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Thriller: Horror: Conceived (Mystery Suspense Thrillers) (Haunted Paranormal Short Story)

Page 41

by Stephen Kingston

  “The diplomat as ever Ben. What was all that about?” Janey asked.

  “Nothing serious. George is a bloody clumsy idiot sometimes. I’ve told them I’ll stand to pay the lost drinks but anymore of the hard-man act and the whole lot of them will be barred. Can’t really afford to lose the custom so we’ll have to hope it all calms down, right?” Benjamin replied.

  “No, we need the trade certainly. We can barely keep up at the café but we need the business. What’s the news on the missing walkers?” Janey asked.

  “Nothing at all. Seems they had headed up to the circle and disappeared into thin air. Not that that can happen but the search and rescue team know that moor like the back of their hands. If they can’t find them nobody can. It’s really strange.” Benjamin replied.

  “If you’ve finished your shift let’s take Annie for a walk. That Van Lomas guy is giving me the creeps. He tried chatting to me on the way here. Something about him I don’t like at all,” Janey said glaring across the room to where Van Lomas was sitting surrounded by his associates including the two from the fracas earlier with George.

  “Okay, drink up. I could use the air too.” Benjamin replied and together they wandered out of the pub and onto the path that led up to the moors.

  Soon they were approaching the stone circle and Janey halted. “Mum suggested we stay off the moors for a while until the walkers are found. Perhaps she’s right?”

  “Janey we’ve been on these hills since forever, right? Not like we can get lost is it? And I’m sure Annie will take good care of us.” Benjamin replied.

  Annie was bounding and sniffing around the circle and as Benjamin approached he too suddenly froze. “Just wait here a minute Janey, I see something I think you’d rather not see” he said.

  He moved closer into the circle to see that at least half a dozen animals were now spread around the stones. Each animal had its heart plucked out and planted in the ground at the foot of a stone. He shook his head as he moved from stone to stone calling Annie away from the corpses. Then he turned to Janey.

  “Perhaps, today at least we’ll give the circle a miss and walk back, right?”

  “What is it Ben?” Janey asked.

  “Some lunatic cutting up the wildlife again. I’m not cleaning up after them this time, let’s just get gone dear” Benjamin replied.

  As they wandered back to the village they met George heading up onto the moor. His head was hanging heavy and his ears were buried in his poacher’s jacket even in the warm summer sun as he moved towards them.

  “Hey George! Have you recovered?” Yelled Benjamin to the advancing but unaware George.

  George looked up startled and mumbled to himself before coming to join them on the path.

  “Yeah I’m fine. Listen, something isn’t right with them outsider folk. Look at their hands next time you’re serving. They all seem to be wearing the same kind of ring. If it’s a club it’s a weird one alright. That and someone has been going round here emptying my traps. Not a one had anything in it today. Who the hell goes stealing from another guys traps I ask you?”

  Benjamin and Janey looked at each other then back to George. “I think you might find some of your catch at the stone circle. Seems some crackpot has been using your lunch to decorate the stones.” Benjamin said. George stared at them both and then glanced over towards the circle. “Best I go take a look myself, aye? This is not good. Not good at all. Folks got a living to make you know? Not good at all. I’ll see you back at the pub if I’m still allowed in that is.”

  Benjamin grimaced a bit then nodded. “Yes you can come back in but no more of that nonsense with the tourists and mind your own business with them. I can’t afford to lose that amount of custom for you George. Friend or not.”

  George nodded and mumbled something under his breath before smiling and nodding too. “I shall be the epitome of a good customer Ben, I promise. I’ll see you in an hour or so after I reset my traps. See you later Janey.” With that he made his way over to the circle. Benjamin and Janey continued down the path to the village and into the café.

  Sat in the café was Daniel Van Lomas. He had a cup of tea sat in front of him. He smiled at Janey as she entered. “So we meet again Jane. You’re mother has told me so much about you and this wonderful café of yours.”

  Janey scowled at the informality. “I hope everything is to your satisfaction Mr Van Lomas. I’m sure you have met Benjamin, my fiancé,” she finished.

