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A Houseparty to Die For (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 5)

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by Lindsay Downs

  “I am. Might I wear the topaz jewelry as it will go perfectly with the gown.”

  “Yes, I agree.”

  Finally, bejeweled and dressed, with her mother following, Prudence stepped from their suite. Peering up and down the corridor, she noticed many of the maids and footmen carrying trays into their mistress’ suites. She suspected the same would be true for many of the gentlemen, which made her wonder how many would be attending the buffet.

  As they made their way down to the formal dining room, having already been informed where it was located by Mrs. Harper, she heard voices. One she recognized as belonging to Lord Justin, conversing with several ladies. A warmth engulfed her. Again, a totally new experience. She only hoped the effect didn’t show on her cheeks. Glancing over to her mother, she got the answer in the form of a frown.

  All she could do was pray her complexion would return to normal quickly. Stepping onto the marble grand vestibule, she took a deep breath then peered over to her mother, and this time was rewarded with a smile.

  “Shall we dine?” her mother said.

  “Yes, as I’m hungry.”

  Turning down the hall which led to the dining room, Prudence was able to see who Justin was speaking with but didn’t recognize them as their backs were to her. It brought a smile to her lips when Justin raised his head and saw her, his mouth partially open. She wondered if words came out but suspected not when one of the ladies, the raven-haired one, turned and glared at her.

  Mentally shaking her head, she pondered the cool reaction. Then the other two turned and glowered.

  “Mother, those three ladies speaking with Lord Justin and scowling, do you know who they are?” she whispered.

  “I’ll tell you, but later as His Lordship is separating himself from them and walking up to us,” her mother replied softly.

  Steeling herself for possibly another onslaught to her emotions, Prudence studied him as he approached. Tonight, he appeared even more devilishly handsome than earlier. Much to her pleasure he’d chosen a deep-blue jacket with black trousers. The light yellow color of his vest had her staring at his chest.. Swallowing around the sudden lump in her throat as he stepped up, she curtsied, noticing her mother did also.

  Against her better judgement, she accepted his hand to straighten. As before, when they touched she could feel a warmth engulf her heart.

  “Thank you, m’ lord.” She could barely get out.

  “You’re more than welcome. Now, as I know you’ve hidden yourself away in the country, please allow me to make the introductions to those who chose to join us for the buffet.”

  Giving him a head bob, Prudence settled her gloved and bejeweled hand on his right arm. She noticed her mother barely shook her head. Not sure why, she decided to hold her tongue until alone in their suite.

  As they entered the dining room, she was surprised at the stares being laid upon them. Prudence wondered if they were because she was being escorted in by the host. Glancing around, she spied the same ladies from a few moments ago. As before, they were glowering, this time not only at her but Justin as well.

  What she found interesting was that all conversation came to a halt, then from the side she watched Lady Amelia glide up.

  “Justin, don’t just stand there like a ninny, I know you wish to introduce Lady Prudence, but shouldn’t she and her mother dine first?” she told him softly.

  Stunned by the fact Amelia called their host by his Christian name, Prudence didn’t know what to do. She started to curtsey but was halted by a hand on her arm. Glancing over to Justin, she saw him shake his head.

  “I’ll explain later, but she is correct.”

  Prudence was amazed when Amelia lifted her hand from Justin and linked her arm in hers.

  “Come, my dear, as I know Justin, he will keep you talking, and my husband is waiting to assist you with your plate. Then, you may join us at the foot of the table. Now, don’t fret as Matt has already taken your mother to the buffet,” Amelia declared to a stunned Prudence.

  Not sure what was happening, all Prudence was able to do was weakly nod then let Amelia steer her to where the marquis awaited.

  Later, with dinner over, Prudence planned to retire to her suite when she was stopped by the raven-haired young lady.

  “Don’t even think of insinuating yourself between us and Lord Justin. He will be marrying one of us,” the woman snapped at her.

