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Covenant - THE CONTROLLER 01

Page 25

by Jerry Bruce

  Richard was concerned that if oil sales fell off and the Arab nations suffered economic downturns as a result, there might be a resurgence of anti western sentiment. He was hoping to avoid the use of the military to ensure compliance with W.O.N. directives, but if ever the need arose, he was sure it would be in the Middle East. Neither he nor the panel could fool themselves into believing that the Arab countries joined the organization out of belief in the cause. They had too much animosity ingrained within their culture to ever totally accept non-Islamic neighbors; they joined because economics dictated that they do so in order to survive. Richard had to make sure that they remained dependent upon the organization. Should they ever suffer an economic depression, he was positive that terrorism would rear its ugly head all over again. It would be suppressed, of course, but not without the Middle East being decimated.

  Richard continually reminded himself to focus on the positive things that had already been accomplished. This enabled him to deal with the negatives without growing weary of the daily battles. He repeatedly told himself that human nature could not be changed in a single generation. A foundation had to be built which future generations could build upon one brick at a time. He was encouraged to see that the movement to add new members was gaining momentum with each passing day.

  What impressed Richard most was the level of cooperation he was seeing on his visits to current member nations and to those aspiring to join. It was almost too good to be true. Richard couldn’t believe that so many leaders, known for their lack of cooperation in the past, were suddenly agreeable to all the terms and conditions being put before them. Richard even joked to Adam one day that somebody must have hypnotized some of them to plant the seeds of cooperation.

  * * *

  “Did you ever really think that this was going to become a reality?” Veronica was sitting next to Richard as they enjoyed an after dinner drink. “I know it has always been your dream, but was there ever a time you questioned whether it would actually work?”

  “I have to admit, I had moments when I doubted if the world would ever be ready to embrace a world economy and government. But the way those two projects brought everyone together was amazing. For a change, common sense and clear thinking outweighed political BS.”

  “You may not believe it, but I think if there was any one factor that contributed to the success, it was your handling of the Cairo embassy assault. Your actions did more to wake up the rest of the world to the imminent danger that was hanging over our heads than anything else. It made people stop and think.”

  “Thanks for the compliment Ronnie, but I think you’re prejudiced. I believe it took a lot more than that to put the ball in play.”

  “Well, you believe what you want and I’ll believe what I want. I just think it’s about time you started to take credit for a few things, Richard.”

  “It works both ways you know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It could also come to pass that I might have to take the blame.”


  All had come to pass just as the Controller said it would. No one dared question the authority of the W.O.N. president’s office. The revered system of checks and balances that Congress brought to the American government had served its purpose well in the past, and so was adopted by the W.O.N. Many past American presidents would have exceeded their authority if not for the system. But the system was only as good as the individuals who served it. When founded, it was based on the premise that those persons serving their country would have their country’s best interests at heart. While a noble idea, it didn’t consider the idea of greed and corruption taking a dominant position in society. It was assumed that there would always be some people who could not be influenced to cast aside their morality and patriotism.

  The Controller knew, and in fact counted on this. He knew that Richard, being one of those noble patriots, would draw the others into his sphere of influence, rendering them allies, and Richard held true to the plan and did just that while serving as President of the United States. And now he brought that to his new position as W.O.N. President. It was the majority that concerned the Controller, a majority that needed to be contained. The Controller had anticipated where resistance would be met and dealt with it appropriately. When blackmail, his preferred tactic, wasn’t the solution, he resorted to bribery. Those that still resisted soon experienced means of coercion in the form of physical harm, either to themselves or to their loved ones. It didn’t take long before everyone rallied in support of Richard and the W.O.N. Then, with the foundation in place, the Controller took advantage of his considerable influence with the W.O.N. panel and raised the bar to the next level. Eliminating the last remnants of resistance, the Controller knew that he had taken all power from the panel and placed it solely in the hands of Richard Sinclair.

  * * *

  “Now that the last vestiges of power have been removed from all but my president, I can finally enjoy the fruits of my labor.” The Controller spoke to himself in the comfort of his lair.

  “It’s all been so relatively easy. Richard was a good choice. I knew he couldn’t resist the opportunity to be the world’s Sir Lancelot. I wonder why men like Richard—the most moral and just—are so easy to manipulate. I find it hard to believe it’s due solely to naivety. It’s curious how I’m able to exploit this trait without understanding it. I’ll have to put together a team and have them research this phenomenon. Thinking of Richard, this is an appropriate time to congratulate him on a job well done.”

  Once again the cell phone rang out its familiar “Hail to the Chief”, causing Richard to lose his train of thought. After departing the White House, Richard asked why the continued use of the familiar ring, and was told that it was out of sentimentality, causing Richard to wonder what ring Stephen was answering.

  I wonder what he wants at this late hour, he thought.

