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Page 6

by Michelle Hoppe

“A very pleasurable new sensation you should have enjoyed.” If he managed to keep his teeth in place.

  “I did, until he put his hand up my skirt and started pulling my panties down.”

  “So he is not as smooth as I gave him credit for.” Which by the by, I didn’t give him much credit to start with. “Still, nothing about this sounds bad.”

  “Just wait.”


  “I wasn’t expecting him to touch me there, you know, on my…”


  “God, how can you just blurt that word out likes it’s nothing, to talk about a … you know.”

  “Well I’m sure as fuck not going to call it a ‘you know.’ It’s a pussy, nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “Someone should invent a new name for it.”

  “Don’t get sidetracked here. Tell me what you did when he got your panties off.”

  “He didn’t get them off. When his fingers started to push up between my legs, I think I freaked.”

  “Freaked how?”

  “I slapped him.”

  Good girl, he was being boorish and deserved to be slapped. “Oh my God, you actually slapped him?”

  Her voice shook. “Yes.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He moved back into the corner of the couch and apologized. He said he really liked me and wanted to have sex, but didn't want to rush me and if I'd be more comfortable we could wait.”

  “Tami, my dear, dear friend, from what you’ve told me so far I don’t see a problem. He probably wants to do the make-out, feel her up kind of foreplay, and hold off on intercourse until you’re ready. It’s not the end of the relationship, sweetie. It will be fine, you’ll see.”

  Nicole noticed a frown start to form between Tami’s eyes, the line between her brows growing deeper by the second.

  “If the story ended there, you might be right.”

  “You mean there is more?” God save me.

  She watched as Tami took several deep breaths, sipped her coffee, and tried to find a way to tell her what happened next. “Tami, did something else happen?”

  Dropping her head in her hands again, “Yes. We did it.”

  “Did what? Stop with all the moaning and groaning and tell me what it is you did!”


  “You mean a blowjob?”

  “I mean I put his cock in my mouth.”

  Nicole pushed back from the table a little. Lifting her cup, she took several swallows of coffee and ate part of her pie, all without taking her eyes off Tami, looking for a sign she was ready to continue. “Okay, take a moment to relax, then tell me the rest.”

  She could tell Tami was finding it difficult to tell her about what she’d done. It wasn’t as if Nicole hadn’t told her all about her own sex life. About the times she’d had orgasms and done kinky things. This was different though; Tami had been a virgin until last night.

  As Nicole watched, Tami finished her coffee and cake. Nicole waited for her to continue with her story, trying to be patient.

  “Okay, I think I can go on.”

  “Good, just take it slow and tell me what happened next.”

  “I told you he apologized for rushing me, which was really nice of him.

  If you say so.

  “As we sat at opposite ends of the couch, he said maybe we could start with oral sex.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I asked him how I was supposed to blow on his penis if he had clothes on. He laughed at me.”

  “I’m sure he wasn’t really laughing, Tami. He might have been surprised at your lack of knowledge.”

  “That’s what I thought at first, but he kept laughing. He told me he would need to take his pants off.”

  “This is not sounding bad, hon.”

  “It gets worse, trust me. I watched as he stood up and undid his pants. He took them off, but left his boxers on. I waited for him to take them off too It was actually a little exciting, and I wanted to see his penis.”

  “And?” I’m sure I told her what a cock looks like, and if not, I know she’s seen the fucking pictures on the calendar in my office.

  “And, he sat back down with his boxers on. He just sat there looking at me and waiting. I didn’t know what he wanted me to do. Finally, he pointed at the floor, and told me I would need to get on my knees in front of him. I got down on my knees and reached for the waistband of his boxers to pull them down, and he stopped me.”


  “He said he would help. He reached into a hole in his boxers and pulled out his penis. I didn’t know boxers had holes in them.”

  “That’s so they can pee without taking their pants down, silly.”

  “I guess I just never thought of that before. But it was realizing the hole was there that made me think of peeing. I couldn’t help freaking a little. I wanted to ask if he’d taken a shower after the last time he’d peed. How do you know if it’s clean?”

  “Oh God, I have had that same thought myself.”

  “Really?” The shocked tone of Tami’s voice matched the look on her face.

  “Tami, it’s okay to wonder about things like that, and if you’re really unsure you can always suggest taking a shower together first. It’s great foreplay too.”

  “Now you tell me.”

  “Maybe from now on you better take notes when we talk about sex.” She watched as Tami gave her a frosty look, which easily conveyed her lack of amusement, then continued with her story.

  “Anyway, he took his cock out of the hole, held it in his fingers, and reached for my hands. It was really little and kind of soft, but I let him put my hands on it. He kept moving my hands around, like massaging it, and it started to get bigger and harder.”

  “So he was getting aroused?”

