It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 30

by B. , Ivory

  If it weren’t for Lucky he would have split Douglas whole shit, made him strip, then dropped that nigga dead in the hood of BK and made him find his own way back home. Lucky’s pleading eyes and voice stopped him. What the fuck? He thought to himself no woman had ever had that type of control over him to stop him from doing something and that is what scared Los the most. The car ride was silent for the next hour or so, Los pulled off on one of the rest stops right out of Philly to get Lucky something to eat.

  They pulled up to a McDonald’s drive thru and Lucky ordered a number two and Los no surprise to Lucky ordered 3 different value meals. Lucky rolled her eyes because she knew that most of the food was going in the trash. “You guys want anything?” Lucky asked.”Yeah, I’ll get a numb...” Ty started she never even got a chance to finish, “Um Ty aren’t you forgetting about your diet?” Douglas interrupted. “You definitely don’t need McDonalds.” Lucky could not believe her ears what the hell did he just say? “Oh well baby I was just going to order a medium fry,” Ty lied. “A medium fry,” Douglas repeated. “The fries are the worst thing you can eat, it’s fried with tons of fattening grease, trust me you don’t need anything.” Lucky looked over at Los and gave him the what the fuck look. Los just smirked. Lucky started to say something and Los looked at her and mouthed “Shut up.” Lucky’s eyes got big, hell no she thought to herself. But Los looked at her one more time with the same look that said he wasn’t playing with her. Ty ended up getting nothing to eat and Los didn’t feel bad at all. If she had a chance to eat and she didn’t cause some nigga told her not to oh well. Los was waiting for just one word from Ty, just one, to give him the okay to beat the shit out of Douglas but it never came.

  After dropping Ty and Douglas off they headed back to Scottsdale in silence. Lucky was worried about Ty. She wasn’t the same, if it were the old Ty she would’ve cursed Douglas ass out for making such a rude comment about her weight. Ty was nowhere near fat. She had already lost a lot of weight which didn’t make her look the same. Lucky was silent the whole ride home and Los knew why so he gave her time to herself and remained quiet as well.

  They were home for about an hour and Lucky was still feeling in a way. She had barley talked since they’d been back . “What’s wrong ma? Come here.” He grabbed Lucky up in his arms as she was walking by him emerging from the bathroom after taking a shower. She was still wet and had a towel wrapped tight at the corner of her breast. She looked up at him and he kissed her. “I’m worried about my cousin she acting real crazy. And why didn’t you say something when he bullied her out of eating?” Lucky said with attitude. “Why I didn’t say anything? C’mon Luck, Why she didn’t, I was waiting for Ty to just set shit off. If she would’ve said something to that cornball ass nigga and he said one thing back to her, I would’ve broken that nigga jaw. I wanted Ty to just give me the green light to lace that nigga boots, but she didn’t say nothing, and that’s why I told you not to say shit either. I peeped from jump that nigga had her head so why say something if she aint say nothing.” “But baby you heard how he was degrading her about her weight that was wrong, what is wrong with Ty?” Los shrugged his shoulders “Shit I can’t call it, she should’ve just fucked wit my nigga. He would have treated Ty like she supposed to be treated,” Los said running his hands up Lucky’s towel. “Your nigga? Your nigga who?” Lucky said with her face screwed up. “Nice.” Los stated bluntly. “You know damn well she can’t and wouldn’t mess with Nice, he messed with Nona.” “Yeah okay” Los said. That’s what you think.

