What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4

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What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4 Page 5

by Sienna Duncan

  Shit. This kind of feels like a moment. My mouth felt very dry. I tried to swallow, but no such luck.

  I stood up on my tip toes and kissed his forehead. Max closed his eyes. I kissed each of his eyelids. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I had to glance away. Comments my friends have made about our relationship, chose that moment to pop in my head.

  I can’t…

  I needed a distraction. “Turn around and I’ll wash your back.”

  He nodded and turned around. After I washed his back, he offered to do the same for me. Of course, he didn’t stop there. It wasn’t long until his hands reached around and was rubbing body wash on my breasts. I leaned my head back on his chest. He kissed my neck and shoulders. I could feel him getting hard again. He swore under his breath.

  I turned around and looked at him. He cupped the side of my face.

  “I want nothing more than to finish this, but I have to get to the hotel. It can’t wait.” The frustration was written all over his face.

  I nodded. “I know. We’ll finish this later.”

  I kissed him on the lips and stepped out of the shower. I knew if I didn’t leave the shower right then, we would finish what we started. Work or no work. I took my robe off the hanger and left the bedroom. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator to see what I could make for a quick breakfast.

  Looking inside you can tell we eat out way too much. There is a bottle of wine, some bottled water and a cantaloupe I purchased before I left. I guess it will be cantaloupe for breakfast. I opened a drawer and took out knife to peel and slice the fruit. I took a bowl out of the cabinet and walked over to one of the stools around the huge island in the middle of his kitchen. After I peeled and washed the cantaloupe, I cut it in small chunks.

  “Mmm…so fresh fruit for breakfast.” Max leaned against the island and plucked a piece out of the bowl.

  I looked him over. Damn! He’s so sexy. This morning he has on a white button down shirt, with a blue and gray striped tie, tucked into a pair of dark gray pants. I met his eyes and found him watching me looking at him.

  Max took another piece and held up to my mouth. I opened my mouth as he slid the fruit inside. I touched his finger with the tip of my tongue. He inhaled sharply and flashed his eyes back to mine. I just smile innocently and ignored promises of retribution I saw in his eyes.

  Max put on his gray jacket and buttoned it. It was time for him to go, but I could tell he wanted to stay here with me. That’s what happens when you are a successful hotel owner. Someone always wants a piece of your time. Max looked at his watch and sighed. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

  “I need to go.” He turned and walked out of the kitchen.

  “I know. I can’t be selfish and keep you here all to myself.” We stopped at the door leading to the garage.

  Max pulled me to him and kissed me passionately. We were breathless by the time he broke the kiss.

  “That’s a promise for later.” He winked before stepping into the garage and walking to his car.

  I closed the door and walked back into the kitchen to put the rest of the cantaloupe in the refrigerator for later. After I cleaned up my mess, I walked upstairs and dressed for the day. I pulled out my go to comfy clothes. A pair of jeans and a t-shirt. As much as I didn’t want to work, I knew I needed to get something accomplished with the project I was currently working on for the magazine. I walked into Max’s home office and unplugged my laptop from the charger. I sat down on the sofa and got comfortable.

  There were several emails from some of my fellow writers from the magazine as well as some from readers. It took me a couple hours to sift through them and respond to their inquiries. Sadly, a large percentage of my days are with me answering emails. I know it’s necessary and just part of managing the online site, but I wish I had an assistant who could help take that boring part of it away. Some of the questions people ask make me want to cross my eyes. Yes, they are that stupid. Some of them are legitimate questions that I love to answer. If only all of them were like that.

  I took a break around one o’clock when the rumbling in my stomach kept getting louder. I went to the kitchen and ate the rest of the cantaloupe and drank a bottle of water. I settled back down and continued with my workload.

  A couple hours later my phone rang. I leaned over to see who was calling.


  That’s strange. He usually calls me about once a month, but his monthly call was a couple weeks ago. I picked up the phone by the second ring.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  I was bracing myself for the worst.

