The Great Bridge
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construction begun on
declared historic landmark (1964)
importance of
jumps from
first suicide
location of
inauguration of, see Inauguration
men killed building
official name of (The New York and Brooklyn Bridge)
vital statistics on
See also other specific topics
Brooklyn City Hall
Brooklyn Club
Brooklyn Eagle (Brooklyn Eagle and Kings County Democrat; news paper)
award of cable wire contracts and
on Beecher
on Bridge Party
on Brooklyn
bridge train plans and
on cable positioning
on contemplated suicides from
on inauguration
Brooklyn Eagle
on progress of construction
on Brooklyn caisson
on Brooklyn tower
death of Fisk and
footbridge work and
fundraising for Chicago Fire and
Kingsley-Steinmetz brawl and
removal of W. Roebling and
on J. Roebling’s accident
wire fraud and
Brooklyn Heights
Brooklyn Bridge viewed from.
churches of
panorama from
residents of
as socio-cultural center
Brooklyn Monthly (magazine)
Brooklyn Ring
see also Rink Committee (Committee of Fifty)
Brooklyn Theater
Brown (worker)
Brown, John
Brown, John C.
Brown, Joseph
Brown, Sir Samuel
Brunel, Isambard K.
Bryce, James Lord
Buchanan, James
Buck, Leffert L.
Burleigh Rock Drill Company
Burnside, Gen. Ambrose
Bush, J. Adriance
Cable cars, 436; see also Trains
Cable-making machinery
Cable stays, anchored
of Allegheny River Bridge
of Brooklyn Bridge
break in fall rope
brittleness of wire
cable wire contracts
carriers and carrier wheels
catenary curve of
cradle cable
deaths due to
first crossing on
hoisting first
how strands form cables
material composing
offsetting pull and downward pressure of
saddle plates and saddles
see Saddle plates; Saddles
seizing of
size of
specifications for
spinning of
splicing of
stringing of
technique for anchoring
see also Anchorage travelers
wire fraud
of Cincinnati Bridge
of Niagara Bridge
of Pittsburgh aqueduct
bridge success dependent on
bearing surface of
bends from, see Bends—from Brooklyn caisson
blowout in supply shaft
clearing site for
excavating within
fire in
friction overcome
Great Blowout in
grounding of
launching of
life span of timber
New York caisson compared with
sinking as hazard of job
size of
soil composition
timber and iron in
weight of
work crews of
New York
begins descent
bends from, see Bends—from
New York caisson
communication system in
Eads and
equipment for
launching of
protecting against worms
soil composition
strike over
work crews of
payroll tor digging
first used
as new technique
professional secrets
of St. Louis Bridge
W. Roebling as expert on
Cambria Iron Company
Campbell (comptroller of Brooklyn)
Cantilever system for St. Louis Bridge
Card (foreman)
Cardiff Giant (hoax)
Carlyle, Thomas
Carmen (ship)
Carnegie, Andrew
Eads and
production of Bessemer steel and
residence of
W. Roebling on
St. Louis Bridge and
Carnegie (brother of Andrew)
Carroll, Thomas
Cary (member of Bridge Party)
Brooklyn Bridge
from bends in Brooklyn caisson
from bends in New York caisson
Brooklyn anchorage accident
Brooklyn tower accident
promenade accident
snapped cable
Brooklyn Theater
from collapsed bridges
Ashtabula bridge
Queen bridge
Tay Bridge
Wheeling Bridge
See also Accidents
Centennial Exhibition (Philadelphia Pa
Center span, see River span
Central Park (N.Y.C.)
Chain bridges
Challenge (ship)
Chambers Street courthouse (N.Y.C.)
