What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4

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What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4 Page 6

by Sienna Duncan

  I was a little pissed when Lynn said I won’t let myself be happy. Of course, I want to be happy. I do. I just have a problem not believing things will last. Hell, look at my relationship with Chad. We were together for three years, but I had known him all my life. When things got tough, I left. I refused to listen. It’s crazy when I think about it, because I loved him so much. No matter how much I loved Chad, deep down inside I believed he would eventually find someone else. I’ve known him all my life and know the type of woman he always dated prior to our relationship. Pretty, thin, and tall. Until me.

  Max helped me with that more than he will ever know. I can still remember the times he became furious with me when he realized I doubted my appearance. I would try to cover my curves as much as possible, but he wouldn’t have any of that. He made sure I knew just how sexy he thought I was, and he still makes sure I don’t forget it.

  I have a wonderful man in my life who is sexy, intelligent, successful, and very attentive. What more could a woman ask for? I know there are a lot of women who wish they were me. I don’t blame them for the jealous looks they give me. I still find myself looking at Max and thinking, damn he’s as sexy as fuck.

  Maybe Lynn is right.

  It sounds crazy, but maybe I am sabotaging my relationship with Max. We’ve been together for a couple years and everything has seemingly gone well. Too well. I’m beginning to wonder if I must be like some people who are never satisfied. That would be jacked up!

  In our conversation, Lynn had a great idea about all of us getting together and having a girl’s weekend or something. I think that’s just what I need to get out of this funk I have been in lately. After we called Taylor and Shelby, they are excited about going. I could hear the hesitation in Taylor’s voice. She and Eric haven’t been apart since they got married. I have a feeling we will have a tag along.

  I drove to Fairhope for a couple days to check on my apartment and to get a little clarity. The only person I called about being in town was Johnny. Unfortunately, he couldn’t meet me because he and Antonio have plans. From what I gather, everything is going great with them. They have decided to give their relationship another try. I am so proud he is being brave enough to take that step. It was crazy of him to let Antonio go because of his insecurities.

  Before we ended the call, Johnny made sure I knew he wanted to go on this weekend adventure with the rest of us. I laughed. There is no way I could possibly leave him out of the fun. I promised I would let him know when we decided on the destination.

  I decided to take a walk in the hope it would help relieve some of the tension in my body. I left my apartment walked down the hill toward the pier. I passed the beautiful fountain in the center. I can still remember the countless times I walked down here and sat down next to the fountain. It had such a calming effect on me then. Instead of stopping there, I walked on toward the pier. It was almost deserted out here today. Just the way I liked it. I looked out across the bay and took a deep breath.

  It was a little windy, but that didn’t stop me from walking across the pier. I walked all the way to the end and stopped just outside the restaurant. I didn’t go inside. I just wanted to enjoy the quiet peacefulness you get out here. I wish that sense of peace would extend itself to me.

  I took several deep gulps of fresh air before turning around and walking back to land. I stopped in front of the fountain and decided to sit down. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the water falling.

  I stood up and after one more glance at the fountain, I walked back up the hill to the main road. I knew it was getting late, so I crossed the street and walked to my favorite sandwich shop. For some reason, I grabbed a twenty-dollar bill out of my purse before I left the apartment and stuck it in my pocket. I am so glad I was thinking ahead. I walked up to the counter and ordered a smoked turkey sandwich. It was ready in a couple minutes. I took the white paper bag from the sweet lady behind the counter and walked back to my apartment.

  By the time, I got back to my apartment, it was beginning to get dark outside. I went to the refrigerator and got out a bottle of water. I placed it along with my sandwich on the small round table in my equally small dining room. I glanced to the end table beside the loveseat. I left my cell phone here on its charger so I wouldn’t have any interruptions. I took it off the charger and brought it to the table. I decided to eat my sandwich before I let the rest of the world back in.

