It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 55

by B. , Ivory

  “You know what Tyeena, I wouldn’t have to drive this little piece of shit Mercedes if you did what you said you were going to do for me.” Douglas said with attitude. Ty looked over at him as if he was crazy. “Do what for you? Douglas I never said I was gonna do anything.” She could not believe that Douglas really had an attitude about her not registering and insuring his car in her name. What the fuck? He must be smoking something. She was definitely not going to put anything in her name especially after finding out how he paid for that car. “You know what? Forget it; I guess I'll just get Rebecca to do it for me then.” Ty burst into laughter “Oh so was that my cue to say no, no I will do it for you then? Nigga please! Have Rebecca do it for you that’s fine with me.” “You see Tyeena that is why you and I could never work. What is this nigga business? Why can’t you call me by my name? Or articulate yourself in a more educated manner. I also specifically asked you not to wear anything form fitting and you did anyways, looking more like a video hoe than a accomplished woman. I swear you can take a hoodrat out of the ghetto educate her, give her a fancy little job but you can’t take the ghetto out of her.” “You know what Douglas pull the fuck over! And get the fuck out of my car. I have had it with you, you little dick mutha…” Before Ty could finish her sentence Douglas reached over and punched her in the face.

  Ty was stunned at first but then quickly came to her senses when Douglas continued to swing one balled up fist at her while driving the car with the other hand. “You see you whore! That’s why I sleep with Rebecca, because she’s more woman than you.” He screamed while swinging. Ty swung her body around and pressed her back up against the passenger side door and started to kick him repeatedly. First in the face then in the chest. He started to speed up the car then in a rage he swung the car to the shoulder of the road going up on the curb and hitting the snow embankment. Douglas slammed the car into park, reached over the counsel grabbing a large chunk of Ty’s hair and continued to hit her with a closed fist. He split her lip open and scratched the side of her face. Ty was in a state of shock, she couldn’t believe this was happening to her. This bitch nigga had actually scratched her face as if she were in a jealous cat fight with another female. Ty clawed at his hands digging her fingernails into his hands to get her hair free. Once her hair was free she was able to push her back against the passenger side door once more and kick as if she was doggy paddling in a swimming pool. Her feet landed every where his chest head and face. “Oh bitch I’m going to kill you tonight. Stupid bitch!” he threatened in a drunken slur. “Get the fuck out of my car muthafucka! You bitch ass nigga gonna put your fuckin hands on me! I bet you wouldn’t pull that shit with some nigga out here!” “You’re not going anywhere!” Douglas screamed shutting Ty’s car off by pressing the off button and yanking her key chain from the cup holder. He got out of the car and then staggered around the passenger side and tried to yank it open. “I’m gonna teach you a lesson, you cunt!” Ty had locked the doors already and was holding on to the handle from inside for extra security. Ty looked around and noticed they were on a dark side street with no one else around. Douglas got tired of trying to open her door when he walked to the driver’s side to get in but Ty jumped over the counsel and held the driver’s side door as well. “Douglas you better get the fuck outta here before you go to jail, someone just turned on their lights!” Ty screamed through the door. She was bluffing; truth be told there was no one in sight being that he was so inebriated he thought that she was telling the truth. She saw him reach to get his cellular phone off his hip and then call someone. Within ten minutes a red Hyundai pulled onto the off street and Ty saw that it was Rebecca who had come. “Fuck you black bitch! You ghetto mama, you were never worth the time and effort!” He screamed walking towards Rebecca’s car. Rebecca turned her high beams on and looked dead into the car. She could see Ty’s bruised and bleeding face. She didn’t show any type of concern from one woman to the next, nor try to help. She smirked and sat in the car with the I’m the winner look on her face. “Give me my fucking keys!” Ty demanded again through tears. “You want your keys? Huh? You want your keys? Well here bitch fetch em!” Douglas screamed as he threw her keys towards her car, hopped in the car with Rebecca and sped off.

