INDISPENSABLE: Part 3: A Billionaire Romance
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“It’s horrible. How’s your mother?”
“Looks like Hell, but her eyes look clean, you know?”
Bella nodded. “If anyone would know, you would.”
“I’m driving her to his cremation tomorrow. She’s on her own. No one else is coming.” Sarah could feel the prickle of tears. Why would she want to cry? That man never cared a bit about her. Only, according to her mother, he had cared enough to want to make peace without using his illness as an emotional weapon.
“I’ll come with you. You aren’t going alone. It’ll take its toll on you. I can see it already has. He’s paid the ultimate price, Sarah. How old was he? In his fifties?”
“Early fifties.”
“Fuck. We’re twenty-four and I can tell you, I’m not expecting my life to end when I’m fifty.”
“Evie said he’d tried to get better so he could come and make peace with me.” The tears rolled down her face. “Why the fuck couldn’t he just do that when he had the chance? Why couldn’t he do it before Peter killed himself?” The anger was wildfire rushing through her.
“I don’t know, Sarah. The drugs, you know how it is.”
Sarah jumped up. “I do. I know exactly how it is. I’ve been there, and I got clean. I’ve never gone back. Why couldn’t he just do that?”
“It’s okay to be angry, Sarah. Just let it out. It’s time.”
“Just let it out. Just let it out. You sound like Brock. Just like him.” Sarah knew she’d spiralled out of control. She could feel it, but she couldn’t do anything to stop it. Her mind spun in a hundred different ways. “Brock will be there for me. He made me do things. Things I shouldn’t like. Why did I like them? Why?” Sarah picked up her coffee mug and smashed it against the wall.
“Sarah! Stop. Calm down.” Bella cried out.
“I don’t want to calm down. I want to feel every, single, shitty emotion I’ve never let myself feel. Brock made me feel. He made me feel with a whip and with ropes. I didn’t want to like that. I didn’t want to. But I did.” She spun around in a circle. “I loved it. I wanted him to do more, to punish me harder. I wanted it all.”
Bella was beside her now. “Sarah, you’re scaring me. I haven’t seen you like this since before rehab. You haven’t...?”
“What? Taken a hit?” Sarah screamed back, knowing she was being unfair but powerless to make it stop. “I took a hit of being Brock’s sub, and I loved it. After all my hard work being a big, bad lawyer, it turns out I’m as much of a freak as I ever was.” Sarah made herself go to the sofa.
“Sarah. You’re not a freak. It’s been a hard day. You’re under pressure.”
“Why can’t the whole world just go away?” Sarah curled into a ball and stared. Her mind was full of her father, her mother, Peter, Brock. But she couldn’t be bothered talking anymore. She ignored Bella. She’d just stay right here. It was way easier.
Brock was still packing his clothes when his phone rang. Bella was calling. He’d let her know earlier he’d heard from Sarah. Maybe she hadn’t made it home yet. It’d been over an hour.
“I’m not sure what happened between you and Sarah last night. But you’d better get over here. I’ve never seen her lose it like this before.”
“Fuck. I’m on my way.” It was the drop; he knew it. It lasted longer in some people. She’d seemed fine, but he’d underestimated how good she was at hiding things. Still something major must’ve triggered it. Her visit to her parents. He should’ve just gone to see her. He’d promised her he’d be there for her.
The car trip was fast because there wasn’t a lot of traffic. In half an hour he was knocking on the door. Bella opened it and stepped back, giving him a view of Sarah curled on the sofa staring.
“Have you fucking broken her, Brock? Because if you can’t fix her, I’ll break you.”
“She not broken, Bella. She’s mending. Go look up subspace and sub-drop in BDSM and you’ll get it. This is normal and will ultimately help her work through her feelings.”
“You better be right, for your sake.”
“What triggered it? The visit to her parents? I wish I’d known; I would’ve gone with her.”
“The fact that she’s driving her mother to her father cremation service in the morning may have something to do with it.”
