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by Rebecca Romney

  Blount, Edward, 129–30, 132–33

  blurbs, 263, 273

  Boethius, 199

  Book Beautiful, 242, 247, 253

  book bindings

  American colonial, 149

  calf, 15, 131, 149

  cartonnage or cardboard, 14

  cloth, 14

  Cobden-Sanderson, 237–38

  decorative paper, 14

  Galileo forgery, 13–14

  fur, 15

  leather, 14

  Morocco or goatskin, 15

  pigskin, 15

  sewing and thread, 14, 18

  sheepskin, 149–50

  “stitched as issued,” 150

  vellum, 15–16

  wood slat, 14

  book burnings, 58–60

  book buying, 260–63, 268–72

  book clubs, 266–67, 277

  book edges, 16–17

  Book of Kells, 36

  Book of the Month Club, 266

  book pirates, 218, 225–34

  book prices, 201, 221, 225–26, 267–68, 271–75

  Book Publishers Research Institute (BPRI), 272, 273

  booksellers, 156–57

  bookshelves, 265, 274

  Book Sneak, 271

  bookworms, 8

  Boorstin, Daniel, 88

  Bostius, Arnold, 46, 47

  Boston Athenaeum, 16

  Boston Morning Post, 223

  Boston Museum, 232–33

  Boston News-Letter, 151

  Boston tea party, 160

  Boswell, James, 201

  Bradford, Andrew, 136–37, 141, 150–55, 158–59

  Bradford, William, 141, 155–56

  Bradstreet, Anne, 200

  Brahe, Tycho, 7

  Brill, Dr. A.A., 270

  Britain, slavery abolished in, 230

  Britannia, SS (steamer), 220

  British Critic, 175–76

  British explorers, 81, 84

  British High Court of Justice, 252, 255

  British Library, 29, 64, 71

  British Museum, 109, 248

  British Parliament, xvi, 66–67, 161

  Brontë, Charlotte, 201

  Brontë sisters, 200

  Brother Jonathan, 225–26

  Brown v. Board of Education, 26

  Brunton, Mary, 200

  Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 97, 218

  Bunbury, Sir Henry, 108

  Burke, Seán, 201

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 216

  Byzantine scholars, 86

  C-14 analysis, 12

  Caesar, Julius, 248

  Canada, map of, 84, 103

  cancelleresca (italic), 92

  Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 60

  Kelmscott edition, 240

  Capote, Truman, 200

  Carlyle, Thomas, 231

  cartonnage, 14

  Case of Prohibitions [1607], 26

  casting off, 115–16

  Catherine of Aragon, 70, 72, 78

  Catholic Church, 5, 45–46, 52–57, 65, 71, 90, 100

  banned books, 49, 52–53, 57

  Catholicon (Latin dictionary, 1460), 30

  censorship, 118–20

  Cervantes, Miguel de, 130

  Cesi, Federico, 13, 18

  Cesi bookplate, 18–19

  Chace Act (1891), 234

  Chamberlain’s Men. See King’s Men

  Chapman and Hall, 221

  charity, 69

  Charles I, King of England, xii

  Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 78, 91, 95–98, 100

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, 60, 240

  chemical etching, 164

  Cheney, O.H., 275

  Cheney Report, 275–76

  “Chimney Sweeper, The” (Blake), 166


  copyright and, 234

  maps and, 84, 104

  Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 221, 233–34

  Church of England, 73

  Clement VII, Pope, 70–71, 75

  Cnoyen, Jacobus, 83

  Cobden-Sanderson, Annie, 237, 242, 245, 252–53, 255–56

  Cobden-Sanderson, Dickie, 250–51

  Cobden-Sanderson, T.J., xvi, 235–38, 240–58, 283–84

  Cochlaeus, Johannes, 62–63

  Cockerell, Sydney, 241, 252

  College of Physicians, 119–20

  Colls, Kevin, 132

  Cologne Chronicle (1499), 39

  colophons, 29

  Columbia University, 20

  Columbus, Christopher, 81, 85, 87, 102, 105

  Communion wafer, 61

  compositors, 146–47

  Conan Doyle, Arthur, 175

  Condell, Henry, 120–22, 126–34

  Confessions (Rousseau), 201

  congregation, 68–69, 282

  Congregationalists, 69

  Consolation of Philosophy, The (Boethius), 199

  Constantinople, 86

