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Paldimori Gods Rising Box Set

Page 27

by T. L. Callahan

  “Who’s your friend?” I asked cautiously, clenching my hands to hide their trembling.

  “Oh, I never kiss and tell. Wait a minute. Yes, I do.” She laughed maniacally. “But only when it benefits me. My associates are a little on edge since you pulled your whole undead thing. They’re ready to end this. But where’s the fun in that?”

  The crackling light jumped around in the man’s hands as if in agitation at her comment. I was all for dragging this out until I could find a way for us to escape. Catching James’s eye, I silently tried to tell him it was going to be all right. We were going to get out of this. “This is my fault,” I said to him. “I’m so sorry.”

  At his subtle nod, I shifted my gaze to the too-still figure on the floor. “What did you do to Captain Matthews?” I couldn’t see any injuries, but his tanned skin looked unnaturally pale. “I need to check on him. He doesn’t look good.”

  “I like you right where you are. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of Captain Cutie.” She smirked nastily. “You know how much I like to play with your boyfriends.”

  “They’re only the hired help,” I tried to convince her. “Why don’t you let them go? You want me, right? Well, you’ve caught me. C’mon!” I snarled in frustration. “You’re the one holding the gun, what am I gonna do?”

  She smiled gleefully. Keep your cool, damnit. The last thing you want is to let her know how much she’s getting to you. That vicious bitch got off on torture of all kinds. To lose control would be to play right into her hands.

  “Poor little Lia. Never able to hang on to her men,” she taunted playfully.

  I could play her games until I figured a way out of this. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Why? Because you’ve ruined everything!” she snapped, her composure briefly slipping. She took a deep breath then walked toward the desk, offering the glowing man the gun. “Turn off the bug zapper and take this. She’s not going to try anything.”

  Again, his light snapped in agitation, but he did as she said. He moved to the opposite wall from where I stood, keeping everyone in sight. He never made a sound as he raised the gun to point it at me.

  “Guns are so old-school. They’re crude tools that hold back creativity. You’re an artist, you know what I mean.” Natalie trailed her fingers along James’s arm. His throat worked convulsively, recognizing that the greater threat came from the less obvious of the two.

  Her hands wandered along his shoulder, and up his neck; then she viciously ripped the tape from his mouth. James yelped in pain as a cut on his lip reopened. She smiled down at him then crashed her lips onto his. He struggled as she ground her lips harder against him, but then something changed. He was fighting his restraints, but he wasn’t trying to get away. He was trying to get closer to her, pushing up into her kiss and moaning. She pulled back with a delighted giggle and licked the blood from her lips.

  James watched her with a hungry look. She ran her fingers through his hair and jerked his head back. His mouth dropped open as his breath hissed out. In pleasure or pain or both, I wasn’t sure. She moved behind him and stared down into his eyes, then wrapped her fingers around his throat and started to squeeze. Another moan rattled in his chest, and his face turned red. His arms began to twitch, but he never looked away from her.

  “Stop it! You’ll kill him,” I shouted, taking a couple of steps forward. Mr. Glow-Stick took a threatening step forward as well, halting me in my tracks as I stared down the barrel of the gun.

  A sound of pleasured pain came from the desk area, drawing my attention back to Psycho Barbie. She had released James, but the torment wasn’t over. She ripped open the buttons of his shirt to rake bloody claw marks across his tanned chest. He stared up at her with a dazed look of unconditional devotion as her hand wandered down his chest to disappear beneath the desk.

  “Mmm. There are so many things I could teach you,” she purred to him, all the while watching my face.

  My stomach lurched in revulsion. She had to be using some kind of power. Was this how she had seduced all the other men? I swallowed down the acid threatening to rise up my throat. “Hey! Hey kid, snap out of it! You don’t want this. Trust me, everyone has had a ride on that bicycle.” A hissed laugh came from Mr. Glow-Stick.

  “You think you’re so clever,” she sneered at me. “But it’s no use. He’s mine now. Like every other man in your life. You thought you could take what was mine, but instead, I’ve taken everything from you.”

