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Paldimori Gods Rising Box Set

Page 29

by T. L. Callahan

  “I told you the truth. You drew me from the first moment I saw you. I looked forward to our confrontations even when I was so frustrated with you.” The tick started in his jaw. “I watched you interact with the other contestants. With Molly and Jaxon. Nothing I saw matched the person I was expecting. I suspected there was more to the story long before we were together.”

  He stepped closer, his eyes boring into mine. “Then we had sex. Because I wanted you as much as you wanted me. Not for any other reason. After that first time—when the bond formed—I could no longer afford to suspect. I had to know. You told me that someone had started those rumors. That they were not true. But Natalie had pointed you out as her abuser. Someone was lying, I just did not know who.”

  His hand wrapped around mine and his thumb rubbed against the ring. “Until we completed the bond-mate ceremony. I saw you—all of you—through our bond. I knew then that you were telling the truth. I wanted—needed—to protect you.” His other hand cupped my cheek as he continued, “How could I convince you of that when I had so much to atone for? You would have never believed me. But I did not give you a chance. I ruthlessly pushed you away. In the end, I hurt us both. I am sorry, asteràki. For everything.”

  I edged the door open between us. The strained tension in Bennett’s body seemed to ease a bit as if with the restored connection he could breathe again. Bracing myself, I peeked through the crack.

  “Ask what you want to know,” he said. “The bond will show you.”

  There were too many questions. Though maybe there was one that would answer them all. “Why did you bond with me?”

  Images whirled past. A kaleidoscope of scenes and emotions filled me. When it was over, I dropped my head onto his chest, breathing deeply. “I-I saw you,” I whispered. “I saw what is happening to your people. Every decision that led you to bond with me.”

  He stroked my hair. “Yes.”

  “There is so much about your world I still don’t know. But what’s happening to your people isn’t right. No one should be killed because of who they are.” Tears glazed my eyes as I looked up at him. “I understand why you bonded with me but what you did was wrong.”

  He nodded. “My people were not the only reason. You cannot deny that I wanted you for myself.” Bennett brushed his lips across mine. “You saw inside me. You felt my emotions. Do you deny it?”

  I pushed him away and he took a single step. His look said that was all the space he was willing to give me. “No, I won’t deny it. You wanted me. But that’s not enough.” The dimmed lights of the ring winked out when I pulled it from my finger. Gently, I placed it on his palm. He gripped my hand and folded his other over mine. “I can send you some of my power when you need it but that’s all. We don’t trust each other. Hell, we barely even like each other. There is too much wrong between us, and sex only confuses things.”

  Bennett’s voice was hoarse when he finally spoke. “There is more between us than lust. You know it is true. You had to have felt—”

  “You should know,” I went on, ignoring his plea, “that thing I kept saying about the twin Houses? When I . . . died, I met someone. It’s all fuzzy, but there was definitely a man. He said his name was Titan Theophanes. And that I had to find the twin Houses of the Olympian Omàda. That I would find answers there.” Shoving my hands awkwardly into my pockets, I focused on the last rays of the sun peeking over the horizon. “I don’t know where to start looking, but they’re somewhere out there. I need to find them. There is so much that I don’t know still. About your world. About my past. Does that mean anything to you?”

  “No, neither are familiar to me.” Bennett gritted his teeth. “Lia—”

  He must have seen my resolution because that tic in his jaw picked up the pace. “Don’t,” I said. “I’ve made up my mind. We can work together. But that’s it.”

  The door closed between us once more. This time it hadn’t been me that shut it.

  “We will try it your way. For now,” he reluctantly conceded. “As for the man, Theophanes was my original family name before it was changed. Each leader always carries some part of their original family name. That is where my middle name, Theo, comes from. Jaxon may know more.” Bennett smirked knowingly at my skeptical look. “Do not let his lazy-playboy-Neanderthal routine fool you. There is a reason he is our lawyer for all Paldimori and human issues.”

