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Paldimori Gods Rising Box Set

Page 64

by T. L. Callahan

  Bennett’s fist slammed down onto the conference table splitting it in half. “How could I possibly earn your trust when you continue to run from me? Even now you are pushing me away and putting distance between us.” Bennett gestured toward the broken table between us.

  Guides and Talosi burst into the room with their swords drawn. They took in the busted table and the face-off going on across it. No one moved. Then Guide Athan stepped forward motioning for everyone to lower their weapons. The swords were put away, but we were all still on edge.

  Guide Athan bowed to Bennett and said, “Kyrion, it is time. The competition will begin any moment.”

  Bennett’s jaw ticked madly as he coldly demanded, “See my bond-mate to her room and notify Selene that I wish to see her immediately. I teleport to Sotirìa in ten minutes.”

  “Now who’s running,” I snapped.

  “I have duties to attend to,” Bennett replied, that cold mask of the Kyrion back in place. He picked up my sword and held it out to me. “We will talk when I return.”

  I grabbed the sword, but he held on to it, watching me with an assessing look that said he expected me to run away as soon as he left. The mistrust cut at my already battered heart. My days of running were over, and I would prove it to him. “I’ll be here,” I stated with grim determination.

  Selene teleported into the room and cleared her throat. Bennett released the sword and walked away with Selene in tow. Anger, hurt, and frustration ignited a deadly cocktail inside me as I watched them leave. The Talosi assigned to me remained. They shifted uneasily as my clenched fists caught fire and my breath sawed in and out. My control slipped farther from my grip with each passing moment, undoing all of the progress I had made. I gathered the powers bursting at my center and teleported.

  Water closed in over my head dousing the flames as I sank into the pool in Bennett’s basement. I poured every thought and emotion into the scream that ripped from my mouth and sent a tidal wave of water sloshing over the side of the pool. The release of energy drained my strength, and I struggled to reach the surface. I broke through with a gasp and rolled onto my back to float. I closed my eyes letting the tension leach from my body and the quiet sooth my jagged emotions.

  I don’t know how long I had been floating when a whirring noise caught my attention. I looked around, treading water, but didn’t see anyone. Suddenly, I was yanked underwater. My nose burned, and my chest ached as I sank toward the bottom. I tried to swim for the surface but a wave of water slammed into my chest. My breath exploded out in a spray of bubbles as I sank even further and hit the bottom of the pool, where a strong pressure held me, and I realized someone had opened the drain. The water moved unnaturally above me and for a moment I could almost make out the shape of a body. My hair whipped around me in the water as the suction from the drain seemed to get increasingly stronger. I realized what was going to happen seconds before my long locks were pulled into the drain and my head smashed against the floor of the pool.

  Lights burst behind my eyes as I struggled not to take a breath. My head throbbed from the impact and the pain of my hair being ripped from my scalp a strand at a time. I grabbed my hair with both hands and twisted onto my stomach trying to pull free. No matter how hard I tugged I couldn’t get loose. I tried to teleport, but I had drained too much energy during my outburst. I sent out a mental call to Grayson and whoever else could hear me.

  My struggles became weaker as my breath grew scarce and blackness loomed at the edges of my vision. My fingers spasmed and a hard object filled my right hand.

  My sword!

  I grasped the hilt with the last of my strength and swung, slicing through my hair. The sword disappeared as mysteriously as it had come to me. I was free of the drain but there was no more air left. Water rushed in to fill my mouth and lungs. Darkness edged closer as if I were looking down a long tunnel. Suddenly arms wrapped around me, pulling me toward the surface. Grayson shouted something but it sounded far away. He rolled me onto the concrete floor beside the pool and started CPR. My head lulled to the side as he started compressions, and I saw a ghostly Calidora holding hands with my parents as they watched on in agony.

