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Psychics Vs. Vampires Episodes 1-4 (Psychics Vs. Vampires Collection)

Page 14

by Shawn Wiseman

  She felt weak and sick. She looked over to see Raymond at the entrance to the room, his hand covered in blood up to his forearm, and he was looking at her with concern written on his face.

  Kara wept noiselessly on the floor of the room as she stared at the man's face. All joy the others felt from their victory over the assassin was lost in the ether by Kara's tears. Olivia hugged her friend as she cried.

  Kara's thoughts went in all different directions, most of them questions about the boy in the photograph, and just why the boy's father was an assassin. Her thoughts eventually came back to the feeling she'd had before entering the house, and she questioned the source of the guilt she felt.

  The sound of sirens hit their sensitive vampire ears. Olivia glanced over her shoulder towards the front of the house. "We need to leave," she said.

  Kara nodded and wiped her eyes. With Olivia's help she got up and then the three of them went downstairs. They walked through the dining room and the kitchen, past the open basement and out a door at the back of the house.

  As Olivia checked for anyone watching, Raymond cleaned his arm of blood. After telling the others it was clear, they left the house and circled their way around the other houses. After putting some distance between them and the assassin's house, they went back to the street and walked casually back to their car as police cars began pulling up.

  The police noticed them approach, and after a preliminary question about why they'd parked there, and Olivia saying they were in a nearby park—and an added touch of asking what was going on—the police let them go. Olivia sat with Kara in the back and held her hand.

  Raymond drove them away from the house. "I took this off the Butcher," he said while holding up a phone. "I thought we could use it to see who hired him."

  Olivia took the phone and began looking through it. There was no lock on it, it seemed.

  Kara let out a sigh and let go of Olivia's hand. "I think I'm better now," she said. "I just think it was that house. Something about it… There was so much guilt I could feel when entering it."

  Olivia glanced over at her friend. "Do you think it was another of your powers? Was it his emotions you were feeling?"

  Kara shook her head. "I'm not sure. It could have been that, or a premonition," she speculated.

  Olivia went back to the phone and looked through the text messages. After a moment she blurted out, "Aha!" She showed Kara the phone. "It was Simmons who hired him, see?" She handed the phone to Kara. "He was pretty pissed that Simmons didn't mention anything about you, Kara."

  Kara took the phone and looked at the text messages. It showed a clear picture of coded speak about a "job" and Simmons giving him Olivia's address and photo. "It looks like you were the main target, but why? Why is Simmons after you?"

  Olivia bit her thumb as she stared out the car window. "I have no idea. I never met the guy before the police brought me in that first time. Maybe he was pissed because I got away?"

  "That would make sense if Kara was the target as well, because she attacked him. Whatever the case, there's more questions to this than we have the capacity to answer."

  Kara scrolled through the other messages on the phone, and noticed a thread with another person named Jeffery. Guilt pulsing from the phone drew her to the messages. She read them.

  "Hey, how's my big strong lad doing? You coming to see me this weekend?"

  "Can't. I'm in the hospital again."

  "Aww. Well, I'll come visit you. A few more jobs and I'll have the money to pay for your operations, and soon enough you won't have to visit there ever again. How's that sound?"

  "That would be nice."

  "Lol. What say I get you some fast food to make you feel better?"

  "Yay! Watch out though, Mom's here."

  "Keep it our secret and I'll sneak it in for you."

  "She won't notice a thing."

  "See you soon. Stay strong. Love you."

  "Love you too, Dad."

  The guilt she felt overwhelmed her again and Kara could think of nothing other than how that boy wasn't going to see his father ever again.

  Kara finally understood what the "For one, many" plaque on the Celtic Butcher's basement wall meant. His son was the one, and the people he killed for him were the many. How could she blame the man for doing what he thought he needed to do to save the one he loved?

  Tears streamed down her face from remorse over the man they'd killed and the boy who might never know why. As Olivia held her, she kept asking herself if there was any other way it could have gone, but she realised that she would never know the answer.


  Psychics vs. Vampires

  Book 4:

  The Vampire's Victim

  By Shawn Wiseman

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without written permission from the author of this novel.

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 Shawn Wiseman

  All rights reserved.

  1. The Reluctant Helper

  Kara held the pipe in her hand as she leaned out the window of her room. She sucked in the smoke, filling her lungs, and then exhaled. The marijuana's burning essence and chemicals rushed through her body, making her feel elated. It also helped her let go of unpleasant thoughts, if but for a moment. The only part she didn't like was that she could feel her psychic powers dull. She knew that if she wanted to use her powers, she would have to focus that much harder to do so.

  Kara took another puff and exhaled it out her window, making sure to not let any smoke touch her room or clothes.

  "Kara! When are we eating?" The gravelly voice of Magnus Montgomery filtered through her closed door.

  "It's in the slow cooker," Kara yelled over her shoulder. "I'll be right out, but feel free to dish it out yourself."

  Kara thought she could hear some mumbling, and maybe even some grumbling, from beyond the wooden doorframe. She smirked as she thought of the exact look on Magnus's face just then. She extinguished the burning embers and put away the pipe she had been using.