  “You could say that. I didn’t think it would ever stop growing. My God, is it normal for a cock to get like four times the size?”

  “Some can, yes. Depends on the man.” And, the woman doing the rubbing.

  “Well, his got really big. I kept trying to figure out if he liked what I was doing. When I looked at him, he had his eyes closed so I couldn’t tell. After a few minutes, he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed my face down toward his cock. All I could think about was if he’d washed it after he peed last.”

  “So did he say anything? Did you say anything?”

  “No, I figured he would get upset, so I just closed my eyes and opened my mouth. His hand kept pushing my head down and his penis was getting closer and closer, until I had to close my lips on it. Oh my God, it was rubbery and tasted salty. My mouth started watering so badly I thought I would drool all over him, so I sucked in.”

  “Pretty normal reaction if you ask me.”

  “Yes, well, is it normal to gag?”

  “Why did you gag?”

  “Because he kept pushing my head down and his stupid cock hit my tonsils. When he heard me gag, he stopped and I was able to back off a little. I must have had my mouth clamped too tight though because my teeth caught on his cock and he jumped.”

  “Serves him right for going so deep to start with; he should have let you get comfortable with it in your mouth first.”

  “That’s what I thought. He knew I’d never done it before so he should have told me how.”

  You poor naïve little girl. “Honey, men think women are born with the knowing how to give a blowjob. It would never occur to them that you might not know anything.”

  Tami chose to ignore this statement. “Anyway, after a couple of minutes with it in my mouth, I finally figured out how to suck on it. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of it too.”

  “So what happened to make you change your mind?”

  “Jerry had been real quiet, then out of the blue he asked me to stop making so much noise. I…”

  “Wait, he asked you to what?” I think I’m starting to hate this guy.

  “He asked me to stop making so much noise. I tried to ask him wha
t he meant, but forgot I had his cock in my mouth and bit him. He jumped, pulled his penis out of my mouth, and sat up real straight on the couch again. I tried to tell him I was sorry, but he said it was his fault.”

  “Did he explain about the noise?”

  “Yes, he said my slurping was breaking his concentration. So, I asked him what he was concentrating on and he said coming. I had no clue they needed to concentrate on coming.”

  “That’s a new one on me.”

  “Well, according to Jerry, he needs to focus on the feeling of my mouth sucking his cock, picture the come moving up his shaft and exploding into my mouth in order to come. He said it sounded like I was sucking a Popsicle, which was dripping all over the place. He told me I needed to swallow my spit once in a while so it didn’t make so much noise.”

  “I hope you told him to go to hell.”

  “No! I wanted to do it right so I tried to suck without making noise. After about fifteen minutes my mouth got so sore. I couldn’t do it anymore. When I told him I needed a break, he said he was really close and I could use my hands to finish the job. He handed me a tube of something called Wet Sex.

  “Wait, he just had a tube of lube laying in the living room?”

  “No, it was in the drawer of the end table.”

  “Hmm.” Real slick, Mr. I-want-my-way-no-matter-what.

  “What’s that mean?”

  “Nothing, go on with your story.” Nicole was beginning to think that maybe Jerry was a pervert.

  “He helped me put the lube on his cock, and then showed me how to rub my hands up and down, then around the head. After about thirty seconds he was moaning and groaning so much I thought he was in pain.”

  “It’s part of having sex, Tami. Moaning and groaning is something we all do if it feels good.”

  “It only took a couple of minutes with my hands before he grabbed the back of my head again and pushed my face back down. I assumed he wanted me to suck it some more so I opened my mouth to try and that’s when he came.”

  “What did you think?”

  “What do you mean, what did I think? It was terrible. I got some in my mouth and lots of it started running down my chin and neck. It tasted gross, like salt-water and raw fish. And, it didn’t smell too good either. He just kept pushing on my head. I think he wanted me to lick it off him, which I had no plans to do. Yuck! Finally, he stopped pushing and leaned back into the couch. He still had his eyes closed and he didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to do.”

  “Well, did you say anything?” Christ, this guy needs to go back and have the talk with his father again. Or buy a fucking sex book for dummies.

  “No, I got up and went in the bathroom to wash the stuff off my face and blow my nose. I took the toilet paper into the living room to offer him some so he could clean up and he was snoring.”

  “He fell asleep?”

  “Don’t sound so shocked; you told me men sleep after sex.”

  “Yes I did, but not within two seconds and not without at least giving a few kisses first.”

  “Well, he didn’t give me a kiss, he just went to sleep. I told you it was bad.”

  “So what did you do?”

  “I put my blouse back on and walked home.”

  “You what?” This is too much.

  “I locked the door on my way out and walked home. I figured after making such a mess of things, he wouldn’t want to see me again anyway.”

  “Tami, honey, you didn’t make a mess of things. What you told me is not so bad. I think you did okay and I bet he will call you sometime this afternoon and ask you to go out again.” Please, if there is a Supreme Being in heaven, let him forget her name and number.

