It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 56

by B. , Ivory

  Nice had so many questions for Ty. He wanted to know what happened. He figured she needed time to herself and when she was ready she would let him know. Secretly he’d sworn Ty off. It was almost hard for him to admit that the playa had gotten played. He started catching feelings for her, but it seemed so obvious to him that after a few of their sexual trysts, that it was just that to her trysts. She was able to hop up take a shower and disappear for months at a time. Nice on the other hand caught himself yearning to be with her no matter how many chicks he was with, even though she was with another man. Although the sex was magic that’s all they had was a sexual relationship. And surprisingly he found himself wanting more from her; It was a whole new feeling to him. He reasoned with himself that it was the thrill of the chase. Once he conquered what he always wanted he wouldn’t want it anymore. For some reason he knew deep down it would be different with Ty. But she didn’t want him; she had who she wanted, she had made her choice.

  Nice laid there deep in thought when he heard his door open. Ty stood there in the doorway looking nervous but when he looked up at her and didn’t say anything she took that as an open invitation. She walked in and slid under the covers with him, pressing her body up against his. His warm body heat eased her entire body. Ty felt herself getting as warm inside as her body was outside. It was something about Nice that put her in that mode. Ty climbed ontop of him as he lay on his back. She laid her body on his, placing her head on his chest.

  First Ty started to grind on him in subtle circular motions, and then as an internal fire started to rise in her slowly she ended up making deep, hard, circular motions breaking his manhood to a stone hardness. Ty reached for that familiar part of his body when he stopped her dead in her tracks. “Ayo Ty what you doing?” The question caught her totally off guard. The sheer embarrassment of rejection made her wish she was invisible at that very moment. “Ty let me put you on to something.” Nice said in a leveled tone, trying his hardest to be real with her without hurting her feelings. “I don’t do consolation prize pussy baby girl. You can keep that. I’ve never been good with first runner up pussy. I did what I did for you tonight from the heart. Just cause ole boy shitted on you, don’t mean you owe your second pick nigga shit.” Ty laid there stone faced. She couldn’t believe how cold Nice was. He had never talked to her that way. Yes he had always been blunt; she knew that was him period, that’s what she loved about him but wow is all she could think. “But…” Ty started to defend herself. Instead Nice cut her off by gently placing his finger on her lips being careful not to hurt her busted lip. “Ty, riddle me this? If that nigga never dissed you would you be here now in my bed?” Ty wanted to explain that yes she would have been. Probably not at that very moment but she was working on it. She was planning to get rid of Douglas before this had ever happened so that she could be with him. Nice noticed the frantic deer caught in the headlights look Ty had on her face. And he didn’t want to put her through any more stress than she already been through that night, so when she went to explain herself for a second time. He placed a finger on her lips and gently kissed her on the forehead “Ty don’t even worry about it. We good, get some shut eye.” Ty laid her head on his chest reluctantly. She tried to take it on the chin like a big girl and handle her shit without taking things too personal but she couldn’t. She really loved Nice and felt shitted on and rejected. Nice felt Ty’s warm tears start to wet his shirt up, then out of nowhere she shot up off the bed and bolted to the guest room slamming the door behind her. Fuck him! She screamed in her head.

  The next morning Ty found it hard to wake up. She was trying her hardest to wake, but her comfort level was so high it was hard to open her eyes. She soon realized why she felt so comfortable when she heard light snores in her ear and looked down to see Nice arms wrapped around her from behind. She didn’t know when he came in the room but his presence was more than alright with her. She had gone to bed so upset with him last night; somehow she wasn’t all that upset with him anymore.

