It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 31

by B. , Ivory

  For over two hours they sat and discussed the shipment that was supposed to come in shortly. Los was informed that the cocoa trees in Colombia were still growing and that they had to wait for the trees to finish growing that pure raw to be cut and shipped over. The last shipments they had gotten rid of with some Cubans from Miami. Biggaz had put them on to these Cuban cats and things had worked out they had their money right and the transaction went smooth, unlike the one in Karisma night club when he let his cousin Chilly handle the deal.

  Los said his fairwells and was gone out the door to spend his day with Sharita. Los didn’t know why he had let his cousin talk him into having more responsibility and finding a buyer. Chilly wasn’t as bright and swift as everyone else. Los dealt with him mainly because he was fam. But Chilly really was what you would consider a classic fuck up. It was as if he could get nothing right. However, Los knew that yeah Chilly was naturally just slow when it came to matters of the street but there was also another reason why he was always fucking up, his drug addiction. That nigga was addicted to prescription pills Oxicodones, Prozac, Percocets, ecstasy, lacing, his weed with coke, anything to get high. That shit made Los real uncomfortable because he figured that one day that addiction was going to take a hold of Chilly and make him do something real stupid.

  When they finally got some information from the wire about the niggaz who tried to get at Los months ago it was late one Saturday night and Lucky was lying on Los’s chest, feeling content and relaxed. Nice had just called Los and put him on to what he found out. Los wanted to jump right on the info Nice got from the wire, he didn’t feel comfortable knowing a nigga was out there still breathing who tried to get at him. “Ayo Nice squad up nigga.” With that said Los hung up, jumped right out of bed and went into the closet to get dressed. “Baby girl I’ll be back,” Los said. Lucky looked up to see him fully dressed in all black. Something didn’t sit right with her for some reason. He bent down to give her a kiss and when she wrapped her arms around him to kiss and hug him goodbye. She felt the heavy bulletproof vest on him. Los picked up on the panicked look on her face then her eyes started to water. “Is that what I think it is? Why do you have that on?” Lucky asked in slight panic. “Carlos please don’t leave,” Lucky said with tears welling up in her pretty green eyes. He had to take an extra 20 minutes assuring her that he would be back. Los was mad that he had to waste so much time calming Lucky down. It’s like she somehow knew he was up to no good. Although she had wasted precious time, he had to admit it felt good to have a woman at home who genuinely loved and cared for him.

  The only thing they found out was that it was a little team in Philly who were plotting to try to take the whole street fam down starting with Los. Los had gotten the name and address of one of the dudes that was down with this team. His name was Soup, he was the cousin of one of the niggaz that got laid down in the club. According to Chilly, Soup was the nigga that put him on to the dudes from Virginia. Los, Nice, Jah, Rel, Real, Buju and Chilly decided to pay this nigga Soup a visit.

  The whole ride to West Philly Los eye was twitching he was so anxious to kill that nigga it was ridiculous. Most importantly he wanted to get some information out of the dude about this whole assassination team. Los looked over at the Chainsaw that was on the back seat of the beat up hooptie they were driving in. “I hope this muthafucka don’t wanna talk, oh he’ll talk and after he do I’ma kill this muthafucka, take his head right off wit that chainsaw. Los started to chuckle. Nice looked over at him and didn’t even have to ask. He knew Los was thinking of some evil things with that chainsaw.

  The dude they were looking for actually lived with his family, yeah muthafucka was still living with his momma. Los instructed Chilly to walk up to the door and ask for the kid since he was associates with the guy and he wouldn’t be suspicious. Chilly knocks on the door and as soon as the dude’s mother answers Chilly let off shots. All you heard from inside of the house were screams and cries. “What the fuck!” Los yelled from the side of the house. Chilly had totally thrown the plan right out the window. They had gone over the plan several times, they figured they knew this nigga would be shaky since shit didn’t go as planned at the club. Chilly had swore to God and every dead person he knew including Los’s father that he had no idea that the dude he set up the deal with was sheisty. He agreed to contact the dude and act as if everything was cool and he didn’t know that he had something to do with the whole situation. Nice had run the plan down in laments terms for Chilly. Chilly knew exactly what to do, get the nigga Soup outside so that they could grab him and bring him to an old abandoned house in North Philly they called the meat shop to get some info out of him and then body him.

