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What About Love (Club Decadence Book 6)

Page 25

by Maddie Taylor

  Her mouth gaped open as her imagination ran wild, on her knees at his feet, hands bound behind her back, naked over a bench. Beyond that, bound in chains, her hands high over her head as he lashed her sensually with a flogger once again. Heat gathered rapidly between her thighs, reminding her of the lasting ache and tenderness he had created last night.

  “T,” she breathed. “We have to work. And after last night— I mean, four times is a record for me. I’m surprised I can walk, let alone cogitate this morning. Seriously, never have I—”

  It was his hand that rose to her lips this time and cut off her rambling speech. As his head bent and his lips found her ear, giving the lobe a little nibble, he laughed, a morning husky laugh that made her rethink her protest and that five times might actually be doable.

  “I meant Rossi training, darlin’. I can’t imagine what you were thinking.”

  The obvious amusement in his voice made her face flush hotter. “Rossi?” she choked out.

  “Yeah.” He raised his head, the look on his face stating clearly that he was done with teasing. “You’re done with Dan. I’m your trainer from now on.”

  “Is that a good idea? Working so closely together and being, uh… intimate.”

  His hands, which were still fused to her ass, tightened. “Told you before, darlin’, Dan wants you.” His fingers flexed. “Now that you’re mine, he’s hands off. I’ll explain it to him the first chance I get.”

  “Is that really necessary? We’re co-workers and friends.”

  “The man’s got a hard on for you and there’s no way I’ll allow him to keep rolling around the mats rubbing it against you.”

  “Don’t be crude. He does not.”

  “Yeah, he does and he’s not gonna get another chance to make a play.” A hand came up and captured her jaw, holding her face angled up to his ready to make his position plain. “This is not up for discussion, and here’s why. First, I’m the team’s weapons and munitions specialist. There’s no one better to train you and help with your deficiencies on the range. Second, I can take on two Dan Ogilvie’s and not break a sweat. That’s not me bragging, just pure fact. I’ve got size, strength, youth and skill in my column that says so. Third, it isn’t fair to the man to be so close to something he wants so badly, but will never get. Trust me on this, I got a dick. I know. And fourth, I wouldn’t like it. Not one bit. Got it?”

  “You got a dick and you know?”

  “Damn straight. This is my call. If we’re talking about vagina shit, you can call the shots.”

  “Vagina shit?” The more he talked the sharper her voice became.

  “Yep. Any more questions, protests or arguments?”

  “Yes. I need your definition of ‘vagina shit’.”


  “What? We’re not having sex.”

  “No, we’re ambling toward an argument. And, I’ve decided to extend our D/s power exchange to any squabbles that might piss one or the other of us off. So, bearing that in mind, let me ask again. Have you got what I’m saying about Dano and training?”

  “You decided?”

  “Again, my call.” His fingers flexed slightly on her jaw as he lowered his voice and demanded. “I’ll have your answer now, baby.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she grated out. “Although I’m not liking your delivery method—at all—I got it.”

  “You’ll get used to it.” He pressed a hard kiss to her lips and moved away. “Agenda for today,” he continued as Angie watched him move back to the stove as if he hadn’t just laid down the law to her in the most arrogant and obnoxious manner ever. He’d made a few salient points, she’d give him that, and the possessiveness over what he perceived as Dan’s interest was sweet in an odd, stalkerish sort of way, but the outrageously arrogant and sexist statements had her mind reeling.

  He went on, oblivious to the turmoil he’d created in both her mind and body. “After breakfast, we’ll start a training assessment, first on the mats, then we’ll go to the range. I need to know what progress you’ve made. This afternoon we’ll work on our assignments, I’ve got some shit to do and I know Cap has piled on you. We’ll have dinner at six and head to the club. Jonas is doing a Shibari exhibition tonight that you won’t want to miss. He’s not only a master with his ropes; he’s an artist.”

  T glanced her way. Like a fool, she was standing exactly how he had left her.