  Ty sat in her car completely paralyzed. She still could not believe this was happening to her but the irony taste of blood in her mouth confirmed that this was very real. This was just Ty’s luck. She was always unlucky in love. She always ended up with the worst of the worst and Douglas proved to be a prime example of Ty’s misfortune with love. Ty sat alone on that dark street in her car sobbing until she had a stomach ache. Her head was throbbing from her hair being pulled and being punched in the head. Her lip was bust open and with each passing minute she felt the left side of her face puffing up. The cold air starting to take over the once warm car is the only thing that brought Ty to her senses. The car was off there was no way of turning the car and the heat back on without her keys. She stepped on the breaks and pressed the on button to no avail. The car couldn’t pick up the sensor on the keychain it needed to start because it wasn’t in the car.

  Ty searched feverishly for her shoe in the midst of fighting Douglas she had lost a shoe while kicking him. After she found her shoe she got out of the car to search for her keys in the area where she saw Douglas shoot them. 45 minutes later no cigar, she couldn’t locate the keys. She had dug through snow with her bare hands and stepped in snow with only high heels on. Her fingers and toes were freezing along with every other part of her body. She hopped back into her car and cried some more. She thought about her situation she was fucked! She had no one to call. Both Lucky and Keema were in St Tropez with the loves of their lives. Probably sailing on yachts, sun bathing on sandy white beaches in warm weather, while she was going through this drama. Calling her mother was out of the question. She refused to put her mother through any more than she had already. She called the only person that she knew would be there for her, Nice.

  Who Do I Run To, When I Need Love?

  Nice was just drifting off into a good sleep when he heard his phone ring. He had been up for nearly two days with Kynah she had a fever of 102 that seemed as if children’s Motrin and Tylenol wasn’t any match for. Mia was M.I.A as usual while her daughter was sick as a dog. Mia’s sister had called him three days earlier saying Mia had asked her to watch Ky and never came back home. Kynah wasn’t feeling good and had a fever and hadn’t really been moving. Nice rushed over speeding all the way to New Jersey. When he got there he was in a state of disbelief at his daughter’s condition. Ky was balled up on the living room couch in a blanket with pajama’s on. Her hair unkempt, looking as if she was on deaths door and she was as hot as a light bulb. No one seemed to care except for Mia’s one sister that had called him. There was mad people in the house and it was a mess, music was blasting from one of the rooms, TV blaring with Mia’s nieces and nephews running around unruly while Kynah lay on the couch sick. The sight made him want to commit a homicide if Mia was there he swore he would have strangled her ass to death.

  He scooped up his daughter and left the house. He called his mother on his way back to Philly cursing and carrying on all the way home. When Cathy finally calmed him down. She made him realize that he had to do what was in the best interest of Kynah. Doing something to Mia would only hurt his chances of getting custody of Ky in the end. Cathy wanted to come and pick Ky up and nurse her back to health that very day but Nice told her no. He was determined to prove to her and everyone else that he was going to step up and be responsible not only financially responsible as he was in the past. He wanted to prove that he could handle being a father. So with hesitation Cathy agreed to let him handle Ky. For the next two days she called everyday to make sure Nice was doing what he was supposed to be doing in keeping her fever down. Putting damp rags on her head and chest to cool her down, giving her Motrin fever reducer every 6 to 8 hours and making sure she got enough fluids in to prevent her from getting dehydrated. Nice did a d
amn good job too; Cathy would have to admit she was proud of her son. That third night she insisted he finally get some sleep because he had stayed up all night to monitor Ky’s fever too afraid it might sky rocket while he was sleeping. He had deprived himself of sleep. Ky was feeling much better; she could finally hold down soup and Cathy wanted to take her home to give her some Grandma loving, so Nice couldn’t say no. He looked at his half packed luggage that he was in midst of packing to go to ST. Tropez when he got the call from Mia’s sister. He was going to take one of his little freaks on vacation with him but he was glad things ended up the way they did and he was there for his daughter when she needed him.

