you off and on because you’ve had some extra hours at the hospital.”

  “Right. Shoot, yes, I didn’t think about that.”

  “Wrinkles in carpets,” he said grimly.

  “Yes, wrinkles in carpets,” she repeated.

  “This time tomorrow you’ll be up at that house.”

  “I know. I can’t believe it. I’m so glad you’ll be able to hear what’s going on. I wish I could talk to you though.”

  “At least you know I’ll be listening,” he said taking her hand across the table.

  “Yes, that’s going to be very reassuring.”

  They ate their lunch and tried to relax, but the thought of the following day was looming over them, and once back in the Porsche about to head home, Blake paused, leaned over and kissed her.

  “I won’t sleep until you’re back in my arms,” he said gravely.

  “Me too,” she murmured.

  “How’s your butt? I haven’t asked you today.”

  “No, you haven’t, you’ve been neglecting me.”

  “So, how is it?”

  “A little tender.”

  “You positively won’t take any risks, right?”

  “No, not a one, not even a tiny one,” she promised, “not even if I think it’s right.”

  “You can still change your mind. You don’t have to do this.”

  “No, I’m in. I just am,” she sighed.

  “Let’s go home and think about the best way to get you back to your car.”

  “Yes, I’ve been thinking about that too.”

  “Okay, then let’s get that sorted out.”

  Starting the powerful engine, he zipped from the small parking lot and headed back to his house.

  * * *

  It was several hours later, and Dean and Brian had returned. They listened as Blake described how Josh would take Belinda back to her car on his motorbike, but enter Malibu Road from the far end. It was one-way where the road met Pacific Coast Highway, so they’d have to walk the bike a short distance in, but then they could ride it the rest of the way, and Belinda could get off when they were a safe distance from the shopping center. If anyone was watching the car, or Malibu Road, she would appear to be walking away from one of the many beachfront homes.

  “Josh, obviously make sure you’re far enough away so you’re not spotted,” Dean remarked.

  “Yes, I will,” Josh nodded. “You can count on me. I was also thinking I could ride into the parking lot and keep watch from inside the store to make sure she gets away with no problem.”

  “You could, but you don’t have to. We’ll have agents doing that already. From the time Belinda walks up to her car, she’ll be in our sight until she enters the Barrett house.”

  “Oh, yes, of course, I should have realized,” Josh mumbled.

  “It was a good suggestion,” Dean said seeing the young man’s embarrassment. “Moving along, we got the plants into your condo with no problem. There are four of them, and they’re in a single container with a few decorative rocks around each pot. There’s a brown rock next to the pink pot. That’s the fake rock. When you get home put the phone in that and push it down into the soil.”

  “Is there any chance they’ve bugged my place? Could they be monitoring me there as well?”

  “You don’t have to worry. It’s been swept and it was clean, and we have a guy watching the guys who are watching you.”

  “I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it again, I’m living a movie,” she declared.

  “We feel that way sometimes,” Brian remarked.

  “Shakespeare had it right,” Blake said. “All the world’s a stage. I gotta say, this is one helluva show.”

  “I assume you’ve familiarized yourself with the phone?”

  “Just the basics,” she answered.

  “Let me show you the bells and whistles. Besides the word, lonely, you have several ways to send an SOS with this phone.”

  “Good grief,” she groaned. “I almost wish you hadn’t said that.”

  The agents stayed for over an hour, reviewing ev
erything and making sure there were no questions. Belinda and Blake finally waved them off, and as they walked back inside the house, up the stairs and into the bedroom, she fell into his arms.

  “There are no words,” she mumbled.

  “Nope, no words,” he agreed.

  “Please will you make love to me?” she begged. “Do you feel up to that?”

  “I am aching to make love to you, Belinda, and then I’m going to hold you all through the night.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  He had traveled his tongue across her body, making her gasp and utter moans of pleasure, and when he landed between her legs, his mouth devouring her as she had devoured him, her hands lost themselves in his thick mop of soft curls as she tumbled through her orgasm. While she was still breathless, he had slid up her body, slipping his cock into her open, wanting chasm, and ridden her to a second palpitating crescendo. He had kissed her to muffle their mutual cries, but when the shuddering passed, the kiss lingered. Finding solace in each other’s lips, they had stayed locked together until he finally rolled next to her to cradle her in his arms.