  “Hello, Richard.” The voice was oddly upbeat, a departure from his other calls of late. “I hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time.” He sounded sincere and this surprised Richard to the point that he didn’t quite know what to say. The Controller had never shown any interest in whether his calls were a bother. All that mattered was that Richard be available regardless of the hour.

  “I was just finishing up for the evening.”

  “I just wanted to congratulate you on a magnificent job. You have exceeded my expectations, Richard. Things will be much easier now for both of us.”

  Richard didn’t feel at all easy with this change in the Controller’s attitude. Why the sudden softening in his voice? “Well, there’s still a lot to be accomplished. I’m not going to be the W.O.N. President for much longer, since my term is over soon.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about that, Richard. I have every intention of seeing that you remain in office for a very long time. You needn’t worry about your term of service ending, or reelections or any of those other bothers.”

  “What are you implying?”

  “Simply that I have decided that it is in my best interests for you to remain in office for an indefinite period.”

  “Why is it so important to you that I continue to serve? Haven’t you gotten enough satisfaction from what we’ve already accomplished? Why not just enjoy the new world we’ve created?” Richard knew he was on thin ice with his questioning of the Controller. He thought this time might be different, since the Controller seemed happier and more open to discussion than in the past.

  “It sounds as if you are questioning my motives. I was anticipating that eventually you would get around to asking.” The Controller’s voice returned to the tone to which Richard had grown accustomed, no longer cheery, but emotionless. “You have assumed I would go to all this effort and devote so much time to get to this point just so I could make the world a better place. Well, it is a better place, especially for me. You see, Richard, everything I have done has been with the sole purpose of positioning me to be in total control of this planet and all wh
o occupy it.

  “I would love to be able to see the expression on your face. I believe you are now thinking that I am no different from Hitler or Genghis Khan, that I am simply the Antichrist with a short-lived reign of terror in his future. But I assure you Richard that will not be the case.

  “Let me tell you an interesting story. Long before I recruited you, I assembled a team of the greatest scientific minds the world could offer. I gave them a pair of goals and provided them with anything they needed to succeed. Their first task was to develop genetically altered strains of wheat, corn and rice. These new plants have been widely distributed and have taken over, replacing the old plants. By the way, thank you for your assistance in getting them distributed with such alacrity. And to make certain that distribution of the substance these plants contain was worldwide, I had you make sure that every man, woman and child had a source of drinking water. What you never dreamed, however, was that these grains and waters contained substances engineered to break down the natural resistance that humans have to being dominated and controlled. With your able assistance, I now have nations populated with mindless servants, all at my beck and call. Well, they aren’t actually mindless; they can still function and perform their normal duties. They just have more supple minds. Haven’t you ever wondered why so many nations have jumped on the bandwagon of the new W.O.N.? When you combine my ability to influence those in charge along with the crops and water, how could anyone resist? Surely you’ve noticed this, have you not? Why, you only have to think back over the last few years and how you’ve done my bidding so graciously to see that what I am saying is true. You are not immune to the effect anymore than the average person.”

  Richard thought back to how surprised he was with the cooperation that the W.O.N. was receiving and things became much clearer. He started to interrupt and was promptly admonished to be silent.

  “I said I gave my scientists two goals, so before I entertain your questions, let me tell you about the second. Since there is no fountain of youth, and since I never intended to enjoy that which I have created for only the few years I have remaining, I commissioned to them the task of creating the perfect human clone. Once they realized the penalty for failure, they became very enthusiastic. They took to their task with relish, knowing that they would not have to answer to any governmental or religious objections. As a result of their success, there will always be a version of me to rule mankind. When I pass on, my clone will take over.”

  Richard could no longer contain himself. “I suspected from the beginning that you are insane and you’ve just proven it. You may have manipulated and used me in the past but I assure you that from now on I will fight you every step of the way.”

  “And just how do you propose to do that, my friend? Who is going to help you? Don’t you realize that the ship has sailed? You won’t be able to find anyone to help you. Anyone who could assist you is already in my back pocket. No, Richard, you will continue to do my bidding, as always, because you know the alternatives.”

  “I’m going to take you down you son-of-a-bitch!”

  “Your reaction doesn’t surprise me, Richard. I have long felt that your sense of morality might rear its ugly head again. My scientists told me that extremely firm conviction could not be completely neutralized. But you see, Mr. President, it matters little to me whether you stay on board or not. I have had your replacement waiting in the wings from the very beginning. You know that I have placed a person under my control within your closest circle. I’m sure that over all these years you have wondered who that person might be. I can only imagine how many people were under your watchful eye. But you were never able to identify my insider, were you Richard? Do you know why? It’s because I chose someone who would be beyond your scrutiny, someone you would never imagine capable of such treachery. So make up your mind Richard. Step aside or continue to cooperate, because I assure you Richard, that your lovely wife has always been ready and willing to take over.


  Other books by the author:

  THE CONTROLLER – Obsession


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