  I picked up my phone after I took my last bite, and saw I had five missed calls from Max. Three text messages. Oops! He won’t be happy with me leaving my phone here and walking by myself. Max is super protective. Well, here goes nothing.

  ME: I went for a walk and left my phone on charger. Just got back to apt.

  He answered back immediately.

  MAX: I was worried. Getting ready to drive there if I didn’t hear from you soon.

  ME: I’m fine. Will be back in a couple days.

  MAX: Okay. Promise me you won’t forget to take your phone with you next time. It isn’t safe for you to have no way to call for help.

  ME: I promise

  That seemed to pacify him, because we stopped texting each other after that. I gathered the white bag and sandwich wrapper and took them to the trash can in the kitchen. I picked up the bottle of water and walked into the living room. I picked up the remote hoping there would be something good to watch. I flipped through the channels and finally settled on an old movie starring, Doris Day. I got into a comfy position and enjoy the movie.

  The next two days went by uneventfully. I didn’t get much accomplished, but that wasn’t my plan either. It was nice to have this time to myself. I never called my friends to have lunch or go out for drinks. It gave me some time to clear my mind. I realized I was allowing other people to stress me out in ways I promised I would never do again. And for what reason? They are only saying the things people do when a couple has been together for a while. I just need to get a grip and chill out.

  So, by the time the end of the week arrived, I was ready to drive back to New Orleans. Lynn called me when I was about halfway through Mississippi. She wanted to tell me about the plans she and Jeremy have for the weekend. Although she hasn’t said as much, I have a feeling their relationship has become very serious. I know Lynn has avoided anything serious since she divorced Barry, but there is something about Jeremy that seems to bring out the best in her. She tried to steer the conversation around to me, but I wasn’t very forthcoming. Lynn said something under her breath about me being stubborn, but I just laughed it off. The truth is the truth. Why argue the point?

  We finally ended the call as I was leaving the Lake Pontchartrain causeway. Well, that’s one way to make a trip go faster. It felt like I had just left Alabama a short time ago. I turned on the street leading to Max’s house. When I pulled in the driveway I didn’t see any lights on inside the house. I opened the garage door with the opener Max had given to me. When I pulled inside, I noticed his car was in its spot.

  I got out of my car and popped by trunk. I grabbed my overnight bag and walked to the door leading to inside the house. The moment I entered the house, I smelled something delicious. I followed the smell into the kitchen where I found Max taking out a pan with two baked potatoes. I looked at the counter and saw a bowl of salad, and beside it was two plates with steak on them.

  Wow! So, this was the reason he sent me a text earlier asking me not to stop anywhere to eat on my way back. Max doesn’t cook very often, but when he does it is always fabulous.

  He spotted me out of the corner of his eye and turned my way after he put the potatoes on the plates.

  “Surprise.” Max’s smile lit up his whole face.

  I couldn’t help but to return it. “This is a wonderful surprise. I can’t believe you had the time to do all this.”

  Max looked away and cleared his throat. “Well, I wish I could take all the credit, but I can’t. I was given specific instructions on when to take out the potatoes and I had one of the chefs throw
together the salad. BUT I grilled the steaks. Does that count?” He walked over to me and pulled me close before kissing my lips lightly.

  I nodded and smiled. “Definitely. The steaks are the best part.” I winked at him.

  Max picked up both plates and asked me to carry the salad bowl. I followed him to the informal dining room. I gasped. On the table, there were two candles lit, and a beautiful flower arrangement in the middle with a bottle of wine next to it. I met Max’s eyes and I could tell he was pleased with my reaction. He put both plates on the table and took the salad from me.

  “This is beautiful, Max.” I walked over to the chair he pulled out for me.

  “Thank you.” He leaned down and kissed the top of my head before sitting in his chair next to mine.

  Max poured both of us a glass of wine. The meal he prepared was so delicious, I made him promise to do it again. Of course, he said he would.

  We were sitting in companionable silence, sipping our wine, when I felt his gaze on me. I caught him watching me throughout our meal, but he didn’t really say anything.