  “Do you really think so?”

  “Yep, I think you can bet on it. After all, he got what most men want.”


  “He came honey, and you did all the work. He’s most likely a happy camper.” Pig that he is.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “You can bet on it!”

  “Oh Nicole, thank you, I feel much better. I have to get back to work. I’ll call you if he calls.”

  “Okay, darling.”

  “See you tomorrow?”

  “Of course, same time, same booth.” Nicole smiled to herself as Tami left the diner. Oh my God, after all the times she had explained blowjobs to Tami, it was now apparent she’d either completely forgotten, or she never actually listened. Thinking back on their conversation and Tami’s description of cum, Nicole found herself laughing aloud. The waitress looked at her, and she waved her off. Getting control of her funny bone, she left the diner and walked home.

  Chapter 3

  The Bride

  As Tami stepped into view, the organist began playing the wedding march. All eyes turned toward the back of the church, awestruck by the beauty of the bride. The wedding dress draped on Tami was ivory satin. Pearl beads and lace adorned the low cut bodice, the tight waist and sweeping skirt fit Tami’s body to perfection. Sheer sleeves of a wispy material shimmered as she moved. A tiara, nestled in her blonde hair, sparkled under the warm lights of the church as her father led her slowly up the aisle to her waiting groom. The assembled wedding guests rose to honor the bride as she made her way toward the altar.

  Jerry stood a little taller, his black tuxedo making him look more handsome than ever. His brother, the best man standing at his side, was shuffling from foot to foot with nervous anticipation. His sole purpose for being at the ceremony would be passing over the rings without dropping them.

  Tami looked toward Nicole as they approached the steps leading up to the raised platform. A silent message of thanks mouthed from one best friend to another. Nicole smiled back, nodding her head ever so slightly in acknowledgement.

  The minister stepped forward, his first duty about to begin. “Who here gives this woman in marriage?” Okay, his voice is going to drive me nuts before this is over.

  Tami’s father straightened a little more, pulling his shoulders back and puffing out his chest. “Her mother and I do.” After completely his one and only line of the day, Tami’s dad placed her hand on Jerry’s waiting arm and took his seat by Mrs. White. Tami’s mom already had several tissues in her hand and a tear or two rolling down her cheeks.

  As Tami took her place beside Jerry, the minister lifted his hands in the air, then slowly lowered them to indicate the guests should take their seats once more. His voice rang out. “Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today in sight of God and this company to witness the marriage of Jerry Edward Miller to Tami Lynne White.”

  Nicole listened to the words of joining, spoken in reverence to the importance of the day. “Two rings of gold, endless circles without seams, bind Jerry and Tami together…” the minister’s voice continued. Once again, Nicole’s mind wandered to the past.

  Note from Michelle

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  About Michelle

  Author Michelle Hoppe first discovered a love for writing in a high school creative writing class, and has been creating romantic comedy, chic lit, paranormal, and contemporary stories even since. Michelle writes sexy stories with an edge, and humorous stories about life as a mother and grandmother. Michelle lives in a quiet little town in WA State, USA. With beautiful beaches, stately mountains, an active volcano, and an abundance of nature, it is an ideal location to write her novels, poetry, and stories.
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  eBooks by Michelle Hoppe

  Visit Michelle’s website at for more info

  Paranormal Romance

  Forever Caspia

  Historical Romance

  Hart’s Heart

  Chick Lit

  The Diner:

  This Author’s Life, A comedy series about everyday family life

  The jOYs of Life


  Hues of Dark and Light (Illustrated)

  Michelle recommends … Sami Lee

  If you enjoy hot, sexy romances, you’re going to love Australian romance author Sami Lee. Sami writes delightful sexy romances with a kick, and steamy erotic romances you won’t be able to put down.


  Sami Lee

  Chapter 1

  Men Are Hunters

  It’s okay to call a guy, ladies. We like that. It’s gutsy and shows us that you’re interested. But be careful not to become the pursuer in the relationship. Don’t call too often. Don’t pop in for a visit unless he specifically invites you. Men like to hunt. Let them come after you.

  The refrain from Jake McCallum’s obnoxiously titled book, It’s Not Him—It’s You, danced in Libby Allison’s head, as irritating now as it had been when she’d first read it. Even more irritating considering the fact he’d forced her into doing exactly what his advice warned against. She was about to become a pop-in girl.

  She would have loved it if the reclusive mechanic-turned-dating-guru had pursued her—for professional reasons. She would have been ecstatic if he’d even returned one of her calls, or agreed via email to set up an appointment at her office. But no, apparently that was too much trouble for the guy who liked to hunt. Jake McCallum had made it patently clear with his evasive tactics that he thought he didn’t need Libby or her services.


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