  After giving herself a once-over for smell, she went into the living room and kitchen. She scooped out some chili from the slow cooker and sat down across from Magnus at the table.

  The old man's wrinkled features were obscured by the black and grey pages of a newspaper, which he occasionally flipped after clinking a spoon against an equally obscured bowl. Kara, the younger of the two despite her being the near-immortal vampire, pulled out her more advanced news device, her smartphone, and played on it while she ate.

  Kara couldn't help but reflect on how she enjoyed times like this. Though their communication was infrequent, and he didn't know about her supernatural side, she felt that they shared a bond. They didn't need to talk, as they could just enjoy each other's silent company.

  Maybe it's just the weed making me feel this way. I'll have to thank James for that if I ever see him again… after I give him another punch in the face, of course.

  As Kara was staring at Magnus, she felt something creeping up at her from the back of her head. The feeling of dread flooded over her in a wave until it reached her fingertips and toes. The foreboding feeling washed away her happiness in an instant with its familiar grasp.

  As clear as day, when Kara closed her eyes, she could see the image of Magnus lying on the carpeted floor of the apartment, dead. No blood, no visible injuries, just dead for an unknown reason. When she opened them, Magnus was in front of her still reading the newspaper. The contrast was jarring, to say the least, and she couldn't shake the feeling gripping her heart.

  "Mr. Montgomery, are you feeling well today?" she asked.

  "Of course I am. Never better," he replied without moving the paper.

  Despite his assurances, the image of his death didn't leave her mind. The feeling she had wasn't as strong as when she felt Olivia's immediate death a week before. She co
uldn't tell when exactly her premonition would come true, or even if it would. Mr. Montgomery had an uncanny ability to defy her foresight time and time again.

  "I think we should make an appointment for you to get a checkup," she suggested.

  Magnus moved the paper out of the way, revealing his frowning face. "I told you I'm fine. Besides," he said while he pulled out a flask, "I have my medicine right here." He smirked as he opened the flask and took a swig. He chuckled as he re-opened his newspaper.

  Kara couldn't help but also smile at Mr. Montgomery's good spirits, and soon the feeling of dread that came over her went away.

  She continued to eat and play on her phone until she received a text message from Raymond. He asked to come over for something, and Kara replied that he could come over anytime. A minute after she sent her reply, there was a knock at the door.

  Kara looked at the door and raised her brows. It can’t be, she thought.

  She got up and opened the door, and sure enough, Raymond was there waiting. Her vampire friend somehow looked more gloomy than usual. His normal ghostly pallor was tinted with black bags under his eyes. He adjusted his glasses and glanced from Kara to Mr. Montgomery, who had one eye on him over his shoulder.

  "Ray, I didn't expect you for a while. Were you just waiting outside?"

  Raymond smiled sheepishly for a moment and ran his fingers through his hair. "I came over and then thought I should ask you if it was alright. Sorry."

  Kara waved her hand. "No, no, it's alright. Come in," she said, moving out of the way.

  Raymond eyed Mr. Montgomery for a moment, and then he walked inside.

  Kara took Raymond's coat and put it inside a closet near the door. "Did you want some chili? It's been simmering all day in the slow cooker. It's pretty good, if I do say so myself," she said with a proud grin.

  Raymond looked at the slow cooker with longing, and Kara could tell he wanted some of her cooking. "I shouldn't."

  His answer shocked her, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't disappointed. She brushed it off, and motioned for Raymond to join her on the couch.

  The two of them sat down to talk. "So, Raymond, what was so urgent?"

  Raymond continued to glance at Magnus, but soon, with clear trepidation, answered her question. "…Damien left, and I'm not sure where he went. None of the others know where he is either."

  Kara was taken aback, and had many questions, not the least of which was, "Why are you coming to me for help? I'm sure there are other people more qualified to help find Damien than me."

  "Well… " he started, scratching his face, "you two were close. I figure if anyone would know what he was thinking, or have some idea on how to find him, it would be you."

  Kara sighed. He's not wrong. Damien being her ex meant that she would know him intimately, and she might know a way to find him, but her curiosity needed to be satisfied first. "So, can you give me a rundown of what happened before he left? And did he say he was going, or is he actually missing?"

  Raymond shuffled on the couch. "Well, he did say that he was going, but he didn't say why. I think it had something to do with the incident that happened a week ago," Raymond said, looking over his shoulder at Magnus, who was still reading the newspaper.

  "What about the incident makes you think that?" Kara asked with her brow raised.

  "Well, he pressed me for more information on what happened after I got back to our house, and I had to tell him everything, including the person who hired… you know who."

  Kara grumbled. If I know Damien, he's probably going after that detective now. "So, you think he's after that person?"

  "Yeah, when I mentioned the name, his expression changed. The day after he said he was going out. That was three days ago now."

  "It seems like something he would do," Kara commented. "So you haven't had any contact with him since?"

  "I've been messaging him, but he's not responding. I know he has his phone on him, though, because he read one of my messages I sent on social media."

  Kara nodded. "Read notifications are rather handy in situations like this, I suppose."