  Nice was finally trying to catch up on some much needed sleep when his phone rang. His first instance was to ignore it. However the continuous ringing of his personal phone not his business or bullshit phone is what changed his mind. He reached for the phone with the pillow still over his head. “Yoo” Nice said in a groggy tone. “Kamar hahaa ha ha Kamar.” At first it took Nice a second to recognize the voice. It had been months since he talked to Ty, and even though he caught himself catching feelings for her he decided to just rock on. “Ty! Ty!” Nice called out flinging the pillow off his head and sitting up straight. He heard her sniffling and crying “Come get me, come get me pleeease, I’m scared. I’m in my car but I can’t find my car keys. I can’t find my keys, I’m out here alone.” “Yoo, where you at?” Nice asked. “I don’t know,” Ty whimpered. “What you mean you don’t know?” Nice asked as he slipped on his jeans grabbed a black hoodie and a puffy vest that was draped on the chaise lounge in his bedroom. Within 4 minutes he was completely dressed and on his way out the door as Ty continued to cry. “Listen, baby girl I’m on my way to get you but you need to tell me where you at. Look on the street to see if you can see a street sign, anything to let me know where you at ma.” Ty sniffled “O...okay,” Ty cried. “Umm, umm it’s Hunnington St,” Ty whimpered. “Old City?!” Nice asked. “Yeah, yeah Old City, I was at a bar over there.” “A’igh’t, I’ll be there alright ma.” “Okay.” “You in your car right?” “Yeah,” Ty answered. “Lock your doors I’ll be there.”

  Nothing made sense to Nice as he raced down the highway into the city to go and get her. If she was in her car why couldn’t she find her car keys? Damn maybe she got faded, lost her keys in the bar and couldn’t find them. But how did she get into her car? She didn’t sound drunk. Nothing made since to him. While Ty sat in the passenger seat balled up in a fetal position trying to preserve body heat to keep herself warm. There was sudden rapid knock on the window then someone tried the door handle. Ty’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest. She knew it wasn’t Nice she had just gotten off the phone with him. When she looked up she saw a crackhead staring at her with beady crazed eyes. “Ay excuse me miss, you gotta dolla to spare? I just wanna get something to eat.” Ty froze for a second. “Umm no I don’t have any money.” The crackhead instead of leaving stood there for a second before he tried the handle again. Ty screamed. “Get the fuck outta here before I call the cops!” She threatened showing him her cellular phone. He took that warning and walked off without further incident. Ty’s heart beat didn’t slow for 10 minutes, she was more than scared. Ty sat there for a little over a half hour thinking maybe Nice wasn’t going to show up after all. She was so scared she didn’t want to even move too much. Ty jumped when she heard a knock on the window however this time when she looked up she saw those familiar dark piercing eyes looking down at her with genuine concern.

  Ty opened the door and poured right into his arms burying her face into his chest bawling. She submerged her face in his hoodie trying to steal his warmth, his scent, anything she could. “Ty come here what happened?” Nice knelt down so that he could be eye level with Ty, but she wouldn’t look at him. She was too embarrassed for him to see her face, she felt ashamed. She continued to cry with her face buried in his chest. “A’igh’t come here.” He reached in the car and scooped her up in his arms carrying her back to his Range Rover and placed her in. All along his blood was boiling from what he could see from the glimpse he got of Ty’s face was that someone did a little number on her, giving her a black eye and busted lip. He had a strong suspicion who that somebody was.

  “Baby girl where ya keys at?” “I can’t find them, he threw them over there,” Ty whimpered. Nice searched the area Ty pointed out and he could not find anything either, the snow was just too deep. He called his boy who had a tow service and hopped in the car to wait for the tow truck. The wait was the most awkward moment they ever shared. Ty knew what he wanted. He wanted to know what happened and she felt she owed him at least an explanation since he came all the way out of his home to help her. The whole time they waited Ty whimpered quietly staring out the window avoiding eye contact with Nice. Once the tow truck pulled up Nice talked to the dude that came briefly giving him Ty’s address to drop the car off.

