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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

Page 36

by B. , Ivory

  Lucky looked on at their show of PDA, they reminded her of herself and Los. Lucky picked up the blunt that Jah was just smoking and started to take a pull she desperately needed to be under the influence of something to get Los out of her mind. “Ohh Lucky what the fuck you doing?!” Lucky froze “What it look like?” “Nah you aint about to get me fucked up by Los, you not smokin up here. Wait till I tell this nigga what you doin.” “First off Carlos not my father and he the one who put me on to smoking weed.” “Hell nah, Lucky I don’t believe you, you need more people. That man don’t want you smokin trust me. Maybe he let you hit something a coupla times with him, but that’s different. Yo, do you usually smoke on the reg?” “No,” Lucky answered. “Then you aint smokin now. Gimme my shit before you have Los act up.” He snatched the blunt back from Lucky with a smile. “Jah shut up. You act like you somebody damn daddy,” Keema said. “I am,” he said looking at Keema. He gave her a sexy grin licked his lips then picked her up, and bit her on the top of her exposed breast in her v-neck fitted shirt. “What’s my name?” Keema was giggling her head off. “Stooop Jah!” “Nah, hell nah, What’s my name?” “Daddy,” Keema squealed. Lucky couldn’t help but laugh. Jah started running towards the stairs with Keema in his arms kicking and screaming “Jah stop we got company!” He kept running and Keema started laughing.

  Keema and Jah ended up being in the room for about an hour. When Jah came out of the room smelling like he just got out of the shower with a huge kool-Aid smile on his face. His jeans were falling off the back of his ass as he swagged across the room with his chains swinging back and forth, pulling his shirt over his head. Real was now engrossed in a fighting game on playstation. while Lucky just looked on, she had been on the phone with a classmate for the majority of the time talking about their upcoming graduation.

  Keema came out of the room minutes later limping slightly. As soon as Lucky noticed the way Keema was walking, with the slight gap in between her legs, trying to play off the fact that she was hurting. It was obvious that Jah had beat that pussy up and those pussy lips were sore and swollen. Lucky burst out laughing and so did Real and Jah. Keema stuck her middle finger up. Jah’s phone went off while everyone was still laughing

  “Cuzo what up baby?” Lucky shut up immediately. “What? Who you heard laughing?” Jah repeated. Lucky’s eyes got big as she started waving her hand no at Jah. She didn’t want Los showing up there. She wasn’t ready to see him, she knew if she did she would break down emotionally and that’s the last thing she wanted to do. Lucky looked over at Keema with pleading eyes. Keema looked at Jah like she would kill him. “That’s me, Real and Keema’s goofy ass. Lucky? Nah you aint hear her. Damn nigga, she got you going crazy, you thinking you hearing her and shit, A’igh’t we on our way now.”

  Jah hung up and looked at Real “Yo let’s go, that nigga aint believe me. He know what he heard. If I know that nigga, which I do, he on his way over here right now.” Real hopped up and Jah kissed Keema “See what you got me doing, lying to my favorite cousin.” Keema looked at him with a serious expression. “She not ready to see him baby.” “ A’ight you owe me one, I love you Meema!.” he called over his shoulder while leaving out the door.

  Just as Jah thought, as soon as they were leaving the parking garage from him and Keema’s high rise luxury apartment Los was pulling up. “Damn this nigga must have been right around the corner or some shit.” Jah spat. He pulled up to the side of Los’a car.“ What up baby?” Los just stared at him intently. Jah’s hands started sweating Los didn’t look too right. “Ayo she up there, but don’t even go fuckin with her, give her some time. She scared out of her mind right now to see you.” Los turned from Jah and stared out of the windshield. “Why you lie to me Jah? You think I’m stupid or something?” Los asked while looking straight ahead I can hear that girl’s voice out of a choir and spot her amongst a million people. “Nah Los, she begged me not to say shit, yo she was shaking and everything, this not the time for y’all to see each other with all of us there, you need to catch her alone. Trust.” Los thought about it for a second, Jah was right, even though he was fighting the urge to run up in Jah’s spot snatch Lucky up and make her talk to him, or just hear his plea. Los shook his head “Yeah Jah you right.” Los blew out air in frustration and lifted his fitted from his head. “You stressing for nothing fam, you know I was lookin out. I got something for you, that’s even better than money son.” Los looked at him with a raised brow. Jah threw a key towards him and Los caught the key. “That’s the key to ya heart nigga. The misses changed the locks on ya ass, and I cuffed the spare she gave Keem.” Los smiled yeah his little cousin damn sure came through this time, as always.

