What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4

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What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4 Page 8

by Sienna Duncan

  I instantly rejected her words. It’s crazy for her to talk that way. I frantically shook my head in denial. She’s so wrong! I have moved on with my life…sort of. Okay, so I have some weak moments. Who doesn’t?

  Who cares if I still have Chad’s t-shirt I took the day I left him and everything behind?

  Who cares if my breath catches when he sends me “Happy Birthday” or “Merry Christmas” every year? Chad hasn’t missed it once since I left. He never forgets…

  Who cares?

  It isn’t something I allow myself to dwell on, because I made the choice to move on with my life. Right?

  “This is ridiculous, Lynn!” I stood up and walked to the front window.

  I heard her sigh. Her voice sounded sad when she spoke. “I just want you to be happy, Becky. I can’t help but wonder had I kept my big mouth shut, if you’d still be with Chad. I was so miserable and I didn’t realize it at the time, but I hated for anyone to be happy around me. You know they say misery loves trouble.” She paused. “I’m sorry, Becky.”

  I turned back around to face her. A big knot had formed in my stomach. I felt like I was going to be sick.

  My voice sounded a little shaky. “We need to stop this now. I feel like we are disrespecting Max in his home by saying this bullshit. And that’s exactly what it is, Lynn. Bullshit.”

  Lynn stared at me and shook her head. “I’ve kept that in a for a long time, and I had to get it out.” I could see her visibly relax.

  Well, that makes one of us.

  “I’m glad you feel better.” I mean, what else was I supposed to say?

  Lynn looked a little angry with me. “I don’t want you to marry Max if you are the least bit uncertain, but I also don’t want you to shut out the idea of marrying him, either. It is obvious he loves you, Becky. I guess I’m trying to ask you if you love him.”

  I put my hand up to stop her and she did this time. “Whoa! You’re getting ahead of yourself, don’t you think? You’re the only one who seems to think he’s going to propose. He hasn’t said anything to make me think that.”

  I looked away. What the hell? Where is, all this coming from? It seems like everyone has suddenly decided it’s time for me to get married to Max. This is nuts! Very déjà vu.

  “You didn’t answer my question, though.” Lynn’s facial expression softened to one of sympathy.

  Shit! I sat down beside her again.

  “I wouldn’t be with Max if I didn’t have feelings for him. You know that. I do love him in my own way. We have so much fun together and everything is easy with him. I’ve needed easy.”

  Lynn understandingly nodded. “I know you have, bestie.” She reached out and touched my arm. “But is it the kind of love that would make you accept a proposal? If he proposes, of course.”

  I sighed loudly. “Honestly, I don’t know. If he suddenly decided that’s what he wanted, I would be surprised since he has always led me to believe he will never get married. I won’t lie to you, that stability is appealing, but I take marriage very seriously. I won’t marry anyone unless I am, absolutely, sure of my heart. I won’t do that to him or to me.”

  We were distracted by Lynn’s phone ringing. It was her father calling about the store and she said it would take a few minutes. So, I walked over to my phone and called the one person I knew I could count on no matter what to help me sort through my troubling thoughts.

  My brother, Trevor. It rang twice before he answered.

  “Hey, sis. Is everything alright?” I heard the concern in his voice.

  I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. “Not really. Do you have a few minutes to talk?”

  “Sure, give me a sec.”

  I heard Trevor’s muffled voice speaking to someone in the background. In less than a minute he was back.

  “Okay. I’m back. Sorry about that.” He said apologetically.

  “That’s okay, but I understand if this isn’t a good time.”

  Trevor sighed. “I have time for you, Beck. So, what’s up?”

  “I need your advice.”

  There was silence on the other end.

  “What’s happened?” Trevor’s voice was calm, but I could detect some wariness in it.

  I began telling him about the innuendos from my friends about Max’s supposed true motives for wanting to go with us to Las Vegas. I told him about the little things Max has said and done that has made me wonder if there is a hint of truth to their words. Maybe my imagination is getting the better of me. As difficult as it was for me to talk about it, I told him what Lynn said about my relationship with Chad. That was the hardest part.

