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Wrecked (Axle Alley Vipers)

Page 17

by Sherilee Gray

Brian stood, turning to him. “Piper’s had several encounters with a guy from one of the local real estate agencies. He’s been trying to get her to sell, getting pushy, calling all the time, leaving notes. And on several occasions he’s come to her house after hours. He’s moved beyond professional as far as I’m concerned. I’ve spoken to him.” He glanced back at Piper. “After you made the complaint, he promised to back off, and at this point, without proof that it was him hanging around, we can’t do much more than pay him another visit.”

  “That’s why you were talking to him the other day?” The words were out before he could stop them. “You were making a complaint?”

  She nodded. “I know Brian from school. I knew he’d keep it quiet for me. If Deacon gets wind of this, he’ll drag me out of here and move me into his spare room, whether I like it or not.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” He stalked toward her. “You should have damn well told me, Piper.”

  Her eyes closed, then she blinked up at him. “I wanted to sort it out on my own. And I didn’t want you telling Deke.”

  He clenched his fists, every muscle getting unbearably tight as he fought to restrain himself, because right then he wanted to pick her up and shake her. “Jesus, are you serious…”

  “I’ve got it covered, Black,” Brian said, butting in. The younger man had his arms crossed, trying to stare him down.

  Cole stared back. “And you did such a fucking excellent job, too.”

  The guy scowled. “Leave it to the professionals. You’re not a cop anymore, best you remember that.”

  Cole took a threatening step forward. “You think I could forget?”

  Piper shot to her feet. “Okay, thanks, Brian. I’ll call you if I think of anything else.”

  Brian tore his gaze from Cole and, smug as hell, walked over to her. Resting his hands on her shoulders, he gave her a squeeze. “Call me anytime.” The prick’s voice dipped low. “For anything, okay?”

  She stared back, eyes wide. “Okay.”

  The guy gave her shoulder another squeeze. “I’ll be in touch.”

  Then he and his partner left, leaving them alone. Jealousy had reared its ugly head the minute he’d seen her sitting on the asshole’s patrol car, and even though he knew there was nothing between them now, that jealousy wasn’t going anywhere, not after what he’d just witnessed. “He wants you.”

  Piper’s gaze, which was currently aimed at her feet, shot up. “What?”

  He couldn’t leave her, couldn’t watch her with another man. He’d been stupid to think otherwise. He knew he looked pissed, but after everything that had happened, the way she’d been threatened tonight, he didn’t have it in him to pull it back. “Officer Sleaze. He wants between your thighs.”

  She bit her lip. “He’s just being nice, doing his job.”

  She always saw the best in people. But she was wrong. Brian wanted her. He couldn’t fucking well have her. Instead of pushing it, though, he dropped the subject. He’d only end up saying something he wasn’t sure she was ready to hear. “Right now I’d rather talk about you, and why you didn’t tell me you were worried about this guy.”

  She fidgeted, playing with the edge of the blanket around her shoulders. “Okay, maybe I should have told you about my concerns. But I didn’t want you running and blabbing to Deacon. I’m not leaving my cottage.”

  The woman didn’t trust him. Not even a little. That knowledge stung. But then, he hadn’t exactly given her reason to trust him lately.

  “What are you going to do?”

  He locked gazes with her and laid it out. He’d decided what he had to do the minute he saw that sick fuck at her bedroom window. “I’m staying tonight. Tomorrow, I’m moving my shit in. Obviously next door isn’t close enough.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You can’t do that.”

  “Watch me.”

  She slumped back against the couch. “You’re overreacting. What will I tell everyone?”

  “It’s happening, Piper.”

  “And you think I’m stubborn.”

  Her words didn’t hold any venom, they held relief. She was afraid. He hated it, hated that he’d had to stand back and watch the motherfucker who scared her get away. No way was he leaving her side ever again. “Deke, your sister, Alex? They don’t need to know, not yet.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Cole did a quick perimeter check of Piper’s cottage when he got home, making sure to be extra quiet. The last thing she needed was another fright. There was no sign of the dark figure he’d seen trying to get in her window the night before.

