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Cole, Kaliana - Good Horses, Fast Cars and Real Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Kaliana Cole

  “Hell, yeah! Any woman with a heartbeat and binocular vision would be doing the same. That’s one fine ass, Matty.”

  “You can touch it. I won’t bite,” he quipped.

  Heat simmered beneath his teasing tone. “You can put your hands on me any place, any time, Jade. I would never turn you away.”

  Jade was a little taken back by the conviction in his voice—and titillated by his offer. David had not appreciated being touched anywhere outside the bedroom.

  “I bet you say that to all the girls,” she teased, fishing the keys out of her pocket.

  “Just the ones who let me drive their truck.” He stamped a kiss on her forehead while claiming the keys from her hand.

  He was all but bouncing in his skin as he unlocked the old pickup and opened the passenger door, giving Jade a pat on the ass as she climbed in. With a cheeky grin he vaulted over the bonnet and slid behind the wheel, looking like a kid in a candy store.

  “Nuh-huh.” He shook his head when she went to buckle into the seat against the door. “Get over here where I can reach you.” He patted the vinyl next to him, a good three foot from where Jade sat watching him with amusement.

  Feigning reluctance, she slid along the seat and buckled the old-style lap belt up.

  “That’s better.” The truck started with a rumble, the big 351 that powered it roaring with too much fuel being fed into it.

  “Ease up. You will blow the old beast up!” Jade cautioned and then let out a peal of laughter as he selected reverse instead of first and then bunny hopped in his panic to stop.

  “You sure you don’t want me to drive?”

  He found first and merged out into the light traffic. “No, I got it now.”

  Matt flashed her a grin as he turned out of town toward Miller’s Creek. “And I got you. Come here and lay down. I’ve got one spare hand, and you still feel too good to let go.”

  Acquiescing, Jade slipped off her jacket and let him maneuver her until she was lying on her back with her head resting against the hard muscle of his thigh, his big hand resting against her midriff as he hummed in contentment. “That’s much better. I could drive all night like this.”

  He gave Jade a naughty smile, “Of course it’s lucky there aren’t many trucks running tonight ’cause they would all be talking on the radios about the guy in the old Ford getting a head job.”

  “If you want me to stay here, you had better cut back on the teasing, Matty.”

  The planes of his face were made harsh by the dashboard lights. She caught the twinkle of his eye as he glanced down at her lying in his lap, the raw hunger of his gaze did not match his teasing tone.

  “And you had better be watching the road. I don’t want to end up in the ditch because you got distracted.”

  “I’ll keep my eyes on the road. I have everything I need right here at my fingertips.” He slid his hand into the knot holding her shirt together, the deftness of his fingers belying their size. Her midriff was exposed. He left only two buttons preserving her modesty.

  Jade unsuccessfully tried to restrain a shiver as his callused palm came to rest against her bare skin. “Fuck, Jade. You have no idea how good it feels to touch your skin. I can’t seem to get enough of it. It is like an addiction. The more I touch, the more I want.”

  He spread his hand and gently massaged the silken skin beneath it.

  Sucking in a breath, Jade tried for an even tone and failed, her voice dropping an octave with the effects of his touch.

  “It’s skin hunger, Matty. As babies we need touch to survive, even if they get everything else required to live, babies won’t thrive without human contact. When we get older, it can manifest as depression or a number of other complaints. It is not natural for you to go this long without human contact. It’s been a while since I had anyone to hold me, too, Matty.” Jade was feeling the need for a little comfort as well. Her body’s reaction to the man Matt had become overcame any lingering doubts, and there was the slightly twisted urge to pay Nate back for leaving her panting yesterday. “Touch me as much as you need to.” She gave him a wry grin. “I will try not to jump your bones.”

  “Well that kind of takes some of the fun out of it, but do try to restrain yourself. Nate would never forgive me if I got to you before he got a chance. He gave me a list of dos and don’ts as long as your arm.”

