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Mail Order Man

Page 21

by Heather Gray

  Sam shuffled toward the sink and scooped up the plates, stopping at the stove to take a quick sniff of the stew bubbling in the old cast iron pot. “Sure smells good, Ma. Pa always did like a good stew on nights like this.”

  Beth’s arms crept around Anna’s neck and held on. As her small body began to shake, Anna sighed. Tonight, she would sit up with her daughter to keep the nightmares at bay, stroke her hair, and tell her everything would be all right.

  And in her heart, she was lying. She didn’t know everything was going to be all right, and, perhaps, in her heart, she didn’t really believe it would.

  She’d lost her husband, and the children had lost their father. How could anything be all right again?


  The first drop of rain plopped against the rim of his hat quickly followed by several more until Daniel found himself caught in the middle of a gully-washer. Thunder growled so loudly he couldn't hear himself think, and he spurred his horse into a faster trot.

  “Come on, Sonny. Let's get out of this weather.”

  The stallion snorted and responded to the request for speed, shaking his glistening black head back and forth.

  “Yeah, I know. I'll make sure you're bedded down where it's good and warm tonight. Looks like this storm's going to last a while.” He tipped his face toward the darkened sky and got a mouthful of rainwater.

  Shouts up ahead drew his attention, and he reined Sonny in. The horse whinnied and pulled to one side, bringing Daniel alongside a man in a long black overcoat. “What's going on?”

  “Water's up over the bridge. Can't pass through here!”

  Daniel flicked his gaze ahead briefly, never quite taking his eyes off the man in his path. He didn't need his instincts to tell him the fellow was up to no good, but he thanked the Lord for them anyway. He just happened to know there was no bridge ahead since he'd studied the map thoroughly before ever leaving Austin.

  “Is that so?”

  The man nodded his head and pointed his finger off the road. “I've got a barn you're welcome to take shelter in for the night. Looks like we're in for a bad one. News in town is the rain's gonna be around for a while.”

  “I appreciate your kind offer, friend, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to take my chances. I'm expected in town.”

  The man shifted, giving Daniel a glance of a holster tied to his thigh. “Don’t think you want to do that, Mister.” The threat was obvious, though the man's voice was shaky.

  “Why don't you tell me exactly what it is you want since I know there's not a bridge anywhere in this town?” The man's hand flew to his holster, but Daniel was faster and leveled his Colt at the man's forehead. “Now, I'll ask you again. What do you want?”

  Both hands went up in the air. “N-nothing much! I-I was wife is expectin', and there hadn't been much work around these parts lately. Don't got a lot of money.”

  Daniel shifted in the saddle as the rain slipped between his coat and his shirt, creating a wet trail down his spine. “And how is your ending up in jail going to help your wife?”

  “Aww, now, there ain't no call to get the law involved.”

  Sliding his coat to one side, Daniel gave the fellow a good look at the gold star inside the circle pinned to his chest. “The law's already involved. I'm a Texas Ranger.” He jerked his head toward the man's gun. “That got any bullets in it?”

  Sheepishly, the man shook his head and held it up for inspection. “I ain't never been a good shot, so my wife always hides the bullets.”

  Daniel repressed a smile. He couldn't blame a man for trying to feed his family, but the law was the law. He'd sworn to uphold it. Of course, there was always room for leniency when no harm had been done. “What's your name?”

  “Roy...Roy Eckers. My wife and I have a place a little ways up the road from here. Just a small piece of farmland, but we hadn't had a good rain long enough to grow any crop.”

  “Well, it seems like you got a good one now.” Cupping both hands around the pommel, he pinned Roy with a steely gaze. “I tell you what I'm going to do. You give me that gun of yours and get yourself back on up to your house, and we'll forget this ever happened. But if I ever see you with another gun, I'll have to arrest you. Understood?”

  Roy slipped and slid over the mud in his desperate haste to get the gun into Daniel's hand. “Thank you, Mr. Lawman. I 'preciate that so much. Wife's due any day now. You're absolutely right. My being behind bars wouldn't do her any good.”