  “I have no intentions of wheedling my way into his heart. He’s only acting as the perfect host would, or have you forgotten how to behave in polite society, Lady Phoebe?” Not wishing to spend another moment in the woman’s presence Prudence turned on her heel and started to leave the room, only to be stopped by Jessica.

  “Well said, Lady Prudence. Now, as my Matt is escorting your mother to the music room, I’ve been given the task to bring you along. Oh, and our host won’t take no for an answer.”

  “But, but isn’t the hour late?” Prudence pleaded.

  “No, it’s not. Now, no more arguing as I have it on excellent authority not only are you well skilled with the pianoforte but also have an angelic voice. I’m sure we can even convince Justin to join you in a duet.”

  More confused than ever, Prudence peered over to Jessica, fully knowing she had a quizzical look in her eyes.

  “May I ask, both you and Lady Amelia refer to our host, Lord Justin, by his Christian name only. Isn’t that inappropriate?”

  “Yes it is, but you must understand we all have a unique relationship.”

  As they made their way to the music room, Jessica explained how they had all met and had become more than fast friends. At one point, even helping to save Nash from grievous harm. As a result, his parents, who’d denied his existence died thus thrusting Justin into the earldom. All of this with the assistance of The Duke of Fenwick, Nash’s father.

  “Thank you, m’ lady. Now I do understand.”

  “I’m so glad, and you have my permission, when staff isn’t present, to use my Christian name, Jessica. The same goes for that impossibly devilish man I married, Matt.

  “As with me, also. Now, can you explain why Lady Phoebe said what she did. I don’t understand. I’ve also never met her before tonight. I’m only a guest and not necessarily in search of a husband.”

  “It’s very simple. They all have set their eye on Justin with the intention of marrying him. Or I should say one hopes to, and that is the lady who spoke to you. The other two are there for support and to prevent another lady, such as yourself, from gaining Justin’s attention. Regrettably, she doesn’t have any affections for him, only his funds. Justin believes he’s in love with them, and the purpose of this house party is for him to decide which one to marry,” Jessica explained.

  As they got closer to the music room, Prudence realized things were starting to make sense. The letter from her dear friend Bianca to her mother, which she had seen by accident. Along with the invitation to the house party. Was it by accident? Or did Bianca know something she’d not laid out. Was Justin her perfect mate? Then, was she looking for one, or did she enjoy her life as it was?

  Gliding into the music room, Prudence noticed several other guests she’d not met before. Introduced to them, she took a seat then watched as one of the young ladies took a seat at the pianoforte. Over the next thirty minutes she was subjected to some of the worst playing she’d ever heard. Finally, when her turn came, Prudence stepped up, sat, then repositioned the chair to her liking and started playing a piece written by Bach.

  Once she finished playing the sonata, she glanced over to Justin and smiled.

  “M’ lord, would you care to join me in singing the baritone part to a wonderfully humorous ballad?”

  Chapter Three

  From the veranda, Justin watched as quite a few of the gentlemen, under the guidance of Matt, made their way through the garden to the river. They would be spending the morning fishing. Glancing to his left, Justin watched as a footman turned back a couple from the maze. He smiled to himse
lf on seeing the man was performing his duty. Earlier, after a complete sweep of the twisting and turning paths to make sure no one had snuck in, the man was then instructed not to let any young ladies enter without their chaperone.

  To his right, under the shade of several large oaks, matrons relaxed talking or reading while keeping a close watch over their charges.

  Spread out in front on the wide expanse of lawn, marquees had been set for any of the young ladies if they chose to paint. Justin focused his attention very closely to this group. Prudence, he found it interesting, had selected to work off to the side without the benefit of shade. He was pleased, though, she did have a wide-brimmed bonnet on. He started down the steps to examine what she’d chosen for her subject when he noticed Lady Ida, daughter to the Earl and Countess of Condiff, approach.

  “M’ lord, I apologize for the interruption. Lady Phoebe isn’t feeling well and has taken to reclining in one of the guest parlors in the ladies’ wing. She requests the pleasure of your company.”