  “Darlin’? You sure you’re all right?”

  “Vagina shit?” she repeated.

  His lips twitched as his hand shot out and grabbed the satin belt at her waist. He gave it a tug, bringing her closer. As he did, the knot came undone and her robe fell open revealing she wore nothing but skimpy panties underneath. Her hands made a grab to close it, but he was quicker, sliding his hand inside and hooking his arm around her bare body. When she was plastered to his naked chest, he bent his head and his mouth latched onto the soft spot below her ear.

  “But I need clarification,” she argued, without much heat, while still trying, but failing to make her point.

  “Baby, you lost the advantage on that when your robe came open.”



  She pushed ineffectually against him. “You’re impossible.”

  “I was teasing.”

  “What? Which part?”

  “I’m a guy, little bit, and can be insensitive sometimes,” when she grunted, he amended that point, “okay, often. I admit it. Despite that, I’m not stupid enough to call something important to you vagina shit and mean it.”


  “Yeah. As for the other, about Dano. I was dead serious.”

  “I kind of thought that, but next time can you give a thumbs up or raise your hand so I know when you’re kidding?”

  “Give a thumbs up?”

  “Or a hand signal, so I’ll know.”

  “Like raising my hand?”

  Leaning back against his arm to see his face, she frowned when she saw his grin and realized he was playing again.

  “T, I was being serious.”

  “What can I say? I like teasing you, little bit.”

  “I noticed.”

  “And messing with your head...”

  “Yeah, I got that too.”

  “And your body.” Proving his words true, he lowered his head and captured a nipple between his lips. The bud grew instantly to pebbled hardness as he suckled. When he caught it firmly between his teeth, he added around the hard tip, “Because you’re hot when you’re ticked off.”

  “T.” This time her protest was more of a tormented moan as she slid her fingers into his hair and held on.

  Long minutes later, after his mouth had robbed her of lucid thought, he lifted his head. His tongue came out and gave each rosy pink peak another flick. “Fuck that, you’re hot all the time.”

  When she blinked up at him blearily, she managed to ask, “Is this how you’re going to win every fight?”

  “Did it work?”

  “God, yes.”

  The warmth of his laugh brushed over her wet skin and she moaned at the torment. “Then count on it, baby.” With a last feather-light touch of his lips against hers, he straightened. “Sadly, that’s enough playing for now. We need to eat and get a move on.”

  He set her away. When she made no move toward the table, he turned her around and with a gentle pat, sent her in that direction.

  “Coffee,” she mumbled, making a beeline to the pot.

  “Warm me up, will you, darlin’?”

  Once she’d poured and carried both of their mugs to the table, something occurred to her. “Uh, T? About tonight. What if I had other plans?”

  “We’d rearrange things.” She watched as he slid perfectly fried eggs onto two plates—four on one, two on the other—along with golden brown buttered toast and crispy bacon. With a plate in each hand, he came to the table. “Do you? Have other plans, that is?”

  “No, but—”

  “Then why’d you ask?�

  “For future reference.”

  “Angie, quit messing around and thinking up problems that we don’t have.” He bent sideways, enough to kiss the top of her head as he set her plate in front of her, then took his seat across from her. “I’m not such a hardass that I don’t know how to compromise.”

  “Yeah? What about Dan being hands off? Was that compromise or penis shit?’

  He barked out a laugh. “I think you know, darlin’, but I prefer to call it Dom shit. Now eat up. You’ll need your strength to keep up with me when I have you flat on your back.”

  “In more ways than one,” Angie murmured under her breath.

  Her under wasn’t under enough because he replied, “I was referring to Rossi again. You’ve got a one track mind, baby.”

  She acted as though she hadn’t heard that last bit. “I’ll keep up with you, Sarge. Never fear.”

  “You didn’t fare so well in the past if you recall.”

  Her gaze arched slowly up at him. “How could I forget? I fondly remember having your balls in a vice, don’t you, sweetie? I think of that day often and have always yearned to relive it.”

