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Personal Best 2

Page 16

by Sean Michael

  All the fans were on their feet, cheering and yelling. The team’s lead was impressive thanks to Mike’s swim. Damn, Jessy was proud.

  Mike was whooping, jumping, arms pumping as Jason made the turn. “Come on!”

  Jessy was right there, too, Samuels next to him as they hovered behind the three boys waiting on Jason to hit the wall. He lost a little bit of ground, not enough to make it ever be a question of who was going to win, coming in to touch the wall almost a full body length in front of second place.

  Jeff was bouncing, hollering as UT took UCLA’s first place right out from under them. “Jessy. Man, you don’t suppose you’ll give him back to me full-time?”

  “Not my choice, Jeff. You’ll have to ask Mike.” He wasn’t worried. Not even a flicker.

  “Right. That boy worships the ground you walk on.” Jeff chuckled, gave his team a thumbs-up and a wave. “Although I could tempt him with Dr Pepper and chocolate.”

  Jessy nodded. “Yep, you just might have something there. Of course, he’d probably lose time after the first few days of puking.”

  He grinned, watching as the other boys from UT all came running up to high-five and hug their teammates. He kept a half an eye on the UCLA boys, too, making sure they stayed well away from the UT boys on the coping and not completely relaxing until the group had backed away some.

  Mike headed over, all grins, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “We did good, Coach.”

  “That’s the understatement of the year. You must have really wanted that pizza the way you were flying.” He winked and then offered congratulations out to the other guys, several of whom had put in personal bests this competition. They were all right where they wanted to be for the upcoming Worlds and the Olympic trials after that.

  Not that anyone but Mike was gonna take gold.

  “You know it.” Mike’s eyes twinkled. “Only a month ’til it’s pizza and beer.”

  “You don’t know about the no alcohol rule yet, kid.”

  “Man, Coach Turner, you ever going to let Mikey have any fun?” Jason bumped Mike’s hip with his own.

  “Oh, I think Mikey has plenty of fun.” He left it at that, careful not to let his gaze linger over Mike. Speaking of fun, it had been too fucking long since they’d made love. If it wasn’t working so damned well, he’d rescind the damned no-fucking-the-week-before-a-meet rule.

  “Maybe. You wanna go out with us tonight, Mikey? My treat.” Jason’s eyes trailed right down Mike’s body, hot and hungry.

  His Mike? Only had eyes for him. “I got plans, man; thanks, though.” He didn’t think Mike even knew he’d been scoped out. The kid’s focus was pretty damn stellar, and he was one lucky bastard to be smack in the middle of it.

  “We’ll see you back at the pool for practice on Tuesday, Jeff. I’m gonna take my swimmer out to celebrate.”

  Mike nodded, grabbed his CD player, and headed to shower and change, lean body moving nice and easy. Jessy followed behind, admiring from a safe distance, loving the happiness evident in Mike’s body.

  Mike greeted the younger swimmers, grinned and chatted and hugged. Even signed two programs.


  He’d be damned.

  Mike’d have to get used to that. Soon as the kid hit Worlds everyone was going to want a piece of him. Good thing his boy was interested in the swimming as much as he was. Focus wouldn’t be a problem.

  There was a reporter waiting by the changing rooms, microphone and notebook, long red nails wrapping around Mike’s arm to draw him into an interview. Mike turned his head, eyes searching, panicking.

  He went up to them and draped his arm around Mike’s shoulders casually. “Mike’s real pleased with his wins. He and the UT team really pulled together, and most of the swimmers swam their personal best this meet. It was a great meet. Thanks a lot.”

  He steered Mike into the changing room. “We’re going to have to go through talking to reporters 101, because they’re not going to go away.”

  “I didn’t sign up for reporters, Coach. Swimming. That’s it. Swimming.”

  “You’re going to have to learn to tell ’em ‘I’m glad I won, I love my team, gotta go.’ The sponsors want to see your face on TV and in the papers. It’s not so bad, kid.”

  Mike stuck his tongue out, changing the subject as he rinsed off. “Jase was saying I needed a tattoo. I’d have to stay out of the water for two weeks…. How do they do that? Stay out of the water for that long?”

  He had to laugh at the kid. Not willing to stay out of the water that long. That was his Mike. “What would you get done?”