  Daniel nodded. “And first thing tomorrow morning, Mr. Eckers, you come to the sheriff's office to see me. I might have a job for you that'll give you some breathing room until you can build your crop back up.”

  Sweeping his hat from his head, Roy stared up at him as the rain drenched his face. “You gonna give me a job after I tried to rob ya?”

  With a smile, Daniel spurred Sonny on. “I'll see you tomorrow morning then, Roy.”


  Strawberry Junction—a small town where everyone knew everyone, and they liked it that way. The Mayor had already warned Daniel that intruders weren't always welcome, especially one who'd come to take the dearly departed sheriff's place.

  Reining Sonny in next to only hotel in town, he dismounted and secured the straps of leather to keep the stallion in place. “I'll be right back out to get you, Sonny. Just need to get settled in is all.” He unhitched his saddle bag and slung it over one shoulder.

  He climbed the steps into Miss Sally's Boarding House and hesitated at the door, realizing three sets of identical eyes peered out at him through the glistening window. He favored the three young girls with a smile that sent them all ducking. Grinning, he opened the door.

  A portly woman with dimpled cheeks and bright red hair secured in a bun bustled forward, wiping her hands on a white apron tied loosely around her waist. “You must be Ranger Cochran. I'm Sally Henderson. The mayor said you'd be coming in this evening. What terrible weather to be ridin' in. You’re probably chilled to the bone. I've already told my husband to bring up some hot water for a bath for you, and you can hang your clothes up to dry in front of the fireplace.”

  Without pausing to give him time to speak, she hurried toward the stairs. “Your room's the first one on the right. Not much, but it's clean and well kept. My girls and I take care of that. And speaking of my girls, here they are.” She turned toward the three young ladies he'd seen at the window, resting her hand on each head in turn as she introduced them.

  “This is Jane, Jenny, and June. My husband and I were a shocked as could be when the doctor told us we had three of 'em. Still haven't quite figured that out yet, but we've been blessed.”

  Daniel couldn't stop smiling as the woman rattled on. Though a bit on the talkative side, she was a breath of fresh air compared to the men he'd been traveling with for the past month or so. They'd all pretty much kept to themselves, their mission to stay alert, stay alive, and protect the law-abiding citizens of Texas. Not too much time was spent socializing.

  Mrs. Henderson puffed her way up the stairs, pausing at the second landing to catch her breath. “Water closet's at the end of the hallway. Right now, you're our only customer so you'll have it all to yourself. My family and I share one down stairs. Breakfast is at seven sharp, but,” she threw a cheerful smile over her shoulder, “I don't mind keeping you a plate warm if you've a mind to sleep in. Sheriff Hampton didn't usually get into the office until eight-thirty or so 'cause he liked to walk his kids to school and spend some time talking with the townsfolk.”

  She finally reached the first door and turned the knob. “Well, come on in then and make yourself to home. Don't know how familiar you are with Strawberry Junction, but the telegraph office is across the street in case you need to be checking in with anyone.” Face flushed, she turned to stare at him. “You don't talk much, do you?”

  A full-fledged grin spread over his face. “I can usually hold my own in a conversation.” He didn't add that this hadn't exactly been a conversation as much as
a recital. He doubted it would be news to this exuberant woman. It was obvious she had her hands full running a hotel and raising three daughters. Probably not a whole lot of time for getting to know folks, especially if they were just coming through.

  Sally harumphed and pointed toward the bed as if he needed help finding it. “There's the bed. The wash basin's over there next to the window, and there's a razor strap hanging next to the vanity. My husband, Nate, will check on you to see if you need anything a woman ought not be knowing about.”

  Daniel realized for the first time he hadn't removed his hat. “Begging your pardon, ma'am.” He lifted the broad-rimmed hat and removed it from his tousled hair. “I don't usually forget my manners.”

  She beamed at him. “It's quite all right, Ranger Cochran. Why don't you go ahead and get yourself situated, and I'll fix you a plate of beans and cornbread? We ate about an hour ago, but they should still be warm.”

  “That sounds just fine.”