  “I thought he was playing a role with the whole lawyer thing. This is Er—Jaxon we’re talking about here. His dream job is to be a bikini contest judge. Preferably with hands-on judging. Are you telling me he’s really a lawyer?”

  Bennett nodded. “Yes, but he would rather you think him playing a role. If you tell him I said otherwise, I will deny it. He prefers that people underestimate him.”

  “Unbelievable,” I said in awe. “You don’t have to worry though. I mean, I won’t be seeing you guys again, now that the Game is done, right?”

  Bennett ran his fingers through his hair in the first nervous gesture I’d seen from him. “We will return to our home bases until a sixth Potential is found to replace you but the Games must go on until a champion is crowned.” He turned the ring over and over on his palm lost in thought. “Even if you wanted to return, you would not be allowed to continue. Your powers give you an unfair advantage. Each competition is designed to push the contestants into revealing any latent powers they might have. Once the sixth is found, we will recall the other Potentials and finish the Games.”

  “Molly said something about the Games having to be finished within a year.”

  “Yes.” He tugged at his hair, but his hand quickly dropped when he noticed me watching him. “This has never happened in the history of the Games. My people are worried.”

  It didn’t seem like it was only his people that were worried. “Good luck. I hope you find someone.” I meant that. They weren’t human but they deserved peace just the same. “Uh, before you go there is one more thing I remembered. Titan said that there were enemies amongst the Paldimori.” I rubbed my chest where the arrow had pierced me. “He definitely needs to work on his timing, but I get the impression he means there were others besides Grace. Tell our people to be careful, Bennett.”

  He smiled when I called them “our people.” I may not fit into their world, but I was one of them.

  “Thank you, Lia. You did not have to tell me this. After everything that has happened that you still find the compassion to think of our people speaks highly of you. You would be an honorable Kyrion.” He held the ring out to me, and I hesitantly took it. “Please keep it. You are one of us, whether or not you claim House membership. The ring will help protect you.”

  I closed my fist around the ring. Then turned and walked away as tears slipped silently down my cheeks. “Goodbye, Bennett.”


  “Click! Damn pen, come back here.” My flip-flops made popping sounds as I rushed from my office out onto the gallery floor, dodging around boxes searching for my errant pen.

  The decision to close Whimsy had been one of the hardest choices I’d ever made. The town had mostly welcomed me back after everything came to light. The art community wasn’t as forgiving. There were those few who accepted me back as if nothing had happened, but it would take a long time to rebuild my reputation. It was a challenge that I could have taken on, but it wasn’t the right one for me. Just as Port Lawson no longer the right place for me.

  Mr. Lawson had purchased the gallery as a wedding present for Ms. Myrtle. We had worked out a deal that benefited both of us. I got paid to pretend to still be the owner—unfortunately that still included doing all of the paperwork—and he got to surprise one of the biggest gossips in town. I also had full access to the studio to finally create my masterpiece. I had ripped up the pavement where I’d buried the real me and the creativity had come back to me.

  I’d poured every emotion into the glass, pushing it to its limits to bend it to my vision. Globes within globes sat upon a pedestal of fire. Flames flared up aro
und the outer globe in places, seeking to touch the center but never reaching it. Shadows danced across the layers, some distinct and others only hinted at. Nestled at the center stood a naked female form, head tilted back as if in joy or anguish. Her outstretched hands seemed to call to the fire. It was the best work I had ever done in my life, but it was for me. Beckoning Fire wasn’t for sale. Today was my last day managing the gallery and it would be coming with me back to Mercer Island this weekend.

  I searched the table that held replicas of nineteenth-century dessert plates, cups, and flatware. Click had spent the last week trying to talk to the silverware, but he wasn’t there. Rounding the checkout counter, I looked over the display of handmade wooden pens.

  Oh no, this couldn’t be happening. Click had managed to hook his clip through that of a pink buckeye-burl pen with gold plating. He appeared to be waltzing “her” through a series of dance moves. This is what I get for letting him watch TV. His new favorite show was Dancing with the Stars. Now he was putting his moves to the test. I was going to need therapy soon. There were no self-help books on raising an adolescent ink pen with all the accompanying hormonal issues.

