What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4

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What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4 Page 2

by Sienna Duncan

  “What was that all about?” I was afraid to ask, but my curiosity got the better of me.

  Max rubbed a hand across his face before joining the other one around my waist.

  “That was Tom Sheffield, my new manager at the hotel in Las Vegas. He had an issue with a couple employees and instead of speaking with Christine in the HR department, he called me.”

  “Is it serious?” Curiosity got the better of me.

  I leaned up and kissed the stubble on his chin. He tightened his hold around me.

  Max sighed. “That’s just the thing; it is a minor issue I expected him to know how to handle.”

  “Let’s go and forget about the day and relax.” I kissed him lightly on the lips.

  He moved one of his hands into my hair and deepened the kiss. I sighed when I felt his tongue brush against mine. He pulled away first, being mindful of the fact we were in the parking lot. It took a moment to catch our breath.

  Max grabbed my hand. “Let’s go.” He walked me to the passenger side and leaned in to buckle my seatbelt for me. His slowly slid his hand down my thigh and stopped at the hem of my dress. He held my gaze. and with his forefinger, Max lightly traced a path up my thigh, pulling my dress up with it.

  I gasped and looked around to make sure no one was near.

  “Max, behave.”

  He chuckled. I knew that twinkle in his eyes was indicative of how naughty he planned to be tonight. I’m in big trouble.

  He stroked my outer thigh and reached up with his finger and traced the lacy edge of my black panties.

  “You make it impossible to behave when I want to be inside you right now.”

  I sucked in a deep breath. He smiled at me as pulled his hand away. I felt its absence immediately. I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed. He knew exactly what his touch did to me. Max closed the door and walked to the driver’s side to get in. After he buckled his seatbelt, he leaned over and nudged the side of my neck with his nose. I felt his lips softly kiss the same spot.

  I glanced at Max and smiled. I loved it when he was this playful. It drove me crazy, but I still loved it.

  He pulled out of the parking lot and within a few minutes we arrived at Antonio’s Italian Restaurant. He serves the best manicotti I have ever tasted. Max and I have dinner here at least once a week. Between Antonio’s and Mama Delphine (the first restaurant Max took me to in New Orleans) we only ate at home two or three times a week. Max enjoyed going out and talking to his friends. To look at him, you’d expect Max to only go to the finest restaurants. Aka expensive. He is a millionaire, after all. The thing is, he isn’t all about that. Yes, he does go to restaurants like that, but not often. He says he’s surrounded by luxury all day at his hotel, and it is nice to just be Max. I laughed the first time he said that, but the more I got to know him, I understood what he meant. He has an image that people expect because of his position. They don’t know the man I know. The real Max Roberts.

  We were escorted to our table by Antonio himself. He said our dinner would be served in a couple minutes. I was a little confused and look at Max.

  He smiled. “I called Antonio and ordered dinner so we wouldn’t have to wait. I ordered you the manicotti.”

  I arched an eyebrow. “What if I wanted something different this time?”

  Max chuckled. “You always order the same thing.”

  “Hmm. Are you saying I’m predictable?”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Is that a trick question?”

  I opened my mouth in mock outrage. “You’re such a beast sometimes.”

  A devilish smile spread across his face. “Yeah, but you love it when I’m a beast.”

  I felt my cheeks heating up. Damn blushing. I didn’t miss the heated look in his eyes. I laughed and shook my head at him. Max knows how he affects me and he uses it to his advantage on a regular basis.

  Our food arrived and it looked so delicious. He’s right. I always order the same thing. I am a creature of habit. That can be a good and bad thing.

  We conversed about each other’s day throughout the meal. I was so comfortable around Max. He has a way about him that can put everyone at ease. Well, once you get to know him.

  I was somewhat intimidated when we first met. You know, the whole millionaire hotel owner thing. Oh yeah, he is also one of the sexiest men I have ever met. He knows it, too. Women salivate when he enters a room. I don’t blame them. Unlike them, I know just how yummy he is underneath all those clothes. The things he can do to your body…damn. Besides all that…he’s just like the rest of us.

