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Covenant - THE CONTROLLER 01

Page 7

by Jerry Bruce

  “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.”

  It was now official; he was the new leader of the greatest republic in the history of the world. He wanted to be brief in his address, to the point, and at the same time win support from the Democrats. To this end he decided to quote portions of John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech. He was hoping that this wouldn’t backfire on him.

  “Many decades ago, our country was facing perils unheard of in prior times. Nuclear weapons were proliferating, communism was a growing threat to our ideals, and the space race was taking on new proportions. During this time, Americans rose to the occasion and elected a great president who would face these challenges with courage and conviction, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

  “We are now at a new crossroad in world development and evolution. No longer are the challenges as clearly evident as in the past. We now must encourage our former adversaries to assume roles of business partners. We must assist our friends in their efforts to stabilize their economies so that they may join this partnership. A world economy, a world at peace, and a world united can no longer be a dream; it must become a reality. This cannot be achieved without struggle and hardship, but achieved it must be if mankind is to survive.

  “I am sure that Americans are worthy of the task and I ask you to take up the torch and bring our neighbors into our fold.

  “As President Kennedy said at his inauguration in 1961, ‘United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do—for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder’.

  “To the world assembly of sovereign states, whom we welcome to join us in our quest, I say take our hand in friendship, join us in our search for freedom, take up our quest for release from the chains of poverty for all the peoples of our planet and rejoice that you have taken part in this historic effort.

  “My fellow citizens of this great country and of the world, I pledge to you that I will not rest until the last starving child is fed and the last weapon is destroyed. May God guide us all to a world of peace, prosperity, and happiness.”

  Sinclair’s speech was well received. His tribute to John Kennedy garnered plaudits from the political analysts employed by the television networks. Of the notable Democrats interviewed, if any wanted to criticize the president, they opted to make positive comments instead. The Democratic aversion to the concept of a global economy was no secret; they would not make it easy for President Sinclair. His appeal to the citizenry was looked upon as an attempt to put them under scrutiny—support the president or we’ll vote you out.

  * * *

  Richard, Veronica, the children, Stephen and Elizabeth decided to walk part of the three-and-a-half-mile inauguration parade route. For security reasons their walk was limited to the Lafayette Park area. Walking hand in hand with the children, Richard and Veronica were feeling a closeness that had been missing for some time. The strain of the campaign and election had come close to driving a wedge between them. They spent a great deal of time after the election just getting to know each other again. They caught up on the quiet times they had missed over the preceding months, and now their relationship was back on course, and together, they knew they could face the future. The crowd reacted to the new first family, waving and cheering wildly, their support readily apparent.

  * * *

  Very good, Richard. Be specific and to the point and forget the BS, thought the man sitting in his lonely room. Lit solely by the light emanating from the numerous TV monitors, their eerie glow created shadows that made his eyes take on a sunken appearance. The effect was devilish, perhaps revealing what lay beneath.

  He clicked the remote, switching from one recorder to the next. He didn’t want to spend hours watching the proceedings, so he taped all the coverage for later review. As he switched from one network to another, he was delighted that the general consensus was in favor of the president’s brevity. His plans had no room for an airbag politician. His future speeches would need to be concise and authoritative, so that everyone would think twice before questioning his motives. It was vital that Richard be viewed as a competent, confident leader whom people could trust. A leader beyond reproach could accomplish a great deal in a short period of time.

  “We have a lot to get done in a short period of time,” he spoke to the empty room, his voice echoing off the walls. “My planning indicates that I need you to serve two terms. In that time we can accomplish everything I have on my list. In the meantime, enjoy your evening parties with all their revelry, Richard. Tomorrow we get down to business.”

  * * *

  After the inauguration luncheons and the evening’s gala balls, the new president and first lady were finally alone in each other’s company. In the privacy of their new bedroom, Richard and Veronica could relax for the first time in what had been a very long day. Richard made sure they made as early an evening as possible so that he could get in as much sleep as time would permit. The demands of his first full day in office would be taxing.

  "I wonder how long Stephen is going to party at the Marriott.” He seemed to be asking Veronica for an answer instead of making a statement, so she offered a reply.

  "I'm sure he’ll be more bright-eyed and bushy tailed than you. He certainly can party! Now try to get to sleep so you don't look like a zombie for the cameras."

  “Actually, I was thinking that another celebration is in order.” Richard put his arm around Veronica’s waist and pulled her closer.

  “I’m glad you’re not too tired to attend to the really important business.”


  "See you at lunch later, Ronnie.” He grabbed his briefcase and left the living quarters, smiling as an Air Force captain snapped to attention and started following his new Commander-In-Chief, carrying the attaché case with the emergency codes that Richard would be forced to use should the need for a nuclear response require immediate action. Guess I'll have to get used to that, he thought to himself as some of his staff greeted him on the walk to the Oval Office.

  "Well, team, you guys ready to play ball?"