“Holy fuck. Poor Sarah. Where’s her room key. I’ll take care of her and drive her tomorrow.”
“She’s not going anywhere without me.”
“No problem.” Brock looked at Bella and took her hands. “She’ll be okay. She may not remember this. I love her, Bella. I don’t want to hurt her.”
“You really ought to have that line bronzed and put it on your wall. It seems to be your favorite. Yet, here we are again, with Sarah hurting. Fix her and be the man she needs or get the fuck out of her life.”
Brock understood Bella’s hostility. But right now he had to focus on Sarah. “You can punch me tomorrow, Bella.” He walked over to Sarah and touched her face, quietly telling her he was here and everything was fine.
“In the nuts?” Bella asked with her usual sarcastic humor.
“If you want. Now, the key for Sarah’s apartment.”
Bella fished around in Sarah’s handbag and found it.
Brock picked up Sarah, and Bella swiped Sarah’s door open. He carried her into her bedroom and laid her on the bed, pulling her thick covers up over her. “It’s okay, Sarah. It’s Brock. I’m going to make us a warm drink and get you a snack.” He just bet she’d had nothing to eat since breakfast with him. She smiled, but never looked at him. “I’ll be back very soon.”
He went to her fridge to see what was in there. Chocolate. Perfect. He found some premixed coffee sachets in the cupboard. They’d have to do. He made them up warm and sweet. He took it all back into the bedroom and sat it on the table near the bed. The chocolate was plain milk chocolate, but it would be a perfect pick-me-up.
He pulled back the cover and helped her sit up. She leaned against him. “Here, have some chocolate. I found it in your fridge.”
“Did you? That’s nice.” Brock put some in his mouth and put some to her lips. She ate it.
“Great, now drink some coffee. It isn’t hot, but it’ll warm you through.”
Sarah drank a few mouthfuls. Then, she looked at him. “Why are you here? Is this my bed?”
“Yes, it is. Bella called me. She was a little afraid.” He smiled at her, trying to keep her mood up. “You were very upset. So I came to stay with you. Just like I said I would.” He handed her some more chocolate, and she took it and put it in her mouth.
When she was done she frowned. “Barry died.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be; he was a rat bastard.”
“But it still hurts.”
“It shouldn’t. I shouldn’t give a shit.”
“But you do, and that’s okay. Here, drink this, and then we’ll cuddle and talk. No funny stuff I promise.”
Sarah drank her drink straight down. “I need to get undressed. You do to. We can be naked again like we were last night.”
“I can arrange that.” Brock took all his clothes off and then helped Sarah undress. Then, they both got under the covers, and he held her against his body.
“That feels nice.”
“It does. Now tell me more about your father.”
“I’m driving Evie to the cremation. No one else is going. I felt bad for her.”
“That’s a decent thing to do. I’ll come as well.”
“You’re going to India.”
“It can wait.”
Sarah snuggled to him. “Why do I feel so sad when he never did one nice thing for me, ever?”
“I guess we grieve what might’ve been. I think, even if you’ve never known a parent, and you find out they’re dead, like adoptees or whatever…then you’d still grieve for what you’d lost by not knowing them.”
“That makes sense.”
sp; “You can’t just shut off your feelings.”
“I do an awfully good impression.”
Brock laughed. “You and me both.”
“You’re so rich. You’re gorgeous. Yet, here you are with me. Why?”
“That’s what friends do, and friendship is the more precious than all the money in the world.”
“I agree. Is Bella okay?”
“With you she’s fine. She going to kick me in the nuts tomorrow though.”
Sarah’s laugh was music to his ears. “I’m such a troublemaker.”
“You’re human. What did you do after you left your mother?”
“I didn’t get kidnapped by Rick.”
“Ouch. You know about that?” Brock felt like the village idiot going off on his big crime theory like that. “Epic conspiracy fail on my part.”
“I thought it was cute.”
“That’s one word for it.”
“I went to the rose bush my Grammy is under at the graveyard. I stayed a while and remembered all the good things.”
“Great idea.”