  Constitutional Courant, 160, 162

  consumerism, xvi, 261–62, 265, 274, 276

  context, 171, 182, 184–87, 282

  Cook, Captain, 5

  Copernicus, 4

  copper engraving, 92, 164, 179

  copperplate press, 156

  Coppola, Francis Ford, 112


  American publishers and, 215–34, 283–84

  Dickens and, 215, 221–33

  Elizabethan England and, 125, 127, 129

  international treaty on, 232–34

  Corpus Aristotelicum, 89

  Cortés, Hernán, 85

  cotton gin, 10

  cotton linters, 10

  Courier and Enquirer, 223

  Coverdale, Miles, 78–79

  Covici-Friede, 259

  Coward-McCann, 267

  “Cradle Song, A” (Blake), 166

  Cromwell, Thomas, 76, 78

  Crooke, Dr. Helkiah, 118–20

  cross-hatching, 179

  cryptography, 48–49

  Crystallizing Public Opinion (Bernays), 269, 277

  Culper Spy Ring, 161

  cum privilego, 125

  Cunningham, Allan, 191

  Cup of Gold (Steinbeck), 278

  currency, 156–57

  da Gama, Vasco, 85

  Daniel, Book of, 100

  Daniell, David, 75

  Dante Alighieri, 193, 194, 199

  Davidson, David, 42–43

  Da Vinci, Leonardo, 91

  De Caro, Marino Massimo, 1–20, 282

  Declaration of Independence, first printing of, 157–58

  De demonibus (Trithemius), 48

  Dee, John, 83

  Defoe, Daniel, 200

  De morbo caduco et maleficiis (Trithemius), 48


  1837–43, 225, 227

  1929–37 (Great), 259, 265–68, 271, 273–77

  Dering, Sir Edward, 131

  Dialogue Concerning Heresies (More), 280–81

  Dickens, Charles, xvi, 108, 184, 201, 213–34, 283–84

  dictionaries, 90

  digital books, 35–37

  Dogood, Silence (pseudonym of Benjamin Franklin), 139–40

  Donne, John, 36

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, xiv

  “dot-and-lozenge” technique, 179

  Doubleday, 263, 267

  Doubleday, Doran, 267

  Doves Bindery, 238, 253, 256

  counterfeit, 238

  Doves Press, 241–57

  Bible (1902–5), 243, 250

  Milton Paradise Lost (1902), 243, 250

  numbers, 248, 249

  Doves Press Catalogue Raisonné, 249

  Doves Type, xvi, 236–37, 245–57, 283

  Drake, Sir Francis, 85, 94

  Dunciad, The (Pope), 111–12

  Dunlap, John, 157

  Dunlap broadside (Declaration of Independence), 157–58

  Dürer, Albrecht, 91–92

  dust jackets, 263–64, 266, 273

  Dziatzko, Karl, 41

  Edgeworth, Maria, 200

dward III, King of England, 83

  Eisenstein, Elizabeth, 56

  elder, 69

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 83

  Elyot, Sir Thomas, 70

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 273, 277

  Emery Walker Trust, 257

  Émile (Rousseau), 203

  encyclopedias, 90

  English anatomy volume, 118–19

  English Bible. See Bible

  engravings, 163, 179

  Enlightenment, 216–18

  Eragny Press, 253

  Erasmus, Desiderius, 54, 62, 85, 199

  Eren, Lukas, 114

  Esdras II, 87

  Essick, Robert, 168

  Europe a Prophesy (Blake), frontispiece, 184–87, 185

  title page, 186–87, 186

  Exodus, 93

  Ezekiel, 177

  Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway), 5

  Farrar and Rinehart, 267

  Faust, 30

  Federal Security Service (FSS, Russia), 44

  feminism, 201–3, 212, 270

  Second Wave, 207

  Fenno, John, 16

  Fielding, Henry, 200

  Fielding, Sarah, 200

  fine press printing, 241–42

  Finnegans Wake (Joyce), xi

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 273, 276

  Flanders, map of, 96–97

  flax plant, 7

  flaxseed, 12

  Flodden, Battle of, 70

  Flugschriften (pamphlets), 56

  folio format, 130–31

  fonts. See typefaces

  Ford, Henry, 261

  fore-edge painting, 17

  forgery, 1–20

  binding and, 14–18

  De Caro’s Galileo, 1–20

  ink and, 10–13

  paper and, 6–10

  Pavier or “bad” Quartos and, 120, 122–24

  Ryland and, 179

  Forster, John, 201

  Fourdrinier paper making machine, 238–39

  Foxe, John, 61, 78

