It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 68

by B. , Ivory

  The rest of the ride back to the shop was relatively quiet. By the time they got back to the salon it was nearly 1am, New York traffic was a bitch especially on a Saturday. Los hopped out of the car along with Lissette. “Again thank you so much for what you’re doing.” Lissette said. “Again thank me by paying me.” He went to pull out his keys to his rental and accidentally pulled out his own personal keys. Lissette eyed the Bentley and Benz keys on his key chain. “Oh so is that how you Philly dudes get it in?” Los chuckled “Yeah I guess so,” Los said as he stepped off of the curb yawning heading over to his car. “Damn I’m tired as hell. I’ma have to just grab a room for the night. Don’t forget about that delivery next weekend.” Los reminded her as he hopped in the car yawning. “You want any company tonight?” Lissette asked seductively. Los turned around to face her. He was a little taken aback by her forwardness. He could also see the lust in her eyes. “Nah I’m good ma.”

  Los walked into the house the next afternoon bearing gifts and knowing he was in trouble. “God Daddy!” Kynah screamed jumping up into his arms. “Kyy!” He said while picking her up and holding her over his head. Kynah giggled uncontrollably. Los looked up at Kynah and noticed her smile was just as pretty with two missing teeth. “Aww man, lil snaggle rock!” Kynah giggled and put her hand over her mouth. Los held her up in his arms and looked at her. “When did that happen?” Los asked looking at her in amazement Kynah was growing up, losing teeth and everything. Kynah shrugged her shoulders. “You gonna give me some money for my teeth?” “That’s the tooth fairy’s job lil Mama.” “Unh, unh, no it’s not, It’s my Daddy’s job. And he only gave me one dolla.” Los cracked up laughing Kynah was 4 going on 44. He noticed she still had on her pajamas and it was going on 4pm. “Baby doll why you still have on your PJ’s?” “I just woke up; I stayed up all night till mornin time. Me and Auntie Lucky!” Which was an over exaggeration. She hadn’t stayed up all night but Lucky had. Los looked over towards the sofa and noticed Lucky on the sofa with a nightgown on. “Umm hmm, can I tell you a secret?” Los leaned in giving his ear for Kynah to whisper in. “Auntie was cryin. Cause she missed you,” Kynah said in her best whisper tone which wasn’t a whisper at all. She looked over at Lucky to make sure she wouldn’t be in trouble for saying what she had. “Oh yeah?” Los asked while staring over at Lucky who had yet to acknowledge him being home. Los placed Ky down on the floor. “Noo pick me up, pick me up,” Kynah whined. “Nah lil Mama I want you to do something for me, go up stairs while I talk to your Auntie.” Kynah stomped her foot on the floor showing attitude but quickly smiled from ear to ear when Los dug in his pocket and came out with a $50 dollar bill. “Ooh I get a dolla!” She screamed excitedly. “Nah that’s a whole lot more than a dollar, now go upstairs.” Los said with a smile as Kynah took off upstairs.

  Los flopped down on the couch next to Lucky. “Carlos it’s 4 in the afternoon. I was worried sick about you,” Lucky said coldly. She refused to look at him she was so mad. “Baby girl, I’m sorry. Come here Luck.” He reached out grabbing her up trying to pull her into him. Lucky swung her arms trying to push him away but he was stronger and in the end she sat there straddled on his lap with her arms crossed over her chest, looking over his shoulder into space. Los looked up at Lucky’s beautiful face and took notice of her tired eyes. He felt so bad knowing he was the cause of that. He had really tried to get back home to her but he was tired and ended up getting a room. Once he got back to Philly he got a call that he needed to check on one of his stash houses which in the end had him coming home at this hour.

  “C’mon Lucky Charms, please I don’t wanna beef. It’s been a long time since we even argued. Don’t be mad at me,” Los pleaded while placing soft kisses on her breast through her silk nightgown. Los reached up and turned her chin towards him so he could look directly in her eyes. “I love you. Luck just believe that if I could’ve been home with you last night I would’ve been. Business had me tied up, business and nothing else. We off that beefin shit, we above that now.” “CJ, I’m not putting up with your shit.” He had to fight a slight grin from spreading across his face, when she said his name like that she was letting him know with two letters he was fuckin up. “I know, and I wouldn’t want you to. I missed you. You didn’t miss me ma? I know you missed me. Show Daddy how much you missed him,” Los said as he slid Lucky’s panties to the side and slipped a finger inside her. “Carlos stop! I’m mad with you, don’t even try it,” Lucky said grabbing his hand trying to stop him from moving his fingers inside of her. “You mad? So why you so wet?” Los asked staring her in the eyes. Carlos rolled her over onto her back and started grinding between her legs. Lucky was mad but melting under his touch. Tears started to form in her eyes. “Don’t do that ma, c’mon don’t cry. Why you crying? I’m sorry,” Los whispered while sucking on her neck.