  Jade groaned, bristling with indignation, “So, tell me, did you two compare notes or something? Is there some kind of ‘let’s-get-Jade-into-bed-so-all-three-of-us-can-have-a-go’ plan floating about?”

  Matt rubbed soothing circles against her skin as he answered. “It is not like that at all, honey. Fuck, we have known you and loved you our whole lives, Jade. As brothers we have survived because we looked out for each other. You have a piece of each of our souls. We are not going to destroy each other trying to get you for just one of us to hold.

  “Whether you want to or not, you belong to us, just as we belong to you. Hell, seeing the mess Nate made of his marriage, and I heard enough about yours, I hope you understand that there can be no other for any of us. It is completely up to you what we make of our lives. No one is going to push you into anything, but only you can make us into a family again, Jade.

  “Please just have a think about it. That’s all I ask.” He squeezed her ribs gently.

  “That’s enough deep and meaningful for one night. I’m home. I have a beautiful woman in my lap who thinks I have a cute butt. And I am absolutely certain she has the nicest breasts I have ever laid eyes on.”

  He dragged one callused thumb along the underside of Jade’s breast through the satin of her bra. “Undo that shirt and just let me play for a while. No sex. Just a bit of touch to make us both feel better.”

  Looking up at his shadowed face, emotion was peeking through the lighthearted expression he used as a shield. Jade’s hands rose hesitantly to undo the two buttons that held her shirt closed.

  She was gratified to feel the tremble in Matt’s big hand as she spread the fabric to reveal her black lace-clad breasts, and more than a little concerned by the sound of gravel peppering the under carriage of the vehicle.

  “Watch the road, Matt!”

  “Shit!” His muttered expletive made Jade giggle despite the danger of the moment. Another swerve later, and he had the truck back on the road.

  “I’ll watch the road now, but damn, what a sight.”

  He slipped his big hand up to cup a breast, kneading its fullness experimentally through the near-transparent fabric. Green eyes disappeared as her heavy lids slid closed with pleasure, only to spring back as a thumb flicked across a nipple, startling a gasp from her throat as his wicked thumb teased the nubbin to full arousal.

  “So responsive, big, hard nipples just begging to be touched.” Matt’s voice became rougher, fuelling the desire simmering in Jade’s loins. He subjected its twin to the same sweet torture. Jade writhed against the seat when his touch grew rougher, Matt rolling the furled bud firmly between finger and thumb.

  “To hell with what Nate wants. If you keep doing that I’m going to rape you right here in this car, Matt.” She tilted her head back farther into his lap as her back arched, rubbing her temple against the impressive bulge in his pants. “That feels so damn good.”

  Matt’s smile was pure male satisfaction as his hands continued to make her writhe.

  He sucked in a breath as she turned her face to nuzzle at his erection through the denim. He was so damn hard she was sure there would be a zipper print indelibly embedded on his cock.

  “So what did his royal highness say was and was not allowed?” She let the moist heat of her breath bathe his shaft through his jeans as she spoke.

  He had to clear his throat before he could talk. “Um, no intercourse, and I’m not allowed to make you come.”

  “They’re the only restrictions?” She nestled even closer going in search of the zipper tab with her teeth.

  He sucked in a breath as the zipper start to give. “No, your
pants have got to stay on, too.”

  “He said nothing about yours?” The zipper was at half-mast now.

  “Nope, not a thing about mine,” he replied in a tight voice.

  She turned her head to look up at the big man towering over her, carnal thoughts flowing through her mind like single malt whiskey, strong, heady, and too damn satisfying to be any good for you.

  “How about you find somewhere to pull over then, and we will explore a few possibilities your big brother must have forgotten about.”

  Three seconds later the old Ford pulled to the shoulder in a cloud of dust. Matt wrenched it into park with little respect for the aged transmission.

  He lifted Jade’s head with a handful of dark blonde locks when her hot little tongue slipped between the teeth of his zipper to flick against his engorged shaft.

  “Not yet, honey. You are not wrapping those lovely lips around my dick until I have a taste of them. Come up here and kiss me, Jade. Show me what I’ve been missing all these years.”

