INDISPENSABLE: Part 3: A Billionaire Romance
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“He’d want you to live like that?”
“I think so. He’s just hard-wired that way. He has a warehouse and that’s where he goes to be a Dom. We were there last night. If we were in a relationship and I can’t give him what he needs, I can’t stand the thought of him being with anyone else to fulfil those needs.”
“Wow. This is way more complicated than I realized.” Bella’s eyes went wide, and she shook her head. “I think you have to deal with a layer at a time. As far as being with Brock goes, you need a lot more time to get to know him and trust him before you can even begin to make a decision like that.”
Sarah nodded. “Every time I think I can trust him, something happens and I’m catapulted back out into the emotional wilderness again. But last night. He was awesome. He held my life in his hands and he handled me like precious crystal. I did trust him. But on a daily basis, it’d be way too intense.”
“Out of everything that’s happened, including work, what’s the best feeling? For you.”
“Being in that courtroom in full fight. I’ve never felt so alive and confident.”
“What’s been the worst feeling?”
Sarah thought about it. “Being handled, I just feel like I’ve had my freedom of choice taken away. Where I live, what I drive, what emotional crap I want to deal with.”
“Right, so don’t leave the job. You love it. Find a way to make it work and not have to deal with Brock in person on a daily basis at work. If he is serious about you being the best choice for the job, he’ll keep you on under any terms—as long as the job gets done.”
“I’m not sure how I can make it work.”
“You don’t need to micro-manage every aspect. You have an awesome team. Delegate. Streamline. Update the system. Make it user-friendly and take advantage of the immediacy of texting, video-conferencing, emailing, and group chat.”
“Can you and Ryan set that up?”
“We can.”
“Do it. I’ll let Heather know. The youth board will love it.”
“Okay, and you talk to your team and get them doing the heavy lifting for you. They can report to Brock most of the time. Let him know that you have boundaries.”
A surge of excitement charged around her body. This could work. Brock might be okay with it.
“I can see this will be great at work. But you need to sort out some personal boundaries with him as well. It’s clear you are attracted to each other. But if he’s the one, there’s no rush. Slow it up.”
“If I move out of here, do you want to come with me?”
“Well, duh. I’d miss you too much, and I’m not sure I’m quite ready to face the world without my best friend yet.”
“We’re a good pair, you and I, aren’t we? Both running from the inevitable.”
“You go find a place to live that we’ll love, then get yourself the car you want. Distance yourself from Brock personally. Take a step back and see where you end up. You’ll either find a way to be together or you’ll see that you’re not meant to be. Don’t rush in with doubts, and if he is the one, the sex thing will work out.”
“How did you get to be so smart?”
“I’m fucked if I know.”
Sarah and Bella laughed so hard. Sarah was grateful for the day this beautiful young woman came into her life. She had a clear path forward now. She’d talk to Brock. If he agreed about the work arrangement, she’d stay on in the company. The new place to live, her car, and all of the rest wasn’t up for negotiation.
Sarah needed to sort her life out herself, and the next step would be going to see her parents. She swallowed, and her mouth went dry. Sarah took a gulp of wine. She could do this. She would do this tomorrow.
Chapter Seven
“So what you are saying is, Jason will give me the personal reports on a weekly basis and we’ll just need to touch base via email or text. Then, you and I will have a monthly meeting in person.”
“Yes. I need to run this job my way. I love it, but I have to make it my own.” Sarah’s voice didn’t falter.
“I see.”
“Of course, if there’s any urgent situations that come up, I’ll be here on the front line. For the company we’ll always show a united front.”
“Heather has been at me forever to update the way we all interact. She insists it’s way more efficient to use technology most of the time. I know she’ll like it.”
“Bella and Ryan are speaking with the youth board, and they’re going to set it up. This is the only way I can continue to do this job. I need to know that I’m here on my own merit and not because there’s anything between us.”
Brock looked hard at her then. “Is there anything between us?”
“I can’t discuss that now. This space, for me, can only be about work. The lines can’t be blurred. If you give me a call this evening, we can talk about where I see us.”
“Why do I get the feeling that we’re not in Kansas anymore?”
Sarah sat down in the chair opposite him. The wide expanse of hardwood desk between them seemed very symbolic. She took a breath and exhaled. Brock’s direct stare gave her the familiar surge of need inside her. She did her best to ignore it.
“I need to get control of my life. You need to sort your own life out. I’ve a lot to deal with, and so do you. I’m just not ready to expunge things the way we did in the warehouse. If I, we, don’t deal with the issues that came to the forefront, then it’s just another cover-up job. I need to deal.”
Sarah waited until the buzz from the memories subsided before she continued. “The BDSM isn’t the cure-all. That’s putting a Band-Aid over a bullet wound for me. Dealing with the problem from the source is the answer. After that, I can think about the emotional side of it. I’m not sure how long that’ll take. But if we have something, there’s no rush, right?”
Sarah heart hammered because he might just tell her to leave. Maybe her getting the job had nothing to do with her ability. Brock looked away and didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes. She thought she pretty much had her answer.