  “Hey pumpkin. How’re doin’?”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn’t detect anything was wrong by the sound of his voice.

  “I’m fine, Dad. I was just finishing up work for the day. How about you?” I glanced at the clock and knew he was off from work.

  My dad is a dental lab technician. They are the ones who makes dentures and things like that. I remember when I was a kid, he had a dental lab behind our house and I would sit in there while he made dentures. I thought it was the coolest thing back then. By the time, I was in junior high school, he opened an office in town. I’ve always been so proud of my father. Although my parents have always doted on my brother, I must say, my dad has always been in my corner. Where my mother is very vocal about everything, my dad is the one who thinks things through before speaking and acting. He doesn’t do drama.

  “Oh, I’m well. Getting ready to head out and get to the house before your mama starts calling me.” He laughed.

  That is so true. She keeps tabs on everybody.

  “You definitely don’t want to get her started.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Isn’t that the truth?” He was quiet for a moment. “I guess you’re wondering why I’m callin’ you.”

  “Well, the question did cross my mind. You know I love talking to you, but you don’t usually call me this soon.” I leaned against the back of the sofa.

  He sighed. “I know you don’t like it when we say anything, but pumpkin, are you ever going to come home for a visit. Before you get all huffy, your mama didn’t put me up to this. In the beginning, I understood your reasons for staying away. But it’s been three years, Becky. You don’t have to see him or his family just because you visit.” Never mind the fact they’re my parents’ neighbors.

  I took a deep, calming breath. My dad doesn’t usually say anything about me visiting them. Or my lack thereof. I knew it was coming. He’s been quiet about it much longer than I thought he would be.

  “I know. I just…” I didn’t know how to finish the statement. Just as I didn’t know why I wasn’t ready.

  “Just what?”

  I could feel the tension building in my shoulders. “I don’t know.”

  He spoke quietly. “Pumpkin, I think you do. You don’t want to admit it to yourself, but deep down inside you know why you haven’t come home. It’s okay. Just don’t let your fear keep you away from your family.”

  Wow! Talk about deep.

  “I love you, Dad.” I blinked my eyes.

  I don’t know why I’m tearing up. Crazy.

  “I love you, too. Don’t be a stranger.”

  By that he meant, for me to seriously think about what he said. My dad wants me to come home, but I don’t think I can do that for him.

  Our conversation ended a short time after that. My dad didn’t mince words. When he wanted to say something, he did it, and that was that. I wish his request was as easily granted as he made it sound.

  I was feeling antsy. I know the phone call was part of it. If I am being completely truthful, I have been feeling this way for a little while. In the back of my mind a little voice is blaming the innuendos, about Max, from my friends. I wanted to scream so badly. However, the sensible part of me (yes, there is one) won’t let me do it.

  I glanced at the clock. It isn’t quite four o’clock yet. I wonder if Max is busy right now?
He isn’t a fan of surprises, but I don’t think he’ll mind if I show up unannounced. Maybe.

  I can’t concentrate on work right now. It’s ridiculous to continue to sit here and pretend, but do nothing. I closed my computer and walked out of the office.

  I walked upstairs to the bedroom and went straight to the closet. I knew exactly what I wanted to wear. I pulled out the red flared skirt dress Max loved to see me wear. I was a little self-conscious when I bought the dress, but he made sure I knew how sexy he thought I was when I wore it. I can still remember him pushing me against the door in the bathroom and reaching under the flared skirt and fucking me hard. I think he liked the easy access. Just my opinion. After that, he insisted I buy dresses with a flared skirt. With that kind of reaction, can you blame me for buying more just like it?

