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From Origins (Descendant Prophecies Book 3)

Page 2

by Mary Ting

  “He has my mother,” Ian seethed. Though his tone was a bit hostile, I knew that the anger was toward Hephaestus and not us. “I have every right to come along. Skylar needs all of us, not just a few of you.”

  “All right,” Mason agreed, reaching for my hand. “I don’t want anything happening to Sky. She comes first. We’re putting too much pressure on her. If it seems like Hades can’t be defeated, we get out. Is everyone clear?”

  “Yes,” I heard from all.

  “And so help me,” Mason continued, piercing his eyes to Ian. “If anyone double crosses us when we get there, I won’t hesitate to kill you…any of you.” He glanced to my dad’s group, letting them hear the depth of his words.

  “You’ve lost faith in us, but I understand why,” Zara stated.

  “I don’t trust anyone, Zara, especially you. Not after that stunt you pulled in Mt. Hem. You could have told us. We do not negotiate with our enemy.”

  “I understand your reasons, but you have to understand mine.”

  “Yours don’t have justification. It was purely selfish.”

  “If that’s how you feel, then I can’t do anything about it. Perhaps you’ll change your mind when this is all over. We can argue this matter all day, but we have someplace to be. Follow me.” With that, Zara led the way.

  I was surprised by Mason’s tone toward Zara, but I didn’t blame him. She was someone we respected and admired, someone that was supposed to guide and protect us. But since she betrayed us in Mt. Hem, I would be second-guessing her motives and direction. As for my dad’s group, they were upset about being in the dark, but it seemed as though they trusted her. After all, they had known her longest. Zara was like a mother figure, just as my dad was a father figure to them.

  I used to feel a tinge of jealousy that my dad had spent all those years living in New Olympus with my new friends, but I had gotten over that. Now that I knew the reasons why, and after I found out how Hephaestus manipulated our family just so that he could find a way to shape me into what I was today, I could only sympathize and forgive. There were more pressing matters at hand, and dwelling on the past would only hinder me from going forward.

  “We can use Ian as bait and let Hades eat him,” Nick snickered to Everett, walking behind Mason and me. “That should kill Hades for sure. I’m sure his body will be oozing with betrayal and poison.”

  Nick’s words were only meant for Everett to hear, but since we were surrounded by the god’s descendants, all of whom having super powers, it was impossible to keep things private.

  “I heard that,” Ian growled, keeping his distance from us.

  As much as I wanted to hate Ian, I couldn’t. I believed him when he told us he was making sure nothing bad would happen to me when he was under the direction of Hephaestus. Though I didn’t know it back then, he was sticking up for me when we had met up with his group of friends during our study lesson. That was the day I found out Ian was special, like us. It was the day I knew I couldn’t trust him anymore. But a part of me felt bad for him too. It couldn’t have been easy, what he had to do. And Hephaestus having his mom…well…I could sympathize with that situation.

  The past didn’t matter anymore. We all had to lock up our anger and frustrations. We had a mission to accomplish and it wasn’t going to happen if we couldn’t work together. Whether we wanted to or not, we had to trust each other, especially Zara and Tara.

  We didn’t walk far. In fact, I had no idea where we were headed and none of us asked…until we stopped right at the edge of the ocean.

  “Why are we here?” Amanda looked confused. I knew she would be the first one to ask.

  “This is one place Tara and I can create a portal to the underworld,” Zara answered, looking out into the ocean. “I would not be able to do this myself. It requires much strength and power, along with Skylar’s help.”

  Was she serious? Never having created a portal, I had no idea what she meant by that. My friends looked at me in silence, as if they were waiting for me to say or do something.

  “What?” I shrugged my shoulders. “I’ve never done that before. I wouldn’t know what to do. All I see is water.”

  Zara stood next to me, causing Mason to tense up. I knew his eyes would be on her, and so would mine. Trepidation from her touch had taken me over all of a sudden, and I couldn’t help my thoughts. I imagined her capturing me and forcing us to jump into an already open portal we couldn’t see. I hated that I had this kind of feeling about someone my dad trusted wholeheartedly, but since she had betrayed me, it was hard to forget. Forgiving was one thing; forgetting was a whole different story.

