What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4

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What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4 Page 7

by Sienna Duncan

  As much as I hate to admit that Max was right…

  Just as he said, Eric doesn’t want Taylor taking such a long trip without him. I can understand that to a degree. I know he is extra protective because she is pregnant, but that doesn’t mean she can’t do things on her own if she is so inclined.

  Once Lynn found out Eric was going, she said Jeremy would be joining her if that was okay with Max. I mean…really?

  I wanted to smack the smug look off his face. He didn’t say “I told you so,” because he didn’t need to.

  Lynn was excited when she called me. “Oh, Becky! It’ll be fun. We can still leave the men behind and get into some mischief.”

  That’s what she thinks! Lynn ought to know better than that. I explained to her, I didn’t plan to bring Max on this trip. He invited himself since we’ll be staying in one of his hotels.

  I needed to shake myself out of this funk. Pretend my friends are not using my boyfriend’s generosity for what has turned into a couple’s weekend. Well, for all except Shelby and Johnny.

  Johnny heard my voice on the phone and picked up on some bitch vibes, I guess. He said Antonio will be working out of town so he will be all mine that weekend.


  Lynn and Jeremy arrived two days before we planned to leave. Max invited them to stay at his house. He whispered in my ear so, no one would hear, and told me to play nicely. If looks could kill, I’m sure he would be dead right now. He thought it was funny!

  It was obvious I found no humor in it.

  Lynn pulled me aside after she and Jeremy finished unpacking. She and I walked into the living room, while Max led Jeremy to his office. I sat down on the sofa and Lynn sat beside me.

  “Are you going to stay pissed the whole weekend?” Lynn huffed.

  I crossed my arms. “No, I won’t be pissed the whole weekend.”

  Lynn rolled her eyes in frustration. “I know you didn’t want our men around this weekend, but you know we’ll all have so much fun. It won’t matter who’s there.”

  I know she’s right. Really, I do.

  Sort of.

  I took a deep breath and resigned myself to the fact that sometimes plans don’t always go the way we plan for them to. I should know that by now.

  “Max has reserved all four rooms next to each other. All the couples will have a room, but Johnny and Shelby will be sharing a room. I’m sure Shelby was thrilled to hear that. I left it to Johnny to tell her.”

  Lynn laughed so hard I thought she was going to start crying. “I would’ve loved to see her face when he told her. She won’t mind, though. A free trip to Vegas, hello!” Lynn waved her hands around to further express herself.

  I giggled with her. I was starting to feel a little better. Some of the tension was leaving my shoulders. I guess, sometimes, you just need your best friend around to let you know how ridiculous you’re being. Even when you’re a little pissed at her.

  I could tell something was on Lynn’s mind, but she was hesitant to say anything. She smiled and looked at me before getting into a comfortable position.

  Lynn took a deep breath. “So, my sweet bestie…” She paused. “Has Max said anything out of the ordinary to you about this trip?”

  Huh? I know I looked as confused as I felt.

  She shrugged. “You know…” She wagged her eyebrows up and down.

  She’s lost her ever lovin’ mind this time. I knew it was coming.

  “Uh, Lynn, you’ll have to be more specific than that. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I shook my head and I knew my facial expression indicated my confusion.

  She looked deflated. “I thought he might’ve mentioned about…” She touched her ring finger.

  I stared at her blankly for a moment when it hit me. She thinks he’s going to ask me to marry him! That’s ridiculous!

  I shook my head. “Lynn, he is NOT going to propose to me. That’s the craziest thing I have ever heard. He’s in his thirties for goodness sakes. Don’t you think if he was going to get married he would be by now?”

  Lynn shook her head. “Nope it doesn’t. Maybe he never met that special someone he wanted to spend his life with. You’ve said many times how he never stayed with one woman for long, but look at how long he’s been with you.” She looked quite satisfied with her point.

  She had a point. I’ll give her that much. However, that doesn’t mean he wants to marry me. Shit, I don’t know what I’d say if he did.

  Nope. She’s wrong.

