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Z and the Fire Wolf

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by Tina Holland

  Z and the Fire Wolf

  Dealing with the Dead Book Three Tina Holland

  Published 2010

  ISBN 978-1-59578-710-1

  Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509 Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2010, Tina Holland. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  Liquid Silver Books



  Jean Cooper

  Cover Artist

  Amanda Kelsey

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


  When the Phoenix Lunar Coven hires Maximillian Z to retrieve their most valued treasure from an evil skin-walker, they expect results. As a hardened mercenary hunted by his own clan, Z expects trouble but not the feelings evoked by Princess Tierra. Tierra is no ordinary witch, she’s a werewolf and a phoenix.

  Tierra has gone into heat as with every cycle of the Lunar Eclipse. Even though she's mated, she must fufill her duty. Z refuses to return Tierra and as every intention of keeping her for himself.

  It's a race against the moon-for whoever kills the Firewolf on the Lunar Eclipse will inherit the powers of the Coven. With the skin-walker searching for Tierra and Z's clan chasing him will they make it before the eclipse? Or will it everything go up in flames for Z and the Firewolf?

  Chapter One

  Sin Vegas, 3025 A.D.

  Tierra of the Phoenix Lunar Coven winced as the whip raced across her back, blood welling to the surface. She barely noticed the pain; it was a mere annoyance compared to the alternative. Her wounds would heal, and Limikkin would begin anew tomorrow. The important thing was that the humans below in Limikkin’s harem were safe. Tierra took pride in her ability to accept the sting and occupy so much of his time. Nevertheless, she would have to escape before the lunar eclipse. Tierra couldn’t risk the skin-walker taking her powers along with those of the Coven.

  “One would think you enjoy the lash over your abhorrent spotted skin, despite your anguished cries.” Limikkin spoke again as he flogged her bottom.

  “One might think you’ve grown fond of me, as often as I am here.” Tierra deliberately laced her voice with warmth she didn’t feel for the vindictive skin-walker.

  The whip curled around her neck, and Limikkin tugged. “Don’t ever believe you are important, slave. You aren’t. I will take your powers at the next eclipse, and no one will stop me.”

  Tierra tried to breathe, but Limikkin pulled tighter.

  “Beg me, little wolf. Beg me for air.” Limikkin couldn’t hide the rising desire in his voice at her obvious pain.

  “Go to Hell.” She exhaled her last breath before passing out.

  “I’ve already been, little wolf. They won’t have me.”


  Maximilian Z gripped the binoculars tighter as the skin-walker caressed the beautiful and unconscious Tierra.

  Z had watched the deteriorating Casablanca hotel for two days before realizing his best bet was to grab the princess after a pain session with Limikkin. He was relieved Tierra healed at a rapid rate. When her coven hired him, he assumed she was a witch like her mother. He wondered if she was an immortal to heal so fast. The first time he saw her endure such torture, Z thought he’d be bringing a body back to the coven, but she returned unmarked the following morning, and again today. Z planned to move north toward the mountains outside of Sin Vegas as soon as Tierra was retrieved. They could make good time if he didn’t have to wait for her to recover from damage inflicted during sessions with the skin-walker.

  Soon Limikkin would call for her transfer. Z leapt toward the stairwell, rushing to the opposite building. He needed to arrive at the lobby before the coyotes took her to the lower level safe. Once she was locked in there, a significant amount of patience--or serious explosives--would be required to get her out. Z had neither, and he dared not risk a confrontation with Limikkin. The skin-walker had existed for at least a millennia, and his dark magic was best avoided. Z’s best course was to take on the three coyotes transferring her. Not the best odds, but he never liked good odds anyway; it seemed unfair.

  Z continued down the stairs two at time, knowing he wasn’t going to make it. He reached the eighth floor, then leapt down the abandoned elevator shaft. Z barely noticed the impact on his aging joints as he hit the bottom and dashed across the desolate street. He arrived in the once-opulent lobby before the shifters reached the foyer. He heard them coming; the animals’ movements were noisier than hell.

  “She smells good,” he heard one dog say.

  Z had no idea. His sense of smell was severely damaged, and he could only register the most pungent odors. He took a double-edged boomerang out of his pocket and tossed it, slicing the cables to the cameras in the lobby before the sharp disc returned to his Kevlar-gloved hand.

  “Put her on the sofa, over here. Let’s have a taste,” another coyote suggested.

  “But Limikkin?” the third finally spoke.

  “He won’t know. She’ll be healed by tomorrow. We can’t eat her flesh. I’m sure he would notice.” The second voice was almost shaking in anticipation.

  Z watched as they moved the princess to the nearest leather couch. They stopped, dropping her on the cracked leather. Their inattention to the task assigned was the break he needed. He’d be able to sneak up on them.

  “Let’s take her!” It was the first who spoke, tufts of fur sticking out of his scalp in patches.

  Z didn’t like this at all. If they raped her, they could change, and full shifters were a lot harder to fight off. Damn it all to Hell.