  I Can’t Live Without You

  Lucky was tired when she left Keema’s house even though Keema had begged her to stay because it was so late. Lucky refused to. She needed the time to be alone. She left the house promising that she would call as soon as she got back to CT. It was almost twelve AM and Keema didn’t feel right about Lucky traveling so far at that type of hour. “Keema I’ll be fine, now you know driving is one thing that I have no problem with. Who drove us all the way to Miami for black biker’s week? Or to VA for spring break? Me. I’ll be fine.” She kissed Keema on the cheek and left.

  The drive back to CT was grueling. She thought about just turning back around and going to either Ty’s or Matoo’s house. Lucky didn’t feel comfortable going to Keema’s because she figured her and Jah needed their privacy. Lucky tore through the New Jersey turnpike hitting traffic in New York. “Shit I should’ve known, it’s a fucking weekend. What was I thinking?” She fussed to herself. She reached over and turned up her stereo. An hour later Lucky was pulling into her driveway. I’m so tired I’m taking a shower and taking my ass right to bed. After a long hot shower she lotioned up, put on a little La Perla sleep top with the matching panties set and went to sleep.

  Lucky jumped up out of her sleep. She looked over at the clock trying to figure out how long she’d been sleeping. Thump Lucky heard the noise again. She sat completely still oh my god somebody’s in the house. She had changed the locks to the doors, to prevent Los from coming into her house, so she assumed it couldn’t be him. Lucky slithered from the bed gently placing her toes on the plush carpeted floor and tip toed to the door to investigate. As soon as she looked over the banister to the lower level she met eyes with Los “Aww!” Lucky yelped. He scared the hell out of her. Her mind was racing she was feeling so many emotions right now, she was overwhelmed. What the fuck is he doing here? How did he get in my house?

  Lucky wanted to cuss his ass out, but she was so upset she knew she would cry. And she didn’t want him to see her shed one more tear over his dog ass. Lucky gave Los the dirtiest look ever and walked back into her bedroom slamming the door behind her. I hope he get his shit and get out. Lucky thought as she lay on her stomach across her bed. Seconds later she heard the creek of her door, and Los’s footsteps. A cold chill ran up Lucky’s spine and she froze completely still. Why didn’t I put the lock on the bedroom door? She smelt Los, his smell was intoxicating and Lucky found herself getting wet. She was angrier at him for even having that type of affect on her.

  The soft plush pillow top mattress dipped from his weight as he sat down on the bed. Lucky was in the far end of the bed facing the wall with her eyes closed. She was making sure that she stayed in her little corner leaving the rest of the bed to Los, she didn’t want him touching her at all. Los took a deep breath, he had never imagined that he would ever be this close to her this soon. He realized in the past week without Lucky that he truly loved her and couldn’t even function without her. Los began to feel emotional for some reason he hadn’t even said anything and he was becoming choked up. He reached out his hand to touch her back. “Lucky,” Los voice came out in a low raspy tone. Lucky heard him call her name and wanted to kill him. She heard the emotion in his voice and it pissed her off because it was breaking down her resolve. And she wanted to be angry with hi
m not concerned with his feelings. “Baby girl I’m sorry, I don’t know…” Los hesitated, it felt as if there was an elephant in his throat. He touched Lucky’s back gently. Without warning Lucky sprang up, brought her hand back to Alabama and slapped the shit out of Los. The impact of the slap echoed throughout the quiet condo. It was the slap heard round the world, Cathy was probably in Pennsylvania right now rubbing the side of her face. Lucky glared at him and for a moment she could have sworn she saw anger in his eyes but as quickly as it appeared it disappeared.

  “Get out!” Lucky screamed. “Get the fuck out!” Tears poured down her face. Lucky started kicking her feet. She flailed her legs kicking him several times. She was trying to kick him off the edge of her bed. She met his face with another slap and then a kick to his chest. “I don’t want you, get the fuck out!” Lucky screamed through sobs as she continued to kick him. Just as Los was about to be kicked off the edge of the bed he grabbed Lucky up in his arms. The movement was so fast and his body weight was so much stronger it overpowered the little tantrum she was throwing. Los buried his head into her neck and squeezed her into a bear hug that nearly stopped her breathing. “Carlos get off of me! I mean it, get out. Get out! Don’t have me call the boys to make you leave.” Lucky threatened trying to wiggle out of his arms.