  Los was heated, any real nigga in this world knew that murder and beef was never really good for business, and that’s why they were trying to avoid having to kill multiple people in that house. All Los wanted was that nigga Soup no one else, cause he would be damned if he let a nigga breath after he tried to get at him. Nice turned around to the group that was with him and told them to squad up. Buju and Real followed Nice orders and pulled down their ski masks and followed his lead towards the back of the house. Nice was thinking the commotion would scare some people in the house and tempt them to run out the back door since there was shooting at the front of the house.

  Los and Jah rushed into the front of the house. As soon as they entered they saw an older woman lying on the floor with a hole through her chest. Los and Jah both made eye contact through their ski masks, both showing their shock and disapproval. They turned when they heard a noise coming from the back of the pantry door, both men aimed their guns ready to fire until they saw a little girl around 3 years old step out from the pantry crying and screaming “Nanna!, Nanna!” Jah lowered his gun picked her up and brought her back into the pantry and shut the door. Los ripped the table cover off the kitchen table and respectfully covered the woman’s body. He felt bad but there was no bringing the woman back she was gone and she was just a casualty in this street shit, that nigga Soup had her blood on his hands.

  They moved through the house with caution noticing four more children in the living room huddled up on a worn out couch looking terrified. They moved through a dark hallway and could see there was a bedroom at the end of the hallway with the light on. “No Chilly, you don’t have to do this. Yo I’ma leave right now.” They heard a nigga begging and pleading. Los signaled Jah to kick the door in. The door flew open with force and just as it flew in Los walked through with his gun aiming to hit something, Jah followed close behind. Chilly jumped at the sound of the door crashing open and let go, wetting Soup up, Boc, boc, boc, boc. Los looked on in horror as his cousin killed the only real lead they had so far to this little assassin crew. Los shoved Chilly out of the way and stood over a nearly headless body that lay on a bed. At Soup’s foot lay a pillowcase stuffed with clothing and money. Without saying a word Los took his gun and motioned his hand in a circular motion, signaling Jah to trash the room in search of anything that would be relevant to finding who this nigga was rolling with. After about three minutes of Jah tearing the room apart he shook his head. “Ummhp” Los grumbled and stomped his foot. Then he looked at the dead body on the bed with disgust before kicking the shit out of the corpse and grabbing Chilly up by his collar pushing him out of the room.

  Once they all fled from the house, they split into groups of two and three to meet up at an apartment Los had located outside of North Philly. The apartment was empty aside from a few couches, It was one of the properties Los owned but wouldn’t rent out. He didn’t want to be anyone’s landlord he just kept it for situations like these. Los and Buju made it to the apartment first, shortly after Real and Rel walked in, there was a few rapid knocks on the door and Jah barged in the door with Chilly lapping behind. They sat and waited for about 10 more minutes deep in thought when they heard banging on the door. Los reached for his 40 cal until he heard Nice yell “Open the door.” Real went to open the door and was damn near knocke
d over by Nice. Nice rushed into the apartment spotted Chilly sitting on the arm of a couch and caught him with a left hook. That’s all you heard was “Oohh’s.” Jah grabbed Nice. “What da fuck is wrong wit you nigga? You fuckin brainless, This stupid muthafucka gonna fuck around and get us all indicted.” Nice growled. Chilly was dazed, he was mad but his ego was even more bruised than his face. He was embarrassed and mad he went to reach for his 9 but Los grabbed his arm and took his gun out of his waist band “Nah nigga it ain’t gon be none of that,” Los said in a stern tone. “Fuck you nigga!” Chilly spat at Nice with blood trickling down his face from his nose. “You ain’t fam nigga, you ain’t fam, this shit our family business, you always tryna be in it nigga. This shit here is what my uncle left behind nigga!” Los looked at Chilly as if he had truly lost his mind. “Nigga he is fam, that’s my fucking brother! He more family than niggaz I share blood with and ain’t no one leave us shit, we took it! My father ain’t leave shit behind. Whatever was his was stolen when he got murked, me and this nigga right here,” Los pointed at Nice “Took that shit back. Ain’t nobody give us shit, we took it.”