  “Something like a tribal dolphin, so it wouldn’t be too girly. Or a merman.” Mike looked around, pulled his shirt on. “A pair of ’em.”

  “A pair of mermen?” He raised an eyebrow. “You got models all picked out and everything already?

  “Well, no. Just the silhouettes, you know?”

  “It sounds sexy, baby.” He gave Mike a heated look and then backed off, letting Mike change.

  “Yeah, but I couldn’t miss two weeks of training. No way.” Mike grinned, shoving everything into the orange and white bag.

  “You’ll have to wait until you’re an old man resting on his laurels.”

  “Then we can both get one.” Mike headed out, bouncing, bebopping.

  He chuckled. “Well there’s nothing stopping me from staying out of the water for two weeks.”

  Mike laughed, ass wiggling, tempting him.

  He growled softly. “Just you wait until we get to the hotel.”

  “Ooh… big scary coach….” Mike started hurrying.

  “You sure ‘coach’ is the word you were thinking of when you think of me and big?”

  God, Mike’s laugh was bright and happy, excited, and it just settled in Jessy’s balls.

  He sat behind the wheel, smiling, just riding the high with Mike. This was what they’d been working for—gold medals and personal bests and beating the team to beat. It was all in front of them, just waiting for Mike to reach out and grab it, touch that wall.

  Mike reached out, twined their fingers together, held on.

  “Love you, Jessy. We’re doing it.”

  He squeezed, glanced over at Mike, smiling. “Yeah. We are.” He chuckled. “Well, mostly you—I haven’t been in a race in a lot of years.”

  “You race with me. Every one.”

  “Yeah? ‘The wall, kid, focus on the wall’ echoing in your head?”

  “No.” Mike blushed dark, looked away. “I always hear, ‘come on, baby.’”

  He purred, squeezing Mike’s hand again. “Come on, baby,” he growled.

  “Yeah….” Mike gave him a huge smile. “Yeah.”

  He smiled back. “Love you, baby.”

  “We going to the room? To bed?”

  He looked at Mike, eyes hot in his head. “What about your pizza?”

  “We can order in.”

  “You got that right. We can order in. Later.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, Jess. Later.” Mike was watching him, bouncing. “Need you.”

  He chuckled and took his hand back to negotiate the hotel parking lot. “I know, baby. I know.”

  “Five races. Five. And reporters and the relay and it’s all spinning inside me.”

  He knew that. “I know how to remind you of what’s important, kid.”

  Mike nodded to him, out of the car as soon as it stopped, moving, bouncing.

  Christ, this was a familiar scene, the two of them heading up to their room, Mike vibrating—anger, joy, it didn’t matter, he knew just how to make Mike focus, how to wear him out and let him sleep.

  “Come on, Jess. Hurry. Hurry.”

  “Pushy brat.”

  Jessy put his hands in his pockets and followed leisurely, heading for the elevator. Mike groaned, took the stairs, running them, working that energy. He waited for the elevator, managing not to take the stairs by a pure act of will. If Mike wasn’t lying spread out and naked on their bed, he’d eat
his hotel key. The elevator couldn’t get there fast enough.

  He opened the hotel door, already undoing the buttons on his shirt. Mike was spread, hand working his prick, hips pushing up into his long hand.

  “Getting started without me?” he growled, pushing the door closed.

  “Uh-huh.” Mike moved faster, harder.

  “Stop. That’s mine.”

  Mike’s brown eyes met his, hand stopped, hips moving. “Jess….”

  “Yeah, baby?” He got his shirt off, toed off his shoes, and started in on his pants.

  “I want.”

  “I know.” He growled again, naked, hard, needing, wanting Mike’s long body more than anything.

  “Oh. So fucking hot.” Mike’s eyes were burning, hand moving again, nipples hard.

  “Stop it, Mike. I told you that was mine.” He batted Mike’s hand away, lowering himself down onto the long body, bringing their mouths together.

  Mike arched up, groaning, rubbing against him, tongue pushing into his mouth. Jessy fought Mike’s tongue, wanting to fuck Mike’s sweet mouth with his own tongue. Damn, Mike tasted good, right, his. He took Mike’s hands in his and held them up and out, knees spreading Mike’s legs. Mike keened, loving it, needing it. Needing him. He growled happily, cock nudging at Mike’s hole and then pushing into Mike’s perfect, tight heat.