  The woman turned to leave, paused at the door. “Ranger, I do feel like it's my Christian duty to tell you the hurt in this town runs deep. Sheriff Hampton wasn't just a lawman; he was one of us, a member of the town and our family. So don't be too surprised if you get a cold shoulder now and then.” She lifted one of her own shoulders sheepishly. “We all tend to stick together here.”

  “And I find that a commendable trait, Mrs. Henderson.” He ran one hand through his hair and eyed the bed. His body exhausted, he couldn't wait to crawl beneath the sheets and get a good night's rest before tackling his new duties. “I'd be beholden to you if you could show me where the livery is. I need to get my horse stabled for the night.”

  “That big black stallion out front was yours?”

  Alarm raced through Daniel's veins. “Was?” He strode toward the window overlooking the street. Sonny was nowhere in sight.

  “No need to be all concerned. My husband done took him to the livery for you, got him all settled down, I'm sure. He's like that for all of our customers. Figured you'd driven too far to go back out into that rain now.”

  Sally Henderson stepped out into the hallway. “You just holler if you need something, Ranger.” She paused. “And regardless of what anyone says, I'm glad you're here. Some things just ain't been right in this town, and I suspect it's high-time we got ourselves another lawman.”

  Daniel thanked her for her overabundance of information and the promise of a hot meal then he fell on the bed the second the door closed.


  Anna breathed in the deep, rain-rinsed air, swinging the basket of eggs lightly as she walked into town. The previous night's cleansing rain had left the air smelling fresh, lifting her spirits. The sunshine warmed the bonnet covering her head, and for the first time in a long time, she actually felt a bit more positive. Which was exactly why she'd left her chores behind today.

  She needed this walk. It was a chance to clear her head, sell some eggs to Mr. Baker at the mercantile, and hopefully, find a job. That was the determination she'd come to during her restless night.

  She needed a job. Something to occupy her time. Sure Zach's stipend helped them enough to keep food on the table and clothes on their back, and the cabin was paid for, but the extra money would come in handy. And it would keep her from thinking too much. Remembering too much.

  The familiar bustle of the town beckoned her, and she held one hand against her bonnet to hold it in place as a gust of wind whipped her skirts around her legs. She greeted several ladies she hadn't seen in a while and wasn't surprised to see them whispering as she walked by.

  She didn't come to town much, preferring to send Sam to get what they needed from the store. That way, she didn't have to see the pity on the faces of the people who'd once been her neighbors. Even visiting Mrs. Waverly, who was like a grandmother to her, was too close to town for her own liking. But today, well, today, was just going to be different.

  The bell over the door leading into the mercantile tinkled, and the scents of cinnamon and licorice wafted toward her, reminding her of happier times. For a moment, her mind drifted back. Images of Zach bursting into the house holding a bag of licorice high over his head while Sam and Beth tried to reach it made her grip the door know so tightly her knuckles whitened.

  “Mrs. Hampton! It's so good to see you again.” Madeline Baker rushed out from behind the merchant counter, extending her hands. “Why, I haven't seen you since...” The words stilled, and the woman winced. “I'm so sorry.”

  Anna managed a stiff nod. Your husband's funeral. That was what Mrs. Baker had intended to say. A knot formed in the pit of her stomach, and suddenly, this didn't seem like a good idea after all. The images wouldn't go away, and for a second, she swore she heard Zach's voice, that gentle rumble telling her everything was going to be all right.

  Feeling light-headed, she stumbled back. The older woman reached out to catch her. “Perhaps you should sit down.” Genuine worry creased Mrs. Baker's forehead. She'd always been a caring woman, one of the first to welcome Anna to Strawberry Junction.

  Anna opened her mouth to reply, but a wave of nausea welled in the pit of her stomach. She clutched one hand over her abdomen. “'ll have to excuse me, Mrs. Baker. I'm not feeling very well.” She rushed out of the store and into the street, the blood draining from her face. Leaning against a post, she gulped in deep breaths of air.

  “Ma'am? Are you all right?”