  I know. I know. I’m just overthinking like I always do. So, I did what I do best. I tried to direct the attention off me…sort of.

  “The girls and I are planning a weekend trip somewhere. We haven’t made up our minds on the destination, but we want something a little different. Do you have any suggestions?”

  Max peered at me over the rim of his glass before putting it down on the table. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me as if lost in thought.

  His stare was starting to make me uncomfortable. “Well?”

  Max arched his eyebrow. “Hmm…are you sure Eric will want Taylor to go off somewhere like that while she’s pregnant?”

  Well, I hadn’t thought of that. I crossed my arms over my chest, mimicking him. Max followed the motion with his eyes. His lips twitched a little.

  “He won’t mind. It isn’t like it’ll be a wild weekend or anything like that?” I looked down at my fingers as they drummed on my arm.

  I could feel the heat of his gaze and looked up.

  “When all of you get together for a weekend there is no telling what’ll happen. You know it’s true.” The look he gave dared me to argue that.

  Damn. He’s right. We ALWAYS get in some shit when just us girls plan something. The crazy ideas always sound good when we come up with them. It’s the repercussions after we carry them out that’s not so much.

  “Whatever, Max.” I rolled my eyes.

  He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table. “Let me put it this way, if it was my pregnant wife, I wouldn’t want her to go off without me.”

  I snorted. “If you had a pregnant wife, you wouldn’t let her leave your sight.”

  He blinked a couple times before he spoke. “Because it would be my job to look after her.”

  I shook my head. This conversation is crazy! I waited for Max to say something else. He looked like he was lost in thought for a few seconds.

  “How about a weekend in Las Vegas?”

  Whaaat? Did he just suggest sin city? I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. I couldn’t contain my excitement. I reached over and touched his arm.

  “Are you serious? Las Vegas?” I was acting all giddy.

  Max grinned. “I thought you’d like that idea. Let me know when you wanna go and I’ll have some rooms reserved at the hotel.”

  The biggest advantage to having a boyfriend who owns a chain of hotels, is getting the best room and it’s all free.

  I leaned over and hugged Max tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me out of my chair and onto his lap. I straddled his body and squealed a little when he squeezed my ass.

  “Thank you, Max. I know they are going to be so excited when I tell them.”

  He closed the gap between our lips. I ran my fingers through his short hair. He pulled back and looked at me. A broad smile spread across his face.

  Uh oh! I know that look. I braced myself for what he was about to say.

  “You realize I’ll be going with you, right?”

  And there it is.

  I raised my eyebrows. “You know that defeats the purpose of a girl’s weekend.”

  He smiled unapologetically. “I’ll tell you what. If Eric stays behind then so will I, but if he goes, then you can bet your sweet ass, I’ll be there.”

  As much as I hate to admit it, he’s probably right. Eric will insist on accompanying Taylor since she’s expecting their first child. I wasn’t going to tell him that, though. He’s smug enough without any encouragement.

  Slightly annoyed, I tried to stand up, but Max held on tighter. He pulled me against his hard erection. The only thing separating us was a few articles of clothing.

  “I didn’t say you could get up yet.” He nuzzled the side of my neck. His hot breath sent chills throughout my body.

  “You can be overbearing sometimes. You know that?”

  Max nipped my ear. I could hear the laughter in his voice when he spoke. “I’ve been called much worse.”

  He slipped his hands under my shirt and cupped my breasts. My nipples became hard immediately. My traitorous body leaned into his touch. Damn it! I wanted to upset with him because of his high-handed ways. Why does he always know what to do to distract me?

  Why do I always let him?

  I whispered to Max about taking this to the bedroom and he surprisingly agreed. Usually he wants to have sex wherever we happen to be at that moment.

  I am not complaining. It’s just that I like to feel the softness of the bed beneath me.