  “What are you talking about? I’ve never taken anything from you. You showed up in my life out of the blue and started smashing it to pieces!”

  She made a growling sound then pushed the chair away violently. Holding her hand out, an icy blast of wind sent the chair careening across the floor straight at me. I tried to sidestep, but it clipped me in the hip and sent me sprawling. I scrambled to my knees trying to grab the chair. James’s panicked eyes met mine as my fingers closed around air. He spun past me to smack into the barrier leading to the cliff top.

  James screamed, finally released from his trance. The wind pinned him down no matter how much he struggled. I crawled toward him, keeping my body low to avoid as much of the wind as I could. I managed to get my fingers wrapped around the base of the chair to pull him toward me, but as soon as I made contact, the chair shot through the barrier as if it wasn’t there.

  A horrified scream was wrenched from my throat. The momentum carried James into the world beyond, tearing a path through the field of flowers. The chair caught on something that caused it to topple and roll several times before coming to rest upside-down. I strained to see any movement, but there was nothing.

  “Oopsie. Sometimes I just don’t know my own strength,” Natalie cooed innocently behind me. “One little doll left to play with. I always did have problems with breaking my toys.”

  Rage burned through me, incinerating everything but the thought of vengeance. One moment I was kneeling beside the barrier, the next I plowed into her. Teleportation. Finally, a useful power. We hit the ground with a jarring thud, but I barely noticed. My fist connected with her face. I straddled her thighs, my heavier weight keeping her pinned down as she bucked wildly, those sharp claws drawing blood everywhere she could reach. Mr. Glow-Stick backed into the shadows, content to watch as we pummeled each other.

  I pulled my fist back to hit her again, and she punched me in the stomach. Air rushed out of me, and I lost my concentration. She quickly rolled, dislodging me. Before I could get my breath back, a kick landed in my ribs, then another. Something broke, and agony swept my torso. I rolled several times until I hit the wall and used it to pull myself up. Her fist came down on my kidney. I screamed. Then kicked backward, satisfaction filled me to hear her pained curse.

  “STOP THIS NOW!” boomed a familiar angry voice that filled the room and shook the windows.

  I turned my battered back to the wall, panting hard. Bennett stood in the doorway to the office looking seriously pissed as he shifted his gaze between us.

  “Someone will tell me why my wife and my sister have beaten each other bloody.”


  “What?” we both shouted at him in shock.

  “Of all the bitches in all the world . . .” I muttered.

  Natalie recovered quickly from her shock, a flash of glee sparking in her eyes. She wiped at her bloody nose, whimpering as tears filled her eyes. The evil torturer from moments ago was transformed into a scared little girl as she rushed across the room to fling herself into Bennett’s arms.

  “Oh Benny, I’m so glad you came,” she sobbed. “Lia invited me here saying she wanted to settle our differences. Then attacked me as soon as I walked in the door. I was trying to defend myself. It was awful!”

  “Lia would not—” Natalie kissed his neck and whispered into his ear. Bennett glanced at me in confusion, then shook his head as if he were dazed. His arms came to wrap around Natalie and rub her back as she continued to cry on his shoulder. His voice sounded different, almost ro
botic when he said, “Shhh. Do not cry, sweetheart. We will get to the bottom of this.”

  Something seemed off but I was so angry at them both that I didn’t care. “Give me a break. Are you seriously falling for this little act?” I laughed rather than stalking over to rip her hair out. “I thought you were supposed to be some great and powerful wizard.”

  Bennett glared at me over her head. “You know I am not a wizard.”

  He mumbled soothing words to Natalie, cradling her as if she were a fragile gem. Then placed a kiss on top of her head before leading her to a chair in front of the desk. He checked over her injuries as she whimpered looking small and vulnerable.

  “Your precious little sister killed someone.” I snarled at him. He never paused fawning over her and my heart crumbled to dust. “Fine, you two can catch up on old times somewhere else. Like a jail cell. I’m calling the cops.”

  “Lia, wait—” Bennett called as he stumbled to his feet.

  “Piss off.”