  The deep voice startled her, and she jumped. The basket of eggs dropped from her fingers, but a black-gloved hand shot out, catching it before it could make contact with the planks. “I-I'm fine.” She closed her hand around the handle, careful to avoid touching the man's hand. “Thank you.”

  “Are you sure? You look mighty pale.”

  Was she fine? No, anything but. She'd tried. Had really believed she’d convinced herself this time would be different, but everywhere she looked, everything she heard, smelled, touched, reminded her of Zach. She couldn't do this. Maybe it was time to move. She'd heard a lot of good things about Corpus Christi. Surely the children would like living so close to the coast.

  “Ma'am?” Leather brushed her wrist, just the slightest touch, like the kiss of a butterfly's wing, but Anna recoiled. He immediately withdrew his hand. “My apologies. I didn't mean to startle you.”

  “Y-you didn't. I just…” She broke off, the ability to explain fading as quickly as her courage.

  “Would you like me to see you home?”

  Anna finally tipped her head back to see the face behind the voice, and the knot in her stomach began to dissipate. The man was strikingly handsome, dark hair, green eyes, and just enough of a beard to look like he hadn't shaved in a couple of days. Broad shoulders and a kind smile—a man her daddy would have called “the trustin' kind”.

  Realizing, she was staring, she dropped her gaze. The sun glinted off metal, immediately drawing her attention to the star pinned to his vest. Her defenses went up.

  Snagging the basket free from his grasp, she inclined her head. “As I said, I'm fine. Thank you for catching my basket.” She quickly turned to leave, knowing it was rude, but desperately needing to get away before the tears began.

  It had been the star. Though it was different from the one Zach had worn, it was still the sign of a lawman, and the knowledge was enough to erase any other thought from her mind.


  Daniel watched her hurry away, his shoulder resting against the same post. He'd seen something in the woman's eyes. Was it pain? Fear? Had he scared her? And if so, how?

  “Oh, you'll have to excuse her, Mr. Cochran. That's Mrs. Hampton—the sheriff's wife, and since she lost her husband not quite a year ago, she's not been herself.” Mrs. Baker was quick to explain.

  His lips curved into a smile. Though a pleasant and charitable woman, Mrs. Baker had quickly identified herself as the town gossip, or the purveyor of information as she'd called herself.

  In just one hour, he'd learned that the saloon had recently closed down,
though no one had really learned why, the new Reverend was single and obviously looking for a bride, a man his age should have already been married by now, and Mrs. Baker's daughter just happened to be of marrying age. Oh, and he could have fresh coffee beans on the house just like she'd done for Sheriff Hampton.

  With her ongoing stream of information, Madeline Baker eclipsed Sally Henderson's exuberance.

  “I'm sorry to hear that, Mrs. Baker. I'll be sure to pass along my condolences when I see her at church Sunday.”

  Mrs. Baker laid a plump hand on his arm. “Oh, the poor thing doesn't come to church anymore. I imagine she's just hurting too much inside right now.” She paused, pursed her lips. “Did you say church? You attend church?”

  Daniel tipped his hat. “Yes, Ma’am. Every Sunday.”

  She clasped one hand to her heart. “I’m so thankful the Lord done sent us another God-fearing man, especially,” she paused for effect, “a single one. Lots of pretty girls around here needing a good man.”

  Chuckling, Daniel stepped off the wooden sidewalk. “You have a good day, Mrs. Baker, and I'll be sure to pick up some of those beans first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “See that you do.”

  He didn't have any doubt the woman would deliver them if he didn't show up. With a grin, he crossed the street and pushed open the door to the late sheriff's office.

  Though the interim sheriff had maintained the law, he hadn't been as efficient about order. The top of the desk was a mess, and cobwebs lurked in every corner. Dust layered at least an inch think on top of every available surface, and the floor looked like it hadn't been swept in, well, he didn't know how long.

  Well, no time like the present to get busy. He cast a swift glance at the overhead clock. Closing in on ten o'clock and no sigh of Roy Eckers. Reckon he'd have to make a trip out to the man's house this evening if he didn't bother to show.


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