  I was so confused by my feelings.

  Trevor quietly listened until I was finished. He didn’t say anything right away. I know he probably thinks I’m as crazy as my friends.

  “I understand why they think he might propose. Think about it, sis. You’ve gone on lots of extended trips without him, but this one he insists on being there. I get that it’s Vegas. I won’t rule out it being coincidental, but it’s highly unlikely. The fact that he mentioned Jeremy’s desire to marry Lynn, and the closeness of the chapel to his hotel. You claim he said it a certain way. Whatever that means.”

  “I can’t explain it, Trevor. When Max stated that the chapel was close to the hotel, and then he didn’t say anything else, I kind of freaked out on the inside. It was like he was waiting for me to say something.”

  “I think you have to ask yourself why you freaked out. Be honest, because ultimately, you’re the only one who can be. Remember this though, you need to follow your heart. Always follow your heart. You know it is never wrong. Your mind might scream at you to reject whatever you’re feeling.”

  I could feel the tears threatening to fall. “What if my heart can’t take it?”

  Trevor sighed. “You’re strong enough, Becky. You just need to figure out what’s worth fighting for.”

  “Okay.” I whispered.

  “I’ll be here for you no matter what. If you need me at all, I’m just a phone call away. If you need me to come there, let me know. I love you, sis.”

  “I love you too, Trev.”

  We ended our phone call after that. I looked up and saw Lynn leaning against the wall. She had the deer in headlights look from being caught eavesdropping.

  Lynn cleared her throat. “Jeremy said he and Max are on their way back, and Taylor sent me a text to let us know everybody will meet us at the hotel around four o’clock.”

  “Does she mean Shelby and Johnny, too?”

  Lynn nodded. “I thought you might want to get a head start on packing and then the guys can take us out to eat.”

  I nodded in agreement, but I didn’t have much of an appetite.



  We arrived in Las Vegas on Friday. Max had arranged for a driver to pick us up in a limo at the airport. He called the manager at his hotel and was told the others had already checked in. Lynn and I were so excited it didn’t seem like the limo was going fast enough. I glanced over at Max and saw an amused look on his face. He told me once that it was nice to see things through another’s eyes. He has been here so many times it doesn’t faze him a bit. There isn’t much excitement when you’ve seen it all many times.

  Lynn gasped and her eyes widened. “Is this your hotel?”

  I looked out the window to see what all the fuss was about. My breath caught in my throat at the beautiful sight before me. In front of the magnificent, white hotel was a gorgeous fountain. I looked passed it to the hotel. I had to lean my head back to see the highest floor. Shit! I thought the hotel in New Orleans was grand, but it has nothing on this one.

  The limo pulled in front of the hotel and the chauffeur walked around to open the door. Max held my hand as he escorted me inside. The entrance was very much like the one in New Orleans, just on a grander scale.

  “What do you think?” Max asked.

  I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. “I expected it to be l
ike the one in New Orleans, but it is so much more.”

  Max laughed. “Yes, it is.” He patted my hand before walking to the private elevators.

  A gentleman in his early forties was nervously standing next to the elevators and handed Max the key cards to the rooms.

  “Everything is just as you requested, Mr. Roberts. We’ll bring your bags straight up.” The poor man’s voice shook a little when he spoke to Max. This must be the manager that has been having issues and he is trying to make a good impression on his boss.

  Don’t know how that’s going to work out for him.

  Then it clicked. This, is why Max wanted to come with me. I have been so silly! That’s what I get for listening to everyone. Max doesn’t have matrimony on his mind at all. This is all about work. Nothing more. I felt myself relax for the first time in days.

  We stepped into the elevator. I took a deep breath when I saw Max push the button for the top floor. I have a thing about heights. That’s all. He squeezed my hand reassuringly. I didn’t have to say a word for him to know I was uncomfortable. I leaned my head against his arm and felt his lips touch my hair.