  Nice was enraged he was still trying to get at Chilly and now Jah, Rel, Buju and Real was holding him back and the four of them were having a difficult time. “What nigga! you tryna pull out on me? Bitch I’ma shove that lil ass nine down ya throat!” Nice threatened. Los walked over and pushed Rel to the side grabbing Nice by the arm “Nice c’mon nigga chill out you know that nigga ain’t too right in the head, let that shit go.” “Nah, Nah I’m tellin you Los get this nigga in check. You be giving him way too many passes, this nigga is a liability for real.” “Nice c’mon yo he fam.” Nice heard the pleading in Los’s voice and it made him feel a little sorry for Los, He felt sorry that he had such a screw up as family, when Los himself was such a real nigga. Los ordered the rest of them to let Nice go. Jah hesitated for a second he wasn’t sure if he should. Nice was mad enough to lay something down. Jah knew if he didn’t calm down it would for sure be a homicide in that apartment and he knew who would be getting carried out in a body bag and it wasn’t going to be Nice. Los gave him a head nod assuring him that it was cool to let him go. Los whispered in Nice’s ear “C’mon nigga, don’t make me do this shit. You already know it’s me and you always, you my brother don’t make me murk this nigga just chill.” Nice facial expression softened a little, he was still mad as hell but his breathing started to calm down. “Yo Los the next time we do dirt leave this simple nigga at home.” “Will do,” Los said assuring him.

  He let Nice go and turned to Chilly “Yo why the fuck you kill that nigga?” “Yo my dude that nigga tried to get at you, at you Los! You fam, I was so mad I just popped that nigga,” Chilly said in a hyper tone. “Nigga fuck outta here, you shot that dude cause you brainless and you high ass fuck. Stop poppin those fucking pills yo,” Jah spat with annoyance.

  Los stared at his cousin in disgust damn what a waste. His cousin just didn’t fit into the mold of the family at all. He would have been put him out of his misery but his aunt V was his heart. Shit she was realer than her son. “Yo ain’t no sense in dwelling on this shit. We ain’t got nothin, but I betcha them other niggaz he was plottin with got the picture, that sooner or later I’ma catch them snake ass niggaz and cut the grass on that ass! So yo Nice put the word back on the wire, all we can do for now is wait. It is what it is.”

  Caught Out

  It was a Friday night and Lucky had been home alone in Scottsdale studying from the time she got in the house, And that was around 4 hours ago. She heard a car pull into the driveway and knew that it could only be Los. Shortly afterwards he came into the room fully energized. Lucky was lying on her stomach so he grabbed both of her ankles and pulled her towards the edge of the bed. “Carlos!” Lucky screamed at the same time grabbing at the sheets like a frightened kitten trying to hold onto a ledge. “Stoooop!” Lucky screamed. She was coming to the end of the bed and thought he was going to really let her fall on her face. He laughed out loud and stopped “Ma you know I wouldn’t drop you” Los said through laughter. “You play too much,” Lucky said with attitude as she crawled back to the spot she was in. “What you mad at me? Ha you mad? Los asked as he climbed on the bed and placed himself between her legs. He started to nibble on her neck “You mad ma?” Lucky tried to look mad but when he looked at her and smiled she burst out laughing. “Move you play too much,” She said through laughter as they began to playfully tussle on the bed. Carlos let her take control, he rolled on his back and she straddled him pinning his arms down. Lucky looked him in the eyes before capturing his lips and kissing him passionately. “Damn” Los whispered afterwards just staring at her.