  Justin glanced to the young lady then out to where the chaperones rested. Interesting. The duchess was currently conversing with the Countess of Harl. This made him wonder precisely how seriously indisposed Phoebe could be. Then again, on several different occasions in London she’d attempted to lure him into a compromising situation. Could she be attempting to do so again?

  “Please inform Lady Phoebe I will be along shortly as I wish to have the duchess present,” he firmly stated.

  “That won’t be necessary, m’ lord. I was instructed by Lady Phoebe to act as chaperone.”

  After the dressing down from Matt at the Valentine’s gathering, Justin knew this would be considered inappropriate. He glared down at Ida. “No. The duchess will be present, and that’s not up for discussion. Please inform Lady Phoebe of that fact.”

  Ignoring any further pleas from the girl, Justin stormed down the granite steps and marched across the lawn to the duchess. Even though she and the countess were still in deep conversation, he stepped up and bowed.

  “Your Grace, as you’re aware Lady Phoebe isn’t well. She’s requested my company. For what reason, I’ve no idea.”

  From the shocked expression on the lady’s face, Justin knew this appeared to be the first time the duchess was aware her daughter was indisposed. This confirmed in his mind the three young ladies were attempting to entrap him.

  “No, m’ lord, I wasn’t aware my daughter felt ill. I must go to her at once. I thank you for enlightening me.”

  Offering his hand to help her stand, Justin watched the duchess stride back to the mansion.

  With a bow to the countess, he started to where the ladies were painting. Never having totally understood the lure of landscapes, much less portraits, he did, however, appreciate the skills needed to create such works of art. Slowly, he wound his way through the different groups, amazed at how similar each appeared. No variations on the subject, the gardens and gazebo.

  As he came upon Prudence, he noticed her mother lean over and whisper something to her. Whatever it was, Prudence’s response brought a smile to Julia. Slowing his pace, Justin wondered what had been exchanged between them. As he drew near, he saw the reason for the whispered words. It wasn’t so much a painting, as Prudence had been drawing with a pencil. What he found most interesting was the main subject. Him. But, not attired in a jacket and breeches or trousers. She’d drawn him as when he’d been a groom. Rough breeches and an opened collar shirt with the sleeves rolled up. All that was missing was a horse. Either him holding the reins or in the saddle. From what he could tell, the background was the garden without the gazebo.

  “M’ lady, even though I’m not a student of art, so to speak, I do find your interpretation fascinating. Might I inquire as to why you have me as the central theme? Not only that, but dressed as I am?”

  “Simply put, m’ lord, from Lady Jessica I learned how you attained the earldom, but that wasn’t enough. Last eve after the impromptu musical event, I had an interesting discussion with Lady Amelia. From her I then discovered you used to be a groom, first for The Duke of Fenwick then later for Lord Nash. On hearing this tidbit of information, I knew having you as the dominant feature in my painting was necessary. I pray you’ll forgive me for being so presumptuous?”

  “M’ lady, there’s nothing to apologize for. At some point, I know I’ll have to have a portrait done for the gallery. Once you complete the work, I will wish to purchase it for the colonnade. As with how I came into the earldom, which did cause a stir, yours will help add a touch of intrigue considering all the other paintings are so staid and boring.”

  “I’ll be more than pleased to gift the painting to you, m’ lord. As you can see, though, the only thing missing is a horse beside or behind you.”

  “Why didn’t you say so? Do you wish him saddled or not?”

  “Unsaddled, for as you can see, I started with you standing on the ground. My plan would be to have the horse behind you, head down, and grazing.”

  Justin knew this would be perfect.

  “Then, I shall retrieve him for you. I shouldn’t be more than ten minutes.”

  With a bow to her and the countess, Justin turned on his heel and made his way around the side of the mansion to the stable. Walking in, he hunted down his stable master, finding the man in the tack room.

  “M’ lord, this is a surprise. I would have thought what with all the guests we wouldn’t be seeing you until much later.”

  “Sawyer, it would seem one of the young ladies is doing a portrait of me and wishes Sullivan in the background. Is Tom around to handle him?”