  Sort of.


  I was so busy over the few days, time seemed to get away from me. It often does. I knew Max wanted me to stay longer, but I made plans with Lynn in Fairhope. I needed my bestie time. It was going to be so much fun having a night out with Lynn and my other friends. Lynn doesn’t come as often as she used to because of her relationship with Jeremy. Priorities change. I’m glad we at least make the effort to see each other once month. Lynn says she still needs a vacation from all the crazies up there. I am always happy to oblige.

  I hadn’t been at my apartment very long when I heard someone knocking on my door. I peeked through the blinds. Lynn. I unlocked the door and was greeted by what can only be described as a megawatt smile. Happy looked so good on her. It made me feel all warm inside just knowing she found someone who made her light up like that.

  Heaven help Jeremy if he ever hurts her. Just have-to put that out there.

  “Mama’s come bearing a gift.” I laughed, but stepped back so she could walk inside.

  My eyes zeroed in on the white paper bag in her right hand. Is that what I think it is? I looked up at Lynn and watched her wave the bag back and forth in front of me.

  “Because I love you so much, I stopped at Midas Burger on my way out and got you a chicken sandwich. I made sure they put extra sauce in the bag for you.” She handed the bag to me.

  “Oh, my gosh, Lynn! I haven’t had one of their chicken sandwiches in years.” I sat down in a chair at my small dining room table.

  I unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite. Shit! Did I moan out loud? If the pleased look on Lynn’s face was any indication, I did. I looked in the bag and pulled out two small containers of sauce. I took off the bun and poured it on my sandwich. It always grossed my mother out when I did that. Maybe it was the way the sauce dripped off the sandwich when I took a bite. I used to tell her, only the messiest food was the best. She just didn’t understand.

  I remember when Chad…I gulped at the memory as it automatically surfaced. I tried my best not to let my mind wander in that direction. The memory came to me just the same. I could see it as clearly as if it happened yesterday. He would rally beside me when my mother would start. That happened more times than I can count. Chad would pour extra sauce on his sandwich and lick his fingers when it started dripping. Then he’d dip his French fries in the sauce. The look on her face was priceless. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.

  “Are you okay, Becky?” I could hear the concern in her voice.

  I nodded as I chugged back the water.

  “I was just remembering some old times.”

  She arched her eyebrow, but chose not to say anything. I didn’t get anything past her. Ever. She knows me so well, probably better than I know myself.

  “I ate on the way, so I’m good to go for the night. I called Johnny and he said the girls are excited about tonight.”

  I knew they would be. It has been a long time since all of us hung out together. This girls’ night is way past due. I sat back down and finished my sandwich. I ate slowly so I could savor each bite. Hey, it isn’t every day I get one of these.

  “I knew I made the right decision when I picked one up for you.” Lynn laughed.

  I nodded. My mouth was too full to respond. I drank some more water so I could finally speak.

  “That was so good! Thank you, chick.” I picked up the wr
apper, bag, and empty water bottle, and threw them away.

  “No problem. I’m going to put my stuff up and then we can catch up.” Lynn picked up her overnight bag and walked into the guest room.

  I plopped down on the love seat and leaned back. I have no doubt my other friends will be knocking on my door any minute. Especially, Johnny. He is notorious for coming over just as soon as he walks out the door at the office. Then he wants to know why he has wait for us to get ready.

  Lynn walked out of the guest room and walked over to the love seat to sit down beside me. She let out a sigh as she leaned her head back. I felt the same way. I could’ve sat there for the remainder of the night, but I knew Lynn would kick my ass before she’d allow that to happen.

  There was a knock at the door. Lynn and I looked at each other and laughed. At the same time, we said Johnny’s name.

  I walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. Yep. Johnny was standing outside with one hand propped on his hip and the other looked to ready to pound on the door again. I opened the door and he flashed me a smile.