  “Fiancé indeed. You are a lucky man Benjamin. Perhaps I could invite you both to dinner at the farm some evening.” Van Lomas asked.

  “I don’t have that much free time of an evening running the pub, but thanks all the same.” Benjamin replied.

  Van Lomas raised himself from the table, nodded his head to Janey and Benjamin and left the café.

  “The damn cheek of that man, really!” Janey exploded.

  Benjamin was smiling as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Fiancé am I? Well that came as news to me, but I like the sound of it. I accept.”

  “You accept what?” Monique said as she came into the shop from the back.

  “I accept Janey’s proposal of marriage Monique. I’m her fiancé apparently.” Benjamin said.

  “Oh? I thought you’d been engaged for years. Nobody tells me anything it seems. I see the Van Lomas creep has left. Did he leave a tip?” Monique replied.

  Janey glanced at the table. “No it seems you’re service of his tea was less than accommodating Mother. Never mind.”

  Monique sneered and turning abruptly around, went back into the house.

  Benjamin said his goodbyes and made his way back to the Cow and Calf. The first thing he noted as he got to the carpark was the police car parked outside.

  “Not again George, surely?” He muttered to himself as he opened the front door. Standing at the bar was a police constable. He was the local law enforcement around here and knew everyone in the village more or less.

  “How’s it going young Benjamin? You got a few minutes?” Asked the constable. “Of course, what seems to be the problem? No news on the missing couple I take it?” Benjamin replied.

  “Not a sniff of them anywhere. Which is why I’m here Ben. Seems we are losing people rather rapidly round here these days. Very clumsy of us.”

  “You mean there’s more?” Benjamin asked.

  “Aye lad. Seems a car has gone missing with four people in it. Last seen in here yesterday afternoon. The car and the passengers all disappeared like they never existed. Now two people walking on the moors is careless, but then to lose another four and the motor is a bloody disgrace don’t you think?” The constable said.

  Benjamin settled himself on a bar stool next to the police officer and gave a deep sigh. “I feel really bad they were in here last thing, but it gets so busy I doubt I would know them or when they left, sorry. Has anyone reported the weird stuff up at the circle, too?”

  “What weird stuff?” The constable asked.

  “The animals getting spread all over the stones up there. Like they are being sacrificed or something. The place is starting to stink. That circle can be like a lunatic magnet sometimes but this is well weird” Benjamin replied.

  “No I haven’t heard about that. I’ll maybe have a word with George next time I see him. I know he’s a busy lad up there. Maybe he’ll know what’s going on and can let me know.”

  “No we saw him earlier up there. He was as confused as us” Benjamin replied.

  “Fair enough lad, I’ll take a look up there sometime as soon as I’ve finished running round after the missing tourists."

  The constable downed his pint of bitter and left the pub. Benjamin stayed sitting on the stool pondering the day’s events. His revere was broken by a hand patting his back. “Do we serve ourselves here or patiently wait to die of thirst?” It was George. George clambered onto his favourite bar stool in the corner of the bar and smiled over at Benjamin.

  “Coming right up George, sorry. Lea
rn anything up at the circle?” Benjamin asked. “Nothing that makes any sense, and I was talking to the copper outside before he left. Sounds like some more folk are missing too. Don’t know about you Ben lad but there’s something smelly going on around these parts.”

  Chapter Three

  It had been some days since the last trip to the stone circle and Benjamin had been paying attention more to the visitors. They had all been here a while now and never caused any trouble, but in little villages like this out in the countryside, a newcomer could still be considered a stranger, an outsider for decades. Benjamin had now of course noticed the strange rings many of them wore even Van Lomas. He’d also noticed how they always seemed to appear sombre and quiet whenever Van Lomas arrived. He had some sort of control over them, it seemed apparent to Benjamin.

  When Janey arrived at the pub with Annie for their walk, Benjamin convinced her a change of scenery might be in order and a walk down to the woodland below the village might be the answer.