  I took a quick shower and washed my hair. To speed things up, I opted not to straighten my hair. Max likes it when it’s crazy. Let me tell you, my hair has a mind of its own. I don’t have normal hair like most people do. It’s like God said let me be creative on this one. It’s a little straight in the front then it is either wavy with curl and oftentimes frizz. It doesn’t matter what kind of product I use. If I don’t straighten the mess, it’s all kinds of jacked up. I learned a long time ago, to make sure I put it up when I let it be natural. So, I have a high ponytail that’s a bit fluffy. I put on some black eyeliner and black mascara. I applied a little lip gloss. I stood back and looked in the mirror.

  Not too bad if I do say so myself. And I do.

  I left the house a few minutes later. I brushed aside my conscience that was telling me what I was doing was wrong. I wasn’t just going to see Max as a means of distraction. Nope. I would be seeing him in a couple hours anyway. Just because my emotions were all over the place didn’t mean anything.

  I had myself completely convinced of this by the time I reached the hotel. As soon I entered through the doors, I was greeted by an employee and told that Max was in his office.

  Very good.

  I walked down the corridor leading to his office. Jeanne, Max’s assistant was busy typing on her computer. She glanced up as I approached the door to his office. She assessed my appearance and smiled.

  “Go get him.” Jeanne winked.

  I just love her! She’s in her early fifties and has been married for thirty years to her high school sweetheart, Peter. Together they are absolutely hilarious. Max and I have gone out to dinner with them many times. It is obvious they look as Max as another one of their kids. Jeanne was left over from when Max’s father ran the hotel. She has known Max since he was a little boy. He doesn’t ever get anything over her. She’s very perceptive. And she has a wicked side herself. She’ll make sure he and I are not disturbed. Of that I am certain.

  I opened the door and turned the locked as I closed it behind me. Max was talking on the phone and had not looked up yet. I leaned back against the door and waited. I knew I wouldn’t be waiting for long.

  Max looked up impatiently. I think he expected Jeanne, because he froze when he saw me. His eyes moved up and down my body, taking in my attire. I didn’t miss the heated look in his eyes. Finally, his eyes met mine. I stayed where I was leaning against the door. We watched each other as he wrapped up his call.

  “Thanks, Harold. I knew I could count on you to take of it.” Max stood up and laughed at whatever Harold’s response was to him.

  He ended the call and only looked down long enough to hang up the phone. I had to take a deep breath when he looked back at me. He approved of my choice of attire. That much was obvious. He walked very slowly toward me.

  Max stopped in front of me. The ends of his shoes touching mine. When I breathed in all I could smell was him. That’s the way he likes it. He didn’t say a word as ran his hands up the sides of both legs. His eyes never left mine. His hands didn’t stop until he reached my panties. He hooked his fingers around the sides and slid them down my legs. He bent down and lifted each foot to completely remove them from my body.

  I reached for his belt and quickly undid the buckle before unbuttoning it. Max stopped my hand from unzipping his pants. He grabbed my hand and we walked over to the chair behind his desk. We’ve had sex there many times.

  Max opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a condom. He learned a long time ago to always be prepared for me to show up. I don’t think he minds too much.

  He released his fully erect cock from the confines of his underwear. I watched him roll on the condom. Before he could say or do anything I straddled his lap and kissed him. I forced my tongue in his mouth and he met my passionate kiss with his own. Our tongues tangled over and over with both of us fighting for control.

  Max squeezed my ass before lifting it in the air and positioning my opening over his waiting cock. I reached down and steadied his hands. I rocked my hips slightly just to tease him a little. He groaned. I knew he wanted to thrust up and be inside me right now, but he can be very patient when he chooses to be. I know he was letting me believe I was in charge of the situation. So, I took advantage of that.

  He grabbed some of my hair and pulled it enough to make me lean my head back. His kisses moved slowly, but passionately down my neck. It set my skin on fire and urged me take him inside me. Max helped guide me on his hard cock. I took him all the way in quickly, and we both hissed. His hands tightened their hold as the helped lift me up and down to set the pace. Our movements became more frantic and neither of us could stop the moans from escaping. It didn’t take long for us to reach our peaks. I screamed when my body was rocked with one of the hardest orgasms I’ve ever had. Max shouted in my ear when his body jerked sharply against mine. He held me against him as his spasms subsided. We stayed like that until our breathing slowed down.