  As he’d promised, he held her through the long dark hours, waking to find their limbs intertwined, but with the imperative of an early start he had reluctantly released her, feeling the void the moment she left his bed.

  Though they made an effort to appear normal it was a subdued breakfast, and when Josh was pouring his second cup of coffee he decided he needed to speak up.

  “Listen you two, pretending like this is going to wear you out before the day even starts. Blake, you always tell me that worrying before a gag will only interfere, that I have to stay focused and trust myself, that if I think about what might go wrong, that will be my focus instead of a successful outcome.”

  “Wise words,” Belinda said managing a smile.

  “I agree,” Blake nodded. “You’re absolutely right, and you just reminded me why I took you on.”

  Picking up his mug Josh walked back to the table and sat down, suddenly appearing much older than his years.

  “You have the advantage. You know something they don’t, you have the power of the FBI behind you, and those guys are unbelievable. I was thinking about it last night. The plan is so well put together I couldn’t see a single flaw. Belinda, as long as you do what you’re there to do, which is take care of George Barrett, everything will be fine. For thirty seconds tomorrow night you’ll text someone. Really, with a couple of other minor things, that’s about it.”

  “Josh, you are a treasure,” she smiled. “You truly are.”

  “Text!” Blake unexpectedly exclaimed.

  “What?” Belinda asked staring at him, not understanding his outburst.

  “I just thought of something. Where’s your phone?”

  “Right here,” she replied pulling it from her pocket. “Why?”

  “A wrinkle in the carpet,” he replied. “You haven’t erased that photo of him and the texts between us. If they clone your phone-”

  “Oh, you’re right,” she exclaimed interrupting him, “but I hate to erase your messages.”

  “I’ve still got them,” he assured her. “Go on, get rid of everything.”

  “Right,” she sighed as she began tapping the screen. “There, it’s history. I’m so glad you spoke up, Josh.”

  “Wrinkles in carpets,” Blake repeated.

  “I think we should have that phrase printed on T-shirts and handed out to everyone we work with,” Josh suggested.

  “That is a brilliant suggestion! When this is over, let’s do that,” Belinda said enthusiastically.

  “We need to get moving. Is the tote bag ready?” Blake asked.

  “Yes, I stuffed some of your sister’s clothes on top of the lab coats Dean brought last night.”

  “Josh, we’ll meet you out front,” Blake said as he stood up from the table. “Belinda let’s go up and make sure you have everything.”

  Reaching for her hand he helped her to her feet and they made their way up the stairs. As they entered the bedroom he walked across to the black cotton tote-bag laying next to the dresser, but when he turned to take it back to her, he noticed she was staring at him with an odd expression.

  “What is it?”

  “Blake, before I go...”

  “What is it?” he asked moving across to her.

  “I can’t leave without telling you, that, uh, I’m falling, uh, no that’s not true, I’m already there.”

  “You’re already where?” he pressed.

  “I can’t stand leaving without telling you this,” she stammered. “Blake, oh good grief, Blake, the thing is... I’ve fallen in love with you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same, but—”

  “Of course I feel the same,” he blurted out dropping the tote and grabbing her. “You’re the bravest soul I know. I was still trying to find the guts to tell you. Damn, Belinda, you are something else.”

  Wrapping his fingers through her hair he held her tightly, then dropping his mouth on hers he kissed her with a raging fire flaming from his heart.

  “These will be the longest hours of my life,” she muttered breathlessly as she fell against him.

  “Mine too,” he said. “God, I love you.”

  Clinging to each other, loathe to let go, it was Belinda who finally stepped away. There were no words, the only ones that mattered having been said.