  I was halted mid-step as the rope that had been part of the anchor sculpture wrapped snugly around my waist. Slowly I was pulled backward to be plopped unexpectedly down into the other guest chair. The rope slithered around me once more, tying me to the seat-back before the whole chair was dragged backward. Stupid powers. I cussed at Bennett and struggled against the ropes to no avail. If I weren’t afraid of killing us all in an explosion, this rope would be toast.

  The chair came to a stop several feet away from Natalie where she clung to Bennett’s arm. “Now,” he said shakily, as a bead of sweat rolled down his temple, “we will discuss this rationally. I want to know how that portal came to be here later as well. But the more important questions are who died and what is wrong with Captain Matthews?”

  His eyes dilated as Natalie kissed his hand and launched into another series of lies. “It was Lia. Poor Jack tried to defend me, but she knocked him out with her powers. The other guy was trying to calm her down and got thrown through the portal.”

  Bennett frowned at me and took a tentative step in my direction. Something shifted in the shadows. I had been so distracted by Bennett that I had forgotten about my other uninvited guest.

  Frustration had me wanting to claw against the ropes that kept me defenseless. “The captain drove me here,” I said. “He stayed behind to help James—the hired staff, the dead kid—unload the car. You should ask sister dear what happened to him. In fact, why don’t you use your wizard skills to assess the situation? You might be surprised by what you find.”

  Bennett gave me a puzzled look as I tried to subtly nod toward the man hiding in the shadows. Natalie gasped, “Benny, I don’t feel too good.” She lurched to her feet, wobbling.

  Bennett caught her as she started to fall. “Nat, what is it? Are you ok?”

  “I feel dizzy.” She grimaced as she laid a hand against her forehead, her body shaking as though terrified. “It feels like someone is using their powers on me. I can feel them in my head.”

  Someone give the girl an Oscar! With acting skills like those she was in the wrong profession. Bennett glared at me. “Lia, stop. Your powers are too new. You could damage her permanently.”

  “You’re an idiot.” I barked, frustrated to the point of screaming. “I wouldn’t want to go on a field trip in her head even if I knew how. She’s psychotic. Don’t you understand that every time she opens her mouth, she’s lying?”

  Bennett stared at me a moment, his sweaty brow wrinkled in confusion. He started to say something, but Natalie put her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. Oh, hell to the no she didn’t! Bennett stiffened against her, his trembling hand reached out for mine. Then, just like James, he was under her spell. He gripped her tightly and took control of the kiss to ravage her mouth.

  Natalie moaned as she pressed against him. Bile rose up my throat when he hitched her into his arms and sat on the edge of the desk with her astride his thighs. His eyes were wide open and blank, as she trailed kisses down his neck.

  “Gross, he’s your brother. Do you have dick-slaying power in your kiss or something?” I shouted in disgust, struggling once again to free myself from the chair.

  “Stepbrother actually,” Natalie purred as she turned to me with a triumphant look. “You could say my kiss is like ambrosia from the gods.” She giggled, tracing a finger over his bottom lip. “Men are so easy, I hardly need to use my powers. Stroke their dick and their ego and they’re putty in my hands. They’ll do anything I want.”

  Her hands roamed under Bennett’s shirt, and she leaned up to lick his bottom lip. “Mmm. He’s delicious, isn’t he?” She tugged on Bennett’s hair and bit his ear. “Stay right here pet, until I’m ready for you.”

  Natalie hopped off his lap and turned to glare at me. “I’ve wanted him since I was four years old, but he only saw me as his little sister. I got as close to him as he would let anyone. Until you.” She shoved her finger into my chest. My skin crawled when she leaned her head against mine and stroked my hair. “It was so much fun watching you two at first. He hated you for what you had done to me. His poor baby sister abused at the hands of a monster like you. He was so close to setting you on fire the day of the pledges. I was mad at him for not killing you, but I realized later that would have been too quick.”

  My heart stopped beating. My lungs no longer pumped air into my body. Please no. Bennett cared for me. He wouldn’t have believed I could hurt someone like that, could he?