  Max cupped my face and leaned down to kiss me. I smiled up at him when we broke the kiss.

  “Damn. That was fucking hot.”

  I laughed. “Yes, it was.”

  Max started to slowly guide me off his cock. I know he wanted to throw away the condom and clean up the stickiness. I had to hold onto the desk when I got the rest of the way off his lap. My legs felt wobbly.

  He glanced at me and smirked. Yes, he knew he made my legs feel like jello. I walked on unsteady legs and picked up my panties from the floor. I sat down in one of the chairs and slid them back on. I looked up to find Max watching me. He arched his eyebrow.

  “You should’ve left them there, because I’ll just have to take them off again later.”

  I snorted. “And let Jeanne find them. Umm…no.”

  He chuckled. “You don’t think she heard our moaning out there?” Max walked to the front of his desk and stood between it and the chair I was sitting in. I had to look up to see his face.

  I smoothed down my dress and cleared my throat.

  “I’m going to pretend this room is soundproof and no one can hear us. If I think they can, I’ll never be able to show my face here again.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Oh, you’ll come here again. And again. And again.”

  I held up my head and pretended to be offended. He’s too smug for his own good. I stood up suddenly and walked toward the door.

  His voice stopped me before I turned the knob. “Where are you going? I’m not finished with you yet.”

  I turned back and looked at Max. “I’m hungry and need sustenance.”

  He smiled broadly and walked toward me like a predator stalking his prey. “You’re going to need it for what I have planned for you tonight.”

  Hot damn!

  Max reached around me and unlocked the door. I was still standing there when he opened it.

  “Coming?” His mouth twitched at his intended choice of words.

  I slapped his chest with the back of my hand and walked out of his office ahead of him. I could feel his eyes on my ass. Jeanne looked up at us and smiled.

  “Good night, y’all.” She tried to hide her smile, but I saw it. I could feel the heat crawl up my face.

  Fuck! I
don’t want to know how much she heard. Jeanne shook her head when Max laughed at my discomfort.

  He leaned down and whispered in my ear. “Don’t be embarrassed. You don’t think Jeanne and her husband are having sex? Think again. She’d probably make me blush.”

  I glared at him. I have a hard time believing that. Max blush? No way.

  “That didn’t help.” I turned my head back around and walked out of the hotel with Max following behind.

  Max stopped me when he grabbed my arm. “I love it when you’re so embarrassed you get angry.”

  I rolled my eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

  “Let’s pick up something for dinner and take it home.”

  I looked in his dark brown eyes and found myself nodding in agreement.


  I know Max can sense something has changed inside me. I think I have always held myself back to a certain degree. He hasn’t said anything, but I know he is getting frustrated with my aloofness. I don’t know what to say or do to make it better.

  It doesn’t make any sense.

  I have a career I love, although I don’t travel as much as I use to. So, that isn’t causing my restlessness. I am only required to be in Fairhope once or twice a month now for monthly meetings. Maybe that’s part of it. I go back and forth between Fairhope and New Orleans all the time. It is rare for me to go elsewhere. That doesn’t mean Max and I haven’t taken vacations together. We have gone on many trips together. It’s just different when you get to have time for your own thoughts without any distractions. Max is definitely a distraction.

  I called Lynn to get her perspective. I could almost hear her groaning on the other end. She claims I won’t let myself be happy. She said she sadly knows what the problem is, but it isn’t for her to say. I am supposed to figure it out myself.

  What the hell is that supposed to mean? If I hear one more person tell me that, I think I’ll scream. It’s funny because the one person that sounds most like is my mother. To her credit, she hasn’t said it to me. I’m waiting for it, though.


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