  My stomach lurched and I turned over onto my side, heaving up water and what little food I’d eaten. Grayson’s warm palm on my shoulder felt like an anchor in the storm as sound and sensation rushed back to me. When my breathing had settled back to normal, Grayson wrapped his arms around me and teleported us to my bedroom. I went to the bathroom to change into dry clothes provided by the magic trunk and stood staring at the uneven sections of my hair. My hair had been one of my favorite features about myself and now that had been taken from me too. I padded back into the bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed feeling numb.

  “Please rest, my lady,” Grayson pleaded in a shaky voice, his face pale and dotted with sweat. “Twice now I have come too close to losing you. God of Chaos be merciful and let there not be a third time.”


  The sensation of a tug along my back woke me with a start. My body ached after the near drowning at the pool. My heart ached for an entirely different reason as I remembered the things Bennett and I had said to each other. The midday sun shone through the tall windows of my bedroom, indicating I had been asleep for several hours. My stiff muscles protested every move as I sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed.

  The tugging along my back became more insistent. The shadows around the room lengthened as if they were reaching for me. Whispers filled the air sounding like rushing water. Fire erupted along my spine bowing my back and a scream burst from my throat. I vaguely heard Grayson shouting my name. Then my body shattered into a million pieces. Moments later, I materialized under a star-filled sky, bent over, and breathing heavily through the nausea.

  Whoever had teleported me here had done it at super-speed. Finally, I straightened, taking a shaky breath. The bright yellow galaxy I had seen when Dia was claimed by Gaia filled the night sky above me.

  Fuck no, not again!

  Where this weirdo went, pain was sure to follow.

  “Creation.” That emotionless voice rang through my head like a gong. “You are not as you were but not yet what you will be.”

  “That’s not cryptic or anything,” I shouted to the heavens in irritation. “The first time we met you wore my body, and then tossed it off like a cheap prom dress. Now you’ve sucked me up like confetti into a giant vacuum to deposit me wherever the hell this is. Who are you, and what do you want from me?”

  Silence was the only response.

  “You really need to work on your communication skills.” These damn gods were a pain in the ass. The least they could do was pick up a phone if they needed to talk instead of invading my body or yanking me all over the place. “Hey, are you listening? If you’re going to keep dropping into my life, the least you could do is bring chocolate.

  “If that’s you, Titan, I know what you’re going to say,” I sighed, playing down the fear that was keeping my stomach roiling. Nothing good happened when this guy talked to me, and I already felt raw from everything that had happened these last few days. I needed time to adjust to my new reality, but the gods didn’t seem to believe in downtime. “Let me guess. It’s something like: ‘Find the twin Houses, blah, blah, blah.’ Not that you care, but it’s been a helluva week. How ’bout we skip the fortune cookie tidbits tonight? I could use a vacation.”

  A tendril of power slammed into my back shattering all thought and reason. It blasted through my body scorching every inch of me from the inside out. At my center, green light spilled from my glowing ball of power. Vines shot from my palms and curled up my arms. The vines twined themselves over my chest and down my legs digging into the ground to anchor me in place. What was happening to me? My teeth chattered as an icy rain fell, soaking me in seconds. The night filled with the distant sounds of wolves howling.

  “Become!” the cold voice from the heavens demanded.

  The starlight overhead brightened u
ntil my eyes stung. A male form materialized from the fabric of the night sky—his body a black canvas covered with stars. His eyes glowing white orbs that melted into a familiar swirling kaleidoscope of color. My voice was nothing more than a whispered groan as I acknowledged him. “Titan.”

  “Blood of my beloved, we meet again,” Titan greeted me, his husky accented voice filling the space as if coming from every direction. Shivers wracked my body as I struggled to release myself from the vines. “Save your strength, little Chosen, I see the questions you would ask. I am here because a connection formed when you woke me from my slumber, and I felt your new powers born.” He walked closer watching me like I was a curious bug. “I know you have already found one of the twin Houses, even if you have not yet realized this. My connection to this world is growing, and I am learning it anew.”

  His body changed into a man with long black hair that swept the ground and a naked heavily muscled body. Here we go again with the nakedness. I shifted my gaze back to the starlit sky above, making a mental note that the creeper from earlier had disappeared as soon as Titan materialized. “Yet there are some things veiled from me. The imprint of my father’s presence still lingers here. Tell me, what was it the God of Chaos said to you?”