  Silence filled the room as his snoring stopped. She knew he was awake but still there was no words shared between them. “I’m sorry Ty,” He finally whispered. “It’s okay,” She whispered back. “What happened last night?” Nice asked out of the blue. Ty really wasn’t ready to relive the incident first thing that morning but she felt she owed him at least an explanation. Especially, since he’d come to her rescue the night before. She told him everything while he held her from behind. The fact that her back was facing him gave her more courage to tell him all. After she was done telling him what happened she rolled over to face him. Nice just laid there expressionless; he wore a poker face and you couldn’t tell from looking at him that he had murder on his mind. He had mastered the poker face but what he couldn’t hide was the rapid beating of his heart, that Ty felt pounding out of his chest. Especially, as she described to him how Douglas punched, scratched and pulled her hair. “Come here,” Nice said as he pulled her in closer. “Don’t even worry about it Ty. It’s gonna be alright.” He consoled her while she buried her face in his neck.

  As soon as Ty went to get up to use the bathroom she screamed out in pain. The trauma that fight put on her body was unbelievable, her back and legs were killing her. Nice was good and ran her a bath with Epsom salt. When she was done soaking she came back into the room wrapped in a thick, fluffy towel. Nice massaged oil into her back so good that Ty’s head began bobbing with the motion of his hands, as she felt herself falling back to sleep. She woke up immediately when she felt his warm tongue on the back of her neck. The juices in between her thighs started to flow like a fountain. She found herself being brazen and grabbing back at his dick. He did the same as he did the night before brush her hand away. Okay what the hell. Is it my appearance? I mean a black eye isn’t attractive at all but the swelling went down. At least I’m not looking like the hunch back of Notre Dame with one eye anymore. “I don’t understand?” Ty verbally admitted. “Yo Ty do you want more of me than this?” At first the question went right over her head. She didn’t get what he was asking. “Tyeena are we fuck buddies or do you want more?” Ty looked him in his eyes. “I want all of you.” Nice stared at her for a second. “If that’s the case then let’s see if we can stand each other outside of fucking each other’s brains out.” He said with laughter while getting out of bed. “Plus, I’m scared to hit you off with some good morning wood. You know how you do. I hit you off proper then you go and disappear on a nigga for months at a time. Let’s just say I wanna keep you around for a minute or two.” Ty laughed so hard she got the hiccups. That was Nice he always did that to her, kept a smile on her face.

  After freshening up Ty ran downstairs and started to make breakfast for him. The food smelt good from upstairs but when he made it downstairs and Ty placed a big plate fit for a king in front of him, he frowned his face up. “Damn Baby girl you that mad I ain’t give you the dick you tryna kill the kid.” Ty looked at him with confusion “What?” Ty laughed. “Ty, I can’t eat this.” He said staring at the French toast with scrambled cheese eggs, turkey sausages and bacon. “Why?” Ty asked incredulously. “Because I’m allergic to egg whites and you got eggs all over my plate.” Ty’s mouth dropped “Oh my god baby I did not know that.” “Well do you want some of my toast?” She offered with a sympathetic look on her face holding up a piece of toast with peanut butter spread on top. Nice thought for sure she was joking. He jumped back so fast you would have thought she had kryptonite in her hands and he was Superman. “What the fuck!” He said trying to hold back laughter with a look of disbelief on his face. “What?” Ty asked in a serious tone with confusion written all over her face. She looked at the piece of toast trying to figure out why he reacted the way he did. “Yoo I’m allergic to peanuts. I can’t eat that shit.” Ty looked at him skeptically. “Okay now for real, you just happen to be allergic to everything I make? I don’t believe you. And if you were why do you have it in your house?” “Because my daughter loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
, and I’m old enough to know not to eat that bullshit. If you don’t believe me look in the cabinet for my epipens.” Sure enough he had two epipens in the cabinet. Ty looked over at him in confusion. “I never knew that about you.” “Yeah Ty it’s a lot of things you don’t know about me. But I bet you it’s one thing you do know.” “No what’s that?” Ty asked. Nice darted his eyes towards his dick. “That I got a mean deep stroke.” Ty lost it; she almost choked on her toast from laughing so hard. For over an hour Ty tried to master her soon to be man’s eating no no’s, rambling off questions in disbelief. “So you never ate a Reese’s cup before?” “No Ty” “What about a Snicker?” “No Ty.” Ty was just in utter disbelief how could someone go through life never being able to taste certain things. She found out that Nice had a severe allergy to peanuts, a mild allergy to egg whites, but if consumed in high quantities it could be an issue.