  “Yes, he is. Shall I get him?”

  “Please do, and have him bring my beast, unsaddled, over to the rear lawn. Tell him I’ll meet him there.”

  “Certainly, m’ lord.”

  Making his way back, this time he went through the mansion. When he entered, Justin was distracted by several voices, one yelling. It was coming from the front morning room. He wondered what it was all about, however he did know one of the speakers was Phoebe. Who the other was took a moment before he could recognize the voice belonged to Lady Ida.

  He wondered how things had gone between Phoebe and the duchess. From the arguing, he guessed, not well.

  “Look, you stupid cow, how hard was it to follow my simple directions. Tell Justin I needed to speak with him. But no, who comes to the sitting room? My mother. The dressing down she gave me was the worst ever. It was a miracle I could sneak out of my suite and hunt you down. Now, get out of my sight before I do something one of us will deeply regret.”

  When Justin heard the latch lift, he stepped back out the front door and made his way around to the back lawn. He casually walked along, head down in thought over what he’d overheard. Why, he wondered, would Phoebe be angry at Ida? The poor girl had done as instructed. It had been he who’d chosen to first speak with the duchess. Coming around the corner of the mansion, he saw Nash and another guest, Lord Kelly, talking. Except from the way his friend was standing, arms across his chest and leaning into the other, it appeared to be more of an argument.

  So he wouldn’t interfere, Justin stepped behind a bush and continued to observe what was going on. He waited until the two men separated then marched up.

  “Nash, what was that all about?”

  “I was warning Kelly to be more careful. A short while ago I caught him and Lady Anna sneaking out of the maze. I can only hazard they had a brief assignation and had enlisted Lady Lara to slip past the footman. I hope you don’t mind, but I warned him if this behavior continued he could be sent home.”

  On hearing this piece of news, and from what he’d heard, Justin wondered if any of the three young ladies were worth his efforts.

  “No, you did the right thing. I also had a problem with Phoebe. Seems she also tried once again to be compromised by myself. This time, though, she used one of the guests, Lady Ida. What makes it even worse, a few minutes ago I heard Phoebe berating the poor girl. If you don�
��t mind, I’d like your wife to find Lady Ida and see how she’s doing, considering how Phoebe treated her.”

  “I agree and know exactly where my bride is, studying the sketch of you being done by Lady Prudence. From what I overheard them saying, it will definitely be unique, not to mention interesting,” Nash declared.

  A whinny brought Justin’s head around to see Tom leading his beast over. Turning back to Nash, he wasn’t surprised to see a look of astonishment in the man’s eyes.

  “What is that beast of yours doing here?” Nash uttered.

  “It would seem Lady Prudence wishes to include him in her painting. Now, come along so we can get him set where Her Ladyship wishes him to be. At least I won’t have to stand for her.”

  Justin walked over to Tom, who seemed a bit nervous being on the rear lawn.

  “Relax. I’m not sure where Lady Prudence wishes Sullivan to stand, but let him graze if he wishes,” Justin told the groom.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  With a nod, Justin strolled over to Prudence and Amelia, smiled, and then bowed to them and Julia.

  “Well, that’s the beast. Where would you like him?”

  “Right where he is would be perfect. I should only need him for a short while as I see the other guests seem a bit curious as to his presence.”

  Glancing around, Justin noticed many of the ladies had paused from what they were doing, stood, and then started for him. Suddenly, he felt overcome with panic, considering Sullivan only got along with a few people, namely Tom and him.

  “Nash, I may need your assistance in keeping the inquisitive away from my beast.” He then turned to Amelia and drew her aside to explain what had happened and what he’d overheard.

  “I won’t need to look very far as the poor girl has retaken her chair, under a marquee painting.”

  “Thank you. Make sure her chaperone is also aware of how Lady Phoebe treated her. I’ll also inform the duchess that her daughter is bullying a young lady again.

  With one problem resolved, or so he hoped, Justin returned to where Prudence was working, only to get an annoying glare from the lady.


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