“Then, I almost text you to say I was coming to visit the dogs, but I deleted it.”
“Why?” Brock really wished she’d sent it.
“I’d just told you this morning I needed space. It seemed stupid to be begging for attention that same afternoon.”
“Needing some company doesn’t count. I wouldn’t have assumed anything from it. I’d still give you your space.”
“I think I was more worried about me. I should be able to handle these things without running for help.”
“I used to think that. I was wrong. So are you. You should ask for help when you need it.”
“I just feel so useless. I couldn’t even hug my own mother today.”
“She never hugged me a day in her life, and I’m the one who feels guilty.”
“It sucks.” Brock kissed her forehead. “But you’ll get through this and be a better person for it. One day, when you have your own kids, you’ll be a perfect mom.”
“I won’t hold my breath on that one. I can’t find a man to make love to me and mean it, let alone want to have kids with me.” It became crystal clear to Brock in that second.
If he wanted Sarah for life, he had to show her he loved her, show her what she meant to him, and how his days were crap without her in them. He would make love to her. He’d throw all his emotions on the line and be the man she needed him to be.
Chapter Eleven
Sarah hated to admit how much better she felt when Brock was around. It was good of him to come over. She’d lost it bigtime but talking about it helped so much. She should’ve went with her first instinct to go to Brock’s.
Now, here they were together talking like an old married couple. Well, how she’d imagined old married couples would talk. She did trust him, after everything. She did. He’d proved himself since she’d found out he was married, but then she’d seen why and a lot of why Brock was the way he was fell into place.
They were so much alike. He’d kissed her forehead and gone quiet. She just laid there enjoying the moment. Then, his mouth sought hers in a tender kiss. Tender and soft, coaxing her lips and tongue to surrender. Sarah relaxed into the most romantic kiss she’d ever experienced. Must be his goodnight kiss.
He kissed her deep and long, bringing the fire to life within her slowly but surely. Sarah toyed with the idea of stopping him, but it was so good. Wrapped completely in his arms, she opened her mouth to give him maximum access. He took advantage, his tongue and lips dancing with hers with increasing tempo.
God, she wanted him so badly. She just had to have him. But this must be the goodnight kiss. He was giving her the kiss he thought she needed. This wasn’t Brock’s style at all. He pulled away from the kiss, planting tiny ones on her nose and cheeks.
“Sarah. You’re beautiful.” His lips were on her neck now, as he kissed his way to her erect nipple. “So beautiful. You nipples are like honey. I could suck them all night.” He placed his mouth over one and drew on it gently, rolling his tongue around the tip. Sarah arched her back and groaned.
He sucked a little harder, and the pleasure shot straight to her core like a laser. Then, he moved the other. Treating it just as gently at first—and then drawing a little harder inside his mouth until her body arched under his expert mouth on her sensitive nipple.
“Oh God. Brock.” Sarah gasped out the word, and his hand rubbed over her pussy. She sucked in a deep breath and held it.
“Breathe, Sarah. Feel. Feel me as I make love to you.” His low voice sent shockwaves through her.
Sarah had no words. He wanted to make love to her? Brock Devlin. Wow. His hand still rubbed over her and one finger parted her pussy lips. He caressed the length, lingering near the clit but not touching it. Sarah let the breath out in a rush. She must be dreaming.
He’d kissed to her belly button and now tickled her there with his tongue, he continued downwards planting tiny, wet kisses on her skin. He looked up at her. “Sarah. I’m going to eat your pussy like it’s my last meal. You taste so sweet. I hope you’ll come for me, so I can lick you clean.”
She could come whenever she wanted? Good, because she wouldn’t be able to hold back long at this rate. Her body was already on the edge of somewhere wickedly good, and Sarah wasn’t going to deny herself.
She closed her eyes as he licked long and deep inside her pussy lips, finishing with a flourish on her clit. She ached for him so much she wanted to pull his mouth into her folds and ride his face until she came. Brock flicked her clit with his tongue and then rubbed her clit with the flat of his tongue. Alternating between to the two actions, Sarah was now on the verge of coming.