  The day wore on and before you knew it day was turning into night and Nice hadn’t even stepped foot out of the house. Usually first thing in the morning Nice was up and out. Ty opened up and told him so many personal things about herself and her life. He did the same but one subject he seemed standoffish about was the subject of his Baby Mother Mia. That was fine with Ty only thing she wanted to know was if he was through dealing with her. She believed him when he looked at her with a serious as a heart attack expression and said “Don’t even ask me no dumb shit like that. Hell yeah I’m through.”

  Ty found herself staying another night. The next morning though breakfast was different. She got it right this time with no mishaps. After breakfast Nice walked up behind Ty who was bending over the granite countertop wiping it down. He pressed his dick on her behind and that one movement told Ty exactly what he wanted. He turned her around and sat her on the counter top. Nice spread her legs apart and started to dip his fingers in her wetness while kissing her deeply. He pulled his dick out through the slit in his boxers and stuck the head only two inches in giving her short shallow strokes. He did this repeatedly teasing her pussy until she was soaking wet. Next thing he knew Ty grabbed the back of his ass with both her hands and pulled him deep inside of her locking her legs around his waist. She was tired of him teasing her she needed to feel that thickness deep inside of her. He was in pure bliss; they went at it for hours. He made love to her everywhere even in the middle of the main grand staircase in the house. This was a new experience for him; he had never brought a women home to do this with. They were so lost in each other they never heard either of their cell phones ringing.

  Their sexcapade had went full circle and ended up right back in the kitchen with Ty on the kitchen countertop with her behind scooted to the edge. Nice had her on her back with her legs on his shoulders. He had two good strokes in when he heard his mother scream his name. He froze mid stroke. Oh hell fucking no! Not again. “Daddeee!” Kynah’s little voice sang. The look of panic on Ty’s face was priceless. No child wants to see their father with a woman other than their mother like this. Ty thought to herself. Ty scrambled and grabbed his wife beater and put it on leaving him to pull on his basketball shorts he had on the floor before both his mother and daughter appeared in the kitchen doorway. Ty slid off the countertop just as Cathy hit the door frame. Cathy had just caught a glimpse of Ty’s round derriere and had to do all she could from laughing these damn kids I tell you. Now that I see what type of buffoonery be going on in here, I will definitely spray down these damn countertops with Clorox before I cook in here again. Ty grabbed at the bottom of the wife beater trying to cover herself in the most respectful manner as possible.

  “Hey baby I stopped by with Ky because we wanted to check up on you since you haven’t been picking up your phones. We were on our way to Friendly’s we just wanted to make sure you were okay. Now that we know your okay we’ll be on our way.” Cathy said trying to exist before Kynah came in. “Oh yeah Mom I been catching up on sleep.” His mother gave him a yeah right look. Moments later Ky walked in “Ty Ty!” She screamed running over and hugging Ty around her legs. Ty didn’t want to bend over to pick her up, too afraid she would expose herself. Kynah backed up being very observant and years beyond her time. “Ty Ty did you stay the night over my house?” The entire room fell silent. “Uhh, yes I did.” Ty looked over at Cathy “I’m not with Douglas anymore,” She blurted out. She felt she had to get that out in the air because she didn’t want Cathy to think of her in the negative. Ty regretted the comment the moment it came out of her mouth; it was so awkward to say. Cathy smiled “Good for you. Oh and your mother is looking for you too.” Ty thought about it she hadn’t spoken to her mother in almost two days she had to call her. “Thanks for letting me know. Kamar I’m going to go up stairs to call my mother.” Ty walked past Cathy while holding the bottom of the t-shirt with Kynah following close behind. “Well I have you know that I approve of this.” Cathy told Nice with a big smile. She was very fond of Ty. “Ky come on baby!” Cathy called out. “But I don’t wanna go. I wanna stay with Ty Ty.” “Well I guess we not going to get ice cream.” Ky whined and ran down the stairs to join her Grandmother she just couldn’t pass up ice cream.