  France, maps of, 95

  Franco, James, 112

  François I, King of France, 95

  Frankenstein (Shelley), 8, 203–4

  Franklin, Benjamin, xvi, 135–62, 273, 283

  Franklin, Colin, 240

  Franklin, James, 138–44, 151

  Franklin, Josiah, 138, 143–44

  Frederick, Christine, 261

  freedom of the press, 140–44

  French and Indian War, 160–61

  French Revolution, 207–8

  Freud, Sigmund, 268

  Frobisher, Martin, 84–85, 94–95

  Fust, Johannes, 24, 28–30, 39, 45

  Galileo Galilei, 1–20

  De Caro forgery, 1–20, 282

  watercolors, 12–13, 19

  Garden of Eden, 87

  Gaskell, Elizabeth, 201

  gauffering, 17

  Gemma Frisius, globe of 1536, 91–94

  Genesis, 88–89

  Gensfleisch family, 23

  Gentleman’s Magazine, The, 197

  Geographia (Ptolemy), 86–87

  first edition (Rome, 1469), 87

  Georgia State University, 19

  German Peasants’ War (1524–25), 66

  Germany, 101. See also Nazi Germany

  Gothic fonts and, 246

  vernacular Bible and, 59

  Gestae Arthuri (Cnoyen), 83

  Ghent, map of, 95–97

  Ghost (film), 179

  “Ghost of a Flea” (Blake), 190, 191

  Gibbon, Edward, 281

  gilt decoration, 17


  Gemma (1536), 91–92

  printed on flat paper, 101–2

  Globe Theater, 120

  Goddard, William, 160, 162

  Godfather, The (film), 112

  Godfrey, Mrs., 135–36

  Godwin, William, 197, 201, 203–4, 209–12

  Goebbels, Joseph, 277

  Goethe, 218

  Goosebumps (Stine), 9

  Gordon, Patrick, 153

  Gothic script, or textura, 245. See also typefaces, Gothic

  government contracts, 140–43, 150, 152–54, 156

  Grant, James, 216

  Grant, Ulysses S., 27

  Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 266

  graphic design, 258

  Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 263

  Greek language, 62, 86

  Greeks, ancient, 89

  Green, James N., 151, 159

  Green, Robert, 257

  Greenland, map of, 103

  Greg, W.W., 122, 124

  Grimm fairy tales, 25, 171–72

  Grosset, Alexander, 262

  Gutenberg, Johannes, xiv-xv, 10–12, 21–50, 54, 281

  Bible (1455), 31, 39–44

  Catholicon (1460), 30

  ink and, 11–12

  Private Press Movement and, 241, 257

  typeface and, 246

  Haldeman-Julius, E., 264

  Hamlet (Shakespeare), xv, 107, 132–33

  “bad” or Pavier Quarto, 107–9, 113, 121, 134

  handwritten texts, 33–37

  Hard Times (Dickens), 184

  Harford Times, 223

  Harper and Brothers, 270

  Hays, Mary, 210

  Haywood, Eliza, 200

  Heidelberg University, 26, 33

  Helmasperger Instrument, 28, 30

  Heminges, John, 120–22, 126–34

  Heminges, Thomasine, 127

  Hemingway, Ernest, 5, 197, 205, 276

  hemp, 10

  Henry IV, King of England, 73

  Henry VIII, King of England, 51, 61, 65–67, 70–75, 78–79, 117–18

  Henry VI (Shakespeare)

  Pavier Quarto, 123, 126

  Henry V (Shakespeare)

  Pavier Quarto, 109, 123, 126

  heretics, 60–61, 66, 69, 73, 76, 100, 280

  Heywood, Thomas, 113–14, 129

  high-speed rotary presses, 260

  high spots, 5–6

  Historia del popolo fiorentino (Rubeus edition, Venice, 1476), 247–48

  Historia Naturalis (Pliny, Jenson edition, Venice, 1476), 247–48

  History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 281

  History of the Quakers, The, 150–51, 155

  Hitler, Adolph, 277

  Holbein, Hans, 279–80

  Holmes, Sherlock, 175, 280

  holy relics, 54

  Holy Trinity Church (Stratford-upon-Avon), 132

  Homer, 130

  Hood, Thomas, 218

  hot metal typecasting, 239

  Household Words, 184

  Hoyns, Henry, 270

  humanism, 84–85

  human skin book leather, 16

  Humery, Dr., 30

  Hunne, Richard, 51–53, 58

  hydrochloric acid, 13

  hypertext novels, 187

  illuminated manuscripts, 181

  illustrations, 171, 182, 184–87. See also Blake, William; engravings; relief etching