  Maxwell Roberts is NOT the marrying type.

  End of story.

  Lynn huffed at my obvious refusal to believe her insinuation. “Well, we’ll see. If he asks you to marry him don’t be surprised. That’s all I’m saying.”

  I leaned closer to Lynn, and looked her in the eyes, to let her know how serious I am with the words I was about to say.

  “I hope you’re wrong, bestie. I really do.”

  At first Lynn frowned, but within seconds, realization dawned on her face. She reached out and touched my arm.


  “Everything okay in here?” Max’s voice startled me.

  I looked over my shoulder and saw him standing there with Jeremy. I hope he didn’t hear any part of our conversation. Jeremy glanced at Lynn with a questioning look on his face. I saw her shrug out of the corner of my eye.

  I decided to end the uncomfortable silence that had descended upon the room.

  “Everything is fine, Max.”

  He arched one of his eyebrows. “If you say so.” He didn’t look convinced.

  Max Roberts is too smart for his own good sometimes. Especially, when he reads me like a book most days.

  I stood up and Lynn followed.

  “I’m getting hungry. How about you?”

  Max searched my face before speaking. He cleared his throat and looked at Lynn and Jeremy. “Actually, I am getting hungry. Should we take them to Mamas?”

  He was talking about Mama Delphine’s restaurant. It has the most amazing food. I remember having my doubts the first-time Max took me there, but all that went away when I tasted the food. The proprietor, who insists we call her Mama Delphine, is beloved by everybody. She never meets a stranger and treats you like family. She embraced me from the very beginning. Mama also likes to keep Max in line, too. She’s known him since he was a little boy, and he can’t get anything over on her. She very intuitive and will offer you advice, too. Only if you ask for it. I love that about her! She isn’t like the pushy women I grew up around who gave you advice whether you wanted it or not.

  “That’s the place y’all took me to before, isn’t it?” Lynn asked.

  I nodded. “You loved it there.”

  Lynn laughed. “I remember Mama Delphine and how she liked to pick on Max. It was so funny.”

  Max rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, she has always given me hell about everything. She’ll be glad to see you with me. Mama Delphine keeps asking me what I’ve done with you.” He smiled as he shook his head in remembrance of their conversation.

  I smiled at the thought of her asking about me. “So, you’re on her shit list?”

  Max nodded. “When am I not on her shit list? She said if I don’t bring you soon she was calling you up herself to see what I’ve done this time.”

  I burst out laughing so hard I snorted.

  “It isn’t that funny.”

  I tried to stop laughing. Lynn and Jeremy exchanged looks. I don’t know what that’s all bout, and I probably don’t want to know.

  I got control of my laughing and patted Max on the shoulder. “I don’t have anything to worry about. Mama Delphine loves me.”

  Max pulled me against him and kissed the side of my head. “Everybody loves Becky.” He spoke so softly, but I heard him clearly.

  So did Lynn and Jeremy, if their wide eyes were any indication.


  I pulled away from Max slowly.

  “I just wanna go like this if y’all don�
��t mind.” Lynn pointed to her jeans and pink t-shirt.

  I smiled at her. “You see what I’m wearing.” I waved my hands down at my jeans, and purple t-shirt that had GIRL POWER is big white letters across the front.

  Lynn and Jeremy followed us to the restaurant in their car. There was already a small crowd if the number of cars was any indication. When we walked inside, Mama Delphine glanced at us while she was talking to some of her regular customers. A big smile spread across her face and she shook a finger to Max.

  “Looks like you’re not out of the woods yet.” Jeremy laughed.

  Max shook his head and smiled. “It’s never that easy.”

  Mama Delphine finished her conversation and walked toward us. What I loved about her most of all is that she is so authentic. Real.

  “I was beginning to wonder if I’d see you again, sugar plum.” She turned her attention to me.

  I know…she calls me sugar plum.

  I smiled at her directness. “Sorry I haven’t stopped by, but I’ve been so busy lately.”

  Mama Delphine arched her eyebrow and place both hands on her full hips.