Channing, William Ellery
Chicago Fire (1871)
Chittenden, Simeon B
Chrome Steel Company
Cincinnati Bridge (Ohio)
footbridge of
river span and width of
size of
wires of
City of Brooklyn (ship)
Civil War
building of Cincinnati Bridge during
W. Roebling in
battles taken part in
bridges built during
correspondence with his wife
tunnel at Petersburg and
on the war
social effects of
“Turtles” used in
Gen. Warren in
Clarke, Thomas C., Jr
Clausen, Henry
Cleveland, Grover
at Brooklyn Bridge inauguration
Cleveland Rolling Mill
Clifton Bridge (England)
Clinton (ferry)
Coal mine accidents
Cochrane, Admiral Lord Thomas
Collapsed bridges, casualties from
Ashtabula bridge
Quebec bridge
Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Tay Bridge
Wheeling Bridge
Collingwood, Francis, Jr
Brooklyn caisson and
Brooklyn tower accident and
footbridge work and
New York caisson and
New York tower and
W. Roebling’s correspondence with
at RPI alumni gathering
testifies in Miller suit
Collins, Charles
Colorado Fuel & Iron Company
Coman, Thomas
Comet (ship)
Committee of Investigation (of New York Bridge Company)
Competition among engineers
Compressed air
air system described
escape of, while pouring concrete
fire in Brooklyn caisson
increasing depth and air problems
physical derangements caused by
pressure required
See also Air locks
Compressed air “baths” against bends
for Brooklyn caisson
compressed air escape while pouring
for New York caisson
for repairing fire damage
Coney Island (Brooklyn)
Coney Island Railroad
Connolly, Richard B., “Slippery Dick,”
breakup of Tweed Ring and
Rink Committee investigation and
at marriage of Tweed’s daughter
Cooper, Edward
Cooper, Lucia, see Roebling, Lucia
Cooper, Peter
Cooper, Theodore
Cooperation among engineers
Cope (worker)
Copeland, William
Corliss, George H.
Corliss steam engine
Corporations, growth of
Corruption, as product of city environment
see also Brooklyn Ring; Tweed Ring; Whis key Ring; Wire fraud
of Brooklyn Bridge
of caissons
of fire in Brooklyn caisson
of terminal buildings
of Cincinnati Bridge
of first suspension bridge
of Hoosac Tunnel
of Pittsburgh aqueduct
of St. Louis Bridge
of Smithfield Street Bridge
Crane, Hart
Crazy Horse (Sioux chief)
Crook, Gen. George
of completed bridge
first pedestrian
number on opening day
by E. Roebling
of footbridge
of roadway
Crucible steel
conflict over use of
Cullen, E. M.
Custer, Gen. George A
Custom House (N.Y.C.)
Daily Graphic (newspaper)
Dams built by J. Roebling
Daugherty (worker)
Davidson, Marshall P
Davis, Andrew
Davis, John G
Deaths, see Casualties
Deck, steel
Democratic National Convention (1852)
Democratic state convention (1882)
Democratic Vistas (Whitman)
Dempsey (foreman)
Detwiller & Street
Dewey, S. Foster
Diagonal stays
of Brooklyn Bridge
of Cincinnati Bridge
first use of
of Wheeling Bridge
Diary of My Journey from Muehlausen in Thuringia via Bremen to the United States of North America in the Year 1831 (J. Roebling)
Dickens, Charles
Donovan, Larry
Douglas, Thomas
Dredge buckets
for Brooklyn caisson
for New York caisson
Dredging equipment
breakdown of
crews to operate
Dufy, Raoul
Eads, Capt. James B.
caisson sickness (bends) and
death of
W. Roebling on
St. Louis Bridge built by, see St. Louis Bridge
sues W. Roebling
Early, Gen. Jubal
East River
currents of
problems presented by
shipbuilding along
East River Bridge, see Brooklyn Bridge
East River ferries
Edgar Thomson works
Edge Moor Iron Company
Edison, Thomas
Edison Company
Edson, Franklin
Effie Afton (ship)
Eisenhardt (ex-soldier)
Elections, fraudulent
in Brooklyn
Elements (Euclid)
Ellet, Charles, Jr.
collapse of Wheeling Bridge and
plans for St. Louis Bridge and
rams built by
Ely, Smith
Emeline (ship)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emott, James
Empire Bridge, see Brooklyn Bridge
Engineering (magazine)
Engineering staff of New York Bridge
Collingwood, Francis, Jr.; Farrington, E. F.; Hildenbrand, Wilhelm; Martin, C. C.; McNulty, George; Paine, Col. William H.; Probasco, Samuel; Roebling, John A.; Roebling, Washington A.