  "Yes sir, Mr. President.” The reply came from Adam, who couldn't wait to be the first to use the salutation. "If there's anything you need from me, we have an hour before your first scheduled appointment."

  "No, Adam. I'll see you in an hour.” With that Richard walked into the Oval Office reception area.

  Mrs. Margaret Williams, Richard’s new secretary, met him immediately with a "Good morning, Mr. President. I've updated your calendar; it's on your desk. I took the liberty of ordering your favorite coffee; it's on the table. Is there anything else I can do for you?” Speaking as she followed him to his desk. Adam had hired her subject to the president’s approval, and Richard took an immediate liking to her. She reminded him of his mother, so she had to be good.

  "Thank you, Mrs. Williams; I prefer to be alone for a few minutes, so please close the door."

  Richard placed his briefcase on top of the Resolute Desk and sat down in the leather chair—an antique from the turn of the century—a present from his parents. He glanced around, taking in each detail of the room. Along one wall to his right stood a marvelous, antique grandfather clock that was given to him by Jonathan as an inauguration gift. Richard had so admired it when he saw it in Jonathan’s study that Jonathan made it a point to save it as a special gift for a special occasion. Jonathan had given Mrs. Williams very strict instructions on the proper method of winding the clock by pulling on the chains to raise the weights; and made her swear that she would do so at precisely the same time every week. Mrs. Williams was of the same ilk as Jonathan, so his insistence upon such minutiae was not merely reasonable, but normal.

  Richard’s previous visits to the Oval Office had always been in the company of others, but this time he was alone a
nd wanted to study the room. His gaze began at the ceiling and gradually made its way down to the walls where he had asked that portraits of Washington, Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt and Kennedy be displayed. After looking into the eyes of each portrait, he focused his attention onto the carpet depicting the presidential seal. Of all the ones available, he had chosen a light blue, preferring its lighter hue to the darker, sterner tones of the others. This was to be an upbeat oval office.

  Taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly, he got down to business and opened his briefcase. He removed his PDA, which he would have Mrs. Williams update at the end of each day, along with his desk calendar. While into technology for the most part, he still liked the idea of old-fashioned, hard copy. Besides, it could be retained forever should the need to look into the past ever present itself. He removed one of two letter size notebooks and placed it in the center drawer, leaving the other in his briefcase for on the road note taking. He would periodically make notes that no one would ever see; comments to himself that he could review in private. He had been doing this for years and found it a valuable tool for refreshing his memory as to his first impressions of new acquaintances, their demeanor, dress, and any other idiosyncrasies. Anything that could give him an edge was duly noted. Over the years he had accumulated quite a collection of notebooks, all kept under lock and key. Today he started what would arguably be a most important one. The calendars and notebooks would be valuable additions should there ever be a President Richard Sinclair Library. Richard was far too modest to think of such a thing himself. It was his father that brought up the topic by saying how much it would mean to the small communities in the Napa Valley to have such a prestigious edifice.

  As he removed the notebook from his case, he noticed the contents had changed since he closed it the previous evening and that it now included a cellular telephone, its battery charger and a manila envelope. He removed the phone and set it down. Picking up the envelope, he noticed it was addressed "For your eyes only, Richard.” Instantly, he assumed it was from Veronica—probably some words of wisdom, such as those a mother gives a child on the first day of school. Once opened, the envelope revealed a one page typewritten letter on light gray stationary. This was obviously not from Veronica; she would have used her initialed, floral-pattern writing paper and would have handwritten the note. There was no letterhead or other distinguishing characteristics giving hint as to the source. Richard came to the realization that somehow someone had entered his private living quarters and put these objects inside his case. Not thinking that too serious a matter, he wrote a note to himself to get to the bottom of it later. First he wanted to read the letter.

  Mr. President,

  As you have no doubt already determined, I have total access to you and your family. You need not concern yourself with the details of how I have managed to accomplish this. I assure you that neither you nor your loved ones are in any danger as long as you refrain from any rush to judgment. I regret that these measures are necessary, but I have to ensure that you will give me the opportunity to present to you my proposal.

  Oh, but I am being inconsiderate; I haven’t introduced myself. You may call me whatever you wish, as my name is not important. You may speculate as you wish as to my true identity; you may even attempt to use the vast powers at your disposal, but I assure you it will be to no avail. I am the person responsible for your current employment. Without my assistance, you would have been the also-ran in this glorious race to the highest office. I won’t insult your intelligence with specifics; you will already have deduced some of those instances where my aid was invaluable. But the past is history; let’s discuss our promising future.

  To satisfy your curiosity, the telephone will be your link to me and you are required to answer whenever I call. Since you will undoubtedly have occasion to contact me, you will find a number at which I may be reached under the name “Controller.” Leave a message and I will contact you at my earliest convenience. Keep this telephone with you at all times. I have little patience when it comes to the availability of those in my employ. In anticipation of your first call to action, let me assure you that involving anyone else in our business would be frowned upon.