  “When Zeus and Poseidon put Hades in the underworld, they made sure that no one got in or out without both of their permission,” Zara explained. “In order to open the portal, the water must be elevated. Then Tara and I will create the portal. At the same time we are creating it, you must bring water and lightning around it. The water and lightning are used like a key, to unseal the opening. Skylar, you are the only one that can control both. It will be in your hands. Once we get inside, we must stick together. We don’t have a clue what kind of traps or obstacles we will be facing.”

  All I heard was that I had to raise this massive body of water. I’d done that to the water by the lake house not too long ago, but this was the ocean. “I don’t think I can do it.” I felt the weight of what I was supposed to do dragging me down…my body was in quicksand, with no one to pull me out.

  “Yes, you can,” Mason encouraged, standing in front of me, while tenderly rubbing my shoulders. His eyes lovingly gazing into mine gave me the energy I needed to believe that I could do it. “You did it at the lake house. You can do it again.”

  “Well…I think we might as well go home.” Amanda crossed her arms, looking defeated. “How is she supposed to lift all that? I don’t think even Poseidon could.”

  “I didn’t mean the body of the ocean. Just the surface, where the water meets the land,” Zara muttered, swiping her windswept hair away from her face.

  “Why didn’t you say that in the first place?” Nick shook his head, throwing his hands up in the air. “Come on, Sky. Do what you did back then. Take in the water.”

  That was it. Nick’s words lit me up like a wakeup call. It was as if my mind and body knew what to do from his statement. “Okay,” I agreed. “Thanks, Nick.”

  Nick looked confused, rubbing his head. “Uh…sure.”

  “Back away,” I directed, letting go of Mason’s hand. Everyone scrambled far away from me except for Mason. I knew he wouldn’t. I could tell him that I had the flu and he would still kiss me.

  Looking out to the ocean, I spread my arms with my palms up, willing the water to me in my mind. Feeling the sudden wind slice through the air and seeing the clouds tumble in fast motion, I knew I had called it. I recalled icicle water penetrating through my stomach before I passed out at the lake, so I knew what had to be done. I had to be one with the water.

  At first, nothing happened. All I heard was the sound of the breeze and the echoes of the waves crashing to the shore. Then, small, sphere-shaped liquid particles flew out of the water, flying straight into my stomach. It all seemed like it was happening in slow motion as they seeped inside me. As my body was immobile, taking them all in, I felt no pain…only slight chills from the coldness. I was relieved when it stopped, but awed at what I had done. Water had risen from the surface along the shore.

  “It’s enough. You did great,” Zara praised, and started to create a portal with Tara’s help.

  Fascinated by the massive swirls the water was creating in the air, my eyes were deadlocked on them until Zara spoke with urgency, breaking me out of my trance.

  “Skylar, I need water and lightning around the portal. Do it now. Once it opens, we must hurry. We won’t be able to hold it that long.”

  Without hesitation, I called upon the lightning from above with one hand while the other hand manipulated the water. Placing my hands closer together now, I
started to move them in circular motion, mimicking the movement of the portal. Water and lightning bonded and traced the shape of the portal, getting thicker and growing by the second. It looked like the face of a tornado.

  “Get in everybody!” Tara shouted, as the wind howled with force. It got stronger and angrier, as if some kind of powerful being was trying to prevent us from entering. “Skylar, you have to go last. Once you enter, the portal will close.”

  “I’ve got you.” Mason held tightly around my waist as we watched our friends push through. They were having difficulty entering from all that wind blowing around them. “When you’re ready, let me know.”

  “Okay,” I said, already feeling weaker.

  The strength of the wind slapped the water across my face, breaking my concentration. My whole body started to tighten, feeling like I was holding more weight than I could carry. When my arms began to slowly fall, I knew I had reached my limit. Thank God, everyone had entered. Before I even had a chance to let Mason know I was ready, the portal had closed half way. When I felt a yank, I knew Mason felt the same urgency as I did and didn’t hesitate to do what he needed to do.