He looked back at her, and his intense stare had softened. “I’m sorry I railroaded you. You’re right. This is business, and you are the best person for the job. Personal lives need to be separate.” He sighed. “And, yes, I need to sort my shit out. But that has nothing to do with you; it’s up to me to make the changes I need.”
Sarah felt for him then. God, she hated her soft heart sometimes. “Railroaded might be a bit harsh. I just need to have my life back on my terms. Here at work, it can only ever be about work.”
“I’ll respect your wishes. I’ll back off. Just take pity on me now and again and invite me for dinner.” He grinned. Oh, that smile melted her every time. She could punch him for it.
Sarah relaxed. It was done. “Only if you bring Romeo and Juliet.”
“Done deal. They like chicken best.”
“Right. The first thing we need to do is have a meeting with Rick and get this crap sorted out. I’ve drawn up a contract, with a number yet to be determined, for a payout and for him to stop the crazy vendetta he has against you.”
“He’ll want everything the company has.”
Sarah smiled. “I also have a line-up of young, female employees that will testify against him if needed. He can take a reasonable payout and get on with his life, I’ll even offer him some of his clients back for his own firm, or we can bring him down and send him to jail.”
“I hate that those men, men I trusted, made those young ladies feel unsafe while working at my company. It’s appalling. They should all be in jail.” Brock frowned and his eyes sparked with anger.
“Perhaps, but if he signs, then he knows we’ll always have that evidence, and I’m certain he won’t want to do anything of the kind again. If he does then, bam, we’ll move.”
“We’ll give it a go. I’ll set up a meeting.”
“The second thing we need to do is set Jason up with what he needs—likely a little more money. I’m happ
y to take a pay cut to allow for that.”
“I’ll work it out with finance.”
“Thirdly, I work two days a week from the office here, and three days from home—except for anything major.”
“Right. Well then. I guess we see how this goes.”
“Thanks, Brock—for understanding, for giving me space.” Sarah stood up ready to leave, pleased the talk she’d been dreading had gone so well.
Brock stood up as well and then leaned across his desk. He eyed her with determination. “You’re doing the right thing, Sarah. But I’ll miss you around here.”
Sarah simply nodded and left. There was no answer she could give him that didn’t involve being emotionally connected to his reaction. She just walked away because she’d set the rules and now she had to do the hardest part, enforce them. And, yes, she would miss him too.
Brock seriously needed to smash something against something. His coffee cup against the wall, that paperweight against the computer screen, his fist against a jaw. Yes, she was right, and he’d never hated anyone being so right as much as he did at this moment.
Why did his life always end up being way too complicated? In a perfect world, he’d choose to not need to be a Dom. He’d be the gentle, missionary-position man Sarah needed. He wouldn’t be married to the wheelchair-bound mother of his child. He wouldn’t be sitting here lamenting how awful life was when he knew he’d put himself exactly where he was in life.
He’d respect Sarah’s wishes; he’d be her boss, have the occasional dinner, and tie down his feelings. He still had the warehouse to make himself feel good—the one thing that’d gotten him through his adult life, the thing he leaned on to de-stress and feel somewhat normal.
He didn’t have buddies here; his best friends were his wife and an American posing as a Frenchman in Paris. He never went to his personal family dinners. Apart from his beautiful daughter, it was him and the dogs. And the warehouse.
Heather he caught up with here at the company, and they did a lot of stuff together, but he never really spent as much time on the family unit these days. He figured the less Heather’s mother saw of him, the reminder of why her life had turned out the way it had, the better. He should touch base with the mother of his child. She was the person who’d known him the longest. Maybe she could help him understand how to function in the real world.
For years, Brock had known he needed to get out more and be normal. Easier said than done. He had a high profile and cameras clicked wherever he went. At least, they did if he was out for anything other than work. Maybe he should go live in another country for a while where his face wasn’t so well known.
He could take Heather and her mother for a family holiday. He picked up his phone and texted his daughter. Feel like a holiday? Anywhere you and your mom want to go. You just have to put up with me there as well.
He looked up Rick’s number on his computer and decided he may as well set that meeting up. His notification tone sounded. He picked his phone up. It was Heather.
You want us all to go on holiday together?
Was she surprised, or shocked, or excited? This was what he hated about texting; it was tricky to decipher emotions. He clicked to reply. Do you think it’s a good idea?
He waited. In about thirty seconds the reply came. I’m almost sixteen. Nothing with both parents is a good idea.
Brock had to laugh. Her humor was just like his. He texted back. Not that desperate for something to do?
Almost immediately. Lol that’s it. Also mom needs her own life.
The gravity of that line punched Brock right in the feels. Jodie needs her own life. All these years and he’d stayed married to keep his family together, to make him feel better, to make up for his fuck ups. Dear God, he’d railroaded Jodie’s choices right from the start. She’d never had a chance to be loved by someone for the wonderful woman she was, to love anyone else fully.