  “He’s a man though. His dick was bound to get in the way. He struggled so hard with his attraction to you. I really don’t get it.” She pushed away with a huff of disgust. “I had to remind him why he should hate you but he couldn’t keep it in his pants. I thought he would fuck you and be done, like all the other sluts he’s taken to bed. But he became obsessed with you.” Her face turned red, and spittle flew from her mouth as she stalked toward me. Then slapped my face. “He was supposed to love me!”

  Pain exploded across my cheek and in my heart. My bruised cheek would heal but I wasn’t so sure about my heart. From the beginning, Bennett had been poisoned by Natalie’s lies. He had gotten close to me, closer than anyone had ever been, all to avenge his sister. Why else would you sleep with the person you thought abused your sister?

  “Oh ho, big brother hasn’t shared as much as I thought.” She laughed maniacally as tears slipped down my cheeks. “Honestly, I can’t blame you. With a body like his, who needs pillow talk?”

  The pain took my breath away and I realized finally what I had been denying. I loved Bennett. I loved a man who only wanted to destroy me.

  “You took Douglas from me and I got my revenge. On both of you.” She smiled pleasantly at me. “But taking Bennett from me—for that you have to die.”

  “What are you talking about? You introduced me to Douglas.”

  “Do you know how long it took me to turn him into my little puppet.” She pressed her face close to mine, madness burning bright in her blue eyes. “I could see his lust for those young girls in his classes, but he thought it was wrong. I was so close to tempting him, then he met you and never looked at me again. I wanted to keep him, but I had to break him— because of you.”

  “Everyone should have the freedom of choice. Please don’t do this.”

  She patted my cheek. “Cheer up, Lia. Our playtime will be over soon. Honestly, it was getting boring dealing with that whiny bitch Grace anyway. But it was sweet, really, the way she wanted to protect me from you.” Natalie clasped her hands over her heart. “Grace may not have had the guts to kill you, but I do. And the best part is once you’re dead, Bennett and I will finally be together.”

  She blew Bennett’s still form a kiss. Mr. Glow-Stick stepped out of the shadows all lit up again. He turned toward Bennett, sparks shooting from his fingers, but Natalie’s words stopped him in his tracks. “Nah-ah-ah, he’s mine.”

  Lights sparked from his fingertips in agitation, but he shifted toward me, holding his hand out. A beam of light lengthened into t
he shape of a sword. You’ve got to be kidding me. Glad to meet another fan of the light saber, but seriously? Death by light saber was epically cool in the movies. In real life, it screamed never gotten laid.

  “This time there will be no coming back. That was very naughty of you, by the way. My friends weren’t happy that you didn’t die from that arrow.” Natalie stood back and motioned to Mr. Glow-Stick. “My associate is going to carve you into a million pieces and then burn this house to ashes. It’s a pity that you won’t be around to watch me enjoy every inch of Bennett’s body, but I can’t have my future husband thinking he’s already married to another woman.”

  “Now you’re just adding insult to injury. Shut up!”

  A blast of wind burst from me hitting Natalie and she went flying backward into Mr. Glow-Stick. My chair pitched over backward, smacking into the floor with a thump. Whether from Bennett’s weakened power in his dazed state or dumb luck, I managed to slip free of the ropes. My aching ribs protested as I crawled across the floor to Captain Matthew’s side hoping he had a weapon on him. The dumbass duo would untangle themselves any minute. I needed a plan.

  My hands slipped into the captain’s pockets coming up empty. Wait, there was something in the breast pocket of his jacket. I pulled out the slim rectangular black box and quickly flipped it open. A familiar gold pen was the only thing inside. I hung my head in disappointment. Then the pen clicked itself several times rapid-fire as if excited to see me, before shooting up out of the box to rub against my hand.

  This was the pen I had brought to life. This just might work.

  I motioned for the pen to hide under my sleeve and stood to face my enemies. Mr. Glow-Stick was approaching with his sword extended. I tried to use my powers but nothing was working. Why couldn’t the force be with me right now? Natalie watched him advance on me with a disturbing look of lustful anticipation. Mr. Glow-Stick drew back his sword ready to strike me down. My arm shot out in a stop gesture as I yelled, “Now! Click!”


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