It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 43

by B. , Ivory

  Dinner that night was same ole with Douglas boring and dry. Ty found herself looking down at her phone numerous times throughout the night, checking her twitter account. Just when she thought she would lose her mind from the bland taste of the overpriced food at this high end restaurant her phone rang. Ty noticed it was a call from Mercy hospital and knew right away it was her Ace Keema calling on her break.

  “Hey girl what’s up?” Ty said catching Douglas and many other snobbish restaurant patrons look at her as if she were a low class bitch with no proper etiquette. But just like the relationship she was in, Ty just didn’t give a fuck. What Ty heard from a frantic Keema nearly stopped her heart as she blinked back tears that were threatening to overflow like a pot of boiling water. Nice had been in a bad motorcycle accident and was just brought into the hospital by ambulance. Everyone was at the hospital waiting on the outcome of emergency surgery he was undergoing. Everything after that call was a complete blur. Ty remembered getting up from the table and grabbing her bag to leave. Douglas asked was everything alright? Which she didn’t answer, she just kept it moving to the exit with Douglas calling after her asking how he was supposed to get home?

  Can’t Control Myself When I’m With You

  Ty sat in the hospital parking garage not knowing how she even got there. She remembered getting in the car thinking of Nice and now she was sitting in the hospital parking garage debating whether she should go through with her impulsive decision to go and visit him after all. Ty didn’t know what to do she hadn’t spoken to Nice in months since Lucky’s graduation. “It’s either now or never.” Ty said aloud to herself. She grabbed her Louis Vuitton handbag and headed to the entrance with fast strides willing herself to go despite the butterflies in her stomach. Ty knew that she had about an hour and a half until visiting hours ended which was great in her opinion, that meant she wouldn’t have long to stay. She figured she could go in for a quick visit and not run into anyone who would question her visit.

  “Kamar Richard’s.” Ty said to the receptionist at the security desk her voice coming out more nervous than she had expected. “Relationship?” The young woman asked while popping on gum without even looking up to acknowledge Ty’s presence Oh shit I think only family can visit. Ty thought fast on her feet. “Umm mother of his child.” That must have caught the woman’s attention because she finally looked up at Ty. She gave Ty a once over. “Well, only immediate family is allowed for visits.” Ty gave the girl a nasty look and was just about to cuss her ass out when an older woman wearing scrubs interjected. “That does qualify as family dear, she may not be his wife but she is the mother of his child.” The younger woman sucked her teeth, “Well from my understanding family is if they married. And she don’t look like his baby mama,” the girl said knowing of Nice. “Well honey trust me I been doing this job way before you were old enough to work and she is qualified as family.” “Hun your name?” the woman in scrubs asked. “Tyeena Williams.” Ty said while shooting a nasty look at the young woman with the long silky black weave and skunk colored blonde bang. “Okay he’s in room A-0019, straight down on your right hand side.” “Thank you.” See now maybe this was a bad idea. She was already running into problems with the ghetto duplicate of the rapper Remy Ma. “Now listen that was very rude.” Ty overheard the older nurse scolding the receptionist as she walked away. “All I’m sayin is anyone can come up in here claiming to be family. And she don’t look like his baby mama. From what I know about the dude that ain’t his baby mama,” the girl said with conviction as if she knew Nice personally and not just through hood gossip. “How do you know? Since when do you know a young man to have kids by just one woman? Or better yet one that’s married.” “True, true Mrs. London you right about that, but let me text my girl back she tryna get up for the club tonight. I hope my momma wanna babysit,” The younger woman said while smacking on gum and texting. Ty shook her head I’m all for equal opportunity but I swear for the life of me I don’t know why they give these ghetto ass bitches jobs.

  Ty hesitated outside Nice’s room door. Lord I hope he don’t look any worst than he did when I last saw him. Ty thought back on the night she rushed to the hospital. After all the commotion of who was going into see him when he got out of surgery ended with Mia leaving mad and Cathy going into see him. Ty noticed Los walking from the bathroom and decided to make her move. She knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep that night without seeing for herself that Nice was okay. “Hey Los.” Los looked down at Ty with red eyes. He looked like he’d been up for days. Ty felt really bad and had only then thought about reconsidering what she was going to ask him. “What up Ty?” Los stood there looking at Ty inquisitively. He knew she wanted to say something but was having trouble saying it. Ty could not understand how Lucky did it. Los’s aura was sometimes a little intimidating, you could tell just by looking at him that he was that nigga. Sometimes Ty got a little nervous talking to him even though Lucky had been with him for a while now.