He wanted to be sick. He did need to clean up his own shit; he really did.
Ok. Tell your mother I’m coming for lunch today. Jodie knew he never came for lunch unless it was about something that could seriously affect them all, and he figured divorce fell under that category.
Sweet. See you soon.
Brock mused a little about what Jodie would think about a divorce. Is it something she’d want? It wasn’t like he’d leave her with nothing. She’d always be looked after. Did she want to get her own life? Had he effectively held her captive all these years? He banged his fist down on the desk.
He’d find out in an hour, but however it went down, divorce was the only answer. Brock could never expect to have anyone love him while he was married. Maybe that was part of it for him. It made him inaccessible, at least, in his own mind. How he’d never seen this before, or contemplated it was crazy.
Brock had a million things to take care of today, but his mind was consumed with Sarah at the warehouse. The way she’d been. So beautifully broken and vulnerable. She’d made her decision to keep it business, and he’d respect that. Mostly because she was right, the man she needed wasn’t him.
She’d accepted his aftercare, as he tried to put her back together but ultimately, today, she’d turned him away. He’d been telling her that she should, so it was no use missing her now and wondering what it could be like coming home to her after work each day. He knew his life was way too dysfunctional for that.
Heather’s family unit had always been the most important thing to him—since the day he found out Jodie was pregnant. His life was about nothing but providing for his family. In his mind, what he did at the warehouse with other women was just like releasing a pressure valve. The women he’d had there before Sarah weren’t in it for love. They were in it for kicks.
Freedom to choose her life was what Sarah wanted. To trust that whatever her decisions were, he didn’t hold that against her in any way. It wasn’t too much to ask for. Everyone needed that in their life, including him. Now he was about to put that to the test with Jodie and ask for a divorce. That didn’t give him a green flag to pursue Sarah.
Deep down, Brock wanted to let her go, for her to be happy. He wanted to stay distant enough until the person who would make her happy and love her in the way she needed came along. Brock realized how much he hated the thought of any other man giving Sarah what she needed. After what they’d shared together, it was really hard to let go. But he had to and he would. Control was his speciality.
A tap came on his door, and his assistant popped her head in. “Bella Lake is here to see you, Mr. Devlin.”
“Show her in, Deidre.”
Bella flowed in the door— all draping clothes and bright mixed fabrics.
“Bella…welcome to my office. Come and sit.”
“Thanks, Brock. I wanted to come say thanks for the job and also find out if this will be what I’m doing all the time.”
“You did well with Josh. Is that an area you’re interested in? The social media side of the company?”
“I do enjoy it. But also, I don’t want a job just because you feel sorry for me and have the hots for Sarah.”
“I see.” Because having this conversation with someone once a day wasn’t enough. “I can assure you that Little Brock does not make my business decisions for me.”
Bella laughed. “That’s what I said to Sarah, only I didn’t call it Little Brock because that would be awky.”
“So, I’ll be sticking around then.”
“In that case, I’ll talk to Josh, and we’ll decide how best to put you to work.” Brock smiled at her.
“I’m not sure he likes me all that much. I’m too much freak for his geek.”
Brock laughed. “He’ll get over it. It’s business, right?”
“Great. Off topic, but have you talked to Sarah today?”
“Yes. She told me about her new work arrangement, and what changes she wants to make.”
“Sweet. It’s just that, when we move out of the apart
ments, will that lease need to be paid out in full. I don’t want Sarah to pay it all, and I know she’d never tell me. But I’d like to pay my way now that I have a great job.”
“Moving?” Brock stared hard at Bella and then tried to relax.
Bella's eyes went wide. “Oh no. She didn’t tell you that part.”
“It’s none of my business where you live, not really.” Brock sat down in his leather chair and leaned back. “The lease will be fine; I own the building.”
“Of course you would. I’m still not used to all this billionaire stuff. I do think Sarah and I prefer a simpler lifestyle.” Bella gave a little smile when Brock frowned. “We aren’t going back to Aversham—in case you wondered.”
Thank God. His blood boiled every time he thought of Sarah in that seedy neighborhood. So many bad memories there for him. “Sarah will let me know if she needs anything, I’m sure.”
Bella laughed. “Do you actually know her at all? That’s the last thing she’ll do.”
Brock leaned forward and put his head in his hands for a few seconds. Then, he looked across at Bella again. “I don’t want to hurt her, Bella. I need you to know that. But I just seem to keep finding a way.”
Bella shrugged. “She’s pretty tough.”
“I can’t even have this conversation. I promised her I’d give her some space.”
“I didn’t promise her anything.” Bella grinned.
“I’m listening.”
“Give her space, just don’t let her be lonely.”
Bella got up to leave.
“Is that it?”
“You’re bright; you’ll work it out. If you love her.” Then, Bella left in a flounce and a flurry. She was the original contemporary hippy.
If he loved her. If he could love her, he would. But he couldn’t, even if he did. Brock shook his head and wished it wasn’t too early for alcohol. Time to go to see Jodie. He texted Heather.