  “Come out with me,” he blurted out spontaneously. “What?” Lucky asked. “Come out to the club with me and my boys.” Lucky looked at him as if he were crazy.“No baby, I’m not coming out with you and your boys and be the only female with all y’all wild ass niggaz. No, I’m straight. I’m not trying to get popped either.” Los started laughing “C’mon, I would never let anything happen to you.” He looked so serious when he said those words and Lucky knew he meant it. “But baby, I’ma feel uncomfortable none of my girls going to be there and I can’t really enjoy myself.” Los peered at her intently “What you mean you can’t enjoy yourself? What can’t you do at the club with me that you do with ya girls?” He sat up and waited for her to answer before she could he cut her off. “Lucky let me find out ya lil ass be out here on some sneaky shit with niggaz, I’ma break ya ass in two and body that nigga.” Lucky felt a chill run up her spine. He wasn’t playing at all, there wasn’t a hint of humor in his voice. No he wasn’t being faitful but he swore on everything if he ever found out Lucky was giving his love away he would catch a Homi. “I don’t be doing nothing Carlos.” Lucky blurted out in a panic. She was scared, he looked at her for a long minute and then his facial expression eased up. “I know you don’t baby girl,” he placed his hand on the back of her head pulling her in to place a kiss on her forehead before getting up and heading to the closet.

  “Where Keema and Ty at anyways?” he asked. “They went to a company party at Ty’s job” “Why didn’t you go?” “Cause, I needed to study this is the last weekend before finals.” “Lucky Charm’s give ya’self a break, Your going to pass, believe me the way you been going at it there’s no way you could fail.” Los walked into the bathroom to take a shower and Lucky decided to join him. They made love in the shower and when they were done Lucky’s mind was made up, she was going out with him. She would be damned if he met a chick at the club and gave a random bitch what he just gave her in the shower.

  It took Lucky almost two hours to get ready. When she finally came downstairs Jah and Nice were waiting with Los. They heard the bedroom door open and were speechless as Lucky came bouncing down the stairs. She looked amazing. Damn Lucky straight shittin on bitches Los thought, And yes she was way prettier and classier than the chicks he cheated with, but still he cheated. “Hi Nice,” Lucky said while giving him a hug she turned and did the same to Jah. Los wrapped his arms around her from behind “Damn ma, what you tryna have a nigga catch a body tonight?” Everyone just started laughing.

  As soon as they got to the club Lucky thought that maybe she had made a bad decision in coming out because bitches were hating. She was getting nasty looks coming at her from left and right. Los didn’t get cute with her though, he stayed true as always, he held her hand and walked with her up to VIP. He stayed with her and introduced her to dudes in the club as his wifey. Every time he said that Lucky would beam, he kept her close the whole night.

  The club was poppin, everyone and their mama was in the club that night and the dance floor was packed to capacity. Lucky was sitting on Los’s lap in the VIP section rocking her body to the beat of the music. He had a little liquor in him so he was being a little frisky, but he knew not to go too far in public because he would never play her in public as if she were just one of his jumpoffs.

got up to go to the bar and as soon as he stepped away these chicks that were with a group of wolf pack niggaz walked over and sat down beside Lucky. Now Lucky was already on point, she knew that these broads were only around her to be in her business and she wasn’t having it. She never got too friendly with females, she had her little clique and those were the only females in this world that knew just about everything there was to know about her, and it was going to remain that way.

  “Hi my name is Carmen.” this honey brown thick chick said. She was a cutie with a nice shape, but her breasts were huge, they were as big as her head. Lucky shook the girls hand reluctantly. She did the same for the girl who was standing next to her “Sharay,” the second girl said. “So I see you nagged the big fish girl, that nigga looking like he taking care of you too, you icy as hell,” Carmen said in the all famous universal chicken head voice, you know the real high pitched squeaky voice. “Yeah he takes really good care of me,” Lucky confirmed. Carmen looked at Lucky and thought to herself What’s so special about this little chink, green eyed bitch, yeah she pretty as hell but she look like she can’t even handle a nigga like Los, that’s why he still roaming “Oh okay,” Carmen responded. “Let me see ya necklace.” without even waiting for Lucky to say yes or no she lifted the chain to get a better look. The diamond necklace was very feminine and clearly fit for a princess, it was a short necklace that stopped right below the bottom of her neck topped off with an iced out 4 leaf clover pendant with Lucky and Los’s initials in it.“What does the initials stand for?” Carmen asked. When Lucky told her it stood for her and Los’s name the hate on the chicks face was undeniable. Los was over at the bar looking on, he wasn’t panicked. He dared Carmen to tell that he been fucking her every now and then. Carmen knew the game though she stayed in her place. Obviously this is who he wanted to be with, cause ain’t no nigga gon put freeze on a chick to this magnitude if he ain’t love her.


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