  He hopped back into the truck and saw that Ty had stopped crying but was staring blankly out of the passenger side window. “Baby girl, look this dude goin to tow your car to your house for you, I’ma follow behind him to drop you off.” “I don’t have my house keys Nice; they were on the key chain with my car keys.” “Oh shit, yeah that’s right, what the hell was I thinking?” Nice started up the truck. “Well I’ll bring you by your mom’s house.” Ty started to panic. Hell no! She didn’t want her mother to get a look at her in this condition. Her mother would probably be going to jail for homicide by the next day. “Noo Nice don’t bring me to my mom’s house. Please don’t do that.” Nice heard the panic in Ty’s voice and decided to respect her decision in keeping her mother in the dark about this matter. He could understand her being apprehensive about telling her mother whatever happened. “I’ll put you up in a room then; I’ll pay for however long you need to stay there.” “No I don’t want to be alone.” Ty finally looked dead at him and Nice could not believe that someone had done what they did to Ty. She was way to pretty for that. Her eye was nearly swollen shut. “Just take me with you,” Ty said with tears pouring down her face.

  Instinctively for a quick moment Nice thought against the idea. Nice just wasn’t in the type of business to bring chicks to his home. He had never done that out of as many women he dealt with none of them knew where he or his daughter rest their heads. But then one look at Ty helped him make his decision. He pondered over it in his head; he had known Ty for a while now. He knew she would never do anything to jeopardize him or his daughter. She knew where both Los and Jah lived. Yeah Ty was definitely different from the other women he dealt with.

  “A’ight ma, I’ll take you with me.” Nice said looking at her sincerely, assuring her with his tone that he meant what he said, He was really going to take her home with him. Ty lay back in the seat and fell silent as Nice hopped on the highway. It had just started to snow again lightly. Ty stared out the window watching the snowflakes twinkle from the night sky reflecting on her life. The warm heat from the car including the seat warmer in the luxury jeep and its smooth ride put Ty into a calming trance. The next thing she knew she was out like a light.

  “Baby girl wake up, Baby girl wake up, we here.” Ty woke up to Nice standing in front of her with her door open unfastening her seat belt. Ty sat up by now the wee hours of the morning was just starting to creep up and the sky was a light purple. She had no idea where she was, all she knew was that the house that stood in front of her was big and beautiful. Nice helped her down out of the jeep and walked her to the front door.

  As soon as the door opened Ty was met with a welcoming smell. The house was immaculate, the furnishings and size was impressive. The house wasn’t as big as Carlos’s but it matched in style. “Are you hungry?”Nice asked. Ty just shook her head. Nice picked up on an unfamiliar mood from Ty, one that he had never experienced from her as long as he knew her, shyness. This caught him off guard. He was so used to Ty being so forward, confident and outspoken. Now it seemed that she was just in awe and a little nervous. “Yo
u okay?” Nice asked. Ty shook her head yes. “Well, let me show you where your going to sleep tonight.” They climbed a large staircase to the second floor and Ty couldn’t help but be nosey and peek into bedrooms as she passed by open doors. One room she looked in she knew was Ky’s. The bed shaped like Cinderella’s carriage was a dead giveaway. She found herself wanting to be a kid all over again just to have that bed and bedroom.

  Nice finally walked into a spare guest room down the hall from his room. He pointed out a guest bathroom that was attached and told Ty to feel comfortable taking a shower if she felt up to it, handed her one of his clean t shirts to sleep in, and gave her a quick tutorial of how to work the 50in plasma in the bedroom. Right after he gave her a short crash course on the Smart TV he was out to get himself some much needed sleep. Days without sleep and the long ride back and forth from his home and Philly had put a whipping on him. Ty sat there on the edge of the bed in a daze. She hadn’t really anticipated the night ending like this with them sleeping in separate rooms. She noticed just how distant Nice appeared to be with her. She wanted to be in his arms that night, to be kissed and held while lying up against his chest while he assured her that everything would be alright. Instead she sat there in a dark room by herself holding a t-shirt. Ty snapped out of her daze and went into the bathroom. When she looked in the mirror she was mortified; she was shocked to see her hair sticking up out of place and the whole right side of her face swollen, even her right eye lid. Her bottom lip was badly busted; there was a deep cut running down the middle of her lip showing it was split open. Ty turned her head slowy to examine the scratches on the side of her face closely. All she could do was shake her head in anguish at the sight of scratches and dried up blood. Ty raked her fingers through her hair trying desperately to look decent. No wonder Nice didn’t want to take me to bed tonight she thought to herself. She looked awful. Ty ran a warm shower and showered while thinking how her life had gotten so far away from her in the last year and change.


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