  “Mmmhmm.” She didn’t sound convinced. “Well, I’m just glad you’re here. I was afraid this one had screwed up.” She nodded toward Max.

  Max pretended to look offended. “When I have I ever screwed up?”

  Mama Delphine snorted. “Don’t get me started.” She looked at Lynn and Jeremy who were standing to the side and being suspiciously quiet. “Come on, y’all must be hungry.”

  She walked us over to a table in the corner. It didn’t take her long to start asking Lynn about Jeremy. Lynn was surprised she remembered her. Mama Delphine told Lynn she remembered anyone who was friends with me. I felt honored she thought so highly of me. I glanced at Max and found him smiling at me. I felt his hand squeeze mine under the table.

  Mama Delphine left our table and a server arrived soon thereafter.

  “I don’t know about y’all, but I need something to drink.” Lynn ordered a margarita and a beer for Jeremy.

  Max looked at me before ordering. “Your usual?”

  I rolled my eyes before nodding. I couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped from my lips. The only reason he asked about my drink was because I said something to him about assuming I always wanted a strawberry daiquiri. I usually do. The laughter in his eyes told me he was holding back a few comments about that. I appreciated him not saying anything this time, although I know it was difficult for him not to tease me with his words.

  I looked over at Lynn and Jeremy. They really look good together and seem happy with each other. He has been a positive influence in her life. Since Jeremy tries to live a healthy lifestyle (most of the time) he slowly convinced Lynn to make some changes. She’s still curvy like I am, but I have noticed that she looks more fit. Lynn admitted to me she feels much better, too. I watched as Jeremy raked his fingers through his short dark brown hair. He rubbed the back of his neck as Lynn whispered in his ear. The widening of his dark blue eyes led me to believe Lynn was making all kinds of naughty promises to him. Thankfully, the guest room Max put them in is at the other end of the house. I don’t want to hear my best friend and her boyfriend passionately moaning all night. Been there. Done that.

  After we finished eating, we headed back to Max’s house. Lynn only had two drinks, but she was acting like she drank a whole pitcher of margaritas. I remember a time when she and I could drink about three or four of them without falling on our asses. Just barely. Most of the time I limit myself to one mixed drink. There are those rare occasions when I decide to get drunk, but those are few and far between.

  Once we entered the house, Jeremy led Lynn to the guest bedroom and closed the door behind them. I walked to the master bedroom and started getting ready for bed. Max walked into the bathroom where I was washing off make up with some wipes. He didn’t say anything as he started undressing. We reached for our toothbrushes at the same time (they were side by side). Max moved his hand back to allow me to get mine first. He was being uncharacteristically quiet as we brushed our teeth. Not saying you can talk very much when you brush, but Max has been quiet since he entered the bedroom. That isn’t like him at all.

  I walked out of the bathroom and over to the bed. Max followed and finally broke the silence.

  “I think Jeremy is very serious about Lynn.”

  I dropped the comforter and sheet I was turning down and looked at him questioningly.

  “Has Jeremy said anything to you?”

  Max’s eyes met mine but all he did was shrug.

  “Oh no, you don’t get to hold out on me, Max. What did he say?” I climbed in the bed and watched Max do the same.

  He covered us with the comforter and pulled me against him. I rested my hand on his chest and looked up at the side of his face. Max turned his head and looked at me. He sighed in resignation because he knew I wouldn’t stop until he shared all he knew.

  Max rubbed his face. “Don’t say anything to her, because he could change his mind.”

  “I won’t say a word, just tell me.” I pleaded with my eyes.

  He smiled at my eagerness to hear this bit of news that only he knew.

  “Jeremy asked if my hotel has a chapel.” Max rubbed my arms as he let his words sink in.

  A chapel? What…?

  Holy shit!

  Max nodded once he saw I understood the meaning behind those words.

  “He wants to propose to Lynn while we’re in Vegas. I can’t believe it!?

  Max scratched the stubble on the side of his face. “People do it all the time.” His fingertips tickled my arm as he rubbed them up and down.