  "I don't think he wants to involve anyone, and just wants to do this on his own. That's why he's not responding to me."

  "It's obvious he wants revenge, though I'm not sure why he waited until now," Kara said as she rubbed her chin. "Well, I think I have a way to find him. Come with me." She got up off the couch.

  She took Raymond to her room. They entered the dirty space, and Kara went to her computer. Raymond had to tip-toe past the various dirty clothes on the floor, and took a seat on the edge of the unmade bed. The smoke from her previous activities lingered in the small room and Raymond couldn't help but cough and attempt to disperse the vapour with a wave of his hand.

  Kara brought up a find-a-phone page, then entered Damien's phone number. I wonder if he's changed the password. Not likely. Kara tried a password she knew he used to use, and then pressed enter. The next page started to load, and she couldn't help but grin to herself. What a dummy, she thought, but at the same time her cheeks reddened.

  "You know his password?" Raymond asked.

  His voice startled her back to reality, and she let out an involuntary laugh. "Yeah, I thought he might still be using the same one. He was never one to change his passwords."

  Raymond scoffed. "Cyber-security isn't his priority. What was his password, if you don't mind my asking? It could be useful if I had it as well."

  Kara's face flushed again despite her stark white vampire complexion. "I don't know if I should say…" she replied while scratching her face.

  Raymond looked at her and grinned. "With a face like that, now you have to tell me."

  Kara sighed, and then mumbled something under her breath. When Raymond pressed her she said the password aloud. "Kara420blazeit."

  Raymond had to take a moment to register what he heard, and when he did he burst out in an uncontrollable fit of laughter. He put his hand on his stomach as he snickered.

  At first Kara was embarrassed, but after a moment she joined in laughing with Raymond.

  Between his dying laughter, Raymond asked, "Why would he have that as a password?"

  "It was to make fun of me, but of course it wasn't meant as an insult."

  Raymond was still smiling. "No, no, of course not. It's very… cute."

  Kara shook her head and pushed Raymond as she continued laughing from embarrassment. After another moment, and a sigh from both of them, Kara went back to the computer.

  The page had loaded, and it showed the GPS location of Damien's phone. It was in an urban housing district in downtown.

  "Well, there you go. Now you know where he is," she said, turning around in her chair again. "Need anything else?"

  Raymond raised his brow. "Aren't… Aren't you going to come with me to find him?"

  Kara lost her smile. "I don't think he'd want to see me."

  "I think I already established that he doesn't want to see anyone right now," Raymond countered with a slight smile. "I could use your help still. I don't know what he's doing, and if it's something dangerous it'd be nice if you had my back."

  Kara frowned and looked away from Raymond.

  "I'm sorry, you know," he said.

  Kara looked at him, and his chin was hitting his chest as he gazed at the floor. "For what?"

  "I killed that man in front of you. I know you've been holed up here ever since then. I just didn't see any other way it could have gone. I'm sorry that I killed him when you were trying to talk him down."

  Kara placed her hand on Raymond's knee and gave it a squeeze. "Raymond, if anything, I should be thanking you. He wasn't listening, and if you didn't kill him either I would have had to or he would have killed us." Kara let go of Raymond's leg, and looked off in thought. "Besides, it was just that house. I think it was leftover psychic energy that overwhelmed me. I guess I'm sensitive to that stuff now."

  "So you're not mad at me?"

  "No, of course not,
" she replied. "I just… I don't know if I can take Damien's shit right now."

  Raymond pointed his thumb at himself. "Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't say anything."

  Kara couldn't help but smile at Raymond's confidence. "Alright, I'll help you out," she said. Raymond smiled and thanked her. Kara rose from her computer chair. "Let's go find Damien!"

  2. Fangs in the Night

  "So, Olivia's having her surgery?" Raymond asked.

  "Yeah, she's getting it done today, and she's taking the day off tomorrow. We're on our own tonight."

  Raymond frowned. "Well, let's hope nothing bad happens."

  "I'm sure it'll be fine," Kara reassured him. "I'm also interested in Detective Simmons. Maybe we'll be able to learn why he's after us."

  "That's if Damien hasn't killed him already."

  "Let's hope not."

  Kara and Raymond entered his vehicle and drove to the urban neighbourhood the GPS pointed them to. Kara kept the GPS open on her phone just in case Damien moved. Traffic slowed them down considerably, and by the time they arrived it was getting dark. The days were colder as winter approached, and night came sooner than normal.

  As the GPS wasn't one hundred percent accurate, Raymond had to circle around some of the blocks to find their mark. They passed by tall and thin brick and wooden houses placed side by side on the street. People were walking underneath trees with spindly branches covered in coloured leaves, and cars lined the street, allowing no room for newcomers to park.

  "There!" Kara shouted while pointing off to one side of the street. "There's his car."

  As they passed by, the two of them stared into the windows of Damien's car and they could see him in the front seat. He was trying to remain hidden behind the metal parts around the doors. His eyes widened as they drove past; he’d noticed them.

  "Find us a parking spot and we'll walk back."

  "Already on it," Raymond replied.

  They managed to find a parking spot a block away, and then they walked back to where Damien was parked.


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