  We reached the top floor and walked out of the elevator. Max handed Jeremy the key card to their room. Lynn giggled and waved as they walked to the door leading to their suite. Jeremy had the door opened and he ushered her inside the room a matter of seconds.

  Max stopped in front of a door a little farther down the corridor. He opened the door and took my hand in his to lead me in the room.

  The inside took my breath away. I walked around as I heard our luggage being brought into the suite. The sitting room was exquisite, but I was half afraid to sit on the furniture. The loveseat and chair where white as were the plush pillows on them. The focal point in the room was undoubtedly the fireplace. There was an entertainment area with a large-screen tv, wet bar, and multiple seating areas. To the left was a formal dining area with seating for ten. I walked to the door leading to the bedroom. When I opened it, my attention was immediately drawn to the king-sized bed. The bedding was all white and it was a stark contrast to the dark wood of the other furniture. I walked over to the balcony and opened its doors. The view overlooked the large fountain below. Looking farther, I could see people walking up and down the strip.

  I felt warm hands touch my waist as Max wrapped his arms around me from behind. We stood there like that for a minute or two. I leaned my head back against his chest. He pulled me closer. I took a deep breath to try to calm my nerves.

  Max sighed. I felt his warm breath against the side of my neck.

  “Are you going to talk to me and let me know what’s been on your mind lately? I can tell something is different, but you’ve been keeping your distance. Why?” I heard the frustration in his voice.

  How do I answer that question when I am not sure of anything anymore?

  I shook my head. I could feel his arms tighten around me.

  “I don’t know, Max. I guess I’m confused about some things right now. I’m sorry I can’t give you a better answer than that. You deserve more than that, but I can’t…” I tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn’t let me go.

  “Shh.” Max kissed along the side of my neck. “I want you to put all of it out of your mind right now and enjoy the moment. Don’t think ahead.” He brushed my hair to the side and continued to place kisses down my neck to my shoulder.

  I realized then what I’ve always known. Max likes to distract me with sex. Not that there is anything wrong with it. It’s all good. The problem with our relationship is that when I do have moments (I have them more often than I like to admit) of doubt, Max uses sex to distract me from whatever is on my mind. I am to blame for allowing it to go on as long as it has. I’ll be the first to admit the distraction has been initiated by me many times, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that we never solve anything. Not really. Sex always seems to be his answer for everything. I let him do it. Every. Single. Time.

  Damn it! Of all places for me to come to this conclusion. Thankfully, I was saved from my troubling thoughts by the sound of Max’s phone ringing. He growled a little under his breath when I heard him reach into his pocket to answer.

  “Max Roberts, here. Okay. We’ll meet you in a couple minutes.” Max ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket. He placed his chin on top of my head. “That was Jeremy. Apparently, they are all waiting for us so we can eat dinner together.”

  I exhaled loudly through my nose. “Priorities.”

  Max chuckled. “Obviously, theirs are different from mine.” There was a certain amount of seduction in his tone.

  Max took my hand and we walked back inside. He closed the balcony doors behind us. I walked over to phone to see if the girls had sent me a message. All three asked me if I was going to wear a dress tonight. The girls let me know they would wearing one. I shook my head. Does it really matter? I was tempted to send that, but changed my mind at the last second. I guess a dress it will be.

  Max had opened our bags on the bed, so it took very little time to find the black dress with capped sleeves I wanted to wear. Max nodded in approval when I walked by him on the way to the bathroom. I saw a dressing room to the left, but decided the bathroom would do.

  The bathroom resembled the one I stayed in at his hotel in New Orleans. The Italian marble vanity and large tub in the middle of the room was like walking into a dream. I checked out the walk-in shower with a rain shower head and wall mounted body jets. Plush lightweight bathrobes hung beside the door. I quickly changed out of my khaki pants and maroon peasant blouse. The black dress molded to my body in a way that complemented my figure. I reached down on the floor and slipped my feet into a pair of open toe black heels.