  “Umm… remember a while back you told me that you owed me a favor right? And anytime I need it to let you know?” Los looked at Ty blankly. There were many times he had called on Ty for favors, many. That time he spazed out on Lucky and tried to end things because he was afraid of a long distance relationship. It was Ty that gave him her key to get into Lucky’s condo. Or the time he wanted to surprise Lucky for her birthday and bring her to Mexico, It was Ty who gave him Lucky’s passport. “Yeah, What up Ty?” “I was wondering if I could just…” Ty hesitated. “Sneak a peak in on him. I know he just got out of surgery and all but I…” Los gave Ty a surprised look “Say no more ma, yeah that’s fine. I was gonna go in, but yeah you can go in.” Ty took a deep breath “Thanks.”

  Just as Ty went to walk back to the waiting area Los walked up behind her and tugged her arm gently. He walked on the side of Ty as they passed the visiting area to the post OR area, to prevent Lucky from seeing Ty walk by. As Ty was approaching the room Cathy was exiting. She looked up at Ty and gave her a knowing smile.

  When Ty walked in the room it was completely dark with only one florescent light above the bed Nice was lying in. The beep, beep sound of the heart monitor scared Ty. She hated hospitals they reminded her too much of her father’s accident. There was one chair pulled up to the side of the bed Nice was in. Ty walked in slowly willing herself to even approach the bed, too frightened of what she might see. Her fears were put to rest as she came upon the side of the bed. Nice looked just the same except for a few visible bumps and scrapes, he was just as handsome as before. Ty put her face just inches away from his as she examined the abrasions on the right side of his face from the accident. She brushed her hand lightly across the bruise and then kissed him on the forehead. His right arm was in a sling so she reached for his left hand and squeezed gently. To her surprise she felt a light squeeze back. A huge smile spread across her face as she leaned in and kissed him gently on his face and backed away to leave. That night she slept good knowing that he would be just fine.

  As Ty entered the room she could see Nice lying there with the remote in hand looking either bored or annoyed she couldn’t read his facial expression. She was startled to see a pretty female sitting in one of the chairs by the bed. The woman was the first one to notice Ty. She looked up and gave Ty a look that only a woman would give another if they feel that they are a potential threat or competition. “Ohh I’m sorry. I stopped in to say hi, didn’t know you were busy, I’ll check you some other time then.” Ty said putting her hand over her chest while backing towards the door. Nice who was sitting slouched down on plush pillows heard Ty’s voice and sat straight up in bed. His whole face lit up and you could tell he was just as equally surprised to see Ty. Los had told him she was there the day of the accident but it had been almost a week and he hadn’t seen her with his own eyes. “Nah, Nah, Nah Ty it’s cool, you don’t have to leave,” Nice said in an almost panicked voice. The woman shot Nice a dirty look, her facial expression said everything she was thinking. Nice
never noticed the look because his eyes were too busy roaming over Ty’s body lustfully. There was an awkward silence in the room. Ty looked over at the chick as she shot Nice a dirty look. Then Ty looked over at Nice and those pretty dark eyes were enough to convince her to stay. She knew the girl had to be feeling really salty about Ty imposing on her visit. Ty had to admit that if the shoe was on the other foot she would have felt the same way. But at the same time Ty didn’t give a fuck. May the best bitch win Ty thought to herself.

  “Dayum, what up stranger?” Nice asked. Ty chuckled. “Nothing, I’m tryna see what’s good wit the Big Homie.” “Ain’t shit I can’t handle. Had a lil spill on the bike. I’ll live.” As Nice talked he couldn’t help but notice that Ty had gained weight back in all the right places her thighs, hips and ass were looking plump again and his shameless staring caused the room to go silent once again. Oh my god this nigga has no shame. What is wrong with him? And he got his girl in here. As if Nice could read Ty’s mind he looked over at the woman who still remained nameless. “Oh Ty this is my friend Renee, Renee that’s Ty.” Friend with benefits Ty thought. Oh they were definitely fucking you could tell just from the woman’s demeanor. The friend introduction didn’t sit too well with Renee, even though it was true they were only friends. She was trying to be more than friends. However, Nice was one of those type of men that it would take a miracle to make settle down and commit to a relationship.