  He slipped out of his clothes and pulled Lucky’s nightgown over her head. Just as he was about to enter Lucky she stopped him by placing her hands on his chest firmly. “Don’t hurt me again Carlos, I don’t deserve that, I don’t,” Lucky said just above a whisper, staring into his eyes with tears finally escaping her own. “I won’t,” Carlos said kissing her forehead then both of her eye lids, the tip of her nose then kissing her mouth passionately. Lucky broke their kiss. “Wait Ky gonna come down stairs.” “She won’t” Carlos whispered in her ear as he held both her arms over her head with one hand and used the other to place himself at the entrance of Lucky’s love. They both cried out as Los slid himself in slowly inch by inch then stroked her so deep they both gasped for air. Two orgasms later Lucky was frail to the touch and barely awake. He scooped her up off the couch and carried her to their bed. He laid her down in bed and watched her sleep for awhile before he got up to use the bathroom. The movement woke her. “Carlos I mean it, don’t hurt me, don’t, or I swear I’ma fuck you up,” Lucky slurred with sleep dripping off her words, then she fell right back off to sleep. Los just smiled and shook his head back and forth clearly amused, he didn’t feel threatened at all by her threat; he thought it was cute.

  Los woke up the next morning and drove into Philly to grab breakfast at a soul food restaurant that made some of the best breakfast in the city. When he came back Lucky was still sleeping so he and Ky ate breakfast in the kitchen without her. He was always amazed with the things that came out of her mouth. “Mia don’t want me to call my Mommy Ty, Mommy. And Mia said my Mommy can’t do my hair cuz she making it come out.” Los looked up at Ky “Now you know Ty wouldn’t do that right?” Los asked. Ky didn’t say anything she just looked at him blankly. “Mia said she gonna take my Daddy to susport.” Los looked at his niece and realized just how aware she was of the things going on around her. He hated to see her have to go through this. “Mia have a boyfriend!” Yeah she has a whole lot of em, what’s new? Los thought. “His name Dean, you know him?” “No Baby girl I don’t.” Just when Los was about to inquire more on this Dean character his phone went off and he realized it was Nice calling. “A’ight lil Mama, I’m about to go wake up your Auntie,” he said leaning in and kissing her on her cheek. “What you wanna watch Dora or Barney?” “Dora!” Los turned the 40inch Plasma hanging on the wall in the kitchen to Dora and left.

  “Yo what’s good?” Los said answering his phone. “Ain’t shit, how my Princess doin over there? She driving you and Luck crazy yet?” “Nah neva that, you know we love it when she here.” “Yeah ya boy over here tearing Ty lil ass up from the floor to the window.” Los laughed. “Yo Bruh, you dealing with this custody situation too right? Cause Mia filling Ky’s head up wit a whole lot of bullshit.” “I know Bruh, the shit that be coming out of Ky’s mouth sometimes. I don’t understand how a grown ass woman can sit and bad mouth me in front of my seed. Everything looking good for that child support case. But from what Horowitz is saying we have to find a better reason to get custody other than mismanagement of child support, Mia still has rights cause she the biological mother. Dude making it sound like its damn near impossi
ble for a father to get full custody from the mother. Your boy stressin, I know we gotta make this move soon cause she getting older. I would rather her be living with me sooner than later.” “I hear that. It’ll work out, even if we gotta make shit happen, so stop stressing; but yo we gotta link up a little later to handle them car problems I’ve been having.” Los spoke in code. “Yeah no doubt I’ll get at you a little later then, one.”