  He turned toward her, leaning his back against the door for support as she climbed him like a tree. She licked her lips, the anticipation building as her hands kneaded into the deep muscle of his shoulders.

  Matt was having trouble looking anywhere but at her creamy breasts sitting in their lacy cups before him. Raw hunger built within her as she eyed his lips as if they were all that mattered. As if her life depended on tasting him.

  She leaned into him, hovering a breath away from his passive but willing mouth. Her tongue darted out and caressed his upper lip, a deliberate swipe that left her aching for more. His heavily hooded eyes dared her to continue. Matt obediently opened his mouth when her tongue begged entrance at the seam of his lips, stroking insistently for admittance. Jade let out a groan of pure need and pillaged his mouth.

  Never had Jade had a man let her do as she wished with his mouth.

  David had not been much of a kisser at the best of times. In the early years he had seen it as a prerequisite to the main event, to be rushed through in order to get laid. In later years, even those hurried kisses were dispensed with. Since David, the only one to kiss her had been Nate only a few days ago, and his masterly, domineering mouth had taken her free will, stamping his sexual dominance over her body with a power that had left her breathless.

  But this… this was a different pleasure.

  The receptive passivity of Matt’s mouth filled her with a sense of erotic power she had never known. He gifted her with the luxury to take what she wanted, to enjoy what she wanted without having the reins snatched out of her hands.

  The strength of his body, all those muscles beneath her palms, all that dormant strength, and still, he let her have her way with him. The big man took everything she offered, but still did not snatch control away from her. With a heady moan, she fell further into the kiss, relishing the sweet, masculine taste of Matthew’s submission.

  * * * *

  With hands gently stroking the woman on his lap, Matt laid back and enjoyed the closest thing to heaven he had ever experienced. Strong, shapely thighs straddled him, flexing in reaction when he ran his hands over their denim-clad length.

  Her hands caressed his body hungrily. To him those muscles had been a tool to maintain in order to do his job, but now he knew he would keep hitting the weights just for the satisfaction of knowing they turned Jade on.

  The evidence of her arousal perfumed the air and rubbed against the hardness of his stomach as he let her have the other thing he knew his brothers would not be able to give her.

  Control. Or at least the illusion of it. Brett was a straight-up control freak and Nate was a man who liked to have power in the bedroom, to know his woman would cede to his sexual dominance.

  Matt was used to being the biggest and strongest, but he cherished being able to give up control to a lover, to give them free rein to do what they would at their own speed.

  It had been so long since he had had a woman of any kind. Holding this woman who knew his tortured past and loved him anyway, who had been the subject of so many unfulfilled dreams, was a pleasure he had never expected to experience.

  To lie back and let her use his mouth and body for her own pleasure, to meet the thrust of her tongue with a lazy lick of his own, and to caress her slowly undulating body with his big, rough hands, was worth every bit of hardship he had lived through, both in childhood and the hellish sandbox of the Middle East.

  Pushing the past back, he decided to wind the little spitfire in his lap up tighter. He lifted one of her busy hands from his neck and led it toward the center of her arousal, stroking it back and forth at the low waistband of her jeans. “Play with yourself, Jade. He only said I couldn’t touch or get you off, he didn’t say anything about you doing it yourself. I want to see you come, baby.”

  * * * *

  The rumble of voice from his deep chest streaked through her body like a giant vibrator. Any thought of denying him dashed to the wicked demands he seduced her with. A man who could talk dirty, a rare specimen so far only encountered in torrid romance novels, was something that set Jade on fire.

  Her hand slid easily inside her jeans, her progress accompanied by Matt’s litany of sweet depravity. “That’s it, tell me how wet you are. I wish I could feel it, your pussy all slick and creaming for me.” He licked at Jade’s kiss swollen lips.

  “I want to taste it, baby. Let me have a taste. Let me lick your juices off your fingers. Please, Jade, I’m dying for a taste.”

  Hesitantly, slim fingers rose from where they had been rapidly circling her aching clit to paint across his bottom lip.