  Lucky walked off and started rubbing baby oil gel on her legs. Los looked on with lust in his eyes, he walked over to Lucky and started to lay on top of her. She protested, she wasn’t in the mood anymore there was way too much on her mind. But Los kept pressing. He started to rub her thighs and slip his hand in between her legs while sucking on her neck “Baby stop it” Lucky said pushing him away hard. Los looked at her with a confused expression, just a couple of hours ago she was all with it. “Lucky what’s wrong?” she sucked her teeth and began to say something and stopped.“Baby I…I feel, well…with the weight I put on, do you think I’m still pretty?” Los nearly laughed in her face, for sure he thought she was just joking, but then he saw the saddened, insecure look on her face and realized that she was waiting on him to say something, and if he said the wrong thing he could possibly crush her self-esteem. “Luck yo your body is sick. I mean, don’t get me wrong I liked your shape before but I love it now. You a little thicker but it looks good on you.” Lucky looked relieved “I know but I do feel fat sometimes.” Los looked at Lucky with alarm “Fat? Yo Lucky tell me you playin.” Lucky just stared at him. Damn, I hope she don’t got no damn eating disorder, she must if she thinks she’s fat. “Baby girl ain’t shit fat about you, your beautiful.” he said kissing her on the forehead. She looked into his eyes for any indication of him lying but she saw none, his eyes were sincere. So she kissed him on the lips gently and then followed with her tongue. Los undressed so quickly Lucky barley saw him strip. He laid her on her back gently and spread her legs. When he entered warmth Lucky let out a loud moan. Los whispered in her ear as he stroked her slow and deep “Your so beautiful” Lucky held onto him even tighter. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear as he deep stroked her lovingly until tears escaped her eyes.

  After an hour in a half Lucky was just lying there in Carlos arms while he looked down at her. She had cum two times and was looking tired and fragile to the touch. A light mist of sweat glistened on her body he kissed her deeply and she kissed him back but barley moved her body. Her eye lids were closing and she was fighting to keep them open. “Ayo Lucky you ain’t shit, yo ass can’t never take a good dick lashing. Look at you, you sleep wit ya eyes open ma,” Los joked. Lucky chuckled lightly it was as if she had to force herself to muster enough energy to laugh. Los had worn her out and she knew she would have a real good sleep tonight. Within minutes he heard her snoring lightly, he looked down at her and placed a kiss on her forehead as he continued to rub her back in circular motions knowing she loved that.

  Los was so confused about his feelings for Lucky. He had never been in love with a woman before so the feelings were all new to him. They both excited and scared him at the same time. He looked down at Lucky. Damn she do make a nigga wanna turn in his playa’s card. I just can’t see myself giving a chick my all and loving her, I don’t trust females they sheisty. Look at Ty, she was with the next nigga while rockin the shit out of the necklace Nice copped her. He shook his head back and forth. Nah not the kid. I won’t ever get caught up in this love shit.

  The following morning Carlos looked over at Lucky, the sun was casting a glow to her pretty face. He kissed her face until she stirred awake. She looked up at him and noticed he was fully dressed, despite the fact they both had a late night. All of a sudden she felt real self conscious about her appearance. She could only imagine how she looked she didn’t wrap her hair up last night cause she had a hair appointment today, she hadn’t taken a shower or brushed her teeth. Lucky tried to do this only on Thursdays and Fridays just go to bed with nothing on her head. Los hated her scarves but she didn’t care. She had the money to just go to the hairdresser everyday if she wanted to, but she didn’t trust anyone in her hair except for Tamika. However, since she was in school she only saw Tamika on the weekends or whenever Mika decided to visit her in CT which wasn’t often because she was so busy with her shop and in the process of opening a second shop in a different location in Philly. Yeah Mika was doing it big off hair.

  Los lay on top of her and tried to kiss her, Lucky turned her face and flashed Los an incredulous look. He laughed he knew why she didn’t want to kiss him. “You wildin, how you not trying to kiss me and you the one wit morning breath.” Lucky glared at him with attitude. “Stop playing,” Lucky whined, and tried to push him off of her. He bent down and sniffed in hard Lucky looked at him in shock “I love the way we smell.” “Boy you crazy,” Lucky chuckled, but she couldn’t agree more, th
ere were times she would just lie there in bed after sex with him and not even try to wash away the scent he left all over her. As soon as she went to turn her head she was met with Los’s lips. He slipped in his tongue and kissed her long and hard. His breath smelt good as usual like fresh mint but she could only imagine how hers smelt.