  The coyotes flipped her over onto her stomach and began licking her wounds. Z snuck up and cracked the closest one’s neck before breaking his head clean off. The other two turned at the unearthly sound. One leapt toward Z, teeth bared. Z raised his arm. The canine’s teeth sank in. Z smiled, as the other strode toward them. When he was close enough, Z banged the coyotes’ skulls together, cracking them in the process. Once they were down, Z silently removed his sword from the scabbard on his hip and sliced off their heads, which rolled away from their bodies. Decapitation ensured they would never come back. Coyotes seemed particularly tenacious.

  The distasteful task completed, Z looked to his bounty. She was worth claiming, but the princess of a powerful witch coven was not for the likes of him. Z quickly removed his leather duster to cover her bare porcelain form. He wrapped his coat about her lithe body, covering her treasures from prying eyes. He paused, lightly fingered her flame-colored hair despite the fact that the texture remained a mystery but he dare not remove his gloves. Z turned her face up, preparing to toss her over his shoulder like a stolen fortune. A smell filled his nostrils, a most intoxicating scent. Z lifted his head to sense where the odor came from. Nothing. He lowered his gaze to Tierra. Once more the perfume drifted up. He pressed his nose against hers and began to sniff a trail along her until he found the aphrodisiac’s source--the apex of her thighs.

  “Do you like my scent, mercenary?” Tierra’s velvety yet strained voice tingled along his spine.

  “It is rather stimulating.” He inhaled deeply. “What is it?”

  “Get me out of here and you can deal with me then.” Tierra’s voice broke into a higher octave.

  “What’s the rush?” Z lifted her against his chest even as he asked the question.

  “I’m going into heat.” Tierra panted as her emerald eyes glazed over.

  Z swore and moved lightning fast to the nearest exit. If he could smell her scent, no doubt other predators were able to pick up the smell too. They needed to vacate the city before darkness fell and monsters ruled the night.

  Chapter Two

  Tierra awoke to the smell of burning wood and flesh. The wolf in her didn’t find the odor at all distasteful. She looked to see the mercenary across the fire applying a poker to his arm, sealing a wound inflicted by her captors.

  “Burning the bite won’t keep you from turning.” She needed to warn him.

  “I know.” His gravelly voice tingled along her skin.

  “Why do you mark your flesh, then?”

  “Fire doesn’t bother me.” The mercenary never looked up from his task, nor did he answer her question.

  “I’m Tierra of the Phoenix Lunar Coven.”

  “I know who you are.” He looked at her. His gaze seemed to penetrate her soul, though it was hard to tell if he actually looked at her. His eyes were clouded ... like the possessed or living dead.

  “Who are you?” Even as she asked, the question remained, what was he?

  “Maximilian Z.” He bowed his shaven head toward the fire.

  “Okay, Max.”

  He visibly cringed.

  “What are you going to do with me?” Tierra looked around the dark cave casually, noting only one escape route, which her newest captor blocked.

  “I’m not sure.” His stance changed like a predator. Though Tierra was powerful in her own right, a man who burned himself and looked like the dead set her on edge. She knew her scent must be intoxicating by now and wondered if he wanted to sample her.

  “Why?” She feigned innocence at his dilemma.

  “I must return you to get paid.” Max’s blank voice chanted. Tierra wondered if he recited the phrase in his head to distract himself.

  “I agree, but we have a few days before my return is required.” Need crawled through her body with a demanding burn.

  “You have a deadline?” Max sat back on his haunches, finally looking at her.

  “I must return by the Lunar Eclipse.” Her duty was to return to her people before the sundown in three days. “How far are we from my coven?”

  “What makes you think your coven hired me?” Max asked.

  “I assumed, since you took me from Limikkin, someone hired you. Perhaps the Fire Clan, then? They are still bitter over the truce failing, though they achieve nothing by taking me. Perhaps the Mojave? We are family. My mother’s sister married into their tribe.” Only Limikkin remained powerful enough to risk the wrath of her coven.

  “You talk too much.” He strode across the small cave and pressed his hands to her lips. Despite the grayish quality of his skin, his fingers were very warm. There was an earthy smell to them, like smelling the soil. The scent was intoxicating to her wolf.

  “What are you?” Her curiosity overwhelmed her good sense, which urged her to keep quiet.

  “An Abomination.” His lips tightened.

  “Oh?” Tierra tilted her head quizzically to the side.

  “You don’t sound shocked.”

  “Should I be? One person’s abomination is another’s salvation.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “You need to understand something, princess. I didn’t rescue you out of the kindness of my heart. I may not even have one. I rescued you for bounty. Don’t think for one minute I wouldn’t bring you back to the skin-walker if the price was right.” An evil grin spread across his face but never reached his eyes.

  “Bastard.” Tierra crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Your statement would require I have parents. I don’t.” He turned and faced the fire. The man was a riddle.

  “Well, since we’ve got the pleasantries out of the way, I see no reason to hang around.” Tierra rose, ready to leave the little cave and any thoughts of dallying behind.