  “Uh, Click. Can you put the nice pen back where it belongs, please?”

  He continued twirling and then went into a low dip. I planted my head in my hands and rubbed at my temples. My afternoon of finalizing paperwork had hit a snag when I realized all of the bank documents I needed to turn in before I left had a new ink logo. Every page contained variations of the new bank manager riding backward on donkeys. I would give Click points for being clever since the man’s name was Jack—hence Jack-Ass—but his artwork would not be appreciated. Jack was fastidious and ran the bank like a mini dictator since Brice had been fired. He wasn’t as bad as Brice but I wasn’t looking forward to dealing with him. Click was going to get a lecture, as soon as I could get his attention.

  Clicking noises sounded from the table, followed by rattling. Uh oh, that couldn’t be good. Peeking through my fingers, I was left momentarily speechless. It seemed males of any type all shared the same trait. They were all horn dogs. Click had unscrewed the top on the pink pen and was working it off. My hands went to my hips in classic mom-scolding style. “Click! Stop that right now, young man. You don’t go for second base on the first date.”

  A throat cleared behind me. “Ah, that is good to know.”

  I stood frozen on the spot. What is he doing here? Oh gods, it had to be today when I’m a mess from packing. My hair was sticking out like a lion’s mane from tugging on it in frustration as I did paperwork. I was wearing faded jeans, and a rumpled yellow T-shirt. My notorious luck strikes again.

  Click abandoned his girlfriend to nudge against my chin, as though he sensed my embarrassment. He was like a puppy at times and, at others, a fearless guard dog. I winked at him and patted the pen pouch on my belt. The lecture would have to wait. Click zoomed inside as I plastered on a smile and turned to greet my unexpected visitor. “Hello, Bennett, I’m surprised to see you. You’re a long way from Oz.”

  His hair was longer and even messier than usual. His skin was a shade darker than normal as if he had spent a lot of time in the sun recently. His gray jeans and maroon T-shirt hung a bit loose on his frame. There were dark circles under his eyes but he was still as heart-stoppingly gorgeous as ever.

  “I told you I am not a wizard.”

  “Yes, I guess you did. How are you?” I asked politely.

  “I am good. How are you, Lia?” he replied just, as politely.

  Oh, this was awkward. “I’m good. Uhm, Grayson isn’t here. I had Click chase him around the block the last time he tried to hover near me while I was doing paperwork, so he’s out picking up groceries.”

  Bennett chuckled. “I am glad you are keeping him on his toes. But it is you I came to see.”

  “Oh.” I glanced down at Click as if he could offer advice. “I could use a break, anyway. Would you like to take a walk?”

  He smiled and gestured toward the door. “It would be my pleasure. After you.”

  The wind blew briskly bringing a bite to the air. I wrapped my arms around myself, as we walked along the street. Without even realizing it, my feet had set me on a direct path for Mussels. But I didn’t want to taint my favorite restaurant with memories of him. Switching directions at the crosswalk, I led us across the street to the boat docks. We reached the pier and kept going until it ended. I stood back away from the rail and gazed out where the sun was descending over the water.“

  “It is beautiful, is it not?” Bennett stepped around me to lean out over the rail and took a deep breath. “I have always enjoyed the ocean. I often wished as a boy that my affinity with water was stronger. My power over it does not come as easily as the fire.”

  “I never thought to ask. What’s my strongest power?”

  He turned to face me, leaning against the railing. “It can vary amongst families. I would say that yours is healing, but your powers need to be tested. There were some from the House of Light that could heal others as well as themselves.” His gaze swept over me and heat followed in its path. “I heard that Grayson is working with you on your control. I am glad that you are continuing to train. I apologize that I have not contacted you myself. We agreed to work together, but I think we both needed some time. We could begin training again, if you wish?”

  “I, uh, could probably use the help. Thanks.” My cheeks heated in embarrassment. Hopefully, no one had told him how my lessons had gone so far. My control was even worse now than it had been weeks ago.