  “So damn Ty what up? I don’t get a handshake, a hug nothing?” Ty blushed like a little school girl with a crush as she walked up to the bed leaned in and hugged him. Their embrace had broken that ice between them and had lit a flame to that raging passion they had for each other. As Ty backed away she felt her heart pounding in her chest so hard she could of sworn everyone in that room could hear it as well. Ty pulled up a chair to the bed and for the next hour her and Nice laughed and joked with each other as if they had never stopped talking for the span of months. That was one of the things that attracted Nice to Ty; he could talk and joke around with her like she was one of his boys. And it was also strange that they seemed to think so much alike. As they enjoyed each other’s company, they were oblivious to the fact Renee was completely cut out of their conversation.

  The both of them were in a hearty laugh at a joke Nice had just made when Renee cleared her throat and announced she was leaving. She stood there for a few seconds and looked over at Nice. She was expecting him to protest her departure as he did Ty’s but to her dismay he said “A’ight ma, I’ll hit you up later.” Renee stood there visibly offended and hurt; she gave him a cold look that could probably freeze over hell. Nice turned to look at Renee standing there ice grilling him. “What’s wrong wit you? Nice asked as if he were ignorant to why she was looking at him like that. When Nice asked her that, Ty had to purse her lips together to stop herself from laughing. Nice was such a blunt asshole sometimes. Renee sucked her teeth and rushed towards the door with an attitude.

  “Fuck is wrong wit her?” Nice asked Ty as if he had no idea why she would be upset. As soon as Renee was out the door both Ty and Nice burst into a laughing fit. “Nigga you know you ain’t right.” Ty said through laughter. “Man c’mon, she already know what it is. I’m not her man, she ain’t my girl, so I don’t know why she acting new to this. I don’t know why chicks get like that. They need to act like adults fuck and keep that shit pimpin. Every nigga you sleep with don’t have to commit to you. Right Ty? She needs to take notes from you.” The smile was immediately wiped away from Ty’s face with that comment. “What? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Ty asked with a hint of attitude. “It’s not supposed to mean nothing but what it sound like.” She could have sworn she heard a little hostility in his voice. Ty decided to let it go before it ruined a visit that was going relatively great up until now. “Nah, Ty I’m not tryin to disrespect you in no way. I was just saying that you can have a sexual relationship with someone with no emotional strings attached. You know what I mean, like with our situation.” What?! Ty screamed in her head is that what he thinks, that I have no feelings for him. “Yeah I guess so,” Ty said in a dry tone. “What you mean you guess so?” Nice pressed. Ty chose not to answer instead she looked off into space.

  “Yo Ty Ty come here.” Ty approached him as he patted the bed “Sit right here ma.” “Boy, I can’t. We both can’t fit on this bed. I think there’s a weight restriction, we might break this,” Ty said as she climbed on the bed with him, laughing. She layed her head on the same pillow as him and stared him in the face. They both laid there for a few minutes looking at one another.

  Unexpectedly Nice leaned forward and kissed her on the lips gently. That one kiss resulted in them sharing a long and deep tongue tangling kiss. Nice pulled away from the kiss and bit down on her lower lip “I missed you,” he whispered against her lips. “I missed you too,” Ty admitted. That one omission started a hot and heavy kissing frenzy. Before Ty knew it Nice had her shirt pulled up and her bra unsnapped. Nice placed warm kisses on each of her nipples sucking and nibbling with just the right pressure. Her nipples rose to the sizes of small quarters as she threw her head back and moaned out loud. He slid his hands down her sweat pants and pulled her panties to the side inserting two fingers in her warm throbbing pussy. “Mmmm damn and you know I missed this too,” Nice whispered in a husky tone. Ty opened her legs wider while she threw her pussy on his fingers moaning louder. Her brain started to work on overdrive. Ty what the hell are you doing? You not about to really let this fool fuck you in no hospital. Her mind was telling her one thing but her body and heart was doing the exact opposite. Nice was the only man who’d had that type of power over her, to make her lose all sense and sensibility. She didn’t know how but somehow she was able to pull from the spell of pleasure he had her under. “Baby wait stop,” Ty pleaded and pressed her legs together trying to prevent Nice from moving his fingers in and out of her. “What if someone comes in here Kamar?” “Ty we good, no one coming in.” The way Nice was making her feel clouded her mind. So against her better judgment Ty relaxed and let nature take its course.