  Landing on pebble covered ground, I glanced at everyone. They looked like they had been dampened by rain…Mason and I were worse. I had no idea what to expect down here, but so far it was non-threatening. The air was humid, and the odor was tolerable—mostly it smelled like soil. It looked like we were at a cave entrance. Lanterns had been hung every few feet and were glowing just enough to give us visibility of the surroundings, as if they were anticipating our arrival.

  “Follow me,” Zara said, breaking me out of my observation. “This way.”

  Following the path, all I heard was the sound of our shoes grinding on the pebbles, kicking up dust. If there was to be a surprise attack, we had just shouted to everyone in the underworld that we were there. What gave me the most eerie feeling was how the lanterns would light up when we moved forward, like a motion detector, and how the lanterns behind us would turn off on their own, creating nothing but darkness.

  I could imagine ugly underground creatures lurking, following only in the darkness, ready to attack us. I even thought I saw several pairs of red lights when I turned to look. Not wanting to alarm everyone for no reason and put them in panic mode, I kept quiet. As long as they didn’t seem to want to harm us, I figured we should leave them alone.

  Everyone huddled closer together, because we had no choice at that point. The rough, rocky structure was closing in on us. The cave was narrowing, getting tighter so we had to form a line. It was bad enough that the ceiling was low, maybe ten feet tall; it made me feel like I was being boxed in. I didn’t know how long we trudged that way…then bam! Bodies collided.

  “What the hell?” Amanda snipped. Backing away only caused more confusion. Bodies bumped again, then pushing, shoving, and cursing came next. “Why did you stop?”

  “Don’t push me,” Sarah warned.

  “Back up,” I heard Zara command.

  “Now what?” Everett asked, looking annoyed, trying to move out of the line.

  “Is this a trap?” Noah asked.

  Neither Zara nor Tara answered. They were too busy feeling the structure with their hands. Was this a dead end? We came this far for this? Before I lost my mind, I convinced myself that this was just one obstacle we would have to overcome and panicking would only hinder us.

  “No. Everyone calm down. We need to go one at time,” Zara sighed in frustration. “The door will only open to one person at a time. Don’t be alarmed if you hear a question. You must answer it.”

  “How do you know this?” Mason asked. “For all I know, you could be leading us into a trap.”

  Zara stared hard at Mason. “I know you don’t trust me, but you have no choice right now. It spoke to my mind. Just like it will speak to yours when it’s your turn.”

  Mason seemed satisfied with her answer, or realized that he had no choice, so he backed away.

  “Who will ask?” Tim looked flustered.

  Zara didn’t answer. I didn’t think she knew. “When you enter the realms of Hades, a part of you must die. As you give away a part of your memory, you will be allowed access further in. It’s like giving a gift. It doesn’t want material things; it wants a piece of you.”

  “Die?” Amanda cried out. “I’m not telling him any of my secrets, and I’m certainly not going to give him a piece of me.”

  Tara rested her hand on Amanda’s shoulder. “Relax, my child. You will gain them back when you return to higher ground.”

  “Oh…why didn’t you say that in the first place?” Amanda’s face flushed, but I wasn’t sure if it was from the air that seemed to have gotten thicker, or from being embarrassed.

  “Where will it take us?” Nick scooted toward Mason.

  “I don’t know.” Though Zara looked composed, she couldn’t hide her fear from me. I could smell it. Whatever she said next would be words to ensure our safety and nothing more. “Don’t worry. You will be fine. Whatever you do, do not accept any gift that might be presented to you, and please do not drink or eat from here. If you do, I can’t help you. You’ll be stuck in the underworld. That is the way it is. I’ll go first. I’ll wait for you on the other side. Tara, you follow after me, just in case I need your help.”

  “Of course, sister,” Tara said, then took a step behind her.

  Zara stood at the dead-end. It took a few seconds for what looked like a boulder to split open in the middle. All I could see was darkness when Zara stepped in. It didn’t stay open long enough for me to see anything more. It shut so quickly that if Zara hadn’t moved as fast as she did, she would have been crushed. The image of that thought sent chills down my spine.