  “That’s the creeper who keeps showing up like a bad penny? I thought the cryptic asshole in my head a few minutes ago was you.” The cold rain slid down my face, and the vines tightened around me. All I had left at this moment was attitude and anger. I was done being the dancing fool they trotted out to perform for them when and how they wanted. “I’m gonna need an asshole-sorting process so I can keep you all straight. He’s the king of cryptic assholes, though, popping in at random times to tell me I need to ‘become’ and dishing out some epic pain.”

  A rusty sounding laugh escaped from Titan seeming to take him by surprise. “Cryptic asshole. Yes. I will have to remember that. Has he said anything else of import?”

  I ignored his questions. It was my turn to get answers. “How did you get here, Titan? Weren’t you a statue in Bennett’s courtyard last time we chatted?”

  “You call this teleporting, I believe.” Titan walked closer, and I noticed he had finally opted to cover himself in a long black kilt. “My powers are now growing, as are yours. You have found the second Chosen, and she has awakened my sister. Gaia’s gifts are now yours as well.”

  “I don’t want—”

  His hand brushed my cheek freezing the rain upon my skin. “Power comes not to those that seek it but to those who can wield it. You are pure of heart. Yet all hearts can be blackened. Do not let your pain and fear turn you from the light.”

  “Alone ...”

  “Yes, the path you walk is yours alone to carve. It can be a brutal and lonely journey. Yet it does not have to be a burden for one.” The vines tightened around me as if offering comfort. The rain turned warm, tasting of salty tears on my lips and thawing the ice on my cheek. “Do not make the same mistakes as I did. Light and dark. The two sides exist because they must.” He stepped back and opened his arms. The rain and vines disappeared. My clothes dried and an iridescent hooded cloak wrapped around my shoulders. “A gift for the Chosen. Keep it close, it may prove useful.”

  Grayson appeared by my side and immediately put himself between me and Titan. “My lady, stay behind me.”

  Titan studied the young boy with a bemused expression. “I admire your bravery, young Themis. I do not wish your Adelfì harm. Guard her well for she has need of you.”

  Then he disappeared.

  Grayson turned, checking me over for injuries and let out a relieved sigh. “I heard your scream but was too late to reach you before you teleported. What happened, my lady?”

  “I was beamed up by the God of Chaos and brought here,” I replied, rubbing my tingling back. “Where am I?”

  “You are still in Prometheus, my lady,” he reassured me. “This is the temple at the peak of the mountain where the people come to pray to and speak with the God of Chaos.”

  “Why is—”

  “Look out!” Grayson shouted and grabbed my shoulders spinning us around.

  I stumbled backward and screamed as a sword pierced through Grayson’s chest. Blood soaked his gray T-shirt and bubbled from his lips exactly like I had seen in my dream. Grayson’s lips moved silently, telling me to run. Over his shoulder Guide Christos Athan grimaced and pulled his sword free. Terror held me hostage as I watched my friend fall to his knees, his hands pressed to the hole near his heart as blood seeped between his fingers.

  “I would have spared you, boy, but you had to jump in the way.” Christos said, looking genuinely regretful about having run Grayson through. “May the God of Chaos speed your soul through the judgment of the underworld and grant you life eternal in the stars.”

  I fought my way out of the paralyzing grip of terror and made my shaky limbs obey me as I angled my way over to Grayson. Christos’s sword followed my every move. “Please let me see if I can help him.”

  My powers stirred, reaching out for Grayson as I got closer. Bennett had once told me that there were some people in the House of Light that could heal others, but I had never healed anyone except myself before. I mentally sent out a desperate prayer hoping someone was listening: Gods, please don’t let Grayson die. Guide my powers so that I can heal him. Just as I was in reach of Grayson, the sword slashed down between us making me jump back. “Why are you doing this?” I shouted in anguish.