  I walked back to my bag to get my make-up when I heard Max whistle. His eyes glittered as he looked me up and down. The look on his face was reminiscent of a wolf getting ready to devour his next meal. I swallowed as my heart started beating a little faster.

  He always has that effect on me. Wet panties and all. I could tell by the way he continued to look at me Max knew the kind of reaction my body was having. He doesn’t need to touch me for my body to respond to him.

  My body always fucking betrays me!

  After I grabbed my make up, I walked back to the bathroom to freshen up my face and hair. I swiped on some lipstick and made sure there were no smudges under my eyes. Max walked in while I was brushing my hair. I looked at him through the mirror’s reflection. Max held my attention as he reached his hand toward my hair and ran his fingers through some of the strands. He leaned forward and smelled the coconut scent of my shampoo. He told me many times how much he loved that scent and never wanted me change it. He’s in luck because it’s my favorite. I smoothed it down one final time and turned to face him.

  “I’m ready now.” I stood on my tip toes (I am still too short with heels…so sad) and lightly kissed him lips. I was careful not to mess up my newly applied lipstick.

  “You look beautiful as always.” His lips gently caressed mine before pulling back.

  Max touched my cheek with the pad of his thumb. He looked like he wanted to say something more, but refrained from it. He spoke softly. “Let’s go.”

  I took his hand and walked with him out of our room. My eyes landed on Johnny. He was wearing black dress pants and a white button down shirt with the first two buttons undone. Shelby was standing beside him in a hot pink mini dress. The only thing conservative about it was the three quarters sleeve. It barely covered her ass. Eric had his arms wrapped around Taylor. They were both matching in all black. From her A-line dress to his black trousers and shirt. They looked adorable. Not to be outdone by them, I noticed Jeremy had his hands on Lynn’s ass. She was wearing a dark blue dress with black trim. Like Max, Jeremy was wearing a black suit with a white shirt. The only difference was the tie. Jeremy was wearing a black one, but Max had chosen red. He liked the fact it would draw attention to him. Like he needed help in that department.

All our friends were standing in the hall looking a tad bit impatient. I guess we kept them waiting longer than I thought.


  Johnny smiled widely and started shaking his finger at us. “Couldn’t wait to try out the bed, sister?”

  He laughed at the somewhat horrified expression I’m sure was on my face. I shouldn’t be shocked by the outrageous things he says after all this time, but there were times when he did just that. I sighed inwardly.

  Outwardly, I did what any southern lady would do. I flipped him off.

  Lynn snorted. I saw her smack Johnny on the arm to get his attention. An unspoken message passed between them. Johnny nodded in agreement to whatever it was. I don’t want to be curious, but I can’t help it. I know it must do with me, and whatever it is, I’m sure it will piss me off. They’re good at doing that to me when they think I am in the wrong about something.


  “I have reserved us a table at the restaurant here in the hotel.” He nodded to the others as he pulled my hand so I would follow him to the elevator. All of us scrunched in beside each other. Lynn kept looking at Max and then at me and raising her eyebrows. That girl will not let up! Damn! When she gets an idea in her head there is no changing her mind unless she is having proof to contradict what she believes.

  Okay, so I’m kinda like that, too. That’s why we get along so well. Unless Lynn turns it around on me somehow. Like she’s doing now. I glanced at my other friends and the moment my eyes caught theirs watching us, they looked the other way. Ohhhh! So, that’s how it’s going to be. Lynn has been busy sharing her thoughts about this trip. They are all fucking insane!

  It was beginning to feel extremely hot in the elevator. Sensing my discomfort, Max looked down and held my gaze. He squeezed my hand. I know he thought it was giving me reassurance. It always has. Until now. The door finally opened and all of us filed out of the elevator. I took a deep breath.

  Max leaned down and whispered in my ear. “Are you okay?” His dark brown eyes were filled with concern.


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