  The silence stretched out for several minutes as the waves crashed beneath us. Some of the tension started to ease from my shoulders as the relaxing rhythm of the ocean rocked me. My eyes closed, and I breathed in the salty air. A warm hand settled on my bicep then slowly traveled upward, following the line of my shoulder. My muscles jumped beneath his hand. His fingers curled around the back of my neck before slipping up to thread through my loose hair. My eyes fluttered open. Raw hunger burned in his eyes, taking my breath away.

  “Axol and I have spent the last few weeks on board my sailboat. Do you know what I discovered?” I shook my head slightly, excitement zinging through my body at the tug on my hair where he still held it. Blue light lit up the outer edges of his eyes. “I discovered that no matter how far I traveled I could still feel you inside me like a warm fire on a cold night. I discovered that the scent of you is branded upon my senses, so much so that I would turn, expecting you to be by my side. The memory of your touch found me in my dreams and brought me to the brink of madness with pleasured pain. I have tried this your way, asteràki. Now we are going to try mine.”

  He stepped into me, pressing our bodies together. Not fair. My teeth sank into my bottom lip to suppress the moan that wanted to escape. Being this close to him again after all these weeks was torture. His eyes caught on my lips. “You were brave enough to face your past, and you held your own against my sister.” Irritation flashed across his face, then he tugged my hair, using it as leverage to tilt my head back. “Do not hide from me. Not even from something as simple as the fact that our bodies crave each other. I am done with denying us. I thought I could give you time to come to terms with what my sister and I did to you. But I cannot.” His lips brushed mine in a gentle kiss. “This is not about control because I have none when it comes to you. None. And before you say something to piss me off, I do not care about your powers. I want you.”

  “What’re you saying?” I demanded. “You’ll come see me when you have an itch to scratch? The sex was great, but I’m not interested.”

  “I love you. That is what I am saying. That you are mine, my wife. Astèri tis zoìs mou.” He growled as the blue around his eyes grew brighter and brighter. “If I have to tie you down and pleasure you until you are delirious to make you agree to be with me, then that is what I will do.”

  “Y-You love me?”

  “Yes, asteràki, I love you.” He cupped my face in his hands. “I did not
think it possible, but I do not want to be without you. I think I have loved you from the moment you defied me in the tower room. You were not afraid of me even from the beginning. You stood up to the Kyrion—to me—when you could have just as easily bowed to our every wish like so many others. I love your strength and your passion. Even your delicious, smart little mouth.”

  “I was planning to track you down,” I laughed as tears streaked down my face. He had beaten me to the punch. Of course. “I made some decisions about my life while I was convalescing. I don’t need Whimsy anymore. I funneled all of my focus into my gallery because it was all I thought I would ever have. Then you came along. I was sleepwalking through life, and you woke me up. It was you who made me see that I’m strong enough to face anything.”

  “Astèri tis zoìs mou.” Bennett crushed me against him and pressed his lips against mine. When he pulled away, I struggled to catch my breath.

  “You have shown me that my life does not have to be only duties,” he continued. “With you, I see a future that is no longer hollow and cold. I have nearly lost you too many times. To my enemies and to my own foolish pride. I need you with me. I need to know you are safe, always. Lia, will you marry me?”

  Whoa! Hadn’t seen that coming. He had already married me according to his traditions. That he would do things the human way, thawed my heart even more. Still, there was so much that had happened.

  “How about we start with a date?”

  His look turned thunderous, and his grip tightened as if he were afraid I would try to run away. Holy hotness, that look right there was going to be featuring in some dreams.

  “I’m not saying no,” I rushed to assure him. “I’m not trying to run away. I’m done with running, but my life has been turned upside-down again. I’m still discovering who I am. I need to learn about my real family history. About my powers and what this prophecy means.” I smoothed my hand along his stubbled jaw. “I want us to have time to get to know each other. To build a solid and lasting relationship. I want to take my time.” My lips pressed against that agitated tic along his jaw. “So, what do you say, Mr. Wizard? Want to go on a date with me?”


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