  “Why am I doing this?” Christos repeated my question and looked at me like it should be obvious. “Because you don’t deserve what you have taken: the throne or your intended bond-mate.” He took a menacing step forward, and I stepped back. His dark eyes reflected his staunch belief in every word he spoke. “You are the pestilence that is plaguing my House. You bring your human rules here and disrespect our traditions. You dishonor the great Kyrion Calidora and tempt her son into believing you are his true bond-mate. I heard Kyrion Calidora myself when she picked my daughter as Kyrion Bennett’s intended bond-mate when they were no more than seven.” He punctuated each accusation with a thrust of his sword. “Never before have the Olympians attacked our watch towers until you came. Never before has the Moirai faltered. You will bring only death and destruction to my people.”

  “You don’t have to do this. We can make a FailArmy video later all about my screwups and forget this ever happened,” I begged, my knees feeling like jelly as I dodged that sharp blade and tried to get around him.

  “Raise your sword, imposter. Let us put an end to your influence before you weaken my House further.”

  “I don’t want to fight you. Please, let me help Grayson.” Fear and anguish fed my powers, green and red flares arced from the glowing ball of light at my center looking for a way out.

  “Better he dies with you than be forced to live with the disgrace of his failure to fulfill his oath when you die.” Christos swung the sword, missing me by inches as I ducked. “Call your sword. I will make your death quick out of respect for Kyrion Bennett.”

  “I don’t know how to call the sword!” I stumbled and almost fell. “I’m not your enemy. Please don’t do this.”

  “So be it,” Christos declared, as he took a firm grip on his sword clearly done toying with me. “I can’t allow you to live and continue this hold you have over the Kyrion and the fate of my people. I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry! Really? Me too, about a bunch of things, but I’m not trying to kill anyone over it.” A volcano of darkness tried to erupt from under the solid portion of my lonely highway, but I blocked it out. No way was I going down without a fight. Grayson needed me. I had relationships to mend with Dia, Molly, and Bennett before I died. Bennett—gods, this would break his heart when he found out one of his own people had betrayed him. “I’m already bonded to Bennett, you fucktard! If you kill me, you kill him too.”

  Christos paused for a moment, but then shook his head. “You lie. Kyrion Bennett is a good, honorable leader he would never disregard t
he bonding traditions. No, I will cut you out of our lives like the rotten limb that you are, and the Kyrion will bond with Selene as was meant.”

  I side-stepped to the right as the blade cut through the air and a line of pain scorched across my stomach. I pivoted left as another blow came at me and the sword sliced a line along my thigh. “Fuck this,” I snarled and unleashed my powers. A tree branch shot from my palm, its limbs alight with fire as it hurtled forward to pierce his chest. Christos pivoted and brought his sword down, cutting off the branch. My other hand lifted shooting a fireball that caught him in the shoulder and threw him off balance. He came back at me full force, and I belatedly remembered my armor. I willed the necklace to shield me barely managing to cover one arm in time to prevent him from hacking it off. It caught him by surprise, and I managed to get a kick past his guard, making him stumble back and giving me some breathing room.

  Movement caught my attention as Grayson fell to his side onto the ground, his face gray with blood loss. I cried out. “Grayson, hold on!” But he lay still and didn’t answer.

  My concentration wavered and my armor dissolved. Panic took over and a wave of power erupted from me. A choked scream tore from my throat, “You killed him!”

  The next thing I knew I was standing over Christos Athan, and the sword I had purchased from Mark was in my hand, its black blade buried in the older man’s chest. Red tendrils of power swirled up from his body and were sucked into the sword. Blue flames lit within the blade for a moment before it went dark once more. I released my grip on the hilt and dropped to my knees beside the man. Despair filled me. This time the death staining my hands was as real as the blood I uselessly tried to keep from spilling out around the sword.

  “The Achlys,” Christos choked out in a raspy whisper. “The god-killer sword has not been seen since the days of the gods.” His eyes were wide with pain and wonder. “It is true, you are the Chosen of the God of Chaos. Forgive me, Chosen. I am sorry for trying to scare you away and for attacking you.”


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