  Los walked into the bedroom to find Lucky still asleep. He sat down on the bed and it didn’t take long for the smell of good food to invade Lucky’s nostrils waking her up. She rubbed her eyes and watched as Los ate from a Styrofoam container. “Baby what you eating?” Los turned around with a smirk on his face. “Greedy ass face, yo you been damn near comatose for hours, but then your lil ass wake up to the smell of food,” Los teased. “Come here.” Lucky crawled over to where he was and sat on his lap. He fed her until she couldn’t eat another bite. When she was done she rolled off of his lap and looked as if she were going to go right back to sleep. Los placed the food container on the night stand and climbed on the bed beside her.

  “Luck what up? What’s that gangsta shit you was poppin yesterday? You said you was gonna fuck me up ha?” Lucky’s eyes popped as she realized what she had said in her half sleep stupor. “That’s what you said right? Talk that shit now,” Los challenged while kneeling over her. Lucky grinned up at him and shook her head back and forth trying not to laugh. Carlos pounced on her and started giving her the tickle down treatment. Lucky cracked up laughing squirming all over the bed begging for Los to stop. “Stoooop! Stooooop!” she screamed in between giggles. “Baby I can’t breathe,” Lucky pleaded while still laughing. Lucky had lost all composure as Carlos continued to tickle her stomach and sides. She rolled over on her stomach only finding herself screaming even louder and trying to jump out of her skin once she felt the first pinch on her ass. She tried to block him with her hands but he continued to pinch in various places. “What’s that hard shit you was poppin? Ha?” Los asked through his own laughter “Nothin! Nothin!” Lucky screamed while laughing. Carlos continued to pinch and tickle her. “Help! Help!” Lucky screamed to no one in particular.

  “Get off my Auntie!” She heard Ky’s little voice scream. Kynah jumped on the bed and tried to tackle Los. He grabbed her up in his arms, threw her down on the bed playfully and gave her the tickle down treatment too. Kynah was laughing her head off kicking and screaming as Los tickled her stomach. Lucky took that opportunity to make a getaway. She made a mad dash to the master bathroom to shower. “You see that Ky? Ya Auntie a punk, you see how she ain’t helping you?” Lucky laughed slamming the bathroom door.

  The entire day was beautiful. They ordered in and watched television together. Once Kynah fell asleep while torturing both Los and Lucky by making them watch her favorite movie Enchanted for the millionth time, Los scooped Ky up and brought her to her room. He turned the satellite channel to R&B slow jamz where he and Lucky slow danced and kissed like two in love teenagers at a ghetto prom with all the grinding and groping. After that they showered each other and spent the day spooning, watching television together. Lucky smiled staring up at Los while he watched the TV screen intensely then burst out into hard laughter at a clip from the show Ridiculousness. They were watching a marathon of the show and it was hilarious. To see him smile like that so carefree and relaxed warmed her heart. There was no sexing, and it was cool, Los knew when his baby just wanted to be held. The next day the honeymoon was over. Los was back on his grind and on his way out to meet up with Nice while Lucky was preparing to take Kynah back home to Mia’s house.

  The Connection

  Lucky pulled up in front of Mia’s house, looking in her rearview mirror made her heart hurt. Kynah was sitting in the back seat with tears streaming down her face. “Kyy baby we talked about this. You have to come back home to get ready for school. This weekend I’ll pick you up from school if you want, How about that?” Kynah couldn’t answer she was crying and blubbering the whole time. “Ky be a big girl, lil mama don’t cry.” “But I...I don’t wanna go to Mia house I wanna go wit my Daddee.” “I know, baby I know,” It took everything in Lucky not to bust a U-turn and floor it all the way back to Scottsdale. After she calmed Kynah down enough promising to pick her up that very weekend and letting her stay with her and Los, she walked hand in hand to Mia’s front door.