  Blake picked up her tote bag, and with a simmering heat burning the backs of their throats, they held hands as they headed downstairs. Moving out the front door he watched her buckle on the helmet and don the leather jacket she’d wear for the motorcycle ride, then stepping forward he softly kissed her.

  “Remember, no risks,” he managed.

  “No risks,” she promised, and climbed on the back of the bike.

  He watched them head off down the driveway, and wishing he’d been the one to deliver her to Malibu Road he slowly walked back inside. Moving into the kitchen he began to clear up the dishes, but he was interrupted by his phone. It was Brian.

  “Sorry, I should have called you,” Blake apologized.

  “Did she leave?”

  “Just a few minutes ago. I kind of spaced out.”

  “I’m sure it was hard to see her go. Too bad your injury wouldn’t let you wear a helmet.”

  “It’s just as well. I could have taken the car, but when I thought about it I realized she’d be less emotional with Josh dropping her off, and honestly, Brian, if had taken her, I might have changed my mind at the last minute.”

  “I know this is probably impossible, but try not to worry too much. I have a good feeling about this. We’ve been after Brovinksi for a long time, and now that he’s in our reach no one is going to mess this up.”

  “From your lips,” Blake sighed.

  “The team will be at your house any time now. They’re just waiting for Belinda to get in her car and drive away before they head up there. I’ll come by in a while. I have some things to deal with here at the office before I can leave. I’m not officially on this operation, but given our connection they’re letting me sit in.”

  “I’m glad about that. It’ll be good to have you here.”

  “Dean’s the best. You and Belinda are in good hands.

  “I know, I can feel it. Thanks. See you soon.”

  Ending the call, Blake thought back to the first moment he’d seen her waiting for him in the cafe. Her bright eyes, her happy smile, and the flicker of his heart when their eyes had met.

  Life is so strange. How could either of us have possibly know we’d be in a situation like this? Please, dear God, keep her safe. Keep us all safe.

  * * *

  Not far away, Josh was walking the motorcycle off Pacific Coast Highway and on to Malibu Road. Though the one way section at the end of the famous street was short, it was still one way, and that had made it too risky for Josh to use the car.

  Reaching the point where the road split into separate lanes, Belinda climbed back on, and they started
down the two-mile stretch towards the shopping center. Multimillionaire dollar homes lined their way, their sleek garage doors hiding the splendor of the house within. Balconies set high above the sand to make room for the high tides, offered the well-heeled residents infinite views of the Pacific Ocean.

  Taking her as far as he dared, Josh rolled the bike to a stop. There was a gentle curve in the road hiding them from where it widened and backed on to the shopping center. Climbing off Belinda removed her helmet and jacket.

  “Here you go,” she said her voice slightly nervous.

  “I wish I could ride in after you,” he said as he stowed the helmet and jacket safely on the bike. “At least you’ll have eyes on you from now on.”

  “I know I’ll be watched, but it sure would be a comfort to see you cruising through the parking lot. Never mind. Dean knows what he’s doing.”

  “Can I give you a hug?”

  “Oh, Josh, yes please, you’re the best,” she sighed stepping forward.

  Taking off his helmet he placed it on the seat, then wrapped her up and squeezed her tightly.

  “That’s from both me and Blake,” he whispered, “though I’m sure he’s already hugged you a bunch this morning. Stay safe. We’ll be seeing you again before you know it.”

  “Josh, thanks for everything,” she said gratefully. “Give me my tote and I’ll be on my way.”

  Her bag had been stashed in a compartment at the back of the bike, and opening it up he handed it across to her.

  “There you go, you’re all set.”


  Stomach churning she started off, and as she made her way around the gentle bend in the road, she spotted a dark grey sedan parked across the street.

  “Could you be more obvious?” she muttered. “Of course you don’t know that I know about you, so you probably think you’re completely invisible”

  She stopped to pull her sunglasses from the bag. They would allow her to stare at the car without the occupants knowing, and as she approached the walkway that would take her behind the grocery store, she saw there was only the driver in the car, and he had newspaper up to his face.

  Just like you were at my condo. Do you really think that works, or are you just a newspaper buff?


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