  “Do you have a chapel at the hotel?” I don’t know why, but a part of me was scared to death to ask that question.

  “No, but there is one not far from the hotel. He applied for a marriage license online, so all they have to do is present their identification in person. There is no waiting period in Las Vegas.”

  There was a subtle change in his voice. I could feel the tiny hairs raise on my arms. The change wouldn’t be easy to identify unless you knew Max very well. I know him very well. He stopped rubbing my arm, but didn’t remove his fingers.

  I didn’t move.

  Please don’t be thinking what (I think) you are thinking. It’ll ruin everything!!!

  Max slowly started rubbing my arm again. We didn’t say anything. The only sound that could be heard was the steadiness of our breathing. I fell asleep like that in his arms.

  The smell of bacon frying in a pan greeted me when I opened my eyes. I reached out my arm and felt the empty space beside me in the bed. I stayed there for a couple minutes more enjoying the soft feel of the bed.

  “Wake up, sunshine!” Lynn said in a sing song voice after she opened the door.

  I sat up and glared at her. I’ll show her sunshine.

  She laughed. “Now, that’s no way greet your bestie. Get your ass out of the bed before I eat all the bacon.” Lynn turned around and walk back down the stairs.

  Obviously, she got laid last night. Her cheerfulness was nauseating.

  I threw on my robe and walked downstairs. I caught up with Lynn as she was walking into the breakfast room. Max and Jeremy were already sitting at the table eating.

  Max looked up when I walked in.

  “Good morning, sleepy head.” He smiled before sipping his coffee.

  “Good morning.” I didn’t put much enthusiasm behind that statement.

  I sat down beside him and filled up my plate with scrambled eggs and a couple pieces of bacon. I looked up when Max placed a cup of coffee in front of me. I reached for the cup and inhaled the warm steam coming from the java goodness.

  “Thank you.” I smiled at Max.

  He winked. “You’re welcome. I know what you need first thing in the morning.”

  I heard the double meaning in that statement. Lynn snorted and gave me a knowing look. Of course, she picked up on that insinuation.

  I w
as still stuffing my mouth full of food when Max announced Jeremy was going with him while he checked on a few things at the hotel. I was a little surprised at this. Max doesn’t allow just anyone to accompany him while he is taking care of business. It sent a big red flag to me. Before they left, Max promised to be back in a couple hours so we could start packing.


  Lynn looked at me curiously.

  “What?” The more she stared I was getting self-conscious.

  She sipped her bottle of water. “Oh, it’s nothing. I was just wondering what they’re up to.”

  I was wanting to know the same thing. Then, I remembered what Max said last night. Jeremy is wanting to marry Lynn. Wow! I bet she doesn’t have a clue. This could be a good or bad surprise, depending on her willingness to marry again. Lynn has always said she’ll never make that mistake twice. What is it they say about someone protesting too much? Yeah…

  After we finished eating our breakfast, Lynn and I walked into the living room. She sat down on the sofa and faced me with a serious expression on her face. I sat down beside her (not such a smart move). I tried to avoid her penetrating gaze, but I gave up after she sighed a couple times.

  “I know something is on your mind, Lynn. Tell me what it is.” I turned my head facing hers, and waited for whatever she was going to dump on me verbally.

  “Please don’t get pissed at me.”

  Uh oh! That is NEVER a good way to start any conversation. Especially, when it is coming from my best friend. She’s getting ready to lower the boom, as she says.

  “Okayyy?” I was a little hesitant, but ready for whatever she wanted to say.

  “We’ve been friends for how long now?” She didn’t wait for me to respond. “I think I know you better than anybody, and I know you are going to push Max away. It looks like, to everybody, that Max is wanting this to be permanent with y’all.” She held up her hand to stop my interruption. “I know you don’t see it, because you don’t wanna see it. You can deny it all you want, Becky, but don’t think I can’t see your heart is stuck in the past.” Her voice broke at the end, and I could see tears on the verge of falling from her eyes.


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