  His hand automatically went to his thigh, the dull ache radiating from his knee a constant reminder of the things he couldn’t do anymore.

  Fucking leg.

  When he walked in the front door, the place was in semidarkness. The kitchen light, the only one left on in the house, illuminated part of the hall. The smell of popcorn hung in the air, and when he did a quick check to make sure the place was secure, he spotted an empty bottle of wine on the bench, three glasses sitting in the sink.

  Piper had spent the evening with Alex and Rusty. Movie night, she’d called it. It’d been his idea for her to have them over. No way in hell would he leave her alone after what’d happened. He knew he’d be working late and had made her promise to text him when they were getting ready to leave. As soon as she had, he’d come straight home.

  When he’d woken early this morning, he’d gone straight to his place to pack a few things, nothing anyone would notice, just a couple changes of clothes. He’d put his things in one of the spare rooms.

  Which is where he should sleep tonight.

  Sleeping in the same bed with her every night? Jesus, if he did that, how the hell would he ever walk away? She was his. He felt it down to his bones. But that didn’t mean shit, not when he damn well didn’t deserve her. Not when she didn’t know exactly how Adam had died, the part he played in his partner’s death.

  Now he stood in the doorway of that room, staring at the empty double bed, tension thrumming through his veins. This was not where he wanted to be tonight. Not the bed he wanted to climb into.

  This is how it needs to be.

  When he’d come back with his stuff this morning, she’d looked at him in that way she often did, like she saw more, like she believed there was more to him, more between them. And he equally loved and hated it.

  He had no right to it. Hadn’t deserved it in the first place. And sure as fuck didn’t deserve it now. Still, he wanted it all the same.

  Cursing, he limped to the bathroom to grab a shower but stopped in his tracks when he noticed light coming from under Piper’s door. Was she awake, listening to him move around her house—or had she drifted off?

  Was she wearing one of those silky nighties she liked? What color?

  Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to move away from her door and into the bathroom. Shutting himself in, he turned on the water and stripped carefully. His knee was still giving him more trouble than usual, but the hot water should help. He climbed in, and as the water slid down his body, his mind automatically drifted back to Piper.

  His blood started pumping thickly through his veins, his breathing becoming labored and harsh—his cock hard as iron.

  He reached down, wrapping his fingers around his erection, and squeezed, sliding his hand up and down his slippery length, eyes clamped shut, desperate for relief. He stroked his cock for several minutes, hissing through his teeth in frustration when he realized he wasn’t going to get off this way. It didn’t matter how many images he conjured of Piper in his head, he wanted, needed, the real thing. He needed her. Her softness, her sweetness. Everything that made her who she was.

  He quickly rinsed off, turning the water to cold in an attempt to cool the hell down. Like that was ever going to happen with her just across the hall.

; Climbing out, he dried and brushed his teeth, then wrapping the towel around his hips, left the bathroom. The light was still glowing from the thin crack below her door when he walked out. And an image of Piper, how he’d found her the night before, huddled in her room, terrified and vulnerable, assaulted him.

  It struck like a physical blow, and he clenched his fists against the surge of anger and helplessness. He rubbed his thigh, the dull ache lingered, never went away. His leg had stopped him from catching the guy, stopped him from protecting his woman.


  He couldn’t risk leaving her on her own, couldn’t leave her unprotected again. He needed to stay close. He needed to be right here.

  If anything happened to her…

  Before he knew what he was doing, he’d taken several steps toward her room, until he stood at the threshold. And no matter how many times he told himself to turn around and walk away, that she wasn’t for him, he couldn’t. He had to see her. Had to know she was okay. Had to look into those big blue eyes and see for himself. Every protective and possessive instinct he had rejected the idea of walking away, of giving her up.