  “It’s about time, pussy.” He walked passed me and over to Lynn. “LYNN!! You hussy. You didn’t answer my last text.”

  Johnny sat down beside her on the love seat. In my spot. Oh, well.

  “Umm…hello! I was driving, remember?” Lynn turned toward Johnny and leaned against the arm of the love seat.

  “Yeah, right. You were probably talking to Jeremy.” He rolled his eyes.

  Lynn pushed his arm. “Don’t be jealous.”

  Johnny laughed and started rubbing Lynn’s arm. He does that anytime he gets excited or wants to annoy us. I try not to encourage him.

  “Yes, sister. You know I’m jealous of you and Jeremy and his BIG cock.”

  Lynn laughed. I tried to ignore their conversation. Johnny is always talking about the size of some guy’s package. I never get a moment’s peace when Max is around. You can imagine all the comments Johnny makes. Max thinks he’s hilarious. It’s good to know he’s secure enough in his manhood that comments like that don’t bother him.

  Johnny calls us lucky bitches.

  He’s right.

  I was lost in my thoughts until I heard Lynn call my name.

  Johnny laughed. “Where were you, pussy?” He gave Lynn a knowing look. “She’s wishing she was with Max right now.” They snickered.

  Lynn looked at me and shrugged. There is no way to win with the two of them together. They gang up on me all the time. It isn’t fair at all. So, I did what anyone would do in my situation. I picked up the pillow from the chair, and threw it at Johnny. Lynn burst out laughing at the look of outrage on Johnny’s face. He smoothed down his hair and straightened his shirt before glaring at me.

  “Don’t mess with the hair, Becky love. You know this.” He sniffed and then looked off to the side.

  I rolled my eyes.

  Damn drama queen. Sheesh!

  Lynn stood up from the love seat and pulled on Johnny’s arm.

  “Come on, and stop pouting. We’re supposed to be going out tonight. I am not going like this.” She motioned up and down the front of her body at her clothes.

  Johnny grimaced. “I should say not, sister.” He looked at me and shook his head. “Puss…”

  I snorted. “I know. I know. I’m going to change.” I walked back to my bedroom.

  I looked over my shoulder and watched Lynn and Johnny sit down on my bed. I raised my eyebrows at them in question.

  “I just want to see what you’re going to wear, Beck.” Lynn laid down on her side and propped her head with her hand.

  Johnny waved his hands at me, in a shooing motion, for me to continue.


  I walked to my closet. “I plan on wearing this outfit.”

  I reached into the closet and pulled out the outfit I had already chosen for the evening. A light gray tunic and black leggings with my black ankle boots. Something comfy and cute. Johnny clapped his hands.

  “I love it, sister.” He walked over to me and inspected the outfit a little closer.

  Lynn sat up. “I brought a purple one that’s similar. I think I’ll wear it, too. We’ll almost be like twins.” She walked out of my bedroom to change.

  Johnny laughed. “The world can’t handle two of y’all.”

  Damn straight! It can barely handle one.

  I pushed Johnny to the door so I could change. He said he needed to use the “facilities” anyway. That’s his code for the bathroom. I closed my door behind him. Not that it would stop Johnny from walking in at any moment. He always says he’s one of the girls and he has a vagina like the rest of us.

  Umm...no. He has a sympathy vagina. Does that count?

  I hurriedly changed my clothes. I opened my bedroom door and could hear Lynn and Johnny talking to Shelby. I knew it wouldn’t be long before the others started to show up.

  I walked into the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked tired. Well, I felt tired. If these plans had not already been made, I would crawl in the bed and call it a night. Since that is not an option tonight, I picked up my hairbrush and tried to tame my hair. Thankfully, it isn’t too wild today. I pumped a dime size amount of frizz serum in my hand, and smoothed it through the lower half of my hair. It has a yummy coconut scent. I wonder if it would work on the rest of my body. You know, slather it on for soft skin. Or would it just make me look greasy?

