Worried About the Wrong Things
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Governmentality can be viewed as institutions which (attempt to) regulate citizens’ interaction with and relationship to potentially harmful or undesirable incidents (i.e., risks). Like Beck and Giddens, Foucault also believes expert knowledge plays an important role in shaping the ways in which populations are surveyed, compared and trained to conform to social norms. Disciplinary power and regulation is achieved through surveillance, monitoring, observation, and measurement of bodies and subjects. “From this perspective,” Lupton writes (1999, p. 87), “risk may be understood as a governmental strategy of regulatory power by which populations and individuals are monitored and managed through the goals of neo-liberalism. Risk is governed via a heterogeneous network of interactive actors, institutions, knowledges and practices.” It is easy to observe the role of governmentality in the lives of children and teens. Institutions readily monitor, surveil, test, compare, and train youth populations; such practices are justified within neoliberal goals of self-regulation and productivity. Thus my approach is to understand the ways risks are constructed and mobilized as a regulatory force in young people’s digital lives.
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