  Wrapping his fingers around the cool metal doorknob, he twisted it, giving it a light shove so it swung open. Piper lay propped up in her bed, a book in her hand, resting on her stomach. He lifted his gaze to hers.

  He didn’t know how long they stared like that, each watching the other, not saying a word.


  The silk lovingly hugging her breasts was green.

  So beautiful.

  She kept her eyes on him as she placed her book on the bedside table, then reached across and slowly dragged back the covers beside her.

  All the oxygen was punched from his lungs.

  He knew he should turn around and go, but he couldn’t. How the hell could he walk away from this woman? He was powerless against her, against his feelings for her. Moving farther into the room, he walked to the side of the bed and, dropping his towel, climbed in beside her.

  He didn’t know who moved first. All he knew was that suddenly Piper was pressed against his bare skin, the silk of her nightie sliding over his stomach and chest. Curling his arm around her, he pulled her in, tucking her head under his chin, and just held her in his arms.

  Where she belonged.

  They lay like that for a long time, so many words, so much he wanted to say swirling around in his mind.

  He kissed the top of her head. “I can’t stop thinking…what if I hadn’t been here, what if I didn’t get your call?” He was shaking but didn’t give a shit. “Fuck, baby.”

  She smoothed a hand along his side, up and back, soothing him until he relaxed into her, until the tension left his muscles. “I should have told you, but I never expected…I never thought…” She clung tighter.

  He did his best to comfort her, moving his hand in circles on her back. “How long has this guy been hanging around?”

  “A few months.” She tilted her head back, and her silky hair slid over his bicep. The simple contact lifted goose bumps across his skin. “Do you think it was him? What if it was someone else?” He felt a shiver move through her.

  Fuck. “I’m not going anywhere. I won’t let anything happen to you. You believe that, right?”

  She held his gaze. “Yes.”

  “Seeing you afraid like that… I felt…”


  He needed to shut up. Now.

  “Please, Cole. Talk to me?”

  He could deny her nothing. Not now, not after everything that’d happened. Not when she was wrapped around him, small hands warm against his skin. Not when she was looking at him like that.

  He released a shuddery breath. “I felt powerless, Pipe. I don’t… I can’t…” He held her tighter, like she could hold him together, stop him from shattering, from dissolving into nothing. Like she alone could prevent him from reverting back to the hollow shell he’d been without her. “I don’t know what to do with that, how to deal with it. Not after what happened in New York. But I’m trying. I’m fucking trying.”

  “I know, baby,” she whispered. “I know.” Then she cupped the side of his face. “I’m not going anywhere, either. I’m here as long as you need me.” Leaning in, she pressed her lips to his, giving him the sweetest kiss of his life before tucking back into his side.

  He held her in his arms, threaded his fingers through her hair, and tried to keep his shit together.

  There was no way to stop this now, this thing between them. And he realized he didn’t want to.

  It was out of his control.

  And maybe for once—that was okay.


  Sun lit the backs of Cole’s lids. He’d been awake for several minutes but hadn’t opened his eyes yet. He hadn’t felt this rested, hadn’t slept that deeply, in months. Piper lay beside him, body pressed against his, driving him crazy with the way she was lazily tracing his abs with the tip of her finger.

  He smiled to himself and grabbed her wrist, tugging her forward. She squeaked, falling over him, tits smashing into his chest.


  “You gave me a fright.” She playfully slapped his shoulder.

  The breathless way she’d said it was sexy as hell. He cracked his lids and grinned up at her. “You were asking for trouble, and you know it.”

  She gave him that shy, sexy smile he loved so damn much. “Maybe.”

  “No maybe about it. My girl needs me, and I’m more than happy to help her out.” He slid his hands down her back and cupped her ass, giving it a light slap. “Up.”