  “Mother has been nagging me to stay off the moors Ben, but I didn’t expect you to be so nervous about it. Is everything okay?” Janey asked.

  “Everything is just fine sweetheart I just don’t think we need to go pushing at something that needs pulling perhaps. Right?” Benjamin replied.

  “For now sure, but Annie likes to run and she loves the moors. I won’t be driven off there forever. The woods are too full of bugs. Annie might get ticks and fleas. That and I come up in a rash if those bloody mosquitoes start biting.” Janey said.

  “There’s a nice breeze and it’s warm. We won’t be bothered by bugs today. Relax and enjoy the change for a while.” Benjamin replied.

  As Benjamin had promised, the woods were a cool respite from the warm summer sun with no bugs and biters to disturb the day or Annie. Annie was happy to forage and roam amongst the fallen leaves and branches and slowly they made their way back to the café.

  Monique was waiting for them at the door and sat inside, at one of the tables, was the local constable drinking tea.

  “Ben, Janey, good to see you both. We seem to have something of a situation developing. This might sound strange but four more people seem to have lost their way. They were travelling here from Bakewell. To your pub actually Ben, yet they never arrived. This time we have something of a clue.”

  “What sort of clue?” asked Benjamin, taking a seat at the table with the policeman.

  “One of the women passengers called her daughter before leaving Bakewell to tell them where they were heading. Then half an hour later she called again saying a car had forced them off the road and a gang of people were climbing out and coming towards them. Her daughter said she sounded terrified and immediately called us of course. We’ve searched every road between here and Bakewell and not a sign of either a crash or anything else for that matter. Damn strange.” The constable finished.

  “We’ve been walking in the woods. If they’d turned up at the pub I wouldn’t know anyway.” Benjamin replied.

  “Yes I was up there earlier and you’d already left. I just want you to keep an eye out for a possible group of stragglers that might turn up later. It could quite well be them and I’d like to have a word if it is. If that’s okay with you of course. Just give me a call.” The policeman said.

  “Yes, yes of course I will.” Benjamin replied as the constable rose from the chair and made his farewells.

  Benjamin and Janey both turned to look at Monique who was fussing around behind the counter. “That’s ten people missing, Mother, in the space of a couple of weeks. What the hell is going on?” Janey exclaimed.

  “Well it sounds to me like they’ve got into some of that road rage those townsfolk seem to suffer from. I’m sure they will turn up dear. Probably at Ben’s pub desperate for a drink. Who knows?” Monique replied.

  They settled down to a cup of tea as Monique made her excuses and left for her study. Benjamin made his way back to the pub, leaving Janey home at the café. He met George on the way up and together they discussed the new events. George was animated all the way to the pub as he waved his arms around describing the mess of animals on the stone circle. The moors were awash with big, fat rabbits and game birds for those smart enough to trap them, but what really upset George was the fact they were robbing his snares.

  Arriving at the pub Ben was looking at the parked cars in the hopes of finding the one that had gone missing from Bakewell. Not that he knew exactly what he was looking for but he looked anyway. He caught up with George who was already standing at the bar waiting for his first pint of the evening.

  George, after taking possession of his drink leaned over to whisper to Benjamin.

  “Looks like the ring crowds all in tonight Ben. I’m thinking I might do a head count and see how many of them are wearing one.”

  “Leave it be George and I’ll treat you to that pint. But just steer clear of them right?” Benjamin replied.

  “Well I’ll tell you this much Ben, whatever has been going on round here of late, these folk have something to do with it. That much I know. I can smell ‘em I can. Sober or drunk, I know these folk are up to no good.”

  They were interrupted by the arrival of Van Lomas. He arrived at the bar smiling at Benjamin. “A vodka martini please barman. I see your fiancée isn’t with you tonight. You haven’t left her alone have you?”

  “She’s with her mother, preparing the café for tomorrow thanks.” Benjamin retorted sharply. He took the money Van Lomas offered and thrust back his change. Van Lomas moved over to the lounge to sit with his awaiting acquaintances.