  “Yes….” Mike rocked into it, bearing down hard.

  “Oh, fuck. Yes.” He pushed past the tight ring of muscles and right into Mike’s body, sliding deep.

  “Yes.” Mike’s wrists tugged against his hands, eyes rolling.

  He loved that, loved when Mike tested him, tried to gain control of his hands. He purred into Mike’s mouth, hips starting to move. Mike groaned, moving faster, meeting his thrusts, low cries filling his lips. He pressed in again and again, belly dragging along Mike’s cock.

  “Uhn. Don’t ever want this to stop….”

  “Well, I can go for a while, baby, but eventually I’m gonna come.” He grinned into Mike’s face, a groan catching him as pleasure slid up his spine.

  “Yeah….” Mike arched, tugging harder against his hands as he slid deep. “There. Jess. Again. Fuck.”

  He nailed Mike’s gland again and again, staying there now that he’d found it, making Mike just writhe beneath him.

  Mike’s dark eyes stared at him, needing, hungry. “Soon. Fucking soon.”

  “Yeah, baby. Give it to me.” He thrust harder, mouth taking Mike’s.

  Mike’s body squeezed him tight, Mike’s spunk spraying hot against his belly. He moaned, body shuddering as his orgasm was pulled from him, Mike’s body and the smell of Mike’s seed combining to send him over the edge.

  “Mmm. Good….” Mike sounded dazed, happy.

  “Yeah.” He was feeling pretty dazed and happy himself.

  He let go of Mike’s wrists, gently settled on the long, slender body.

  Mike hummed, settling as well. “We did good today.”

  He nodded, breathing in Mike’s scent, licking at Mike’s neck. “You did perfect, baby. Focused on that wall and did what you have to do.”

  “The ocean helped. We should go back.”

  “It definitely seemed to make a difference. Made you stronger without extra training. We could see about relocating.”

  “I’d just take online classes? Or would I leave the team?”

  “Well, I guess we’ll have to weigh your options. See what works best for you.”

  Mike’s degree was something that would be there for him when the speed faded, but at one class a semester, practicing with the team and doing a bit of volunteer work at the pool to make up the rest of his requirements, Mike wasn’t getting there anytime soon. A few years off probably wouldn’t make much difference in the end.

  “Isn’t that what I have you for?” Mike winked, kissed his cheek.

  “Well, yeah, but I thought we liked to pretend that you have a choice?” He gave Mike a grin and rolled to his side, drawing Mike into his arms.

  Mike chuckled. “So long as we’re just pretending.”

  He laughed and kissed Mike hard. “You want that pizza now, baby? You sure deserve it.”

  “Hell, yeah. Pizza and ice cream.” Mike nodded happily. “You know it.”

  He sat and pulled the phone book from the bedside table drawer, flipping through it…. “Double cheese pepperoni? And you want a medium or a large?”

  “Add green peppers and onions and I want a medium, please.” Mike stretched, back popping.

  “Wow, moderation. Don’t tell me the rules are actually starting to rub off on you?” He grinned and winked, ordering Mike’s pizza and a medium double meat for himself, along with a couple of Sprites. They’d get the ice cream from room service later.

  “Got better things to do tonight than puke up a lung, is all.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah? You got plans, baby?”

  “Uh-huh. Brought a couple toys….”

  “Oh?” He’d expected Mike would want to fuck the night away, but they didn’t usually have toys along.

  Mike blushed, nodded. “The big plug. The clamps. The leather collar. Been a long week….”

  Jessy moaned and moved back over to Mike, kissing him hard. “Where are they?”

  There was no reason Mike couldn’t be plugged and clamped before supper got there, that collar sitting on his neck and reminding him what was going to come.

  “In the red suitcase.” Mike was flushed, breathing hard again.

  Grinning, cock definitely struggling back to life thanks to his lover, Jessy went over to the red suitcase and felt around the edges, coming up with the plug, clamps, and collar in a small, velvet bag. “You sweet, wanton boy.”

  Mike pinked. “I knew you couldn’t get us a flight until supper tomorrow….”