  She blushed but didn’t deny it, looking cute and a little unsure, until he fisted the green satin still covering her body and tugged it higher over her belly. She lifted her arms so he could pull it over her head. His breathing grew choppy at the sight of her bare breasts, smooth and heavy, her nipples pink and puckered. He dragged her over him, and sliding his hands behind her knees, pulled them up so her thighs straddled his. He smoothed his fingers higher, where she had that sexy rose tattoo on her upper thigh and hip. Skin hot and silky. Beautiful.

  “Ride me,” he rasped.

  Her blush deepened as she reached over and grabbed a condom. She rolled it down his rigid length, then shimmied forward. He rested his hands on her thighs as she lifted up and positioned the head of his cock.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Fuck me.” Heat ignited in her eyes, and she sank down, taking him all the way, forcing a deep groan past his throat. He cupped her tits, her soft flesh overflowing in his hands. Jesus. He couldn’t get enough of her. Plucking and squeezing her nipples, he worked her as she rode him. And every time he tugged, her belly quivered, and she gasped.

  More color hit her face, and her mouth dropped open when she ground hard against him. Nothing had ever felt this good. Nothing. He needed her mouth, her taste on his tongue. Cupping the side of her throat, he pulled her down for a deep kiss. The new angle made her moan into his mouth as their tongues slid together, matching the grind of her hips.

  She pulled away slightly, panting against his lips. “Oh God.”

  She sucked her lower lip, excruciating pleasure covering her face. He’d never seen anything more stunning in his entire life. Piper fucked him harder, bouncing and grinding on his cock, lost to her fast-approaching orgasm.

  Sweat broke out across his skin as he held off his own release, waiting for her to join him. Then she dropped her head back, the rhythm of her hips becoming erratic as she went over.

  He let go and joined her, hanging onto her hips and thrusting up into her as he shouted her name.

  She fell forward, her soft bare skin pressed against his, kissing his chest, his neck, as she fluttered around him with aftershocks, her body trembling in his arms. She didn’t move when they stopped, no, she stayed where she was, wrapped around him, idly running her fingers over his skin,
drawing invisible patterns.

  Eventually, she grinned down at him. “Hmm, I think I’ll wake you up like that more often.”

  He chuckled. “You’ll get no objection from me, sweet girl.” She flushed and tucked her face against his shoulder. “What is it?”


  He squeezed her ass. “Tell me.”

  She lifted her head, and her smile lit up the whole goddamn room. “I like it when you call me sweet girl.” She dropped her voice at the end, imitating him.

  Jesus, he loved this woman. “That’s what you are.” He ran his thumb along her jaw. “You’re also beautiful and sexy and smart and giving. The most caring, selfless person I know. And that’s just a few of the things that make you so damn irresistible.”

  Her eyes widened. “You think I’m irresistible?”

  “Piper.” He frowned at her. How could she doubt it?

  “Don’t you Piper me. You’ve resisted me pretty easily all these years.”

  He pulled her down for a kiss, just a brush of lips, a tiny taste. “You think staying away has been easy?” He shook his head. “I’ve wanted you for… Shit, it’s hard to remember a time I haven’t wanted you. I had to fight it every time I saw you.”

  Those big blue eyes locked on his. “You’re not going to fight it anymore?”

  He fisted her soft blond hair and held her gaze. “I’m not going to fight it anymore.”

  That was as much of a declaration as he was willing to make at this point. He needed to come clean to Deacon first, tell him he and Piper were seeing each other. She deserved more than being his dirty secret. She deserved more than him. But the thought of anything happening to her, anyone hurting her, had snapped something inside him. He couldn’t turn his back on her again, on what they had. No, he didn’t deserve her, but what could he do? He loved her.

  He couldn’t walk away a second time.

  He just hoped like hell Deacon didn’t hate him for it.

  Chapter Twenty

  Piper straightened from under the Toyota’s hood and, wiping her hands on a rag, reached in the driver’s window and turned the key. The engine fired to life, echoing off the garage walls. Rusty gave her a thumbs-up from across the room, where she’d just finished welding a new panel on a beautiful Camaro she and Alex were restoring, a wide smile on her face.


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