  He broke their kiss and gazed down at her “Ma courtside tickets to the Nets game last night at the last minute, a grip. That Prada outfit you was rockin about four g’s, the hairdo and nails a coupla c-notes and some change but that pussy is priceless!” Lucky looked at him and cracked the hell up “Carlos you a freaking nut. Why the hell is you sounding like a Visa MasterCard commercial?” “Cause it’s true, you just don’t know what the fuck you got between them legs.” Lucky looked at him smiling but felt a little creeped out because he wasn’t laughing or smiling, he was dead serious.“Baby girl I gotta go and handle a few things with Nice. I’ll be out in Philly, I might run into you out there, if not, I’ll be home later on.” He kissed her on the lips one last time and bounced, not before leaving two huge knots of money on the bed that consisted of nothing but Benjamin’s.

  Los had told Lucky only a half truth about where he was going. Yeah he was handling business with Nice first cause M.O.B (Money Over Bitches) always prevailed, well not with Lucky that is but any other women the rules applied. After he handled some details with Nice he was going to get up with this chick named Sharita who had killa head game. Her pussy was good too but nowhere near the quality of Lucky’s. He had been messing with her for a while and had run up in it a couple times. He never talked to any of the women he dealt with on the side on a daily basis. He only called when he wanted something and they came running every time he called. They played their part and position well, all of them knew he had a girl, and they knew never to confront Lucky if they ever saw her in the streets. Even if Lucky got that six sense women sometimes get and decided to confront one of the chicks he was poppin on the side, the chicks knew to do just like a nigga would do and deny, deny, deny. His rational was that he could give affection and his emotions to one chick while the rest got the stiff dick and his ass to kiss. He knew his way of thinking was flawed but at the moment it was working for him.

  When he arrived at the office there were a few cars there in the parking lot and he was glad to see that Nice was already there. He could be real hard to get out of the house in the mornings, especially if he was out getting twisted and smashing something the night before. As he was walking towards Nice’s office he could hear him yelling. “Bitch I’ma fuckin beat the shit outta you! You sorry as hell, you need to stay the fuck outta the clubs and take care of ya fuckin daughter!” Los just shook his head as he walked into Nice’s office and took a seat. This was nothing new to him. Nice and Mia were forever going at it.

  Mia was a sorry ass excuse for a mother. The real reason she even had Kynah is because she knew the caliber of nigga Nice was and knew he would take care of his seed. She had countless abortions by niggaz in the past and never had one of the babies. When she got pregnant with Kynah oh she knew from the jump that this pregnancy would be for keeps. She played the good girl role real well in the beginning. She was from Jersey, so Nice really hadn’t heard anything about her until it was too late. When niggaz heard that Nice was fucking with her they started approaching him and putting him on to her hoe ass by then it was too late. She called Nice and said she was pregnant. He was livid and out of anger told her he was going to kick the fucking baby out of her, she went into hiding in Jersey. After Nice had a long heart to heart talk with his mom she told him he needed to do the right thing and so he did. Mia had the baby. He got a paternity test done, he was the father, and he stepped up to the plate and took care of both Mia and Kynah. He had purchased Mia a house, brand new Benz truck and paid child support every month, not because he liked Mia but because he didn’t want to see his daughter go without. He wanted her to grow up with all the advantages and luxuries he never had as a child before he was adopted.

  Mia was making shit impossible though. He went to pick up Ky yesterday and she was dirty as hell and her hair was a mess. Kynah has more clothes than any child he knew but her mother was too sorry to do laundry or her hair. She had spilt juice on her clothing and had dirt marks on her jeans from playing outside. Nice had called Mia days prior and said he was coming to pick Ky up and asked Mia to have her ready and this was how Ky was when he came to get her.

  They lived in a very nice neighborhood in Jersey. Their house was nice and located in an area that had a very good school district that was one of the things Nice made sure of when he told Cathy to look for a house, it was a three bedroom house with an in-laws suite in the basement, fully equipped with its own kitchen.