  “You notice how they all move around to fit him in. I bet he doesn’t pay for another drink all night. Treat him like royalty they do. Mind, he must have some money to afford that farmhouse and the fancy car.” George said.

  Apart from us poor idiots that were born here, the only folk that can afford anything in these parts is rich outsiders George. You know that.” Benjamin replied.

  “Right enough, but I’ve never seen one get treated like some sort of royalty though, have you?” George said.

  “No you’re right enough. Oh well, we never will be that’s a fact. Maybe they are all from one of those funny hand-shake groups and he’s the big banana. Who knows?” Benjamin replied.

  “Aye and maybe they are some sort of sick religious cult that steals animals from my traps for weird orgies up on the stone circle.” George said as he slid back into his corner of the bar.

  The conversation was interrupted as one of the visitors arrived at the bar for an order of drinks. Both Benjamin and George were observing the ring on his finger as he paid.

  George gave a nod and tapped the side of his nose with a smile as the man left to take the round of drinks back to the table.

  Just after midnight Benjamin gave a ring of the last orders bell to an almost empty pub. One or two stragglers made their way for a last drink and eventually the pub was deserted and quiet. He spent the next half hour clearing up tables and loading the glass washing machine before heading upstairs to bed.

  He was shattered from the heavy day and worried over the missing people and of course the earlier conversation with George. Devil worshippers were the last thing this place needed. The old stone circle had attracted its fair share of crackpots over the years. All doing their thing to do whatever it was they thought they would do to embrace nature, but usually it was just an excuse for naked romps in the fresh air. Nobody came to any harm and nobody was any wiser to the orgies up there. It would always be so. Devil worshippers though, were a whole different ball game. Somebody could get hurt. That would be bad for the person getting hurt and bad too for the village and business. All this swirling through his head didn’t stop Benjamin falling asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

  Chapter Four

  It was loud banging on the door that awoke Benjamin from his deep slumber. He staggered down the stairs and still stood in his boxers, unbolted and unlocked the heavy oak front door. It was George. He was pan
ting heavily and pushed past Benjamin to get into the pub. He got himself over to the bar and clambered onto one of the barstools.

  “You won’t believe this shit Ben, really you are not going to believe this at all.”

  “Okay calm down, I’ll put the kettle on and some clothes. Yeah clothes might be a really good idea first. Okay go in the kitchen and put the kettle on. I’ll get dressed.” Benjamin said.

  George stumbled into the kitchen and filled up the electric kettle as Benjamin flew upstairs to get dressed. Throwing on whatever he could find from last night he was back downstairs before the kettle had a chance to boil.

  “Sit down George and tell me what the hell is going on” Benjamin said.

  “It’s Jimmy. Young Jimmy the paperboy. He’s gone too!” groaned George. “No shit. He left the shop this morning with his bag of papers and didn’t manage to get half way round the village. I was up waiting for him before I went to check my snares. I waited and waited and thought well he must have thrown a sick day or something so I walked down to the shop. He left at least an hour ago they told me. Nowhere to be seen Ben, no bloody where at all!”

  “Okay calm down mate” Benjamin said as he poured them both a hot mug of steaming tea. “He’ll be somewhere. Have the police been called? His folks?”

  “Yes, yes, they’ll be on their way right now. I’m going up on the moors to scout around. Something bad is going on Ben, something seriously bad.” George replied as he snuffled into his hot tea.

  “Okay relax, the whole village will be out looking for Jimmy, you can bet on it. Drink your tea. I’ll grab you something from the fridge to take up there with you. Be careful and don’t lose your head up there man. They’ll find him.”

  Benjamin was shaken himself from the news. Jimmy was sixteen and one of their own. A local kid. Delivering papers since he was twelve and could barely carry the bag. His mother owned the newsagents and delivering the papers was just one of those jobs he was going to get whether he liked it or not. He did like it though and the village liked him. This was not going to go down well at all. He rummaged around in the fridge and pulled out a couple of Cornish pasties. He bagged them up and passed them to George. “Stick these in your coat George. They’ll get you through the morning ‘til you can get something proper to eat.”


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