  “You think you can pull off that move a second time, little girl?”

  “I’m only little to you, because you’re ginormous. To everyone else I’m above average, and I’ve learned some new moves, I’ll have you know.”

  “Money says I have you crying uncle in under an hour.”

  “You’re so cocky. I’ll take that bet!” As she took in his confident, teasing grin along with the breadth of his massive shoulders, she swallowed hard, instantly regretting her impetuosity. But she powered through, boldly asking, “How much do I get if I win? I need to go shopping.”

  “If you win, I’ll take you shopping myself. When I win, you can forget about cash and goods. I’ll collect in services rendered. In fact, you’ll pay off your debt in the flesh… tonight.” With a self-assured expression, he tucked into his eggs.

  As for Angie, the idea of servicing T in the flesh made her heart rate kick up a notch and caused moisture to gather in still tender places. Maybe, she decided, having her dominant lover as her trainer wouldn’t be all that bad. His shit eating grin while he chewed his toast watching her, told her it was going to be worse.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Mesmerized by the sheer beauty of what Jonas had created, Angie barely noticed T shift behind her or his whispered reply to the man by his side. Lexie, who was draped artfully in a brilliant sapphire blue swath of fabric while suspended high above the crowded main floor, had her full attention. She’d never seen anything like it. Her friend appeared to float in midair, her back bowed sharply while both arms arced over her head, one leg in counter point, she formed an incomplete circle. As limber as she appeared, Angie had no doubt she could have closed the ring with her body, but Jonas had chosen to finish it, about a quarter of it, with his ropes. Fashioned like the spokes of a wheel, the ropes linked her body to a center hub, Lexie’s sleek form acting as the outer rim of the circle as she spun slowly from a suspension cable in the ceiling. Her free leg was pointed downward, the end of the sapphire silk wrapped around it, lightly flapping in the breeze made by a fan far beneath her.

  She looked like an ice skater in a spin at the end of a performance, who with stunning flexibility, pulled one leg over her head. But her skate leg wasn’t touching down. Instead, she flew weightless and fluid overhead, as if the ropes that held her, rather than lifting her up in suspension, were really constraining her. That without them, like a free spirit, she would take flight or drift free.

  “Beautiful,” Angie whispered under her breath.

  “Agreed.” T’s deep rumble came next to her ear. “Jonas really is a master at his craft and Lexie his perfect subject.”

  From their vantage point at the second floor railing, Angie had a perfect view of the Shibari demonstration. Everything else had ceased in the club as all eyes were directed to the beautiful, graceful woman suspended in the middle of the dark space over the main playroom. Soft light spotlighted her from several angles, the display breathtaking in its uniqueness and beauty.

  Awestruck, Angie could hardly look away, taking in every nuance of Lexie’s seemingly effortless pose. She did briefly follow the long line of her free leg, passed her pointed toes, and along the taut rope that was held securely at the end by the skilled hands of her Master. Jonas’ attention was aimed skyward, never taking his focus from his beautiful dorei, which T had told her meant rope slave. He worked the rope so she slowly revolved allowing the rapt audience to view her beauty from every angle, all three-hundred sixty degrees of it.

  The only interruption of the scene was an occasional flash as the photographer who was capturing it all, snapped pictures from different points in the room.

  “When does their second book come out?”

  “I think they’re just starting on this one, so it will be months, possibly next year before it’s published. I heard the first was up for some kind of award for the photography.” Like Angie, T pitched his voice to a low whisper, unwilling to disturb the magic Jonas and Lexie had created. “Jonas told me he expects this one will take longer, having to up the ante with more intricate poses than the last. He’s doing a chapter with two slaves for this book and still looking for the second model.”

  “It’s so beautiful,” she whispered in awe. “She’s beautiful.”

  “He was hoping you might be interested.”

  Twisting in his arms, she blinked up at him in shock. “In modeling? Why me?”