  I stood up and watched him blow out the candles. His housekeeper is not going to be happy with the mess we’re leaving. I must’ve spoken out loud, because Max reassured me she wouldn’t mind this one time. He took my hand in his and I followed him upstairs to the master bedroom. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me as we walked toward the bed. Max pulled my shirt up and I raised my arms so he could completely remove it. He leaned down to kiss the tops of my breasts that were exposed above the cups of my bra. He reached behind me and unclasped my bra. I let it fall to the floor. I unbuttoned my pants and stepped out of them. Max was slowly undressing himself as he watched me so the same. There is something so arousing about watching a man undress for you.

  Max closed the distance between us and pressed his hard body against mine. He walked us back a little more until I felt the back of my legs hit the bed. He raked his fingers through my hair before brushing the pad of this thumb across my lips.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Max whispered just before he leaned down and captured my lips.

  Our tongues tangled as we both tried to take control. His hands moved down my body to my ass. He lifted me slightly and laid me down on the bed, nudging his knee in between my legs. He placed his hands flat on the bed on both sides of my head. We had not broken our kiss. If anything, it had become more passionate, and I could feel it all the way down to my toes.

  His mouth left mine and trailed down my neck. He cupped one of my breasts and gently pinched the nipple. I sucked in a deep breath as his mouth closed around the nipple. He flicked his tongue against the sensitive tip before pulling it back into his mouth and sucking harder. He moved his hand to my other breast and did the same to it. I arched my back trying to get closer. He slid a hand behind me and flipped us over so I was on top. I ran my fingertips down his chest letting my nails scratch over his nipples making him hiss. Max thrust his hips up pressing his hard cock close to the entrance of my wet pussy. I scooted back on his legs a little and grabbed his waiting cock. I leaned down and took him in my mouth. I could hear him moaning my name and it urged me to increase my rhythm.

  “Fuck.” Max moaned as he grabbed the back of my head and wrapped my hair around his hand.

  I looked up at his face and saw him watching me go up and down. I moaned as I tightened my lips around his cock sending the vibrations with every stroke. He thrust his hips up and I had to pull back a little to keep him
from going down my throat. I glared at him, but he was looking at me with a lust filled gaze. I brought my mouth to the head of his cock and swirled my tongue around it. He bucked against my mouth and pulled hard on my hair. I pulled back and looked up at him.

  Max was breathing heavily. “If you don’t stop I won’t last much longer. I want to be inside you when I come.”

  I started to move up his body, but he turned us over before I could position myself on top. He had me firmly underneath him. Max lifted my leg to his shoulder and slid into me inch by inch. It felt so good I had to close my eyes.

  “Open your eyes, baby.” He leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

  Max began moving slowly. In and out. It was such exquisite torture. I wanted him to move faster and harder, but he was controlling the pace.

  “You. Feel. So. Fucking. Good.” He punctuated each word with a hard, deep thrust.

  He lifted my other leg and began to pump faster. My hips moved on their own and I met him thrust for thrust. His fingers were digging into my hips, sure to leave bruises there. But I didn’t care.

  I didn’t want him to stop.

  “Max…fuck.” I couldn’t form my words enough to say what I was thinking.

  I could feel the pressure building and I knew I was getting ready to come.

  “Come for me, Becky. Yeah, that’s it.”

  He started pumping furiously inside me. It felt like my body was exploding in a million pieces all at once. I couldn’t hold back the scream that escaped my lips. Max joined mine with one of his own. He buried his head in my shoulder as we tried to catch our breaths.

  Max lifted his head and gently touched my lips with his. I opened my eyes and looked in his. What I saw in them made me pause.


  There could be some truth to my friends’ words.


  To say my friends were excited about a trip to Las Vegas would be an understatement. I thought they were going to jump through the phone and hug Max or promise him their first-born child with all the squealing I heard. It didn’t take long for everyone to get involved with all the plans. We were trying to figure out how much trouble we can get into. Well, as much as we can, considering some of the men invited themselves.


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