  Ty planted her lips on his neck and began sucking on that sensitive spot she remembered he had while stroking his manhood till the point it jumped in her hand. Nice couldn’t take it anymore he needed to be buried deep inside Ty’s warm tight walls. He leaned up and started to undo the draw string on her Juicy Cotoure sweat pants. He pulled her sweats and panties off with one movement and threw them over the chair that she had been sitting in. Nice spread Ty’s legs eagle and dived right in with his tongue. “Awwww, shit yes baby,” Ty whimpered while gyrating her hips in a frenzy and holding the back of his head. He moved his finger and tongue in sync with each other causing Ty to hook one leg around his back and push his head further into her. He felt Ty’s leg muscles tighten as she pressed her pussy into his face trying to make his tongue reach her back bone. He could tell she was on the verge of cumming so he pulled back. He didn’t want her to waste that nut down his throat, he would rather her tight walls pull his dick in with a vice grip then rain down on him.

  He came up for air and started placing kisses all over Ty’s stomach. She squirmed and begged him to finish what he started. Instead he gave her a devilish grin and lay on his back as he guided Ty on top of him. As soon as Ty mounted him he felt as if he was in heaven. “Ohh shit Ty,” he moaned. Ty started working her hips in a fast circular motion. She was riding him like a professional Jockey. He slapped her on her ample ass then spread her ass cheeks so he could bury himself deeper into her wetness “Ummmm,” Ty moaned biting on her bottom lip while grinding harder. She stopped suddenly and placed both of her feet flat on the bed on either side of him and went up and down on his pole in a frog position. Nice had his eyes closed and his head was bobbing up and down with every thrust of her pussy. He leaned up on his elbows when he couldn’t take anymore “Ty I’m bout to cum, Yo Ty stop! Uhhh shit I’ma cum.” He warned but Ty was too zoned out to stop. She sat back down on him completely then
threw her right leg over his shoulder making his dick sink into her deeper. Ty’s wetness was leaking out all over him. He leaned in and bit down on her nipple hard while grabbing her hips and pumping himself into her in rapid speeds. “Oh my god! Oh my god!” Ty cried out in a loud whisper. Ty’s inner walls locked down on him like a Pit bull while her legs trembled. “Gotdamn! Baby girl,” Nice grunted right before they both came together. Ty road that orgasmic wave for over two minutes moaning and uttering incoherently.

  He pushed Ty on her back and stood up pulling her to the edge of the bed and ordered her to turn around. Nice took her from behind and pounded her out. All you could hear was the slapping of his balls hitting her plump ass and the squishy noises of her wetness. He started to stroke faster and harder and Ty knew he was close to cumming. “Baby uhh, yeah. Aww,” Ty moaned as she pushed her ass back on his dick. “Shit! Ty turn around,” Nice demanded with urgency in his voice. Ty obliged and Nice only got two strokes in before he pulled out this time and nutted all over her stomach. Ty laid there riding that cloud of good sex rotating her hips even though he had pulled out of her. He bent down and they shared an intense kiss. While they were kissing there was a knock on the door and before they could do anything a dietary worker walked in. “Dinner!” she called then her eyes bulged in shock. “Oh my goodness!” The dietary worker said throwing her hand up to her mouth.

  Ty came up off that sex high quick when she realized someone had walked in on them. A smirk appeared on Nice’s face. Nice grabbed the hospital blanket and tried to cover Ty as best he could. He turned around completely facing the dietary worker, “Nah I’m not hungry.” The older lady was awful she looked down at his dick with her mouth wide open. “Oh…oh Lord!” She squealed. She spun around to leave and had the nerve to turn one more time to look at his package before leaving out the door. “Oh my fucking goodness! Nigga I knew I shouldn’t have come here. I knew it,” Ty grunted. The sheer embarrassment of getting caught out caused her to start crying. “Ty come here ma, don’t cry. What you crying for?” Nice asked in a sincere tone pulling Ty into his arms. “Yo it’s nothing.” “It is something; we just got caught out fucking in a hospital. This is crazy!” Ty pushed him off of her and made a quick exit to the bathroom in the room. She grabbed what she knew had to be his own personal washcloth because last she knew hospitals didn’t have soft plush Ralph Lauren washcloths. She had to crack a inner laugh pretty muthafucka. She grabbed a bar of dove soap and washed in between her legs, her stomach where he had emptied about three of his babies and rinsed her chest trying to get the smell of sex off the best way she could in a bathroom sink.


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