  “You could be Lexie’s twin, beautiful. Has no one ever told you? Except for the difference in hair color, you’re both tall, fit, both with killer curves and a graceful bearing. He’s watched you train and thinks with a little work, you’d be ready. Jonas says he plans to have Lexie take the brunt of the workload as far as suspensions and inversions go since she’s an experienced rope model. He mentioned a pose he had in mind, a side suspension parallel to the floor with the other model, you perhaps, reflecting her pose from the floor. He wanted to do several poses, mirror images he called them, and name the chapter reflections or mirrors, or something like that.”

  “Me posing in ropes,” she murmured aloud, trying to wrap her head around such a farfetched idea. “That’s something we haven’t done.”

  “Baby, there are tons of things we haven’t done. As for Shibari, I know the basics. If you’re interested, I’ll arrange a session in the rope room soon and you can try them on for size, so to speak. I enjoy it. If you do as well, we can add that to our play on occasion. I’m nowhere near the skill level of Jonas—he lived in Japan for several years and trained under a Shibari Master—but I can hold my own with amateurs.”

  “The photos would require me to be naked, right?” She had turned back, watching while she relaxed against T’s chest, her attention once again riveted on Lexie.

  “Yes, but look closely. Do you see a naked submissive in bondage when you do? Or a thing of beauty, a work of art?”

  Silently, she observed for another moment mulling it around in her head. To be considered to be a part of something so artistic was an honor. “The way he has her posed and draped and tied, I barely see her skin. It all blends perfectly together into, as you say, a beautiful work of art.” It was also sensual and exciting, and the thought of T tying her, posing her, touching her naked skin as he did so, and fucking her while she hung immobilized and vulnerable to his control and possession...

  “When can we get that room for a trial?” she blurted out, nearly convinced to do the photos already.

  The lights dimmed on the stage, an indication that Jonas and Lexie’s demonstration was over. He had to speak loudly to be heard over the applause. “Soon, but if you’re as into the real thing as much as the idea of it, I’m thinking Jonas has a new model.”

  She beamed up at him and he hugged her to him, his lips swooping in for a searing kiss. As he led her away from their place at the railing, she marveled at how va
nilla Angie had taken to BDSM and its many nuances like a duck to water.

  “I’ll make it happen, baby. For now, however, we have a room reserved upstairs.”

  “Are you going to tell me which one or make me guess?”

  “Patience, little bit. I think you’re going to like my surprise. Let’s go.”


  “Strip.” The one word order said in his deep voice sent a warm thrill racing through her body. Authoritative, yet husky with arousal, she longed to see the face that bespoke so much emotion. She’d have to wait, the blindfold he’d slipped over her eyes in the hallway blocking out everything except the sound of his voice, and the closing of the door as he guided her inside the mysterious theme room. Eager to find out what he had in store for her, she obeyed. Slipping her thumbs in the narrow straps of her dress, she pulled it free of her shoulders, giving a slight wiggle at her hips as she let it fall to her feet.

  “Panties, too,” T prompted when she paused.

  Whisking the miniscule scrap of lace over her hips and down her legs, she kicked them and her dress away, unfolding her body to stand naked and trembling, impatiently awaiting what came next.

  “Very nice,” he murmured as his fingertip circled first one nipple, then the other. Both were poking out arrow straight from the chill of the A/C in the room. When he next spoke, she startled slightly, finding he had moved behind her. “Link your hands at your back.”

  The familiar ratcheting sound of metal handcuffs rang out as he locked her wrists together. “Be careful with these. I prefer fleece lined leather, but these fit the theme of the room so well. No pulling or tugging that will leave marks. Any lingering redness or stripes on your gorgeous skin will be intentional and by my hand, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Kneel.”

  Awkwardly, she lowered herself to her knees, not realizing until now how much her arms played a role in balance. The floor was cold and hard, not heated as it was on the main club floor. She heard his footsteps as he moved again and knew he stood in front of her as his hand cupped her jaw.


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