Brock worked his magic with his tongue and then slid two fingers inside her and stroke her upper wall. It took another five seconds for her to cry out, as the orgasm came in waves, sudden and true. Her pussy pulsed against this fingers and his tongue lapped softly against her clit.
He withdrew his fingers after her last tremor and sucked them dry while looking into her eyes. “Mmmm. Delicious. Now to taste you properly. Spread your legs for me, Sarah. Hold them back and wide open. I’m going to lick your sweet little pussy clean.”
Sarah pulled her legs up and back and held herself around the lower thighs.
“Yes. That’s it. Open for me, baby. I love your pussy. Love eating your cum.”
He moved down the bed and held her ass cheeks in his hands, lifting her up to his mouth. His hot tongue sinking inside her was the best feeling ever. He plunged in and moved his tongue around making appreciative, gluttonous noises.
“Oh yessss. Yes, Brock. Perfect.”
Over and over again he plundered her pussy with his tongue, and Sarah writhed under him. He placed his mouth over her clit now. She loved this. The way he knew how to suck just right, just hard enough, was bliss.
The pressure inside built again, and Sarah was ready to come again. Unbelievable. He had a magic mouth. He held the suction just enough to keep the pressure on, and Sarah bucked and rocked against his mouth. His tongue had planted against her clit, and Sarah rode it for all she was worth. He looked up at her then.
His gorgeous dark eyes flashed at her. She had no choice but to come under that stare. She broke again and cried out as her body jerked for what seemed like forever. Her clit throbbed and ached, and now it was so, so sensitive, and she gasped and pushed him away. He didn’t argue. He just made his way back up the bed and kissed her lips softly.
“Taste yourself, Sarah. Taste how sweet you are on my lips.” He mover close so his lips touched hers and whispered, “Taste.”
Sarah nibbled his lips, and she could taste herself. He kissed her harder then. And Sarah grasped his cock and squeezed. He jerked and trembled. “You’re as turned on as me,” Sarah whispered to him.
“You do that to me. You make my cock like a steel rod. No other woman has ever made me hard like you do. There’s no cure.”<
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“I think I can alleviate the symptoms.” She stroked him long and steady. The silken flesh of his cock thrilled her. Brock was hard for her and only her.
“Sarah. That’s so good. Your hand feels so good. Keep going. Please.”
Sarah did keep going; she went faster; she squeezed a little harder; and he began to move back and forth into her hand. He must be close. “You going to come for me, Brock?”
“I’ll make a huge mess.”
“I don’t care. I want you to have the feeling of shooting your cum everywhere—instead of inside a condom.”
“Sarah. Tell me. Tell me to come. Help me.”
Brock had moved above her now and straddled her hips. Sarah used both hands on him and enjoyed touching and squeezing his cock in all ways. Then, she began to jerk him off hard with one hand while massaging his scrotum with the other.
“Come for me, Brock. Come over me. Shoot all over my tits.” Her hand moved in a frenzy now, and it began to cramp up and hurt. She couldn’t go much longer. “Come for me, Brock. Come you bastard. Fucking do it. Now!”
Brock’s let out several cries, as he pumped his seed all over Sarah’s tits, and she smiled.
“Good work. Did you like that?”
His voice came in hard breaths. “I loved it.” He leaned forward and kissed her so tenderly that Sarah thought the aliens must’ve beamed up the real Brock.
He ended the kiss, and Sarah’s body was alive with feeling. Her mind was on fire.
“I’m going to make love to you, Sarah. Long, passionate love.”
“But I thought…”
“I was wrong and stupid. I can make love to you. I know you won’t hurt me. I know I’m safe with you.”
“Who are you and what have you done with Brock?”
He laughed. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
“Question is, do we have a condom. Or do you? I know I don’t.”
“Not that I came here expecting this, but I do have one in my wallet.” Brock moved quickly out of the bed and rustled about finding his wallet. “Got it. Only one though, so we’ll have to make it last.”