  “I’m not complaining, baby. Not for a second.”

  He stretched back out alongside Mike, sliding his hands over his lover’s skin. “I want to watch you get yourself ready for the plug.”

  “Now?” Oh, fuck, Mike didn’t know how sexy that was, not at all.

  “Oh, yeah, baby. We’ve got a half hour before the pizza arrives. I’m not wasting it.”

  He rubbed his cock against Mike’s hip, reaching over to where he’d dropped the lube, pressing it into Mike’s hand.

  Mike fumbled the lube open, slicked up two fingers, then twisted, pressing them in. “This feels so…. Big.”

  “Those two slender fingers? They’re not big at all, baby. Not compared to what’s coming.” He nibbled and licked at Mike’s ear, watching Mike’s fingers work Mike’s little hole. Reaching down, he pushed one of his own in as well, groaning at the heat and silk inside Mike’s body.

  “Oh. Oh. Jess.” Mike nodded, moving a little faster, adding another finger. Eager.

  He moaned, rubbing harder against Mike’s hip. Damn, his baby was sexy. Fucking sexy. The most luscious sounds were pouring out of Mike, those hips pumping, jerking, riding their fingers.

  He leaned in and nibbled on one of Mike’s nipples, teasing it to hardness. Mike’s pink skin drew tight, going hard and stiff on his tongue. He played with it awhile and then slipped on the clamp, their fingers still working Mike’s ass. Mike’s grunt was just what he needed to hear.

  He moved up to Mike’s lips, licking and kissing softly, whispering “mine” against them before moving to work on Mike’s other nipple, the tiny nub of flesh already hard for him.

  “Oh. Yours. Yours, Jess. Make me so hard.”

  “I can tell.” He smiled and attached the other nipple clamp, leaning away to admire them, to admire the muscles jumping in Mike’s belly, the way the long cock curled up over it, leaving wet spots behind as it touched Mike’s skin.

  Their fingers were still moving inside Mike, stretching him, getting him ready for the plug. Soft little whimpers were filling the air, low and sweet, rich with need. Jessy let his own fingers slide away from Mike’s body, and he grabbed the leather collar. It was soft and wide and so dark ag
ainst Mike’s neck. Made Mike’s eyes look huge.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured, picking up the plug and getting it good and slick.

  “For you. Jess. I need it.”

  He growled, sliding a hand along Mike’s thigh, nudging the tight balls with his fingertips. “Fingers out now, baby. Gonna fill you with this.”

  “Uh-huh….” Mike nodded, turned to his hands and knees, ass in the air, begging for it.

  He groaned, grabbing his balls as the sight went straight to them and threatened to make him come. He started to ease the plug into Mike’s body. Mike rode the plug, sliding and moving, gradually taking more and more. So fucking amazing, his Mike. A thing of beauty, in the water and out of it. The plug finally slid home, and he jostled the end, making sure it was well seated.

  “Jess.” Mike jerked, hips rocking, reaching for Mike’s hard cock.

  Jessy batted Mike’s hand away and helped ease him down onto his back, tugging up the covers. “Pizza’s going to be here any minute. You can wait.”

  He went to the suitcase and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and his robe, hoping the layers would conceal his own erection.

  “Wait? Jess….” Mike rubbed through the covers.

  “Don’t make me tie you up,” he warned.

  “Don’t have the cuffs.”

  “I can find something, baby.”

  Mike’s hips rocked faster, pushing into the mattress.

  “Baby,” he growled.

  “Uhn….” Mike arched, gasping.

  He grabbed his shirt and looped the sleeve around Mike’s balls and his cock, making it good and snug.

  “I said wait.” Then he propped a pillow under Mike’s ass, getting the pressure off the base of his hole.

  There was a knock on the door, and he tapped Mike’s nose. “I mean it, baby. No touching.”

  “Hard-ass.” The word was low, needy.

  “You know it.”

  He went and paid for the pizza, eager to get back to his pushy, beautiful swimmer. Mike looked stunning, spread and hard, flushed and shifting and moaning.

  Christ, the fucking pizza could wait.

  He locked the door and put the pizza on the table, going over to the bed and pulling off the sheet.

  “Yes….” Mike reached for him, dark eyes huge and hungry.


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