  For now, you need know only that you must follow my orders to the letter. Failure to do so could be tragic. I sincerely hope you will not choose to defy me. I do not wish to harm a member of your family.

  You will not speak of me to anyone, not even your wife. Should you ignore this warning, you would put me in an unfortunate position. I would have no recourse but to have that person neutralized. A word of caution; do not test my resolve.

  Now that we have dispensed with the ground rules, I will leave you to the task of getting settled into your new surroundings. I will contact you soon and we will begin our great adventure.


  Richard’s instinct was to pass this off as a sick joke, but how could that be? Whoever put this in his briefcase must have White House access of the highest order, which alone warranted concern. Obviously, this “Controller” might be able to carry out his threat of harm to Veronica or the children. Speculating on the person's mental state or agenda could lead to underestimation of his adversary.

  Richard could hardly suppress the anger welling up inside him. How was it possible for someone to challenge the highest office in the world? He had to get to the bottom of this. He turned the telephone on and waited for what seemed like minutes for the start-up to finish. He pushed the down arrow key to scroll through the stored numbers, discovering that there was only one entry, named “Controller.” He noticed that it was a toll free number and he made a mental note to have the number checked out. Richard’s thumb was on the “talk” key, but resisted pressing down to initiate the call, as though it had a mind of its own and sensed danger. Finally, he heard the beep as his finger depressed the button. Immediately following the first ring, the voice mail message kicked in, requesting Richard to leave a message.

  “I don’t need to tell you who I am, I’m sure you know. I demand that you return this call immediately.” Richard pushed the “end” key forcefully, as if to squash the imaginary person at the other end of the line.

  * * *

  Mrs. Williams gave one quick knock on the door as she opened it and barged in with Adam Broderick in tow. “Time for your nine o’clock appointment, Mr. President. Should I show in Senators Lewis and Markson?”

  “Yes, please do, Mrs. Williams. Have a seat, Adam.”

  Richard was trying to conceal his irritation at the Controller’s failure to call him back. He guessed that he was being rebuffed for his aggressiveness. We’ll see who has the upper hand. Who does this joker think he is? Richard thought to himself. Somehow he regained his poise and got through his meeting. He toyed with the idea of mentioning the Controller to Adam but had second thoughts and decided to wait until he had an opportunity to find out more about him.

  Richard managed to get through the day by drawing on the disciplined work ethic he had developed over the years. It was that ethic to perform under pressure that had gotten him this far, and it would get him past this first setback. Not wanting to miss the Controller’s return call, he cancelled his lunch with Veronica, opting to have lunch sent to the Oval Office, where he ate alone. Hours passed and it became obvious that the Controller wasn’t going to return Richard’s call. The president spent the rest of the day going over status reports and having briefings from his staff members.

  Richard was just finishing his last comment in his notebook and preparing to call it a day when the cellular phone rang. He almost smiled upon hearing the phone’s “Hail to the Chief” ring.

  “So, you finally decided to return my call.” The irritation in Richard’s voice was obvious.

  The Controller interrupted. “Before you say anything else which you will certainly regret later, there are a few things I want to tell you; so just listen for the time being. After I have had my say, I’m certain you will have numerous questions.”

Richard was taken back by the Controller’s voice. It wasn’t at all what he imagined it would be. It was a deep, emotionless, and commanding voice. It was compelling to the point where you wouldn’t think of interrupting. He decided it best simply to let the Controller reveal some of himself, and he readied his notebook.

  “Let me make it perfectly clear to you that I will not tolerate the kind of behavior that you have so far displayed. You do not make demands of me; I make them of you. If you value the lives of those closest to you, you will follow my instructions to the letter. I am going to say this only once; you are expendable and can be replaced, albeit with some inconvenience to me. Needless to say, I have invested a significant amount of time in you and would prefer to leverage my investment, but I will not hesitate to take appropriate action should the need arise. There is something you need to understand, Richard. I am the most powerful person in the world. You can certainly name at least ten individuals whom you feel to be the most powerful leaders in commerce, politics, etc. However, let me assure you that together, they do not possess even a fraction of my capabilities. I have amassed wealth beyond your imagination while maintaining total anonymity. Even if you knew my name, it would mean nothing to you. I am telling you this in the hope that you will not waste time trying to identify me. We have far too much work to do to let such fruitless endeavors slow us down.”

  Richard was taking copious notes as he listened to the Controller’s diatribe. He made a note to acquire a tape recorder to keep a record of Controller's calls. He wanted to laugh and subject this maniac to every foul word he could think of, but thought the better of it considering the threats. Was it the threats or that hypnotic voice that made Richard keep his silence? Had Controller not gotten access to his personal quarters, then maybe he could defy this madman and put to use every agency at his disposal to ascertain his identity. No, Richard thought, this is not your run-of-the-mill crackpot; this man seemingly has the resources to back up his claims.


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