  Ty stayed on the phone with her mother for a good half an hour trying to assure her she was okay. Her mother had told her that she had called Douglas numerous times to find out about Ty’s whereabouts only to have a woman pick up and tell her he didn’t know where Ty was and didn’t care. Ty knew exactly who that woman was. Tina also told her that she threatened to call the cops and told the woman she was on her way to Douglas’s house personally. Finally Douglas got on the line and told her he didn’t know where Ty was, she had left him at a bar the night before. Ty rolled her eyes; yeah he conveniently left out the part where he left me stranded on a dark side street and blackened my eye.

  “Yeah I figured he would be a jerk like that since we’re not together anymore.” “Thank you Lord, thank you Lord!” Tina screamed. “Mom I’m at Kamar’s house. I’ll explain everything to you later okay.” “Kamar? Hold up missy! Cathy’s son? The one that used to date your cousin?” “Yes, mom it wasn’t really dating,” Ty admitted with shame. “Well whatever it was, when she hears about this you guys will really have something to fight about. You already know you and her are like oil and water. Ty I don’t know what you are thinking but you can’t do this. You can’t jump from one relationship to the next never giving yourself a chance to be alone and evaluate what you really want and need in a man. You…” Tina started to go into a sermon but Ty cut her off mid drift “Mom listen I know what I want and what I need,” Ty said in a confirmative tone. “This isn’t something sudden. Ma this has been going on for a while now. I was just too afraid to tell you.” “Oh Tyeena cut the bullshit. You don’t think I knew that you and him been getting y’all swerve on, popping it off on the low, or whatever the hell you kids call it nowadays. Girl please, even Stevie Wonder could see that.” Wow and I thought I had my creep steeze air tight. “So is that what you and Douglas broke up for?” “No mom. I told you I’ll explain it to you later. I’ll call you in a little while okay.” Ty said trying to get her mother off the phone. “Well okay Suga bear Mommy loves you; you had me scared for a moment. I was just about to go down to the police station.” “No, I’m okay, I’ll call you later. I love you too. Mom are you mad?” Ty asked in a meek tone. “No Baby. A little disappointed. I wish he was someone who didn’t date your cousin. But truth be told, don’t let this one get away.” “Thanks Mom.” Ty felt relieved her mother knew now the other wild card was Lucky. How would she handle this? She didn’t have long to find out being that they were coming in today from vacation.

  Three hours later there were hard knocks on the door as Ty lay sleeping, cuddled up on the couch with Nice. Nice didn’t bother to wake her; he went to answer the door. And there stood Los, Jah, Keema and Lucky. He stepped aside and let them come in. Los’s first question “Yo where Kynah?” He hadn’t even gone home to unpack, he had come straight there. He was unaware that his mother had her. Los stopped mid
sentence when he saw Ty sprawled across the couch with a wife beater on fitting her curves like a mini dress and her firm plump tits nearly popping out the side of the beater. The room went silent until Lucky screamed “Tyeena! Tyeena get your ass up! Where are your clothes?” When Ty sat up her healing once black eye caught Lucky off guard. “Oh my god!” Lucky screamed running over to Ty. “What happened?” Ty looked over at Nice and he could sense her apprehensiveness to get up considering she had nothing on underneath that beater. “Los, Jah let me holla at y’all real quick,” Nice said walking towards his home office.

  As soon as Lucky knew the men were out of ear shot she glared at Ty. “What the hell is going on? You messing with him now Ty?” Ty decided it was time to fess up. She told Lucky everything from the first time Nice and her hooked up while Lucky was in Mexico with Los. How Douglas had suspected something between them and threatened to drop a dime on them to have an investigation started if she didn’t stay away from Nice. She told her about finding out Douglas was ripping off the clients. The fight they had and how Nice came for her. “Lucky I don’t expect you to accept this. I know I’m wrong but I love him. I can’t change that.”


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