  With a groan of hunger, Matt grabbed her hand and sucked every drop of cream from her fingers. “Again, more,” he entreated, his hands sliding to remove the last barrier between his mouth and her luscious breasts.

  Jade complied. In her haste to feel the delicious suction of his mouth at her fingers again, she barely noticed her bra and shirt falling by the wayside. This time he led her hand to her breast, painting one nipple with the proof of her desire.

  Jade’s gasp nearly drowned out his groan of pure pleasure as he laved her ruched nipple with the flat of his tongue before pulling it into his mouth to draw deeply. He didn’t make that usual male mistake and only suck the nipple. No, he drew it back and worked the peak against the roof of his mouth with a worshiping tongue.

  Jade nearly came on the spot when the answering contraction of her womb ripped through her. Releasing the first sweetly tortured bud, he dragged the stubble of his beard across her chest to rasp around the other proud nipple, sending shivers down her spine as she worked desperately at the swollen knot of her clit.

  “More cream, Jade. Give me some more, honey.” Eager to feel the pull of his mouth again, she coated half of her breast with the syrup flowing from her body. “So good, baby! You taste so fucking good!”

  Jade felt the pressure building, each touch of his lips, each stroke of his tongue, every roughly whispered entreaty stoked the fire higher. “Hold me tight, Matty. I’m going to come!”

  Jade held his head tight with one arm as her fingers worked feverishly to drive herself over the edge.

  * * * *

  Matt found his face pressed against the delicate strength of her shoulder. Unable to resist a little show of dominance, he sealed his lips over that sensitive place where neck and shoulder meet and left his mark, sucking hard enough to draw blood to the surface, marring the smooth perfection of her skin.

  The little bite of pain threw her over the edge. Head back in a silent scream, she rode the waves of orgasm as it ripped through her, cupping her sex to prolong the ride. Matt lifted his head to watch her abandonment, committing every passion-filled nuance of expression to memory.

  Profound wonderment overcame him as he watched her take her pleasure, the absolute conviction that there was nothing so beautiful as a woman climaxing in his arms. He watched as she returned to herself, waiting to see a bit of discomfort as self-consciousness crept i

  But instead a different type of hunger showed in her predatory gleam.

  She nipped at his lower lip. “Your turn, big guy. Just sit back and let me play.”

  Matty watched with anticipation as she kissed and nipped her way down his body, hooded eyes following every move while she unbuttoned his pants. The half-opened zipper gave way to the laws of physics as the pressure from his cock forced it down.

  Jade lifted him entirely from his confinement so that his half-drawn-up balls rested atop the embrace of his open jeans. Her hands caressed his length. He loved the expert way she handled him. There were no tentative touches from this woman.

  “God, Matty!” she gasped appreciatively. “You’re gorgeous. Look how big you are in my hands.”

  Matt looked down to where her hands wrapped him. He knew himself to be just a little larger than average, mainly in girth, but used to seeing his cock held by his big beefy hands, he looked flatteringly large held in Jade’s eager, two-handed grip.

  She ran her thumbs in tight circles around the sweet spot just under the broad head, sliding one hand down to set his balls on fire as she spied the drop of pre-come gathering at his eye. When he watched her lick her lips, he knew what she had planned, but that still did not prepare him for the devastating lash of her tongue as she collected the nectar from his cock.

  * * * *

  Pure ambrosia. That was the only way to describe his taste. A salty tang to complement the clean masculine musk of his skin played across her tongue. Greedy for more, Jade wet her lips and drew him into the wet heat of her mouth, intoxicated by his heartfelt sounds of pleasure as she began to work his cock. His hands buried into her hair but did not try to control her movements in any way.

  “So good, Jade. Your mouth is so damn hot. Oh, do that again with your hand. I’m not gonna last long, baby. If you don’t want me to come in your mouth, you had better stop!”

  In answer, she took him to the back of her mouth, her gag reflex kicking in at his width. “Oh, fuck. Baby. I mean it. I’m gonna come.”


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