  I know, crazy idea. Still…

  I applied a coat of black mascara and some of my favorite lipstick, Berry Kiss. Satisfied with my appearance, I opened the door of the bathroom and walked into the living room.

  I noticed Taylor had arrived while I was getting ready. She was standing beside Johnny and looked beautiful as usual. Happiness does that to you. She and Eric, our favorite bartender, got married last year. They dated for about a year and decided they were meant to be. I couldn’t agree more. If there is such a thing as a perfect couple, it would be them.

  Shelby looked up as I entered the living room.

  “Hey, chick.”

  “Hey. Is everyone waiting for me?”

  Johnny looked at me and nodded. “I have never seen Lynn get ready so fast before. I can’t believe she finished before you this time.”

  I looked over at Lynn suspiciously. She was wearing a purple tunic, like mine, and jeans. Her hair and makeup looked perfect as always. Hmmm… I NEVER get ready before she does. That girl takes forever when we go out. Aha! She must’ve had help. There is no way she did it all by herself. I know my bestie better than that.

  I looked at Lynn. “He helped you, didn’t he?” I nodded toward Johnny.

  Lynn snapped her fingers. “Damn! I told you she’d figure it out.”

  Johnny laughed. “Yes, you did. She knows you too well, sister.”

  I rolled my eyes at their antics. I leaned in and gave Taylor a hug. I don’t get to see her as often as I used to since she got married. I miss her living in the apartment across from me. Sure, Shelby is still there, but it isn’t the same. I stared at Taylor for a moment. There’s something different about her tonight. I don’t know what it is, but something has changed. Maybe I’ll get to the bottom of it tonight. I picked up my purse and followed the others out of my apartment, making sure to lock it behind me. Besides me, only Lynn and Max have a key.

  We agreed to meet a Mickey’s Bar, our favorite place. Oh, it’s also where Eric bartends. For Taylor, a girl’s night out obviously includes being close to her husband. What’s the point of a girl’s night if the men are close by?


  I pulled up in front of the bar and was happy to see it was not busy yet. I hate the crowded bar and club scene. I know, most people my age are all about the bigger the party the better. I’m not like that. I never have been. That includes college as well. There were parties everywhere, but I avoided a lot of them. People are just too reckless at them and make complete asses out of themselves. I didn’t do anything I wouldn’t regret the
next day. It helped that I had a dear friend, who later became my boyfriend, to help me navigate.

  Okay… enough of that! My mind is so crazy lately. Chad keeps popping in my mind, and I don’t know why.

  Shit! I need a drink.

  I walked in behind my friends and walked to the bar. I looked over my shoulder and spotted the table they secured for us. I turned my attention back to the bar when I heard Eric say something about it being our girl’s night out. He glanced behind me. I know without following the direction of his gaze, that he is looking at Taylor.

  They almost make me sick with all the lovie, lovie bullshit. I’m happy for them, but it’s almost gag worthy at times.

  “What can I get you tonight, Becky? Strawberry Daiquiri?” He wiped off the counter in front of me.

  I smiled at Eric. “Of course, but a little extra rum.”

  He arched an eyebrow at me. “Rough day?”

  I laughed. “Aren’t they always?”

  He snorted. I know he sees it all working here.

  My “rough” days are nothing compared to his. It isn’t that I’ve had a bad day. I don’t know how to explain it. I just feel a little on edge. I hate it when I feel like that. It’s like I am waiting for the ball to drop or something. Let me tell you, it always does. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

  It isn’t always good either.

  I watched Eric pour my drink from the blender. I took a sip. Perfect. He always crushes the ice just right. I could taste the extra rum. Even better,

  “Thank you, Eric. It’s perfect as always.”

  He nodded. “You don’t want too many of those or you’ll be hugging the toilet in the morning.”

  I waved at him as I walked to the table. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him shake his head.

  I sighed. Another sip is just what I need. I took another sip as I reached the only vacant seat at our table. Beside Johnny.

  “Damn, puss. You started without me?” Johnny waved someone (her name tag had the name, Mary) over to take everyone’s order.


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