  Imlay, Fanny, 208

  Imlay, Gilbert, 206–8

  incunabula, 39–40

  indenture, 138–39, 142

  Index Librorum Prohibitorum (1609), 49

  India, copyright and, 234

  indulgences, 31, 45, 53–54

  Industrial Age, 8, 240, 260

  “Infant Joy” (Blake), 166

  Inferno (Dante), Blake illustration, 193, 194

  information age, first (1500s), 84–90

  Ingrassia, Catherine, 209

  ink, 10–13, 156

  Blake and, 165

  Galileo and, 12–13

  Gutenberg and, 11

  In Praise of Scribes (Trithemius), 21–22, 32–36, 38

  Inquisition, 20, 76, 90, 98–100

  intaglio printing, 164, 180

  intellectual property, 196, 222–23. See also copyright

  Internet, 234

  Inventio Fortunata, 83

  Io, map of, 105
  Irving, Washington, 219, 227

  Isaiah, 165

  ISBN system, 276

  italic fonts, 92

  Italy, 23, 59, 82

  Ivanhoe (Scott), 224

  Jackson, Shelley, 187

  Jack the Ripper, 59

  Jaggard, Isaac, 118, 129–30, 132–33

  Jaggard, William, 114, 117–26

  Crooke Mikrokosmographia and, 118–20

  Passionate Pilgrim and, 114, 117, 120

  Shakespeare First Folio (1622–23) and, 128–30, 132–33

  Shakespeare “bad” or Pavier Quarto (1619) and, 117, 121–26

  James I, King of England, 68, 121

  Jazz Age, 263

  Jefferson, Thomas, 273

  Jenson, Nicolas, 23, 247–48

  Jerusalem, maps and, 87, 93–94

  Jesus of Nazarthe, 62, 169

  Jews, 15, 246, 277–78

  job printing, 45, 157–58

  John Birch Society, 103–4

  Johnson, Evelyn, 259

  Johnson, Samuel, 199–201, 204

  “Join, or Die” woodcut, 160–62

  Jonson, Ben, 130–31

  Works in folio format, 131, 133

  Joyce, James, xi, 182, 265

  Julius Caesar (Shakespeare),, 128

  Jupiter, map of, 105

  Kastan, David, 130, 133

  Keimer, Samuel, 143, 148, 150–52, 155

  Keith, William, 143–45

  Kelmscott Press, 240–41, 245, 247

  Kennedy, J.P., 231

  Kindle, 36

  King Lear (Shakespeare), 116, 282

  “bad” or Pavier Quarto, 122, 126

  King’s Men (formerly Chamberlain’s Men), 112, 120–21, 125–27

  Knopf, Alfred A., 270

  Koenig, Frederick, 239

  Koenig rotary press, 238–39, 258

  Köhler, David, 24

  Ladies Monthly Museum, 205

  “Lamb, The” (Blake), 166

  Lan, Richard, 1, 17–18, 20


  Ptolemy’s Geographia and, 86

  typefaces and, 248

  women’s education and, 202–3

  Latinization of given names, 88

  latitude, 86, 95, 130, 101–2

  leather binding, 12, 14–16

  Leaves of Grass (Whitman, 1856), 273


  celebrations of invention of print, 23–24

  Gutenberg Bibles looted in, 44

  Lennon, John, 215

  Lenox, James, 42–43


  Blake designs, 171–76, 174, 191

  Schubert designs, 172–73, 173

  Lessing, Doris, 178

  Lewis and Clark expedition, 5

  Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, The (Dickens), 228–30, 232

  Life of Charlotte Brontë (Gaskell), 201

  lignin, 9

  linen rags, 7–9

  Linotype, 239, 258, 260

  linseed oil, 12, 165

  Literary Guild, 266–67

  Literary Ladies of England, 205

  “Little Black Boy, The” (Blake), 168–69, 170

  Locke, John, 202

  Lollards, 59, 61

  London, Bishop of, 118–20

  “London” (Blake), 182–84, 183

  longitude, 86, 95, 101–2

  Lord Chamberlain, 1619 edict on printing Shakespeare’s plays, 121, 123–27

  love, 69, 282


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