  Lucky felt his body tighten up completely and the more he tensed up the harder he squeezed. She felt moister on her neck, Los sniffled, in an attempt to stop himself from crying but it was inevitable. “Lucky don’t leave me, I can’t live without you. I love you ma. I fucked up, I know I fucked up, I’ll do anything to make this right.” Lucky froze, she was in shock. She didn’t know how to react. Los was still holding onto her for dear life while she sat there in his arms with her arms at her side. She didn’t know what to do. Oh my god is he crying? Did he just say he loved me? Lucky had been waiting forever for him to say those words. He had never told her he loved her before tonight, although she told herself all the time that he must have. “I can’t lose you ma, I can’t, I love you Lucky. Damn I love you so much,” Los sobbed into her neck.

  That broke Lucky’s resolve. She was mad with him, but she couldn’t stand to see him that upset. “Carlos why? I don’t understand what I did. I don’t understand,” Lucky cried. Lucky was angry she wanted to hate him but she couldn’t lie to herself she loved him. Lucky caved in letting herself melt into his body and cry hard. They sat there in the darkened room with no light at all except for the moon light that streaked through the blinds crying. When Lucky wrapped her arms around Carlos it was as if a ton of bricks was lifted off his shoulders. Lucky felt his weight come down on her but she stead fast and held him down. He was a mess and Lucky never thought she would ever in her life see him at this point.

  He had stopped crying but he was still breathing hard and his chest was heaving up and down. Lucky rubbed his back and kissed the side of his face where she hit him. “Baby it’s okay,” She whispered trying to calm his breathing. Los was embarrassed that Lucky had witnessed him this vulnerable. He didn’t even know he could feel for a woman this strongly, it was as if he held back his true feelings for Lucky for so long that when they came pouring out the emotions were too strong for him to handle. Lucky placed her hands on either side of his face and turned his head to face her. She needed to see his eyes to read them for sincerity, she needed to know that he wasn’t trying to pull the crying act to get back in good. In his eyes she saw nothing but love. Yes he had fucked up, bad. But everyone deserved a second chance she reasoned.

  Lucky kissed him on the lips gently, then again, but this time she slithered her tongue into his mouth. It must’ve caught Los off guard because she felt his body tense. The kiss they shared sent that familiar shock to run up their spines. Lucky pushed him down on his back and mounted him while kissing him. Her whole body was on fire, she wanted to feel Los inside of her bad. She undressed him as if he was a child and he let her, his body felt weak. After he was completely undressed she removed her lingerie top and panties. She grabbed two pillows from the side of her and gently lifted Los’s head to place the pillows underneath. Los just stared at her not moving or saying anything. Lucky spread her legs wide on top of him and placed the head of his dick at the entrance of her pussy. Using his head to first tease her by sliding it up and down her wetness and making sure she rubbed her clit. Los gazed at her biting his bottom lip. She felt his body shiver and she knew then it was time to slide down on him. As soon as she came down on him he let out a loud moan. Lucky felt his dick fill her whole insides up, she bit her bottom lip and squeezed her eyes shut and rode him as if he were a prize winning black stallion, all along making Los scream and moan out. “Lucky, damn ma, what you doing to me?” he said weakly. Lucky was working her hips in a frenzy and throwing it on Los “Aww, Lucky I love you” “I love you too baby,” Lucky moaned. In the end Lucky had rode that dick into submission. Los was indeed forever a changed man and Lucky was the winner. Fuck all the other women he had ever been with Lucky truly had his heart.

  She felt Los stiffen up He grabbed at her waist with one hand shooting off his back and grabbed her hair with his other hand pulling her head backwards and pushing into her as deep as he could “Uuhh shit!” He groaned exploding inside her. “Baby.” Lucky yelped throwing her arms around his neck. She felt as if he were going to split her in two for a minute. Lucky came a second later throwing her head back and yelling “Ahh uhhh ahhh baby” She came hard and always did with Los. When she got her composure and looked down at Los, he was staring up at her with goo goo love eyes. Lucky kissed him on the forehead then wiped the sweat off his forehead with her palm and kissed him again.