  Not even a week after he bought the house Mia’s crackhead ass mother Rosie moved into the basement apartment. Nice was furious, Rosie was a straight up crackhead. The bitch had six kids and didn’t know where half of them were. Mia’s aunt had raised her and her two older sisters, while the rest were lost in the system. When he confronted Mia about her mother staying there Mia swore her mother was clean and said she needed her Rosie there to help her with the baby. Now two years later both of Mia’s older sister’s and all their kids were living in the house as well.

  ”Bitch what the fuck you think this is? I’m not taking care of your whole family. I pay the bills to keep a roof over my seed’s head cause ya dumb ass can’t get a job! What? You know what Mia, I’ma hang up right now before you make me do some dumb shit to you that will fuck Ky up in the head for the rest of her life. But listen, I would respect you more if you wasn’t such a fucking chicken. Instead of playing the malls all day and running up in the clubs all night, you need to do something more productive with ya life. Go to school, you don’t even have your high school diploma, try to finish that and go and get a degree from somewhere so that you can get a job and have your own. You have no excuse it’s not like you have to work to pay the mortgage or the bills, that’s all you doing is fuckin and clubbin ya life away. Bitch I’m tryna put you on to game, child support don’t last forever.”

  Los was laughing his ass off cuase Nice was giving it to her straight with no chaser as he always did. Los could hear Mia screaming through the phone. He couldn’t hear her exact words but she was going off, then she hung up. Nice hung the phone up and looked up at Los with stressed eyes. Los felt for his peoples but he told him not to fuck with the girl in the first place. Los could tell she was a hoe from the beginning. She even tried to fuck him but he wasn’t having it, he slapped the shit out of her and told her to go tell Nice that he did. She did. And when Nice asked what happened without any hostility or anything in his voice cause he definitely wasn’t putting no female before his brother. Los told him straight up that from the beginning she was always making eyes at him and he ignored it. Then when he went to go pick up Ky from her this bitch came into the living room wearing nothing but some skimpy lingerie and then tried to kiss him, so he slapped her. The crazy thing was Ky wasn’t even there, she was over one of Mia’s hoe ass friend’s house. She had lied to Los and said Ky was there, then made a move on him.

  “Yo I’m telling you I’m taking my daughter from that bitch she is too unstable. I wanna take her now but I know how we living aint right. And if anything ever happens to me God forbid I don’t want Ky to have to go through being moved from house to house like me and Kendle did.” “Nigga what the fuck are you talkin about? You know damn well I would never let that happen,” Los said. “Yeah I know but if something happens to me, most likely it would happen to the both of us and you know that. You already know ma nigga Jah going out wit a bang period. And what real rights would mom have to Kynah? None really, cause I already checked. Jersey and Philly have no Grandparent custody rights.” “So yo I told you before nigga just try and sign her over to mom. You know she will take her and give her back to you when you straight.” “I know, but yo, that shit aint really fair to mom. And I want to take care of my own, feel me?
Then imagine Mia agreeing to sign over her meal ticket to mom, that’ll be a cold day in hell.” Nice dropped his head and moved it back and forth exhaling stressfully. “Bruh, you wouldn’t even believe how crazy Ky was looking yesterday. I was embarrassed as hell. A fly nigga like myself and my seed walkin around like that was an insult. I wanted to break Mia fucking neck. That bitch wasn’t home though, only her sister was there wit like 8 kids. I had to drive back to my crib, get her dressed, and bring her to Tamika shop to do her hair. Then Mika tells me Ky hair is coming out in the back. Can you believe that shit? All that long ass hair she got and it’s coming out cause Mia don’t comb it. I called Mia and that dumb bitch said Yeah I don’t comb it cause Ky don’t want me to.” Los shook his head “Where she at now?” Los asked.“With Mom. Yo I just wanna get my daughter from them fucking leaches.” “And we’ll do that nigga trust.” Nice looked off in the distance nodding his head in agreement. Los could tell he had a lot on his mind concerning his daughter but Los swore on his life that no matter what Ky would be okay.


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