  Aaron grabbed Tara before she could position herself. “If there is danger out there, you’ll let us know, right?”

  “I’ll try my best, but I don’t know if I will be able to communicate with you from the other side.”

  Aaron nodded and let go. He looked worried and distraught. I didn’t blame him. We could be walking into a trap, fire, or Hades, who knew? I could see fear and tension in my friends’ eyes. I was almost certain they were each holding their breath, as I was. After they entered one by one, it was just Mason and me left.

  “I’m not sure if I should go first or you. Either way, I can’t be there to protect you here or there.” Mason caressed me from my cheek to my hair, and pulled me in for a soft kiss, then placed his head against mine. It didn’t matter what kind of kiss Mason gave me, it did funny things to me inside, making me want more. It was as if he drugged me with his kiss, making me high, giving me just enough. I was addicted to his touch, unable to satisfy my craving. He had no idea how he made me feel. “Don’t let this be the last kiss, Sky. Promise me. If something bad happens, turn back and run.” Mason let out a heavy sigh. “But I know you won’t listen.”

  “You’re right. I won’t listen. And this won’t be our last kiss. I promise. It can’t be. I think you should go in first. Hades knows I’m here. I can’t explain how I know, but I do. If I go in first, he might not let you in.”

  “Okay.” Mason gave me another slow, tender kiss, pulling my bottom lip with his teeth, as if to savor this moment. He turned away from me and waited.

  Seeing only darkness when it opened, my heart yearned to yank him to me, but my mind told me I had no choice. Before I could make up my mind, Mason looked over his shoulder, giving me that sexy wink, making me lost for a second, then the door closed. With not a second to lose, I stood in the space where Mason had stood a second ago and waited.

  Standing with my back toward Sky, I heard a voice. Give me your worst fear. I didn’t know if Hades was the one speaking in my mind. Regardless, I didn’t like the sound of his low, menacing tone. I didn’t hesitate. My worst fear…something bad happening to Sky and me not being able to save her.

  You love her?

  With all my heart.

  Would you give your life for her?


  When the door opened, I looked over my shoulder to see Sky and gave her a wink. I saw her lips curl up, then the door slammed shut before I could see the rest of her beautiful smile. As I looked into the darkness, my fingers twitched with my light, ready for whatever was in front of me, but all was quiet. The glow from my body provided light so that I could see the enclosed area. There was nothing to see, only the darkness that engulfed me.

  Feeling a soft cool breeze, I stood still. My gut told me something else was there with me. Was it a spirit? Hades? I didn’t know.

  “Show yourself,” I demanded. I heard the whoosh sound of the air, then shortly after, a white mist floated in front of me.

  There was no shape or form to it and it had no smell, so it was difficult to tell if was friendly. It looked like steam rising from a hot mug. Being that there was nowhere to go, all I could do was wait as the steam gravitated to my chest. Waiting to see what it would do was torture, and my light had no effect on it as it melted into my body.

  I heaved a long, loud gasp, and for a second, I couldn’t breathe as my body levitated. Thinking it was going to suffocate me, I panicked, but it wasn’t long before it dropped me. I knew what it had done when I saw the mist escape from my mouth. Just as Zara had said, it had taken a piece of me. I didn’t care what it did, as long as I got to see Sky. Giving a piece of me was better than giving all of me.

  “You got what you wanted. Open the door.” My tone was harsh, but at that point, I’d had enough. It seemed like I’d been alone in the dark for an eternity.

  Just as I asked, a light appeared and I could see my friends.

  “Mason.” Everett grabbed me, and the rest gathered around me as if I was some kind of novelty. Finally, they dispersed after seeing that I was fine. “We’re all here and accounted for,” Everett informed.

  “Is Sky here?” I asked anxiously, glancing around. All I could see was more of the tall, rocky tunnel and huge boulders. Below my feet was the same, rocks and dirt, but somehow, there was light. I could clearly see everyone and what was around me.


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