  “You’re naked, you know,” Max pointed out.

  “Does my body bother you?” She placed her hands on her hips.

  “Not at all. I just wondered if you planned to travel naked all the way back to your coven.” His smile was now mischievous, Tierra decided.

  “So I am going home.” She sighed with relief.

  “Yes, little princess, you are.” He turned his gaze away from her and into the fire.

  “Why don’t you like me?” she asked.

  “Does it matter?”

  “Well, you act like I carry a plague.”

  He cringed again--more a wince--but she saw the movement was there.

  “What?” Tierra crossed the cave on her bare feet to rest her hand on his shoulder. “Did I say something?”

  He rose and grasped her shoulders. “You need to stay away from me.”

  “Separating from you will be difficult if you’re bringing me back home, don’t you think?” She stared at him, puzzlement written across her face.

  “Yes.” Max backed further away from her. Tierra finally noticed he took deep shaky breaths.

  “It’s me,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around her middle.

  “It is.”

  He didn’t deny it. He found her repulsive. Was her scent making him ill?

  Tierra walked back to her blanket and buried herself deep inside. She scooted closer to the cave entrance. He watched her but made no move to stop her. She was right. There was something about her he didn’t like.

  “Thank you.” His words might as well have been a knife to her heart. Though she repelled him, she was drawn to him in a way she didn’t comprehend.

  “Can we leave in the morning?” Her voice cracked.

  “Yes. We can be at your coven tomorrow night. Do I need to tie you up?”

  She looked at him in confusion. “I won’t go anywhere.”

  “Won’t the moon call you?” He nodded toward the entranceway.

  “I have no powers while I’m in heat. It’s sort of a protection spell for my lovers.”

  “Do you have a mate?”


  “Have you ever?”

  Tierra wondered why he cared. “Yes, but not for many years.” At his intense gaze she continued. “Years ago the Valley Fire Clan stole me to marry. They gave me a choice of two men, and both were lovers during my heat cycles, but when the truth was revealed, neither wanted me.”

  “What’s the truth?”

  “You see, Max, I too am an abomination.” He gaped at her as Tierra turned over to rest before tomorrow’s long travel home.


  Her words echoed in Z’s mind long into the night. He watched her slumber on her side; her chest rose and fell with each breath, teasing him with glimpses of white skin beneath the blanket. He wondered what a night of restful sleep would do for him. It had been over a hundred years since his creation in the Area 51 lab, and even then his rest was drug-induced. He didn’t miss sleep. His dreams were nightmares, given the experiments conducted daily on him. The only advantage was that sleep did heal him; fire was the next best fix. His skin would burn and regenerate within twenty-four hours after he charred his flesh.

  Z smiled into the darkness. His little princess must have awoken to quite a sight, watching him applying red-hot metal to his discolored skin. She need not fear he might turn. My turning is impossible. Z had been bitten by a number of shifters, vampires, and even zombies over the years, yet he never changed. His uniqueness prevented it and also made him the perfect mercenary. He held no loyalty, not when his own clan now hunted him. He could tangle with most creatures and walk away unscathed.

  Magic, however, was something different. He was very careful around those with magical powers. His vigilance was the reason Z would return Tierra to her coven despite the words he spoke to her earlier. He did not need a coven of witches angry with him. In hindsight, he might not have ag
reed to fetch their princess if he’d known he would anger the feared skin-walker, or that he himself would suffer her intoxicating aroma. Z took the errant thought back. To smell her meant something, but he wasn’t sure what.

  Z wondered if her wounds were healed. Did he dare look and risk being captured by her scent? He didn’t want her damaged when he returned her to the coven. His decision made, Z lowered himself to where she slept. The smell of her overpowered his senses. His fangs peeked, an unusual reaction. His fangs only peeked during severe hunger.

  He peeled the coverlet away. Z barely resisted the pull of her bared breast. The nipple puckered at the chill in the air, begging for cover. His mouth watered, but he focused on the task at hand. Z looked at her back to find the open gashes from Limikkin were now nothing more than pink marks, which would in all likelihood be gone by tomorrow.

  Tierra turned onto her back, raising her hands above her head. Her breasts pressed against his duster as she arched. Z wished it was his naked body she moved against.

  “So why can’t you be turned?” she asked.

  “How did you--?”

  She tossed her head a little bit. “I hear thoughts when I sleep.”

  “I was checking on your wounds.” He started to rise.

  “Perhaps you should be more thorough.” Tierra grabbed his hand, drawing him back to her.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea.” He lowered himself, pressing his face into her neck and inhaling her fragrance.

  “I do. I want you, Max. I want your body against mine.” She turned her face toward his and pressed her lips against his, sealing her fate.

  Z let his instincts take over. He grasped the nape of her neck, pulling her toward him. She willingly surrendered. Z pressed his tongue against her lips, and Tierra opened to his assault. When her lips parted, he was unprepared for her sweet-nectar taste, like licking a honeycomb. He pulled back, gazing at her.


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