  Lucky could hear music blaring from the house as she walked up the walk way. She was surprised none of Mia’s neighbors hadn't called the cops on her yet for a noise complaint. The middle class neighborhood seemed much too classy for all this hood shit. Lucky squeezed Kynah’s hand and smiled down at her before ringing the doorbell. She was taken aback when a tall chocolate fine ass man answered the door. He basically eye fucked Lucky within the few seconds he stood at the door. Dean was actually speechless there stood one of the baddest bitches he had ever laid eyes on, and he had run through some of the baddest. Kynah attempted to take off running into the house but Lucky pulled her back holding onto her hand. “Is Mia here?” Lucky asked. “Yeah she right in here,” He said continuing to stare at her then licked his lips. Lucky shifted her weight to one side of her body and rolled her eyes. “Well can you go and get her,” Lucky said showing her annoyance with his boorish behavior. “Damn shorty it ain’t for all that, a nigga just tryna be friendly.” “It’s Louchanna.” Lucky said correcting him from calling her shorty. Dean chuckled. But then stopped dead in his tracks as he eyed Lucky sweep a piece of her long dark hair behind her ear exposing the small hoop multi colored diamond earrings in her ear. She had so many colored diamonds in the charm bracelet her wrist was looking like a box of Fruity Pebbles. Her ears, wrist and neck was on froze. The midnight blue Bentley she was pushing and Hermes snakeskin bag she was carrying all of that screamed money, money, money, monayyy. She was the definition of a kept bitch. There was some sucka for love ass nigga out here who was loving her something tough and letting his wallet express his love. Dean flashed her his world winning smile that usually had bitches panties sliding off but Lucky scoffed. “Can you please call her?” Lucky hissed. “Ay Mia! It’s a Louchina or some shit like that at the door for you.” Lou chan na,” Lucky said slowly pronouncing her name and correcting him. He turned back around to face her and just chuckled shaking his head back and forth, her attitude made his dick hard. “Damn why you gotta be so mean?” Dean asked flirtatiously, Lucky wasn’t feeling this dude at all from what she could guess he was one of Mia’s several men, but still here the nigga was at her door trying to kick game on the slide. There was something about Dean that didn’t sit well with Lucky; behind his good looks she could tell he was grimey. It was almost like seeing a used car sales man in a cheap suit, he just screamed sleaze ball. Right before Mia hit the door frame Dean stuck his tongue out and wiggled it in a suggestive way causing Lucky to scrunched her nose up and jerked her neck back, both shocked and disgusted.

  Mia walked up in back of him swinging the door wide open. “What is it?” She demanded rudely. “Oh it’s nothing, I was just dropping Ky off,” Lucky said with a big smile plastered on her face knowing it pissed Mia off. “Why didn’t you just drop her at the door and keep it movin. You knew someone was home.” Lucky pursed her lips together to hold her tongue. Frankly because she thought it would be a waste of time and energy to try and explain to Mia why dropping a almost 5 year old girl at the front of the house and pulling off wasn’t such a good idea. “Listen if I drop her off home I’m going to drop her to the front door, then I’m going to wait until someone comes to the door and take her in to leave.” Mia’s eyes turned damn near wild. “You know what? You always being so damn extra, you knew I was home. You could have left her with whoever answered the door.” “I don’t know him.” Lucky said boldly looking at Dean. “I’m not turning her over to anyone I don’t know.” “You know what? Mia, Mia calm down Mia. Don’t do it to this lil uppity trick,” Mia said talking in the third person, as if she were crazy. Lucky chuckled at Mia’s
antics, Mia was a joke, she was a lot of mouth but couldn’t bust a grape in a grape fight. She dared Mia to jump bad so she could stomp her ass out for being a lousy mother. “Ky come ya ass in the house!” Mia said with aggravation. Ky went to jump at Mia’s command but Lucky pulled her back stopping her. Lucky bent down and hugged Ky then whispered in her ear. “Remember you have your phone and I’m going to come and get you this weekend. I love you.” “I love you too Auntie” Kynah said before running off into the house. Mia stood there glaring at Lucky as she watched her turn around and diva strut over to Los’s Bentley letting the alarm go chirp chirp before hopping in. “Oooh I can’t stand that bitch!” Mia fumed slamming the front door damn near off its hinges.

  Dean was on his way to inquire about who Lucky was when his boy Freeze pulled him to the side. “Ayo son, I think we got the wrong vic. Did you see shorty who just came through? We should’ve been on her; did you see her fuckin wrist?” Freeze asked all hyped up getting a natural high off the possibilities of a lick that big. Dean shook his head in disagreement. Of course he saw Lucky. He saw the whole package, the whip, the clothes, and diamonds. The bitch smelled like Dunkin Hines, straight cake! But she wasn’t the type. “Ayo son she ain't the type, trust me when I say. I been playing bitches since Atari youngin. She ain’t the type to switch sides. I looked in her eyes, she true blue. She the type of bitch that will lay down wit that sucka ass nigga that’s icing her all crazy and take two with him if need be. We good where we at, we laying low in this nice spot in Jersey and there’s a connection here, all we gotta do is follow the money. I think this is the caper we been looking for to retire us.”


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