  Lucky rolled over on her side and he did as well without pulling out of her. He wrapped both of his arms around her while laying in between both of her legs and burying his head in her breasts. He felt a little bad about laying all of his body weight on her leg but he just didn’t want to let her go. Lucky felt as if she was being crushed but he felt good inside her and on her. She looked down at him and kissed him on top of his head. This was as if their roles had been reversed. Los was holding onto her with his face buried in her breasts like he was a child who had been lost in a crowded mall and just reunited with his mother. Seconds later she heard him snoring and she thought to herself if she was making a mistake for taking him back, after weighing the good and bad of their relationship. She knew she was doing the right thing in keeping his love.

  The next morning Lucky was awakened by a ringing phone. riinnng, riinnng Lucky brought her free arm over Los’s shoulder to reach the phone. It was a little struggle since she was trying her hardest not to wake him because he was sleeping like he hadn’t slept in days. “Hello” Lucky said sounding groggy.” Hey Hun, I was just calling to check up on you, is everything alright?” Cathy’s voice came through the other end of the phone. “Yeah everything is okay.” “Are you sure that everything is okay Lucky?” Cathy asked again. Lucky hesitated for a second and thought about what Cathy was really trying to ask. “If you wanna know how things are between me and Carlos yes everything is okay. I mean… it’s as good as it’s gonna get right now, considering everything. We love each other so we’re going to try and make it work.” “Well okay that’s good Lucky, take it one day at a time, one day at a time. Forgiveness doesn’t come overnight. So where is he now?” “Right here sleeping.” “Well alright, I’m going to let you go so you can get some rest as well. You sound like you had a long night.” Lucky could hear the smile in her voice. “Alright Mom I’ll talk to you later.”

  Lucky couldn’t fall back to sleep. She found herself just staring down at Los while he slept. He was so handsome. Damn what look good ain’t always good for you. Lucky kissed him on his forehead and slid out of his arms despite him unconsciously tightening his hold she was able to slither out of his arms and not wake him. Lucky needed to think without Los’s presence, hours later she was sitting in the same spot on the living room couch hugging her knees to her chest in deep thought with
silent tears falling from her eyes. Carlos got a lot of answering to do when he wakes up, I just don’t understand why he would cheat. I saw the other bitches he cheated on me with and I don’t understand what they have that I don’t. I gave this man all of me and he could just cheat. And look at me, I’m sitting here crying, maybe I shouldn’t have fucked with him in the first place.

  Los awoke with a banging headache. Damn my fucking head is killing me. He sat up on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands for a few minutes. He smelt Lucky downstairs cooking. Yeah Lucky cook that shit up. Damn, I don’t know what I was doing. She’s the full package beautiful, inside and out, pussy on point and she can cook her ass off. Los got up entered the bathroom in the master bedroom and washed his face and brushed his teeth. He was surprised to see that Lucky still had his drawer at her house along with his clothing in her closet. He grabbed a pair of Polo sweats and a t-shirt and put them on.

  Los walked into the kitchen startling Lucky. She was making him an omelet when he walked up from behind wrapping his arms around her and attempted to kiss her on the neck. Lucky’s body tensed before she moved away from his kiss. Los stared at the back of her head stunned. She on some bullshit, I can’t get a kiss after I just gave her the business this morning, now she back on some crazy shit.

  He walked off and sat on a stool that was pulled up to the kitchen island. Los sat down and played with his hands in a nervous way trying hard to ignore the tension in the room. Lucky spun around with attitude and threw his plate in front of him. The plate hit the granite counter top with a hard thud. Los looked up at her as if she were crazy. She had just thrown food at him as if he were a stray dog in the streets. Lucky stared back at him for a second, the unspoken challenge was loud and clear. When Los didn’t buck or say a word she continued to slice up tomatoes. Los looked down at his food, it looked good but he was having second thoughts about eating it. This shit probably poisoned or something, he thought to himself. “It’s not poisoned. If that’s what your thinking.” Los swallowed hard. How the hell she know what I was thinking? Los grabbed his fork and started to eat. The food was off the hook as usual. Lucky sat across from him after she made the second omelet and took a couple of bites of her toast while staring off into space. Unconsciously silent tears started falling down her cheek. Los looked up from his plate and felt guilty knowing he was the cause of the hurt and tears. Once a large tear drop fell and hit her shirt she quickly wiped her face and willed herself not to cry.


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