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Falling for the Jerk

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

“Would you like to head back?” he asked, more than willing to do that.

  “No. It’s fine. They’re having their fun, and we need to do this.”

  She took his hand, locking their fingers together. “I know we need to.”

  He didn’t say anything as they kept on driving. Neither of them spoke, but it wasn’t uncomfortable silence either. There was a peacefulness between them, and he relished it. No arguments, no history between them.

  They arrived at the cabin, which was set back on a secluded trail. A large forest surrounded them, but when he looked down, he could see the town below.

  Climbing out of the car, he took her hand, and they made their way inside the cabin.

  “Is it me, or does it look like something out of a horror film?” she asked.

  “It could look kind of scary.” He unlocked the main door, and when they entered, he was blown away. The cabin was small, intimate, romantic, and he knew it was perfect for helping Molly fall in love with him.

  That’s what he wanted to do this week. Get her to remember the few times they were together, where they just clicked. Even on their last date, they’d clicked. They had a chemistry that he refused to allow her to deny.

  There was a large fireplace, complete with blocks of wood giving an old feel to the cabin. Large pictures of scenery covered the walls. The furniture had throws over it, and there was a rug in front of the fireplace.

  It was already warm, and a couple of windows had been left open.

  He imagined in the winter this place was the height of romance.

  “I’m going to get our bags.” He grabbed their bags from the trunk of the car, locked it up, and returned to the cabin. He found Molly in the kitchen, looking through the cupboards.

  “It’s amazing,” she said, the excitement clear in her eyes.

  “You love it?”

  “It’s beautiful, and it’s far away.”

  “I’ll let Trey and June know we got here safely,” he said.

  “I already told them.” She stepped close, taking her bag. “Come and see the bedroom.”

  He didn’t think it was an invitation for something more, but he followed her anyway. The bed was huge, bigger than any he’d seen, which made him wonder if it was specially made. There was enough room to fit several people.

  For a romantic setting though, it was perfect. They also had an en-suite bathroom.

  June had warned him it was the height of luxury, and it was a place where her father always took her mother. She’d never gone to the cabin and had only seen pictures.

  “I know June’s folks were loaded, but I just didn’t realize how much.”

  Molly laughed. “He owns a lot of buildings in town. He’s a sweet guy.”

  He’d only met him a few times, and wouldn’t consider him all that sweet. Then again, he was only a guy.

  They put away their clothes, and once they’d explored, they both stood in the sitting room, looking at each other.

  The tension between them mounted, and this wasn’t how Dale wanted it to be.

  “Come here,” he said.

  She stepped up close to him and he held her hands, staring at the ring that she’d still not taken off.

  To him it was a sign. “I want us to play a game.”


  “Honesty. I don’t want you to hesitate. We’ll stand here, and we’ll ask questions of each other, and we have to be honest.”

  This time, she nodded. “You go first,” she said.

  He took a deep breath. “Do you like me?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t even hesitate.

  Dale waited for her. She didn’t say anything. “It’s your turn.”

  “Oh, I see. You ask a question, I answer, then I ask one?”


  “Erm, have you ever been afraid?”

  “Yes, when I asked you to marry me the first time.”


  “No, don’t be sad. This is not about being sad. This is about us stripping away our past. To get it out of the way.”

  She bit her lip and forced a smile.


  This game may not have been a great idea. Molly’s heart raced as she waited for the next question, not really sure what to do.

  “Did you ever regret being with me?” he asked.

  “I regretted everything after. Everything that I knew about you with Chloe and you with other women. I guess when I was angry I regretted being with you. I don’t regret having Sasha and Luke.” She stared down at their hands. “Do you regret what we had?”

  “No. I love you, Sasha, and Luke. You’re my world. If it hadn’t been for me saying that shit in the cafeteria that day, would you have accepted my proposal?”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It was on the tip of her tongue to lie, but she wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t break the rules. “Yes.”


  “I’ve loved you for a long time, Dale. Even before we started dating. It goes a long way from fancying someone, I guess.”

  “You loved me?”

  She nodded.

  “Do you love me now?”

  “Yes.” She whispered the word, afraid of what it meant. For so long she’d been hiding her feelings, trying to keep him at arm’s length. He kept breaking her down though, shattering the ice that she’d tried to build around her heart.

  “You love me now?” he asked again.

  Staring into his eyes, she nodded. “Yes, I do. It’s why whenever we’ve fought or argued, it’s hurt more than anything else in the world.”

  “I was never with Chloe. Once I was with you, I wasn’t with anyone else until you told me there was no way you were ever going out with me again. I think I knew then that I loved you. It kind of freaked me out.”

  “You still slept with other people.”

  “Because I truly thought that you and I didn’t stand a chance.”

  She squeezed his hand, keeping their connection even though she was tempted to pull away.

  Pulling away wasn’t an option.

  This was their chance, and she was determined to make it work. “Do you feel trapped with me, Sasha, and Luke?” she asked.

  “No. You’re my family, and I’ve been trying to find ways of showing to you that I’ve grown up. That I want to be part of your life. To show you how much I love you.”

  She waited for his question.

  “Have you ever wanted to be with anyone else?” he asked.

  “I’ve thought about finding someone else. Sometimes I thought it would be easier after our arguments to just be with someone, but whenever I’m with you, nothing else matters. The world fades, and it’s like we’re the only two people that are there. How can I be with someone when I feel that way with you?” She stared past his shoulder. “I wanted to get over you, but I didn’t want to hurt someone else in the process.” She saw the pain in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “It’s fine. I completely understand.” He stroked her hands, and she hated that she’d hurt him. “I love you, Molly. I won’t ever hurt you again. I promise.”

  He released her hand and cupped her cheek. The moment he touched her, she felt like the past faded away, and all that was between them were the two of them.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head against his shoulder. “I love you, too.”

  He tightened his hold around her, and she smiled. “Say it again.”

  “I love you, Dale. I’ve loved you for a long time.”

  He pulled away enough to take possession of her lips. In the next second, he picked her up, and she broke the kiss to gasp. “Put me down. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “Nope, not going to happen. You’re way too light for me to hurt myself. There’s nothing to you.”

  “That is a total lie. You and I both know I’ve got a lot more fat on me.”

  He put her down and gripped her ass. “Don’t I know it, and it’s all h
ere.” He squeezed her flesh, making her gasp.

  “Well, well, well, Dale, you’ve got me in the bedroom.”

  “I have, and you know, we’ve had sex everywhere but in the bedroom.”

  She licked her lips. “Have we?”

  “A car, wall, sofa, table, but I can’t seem to remember what it was like on a bed.” His fingers grazed the button of her shirt.

  Molly didn’t stop him as he began to unbutton her shirt. She tugged on his, pulling it over the top of his head and throwing it to the floor. He pushed hers off once all the buttons were open, and it spilled in a heap on the floor.

  They both fought to get naked, and finally, they stood before each other, her in lingerie while he stood in his boxers.

  His hands touched her hips once more, and she couldn’t help but admire his hands against her body. They were so large that even the smallest touch seemed to be possessive, and she loved it when he was like that.

  “I love your hips,” he said, sliding his fingers across her stomach. She had a few stretch marks from carrying their babies, but she didn’t pull away from him, or try to hide. “Our babies have been there.” His palm cupped her stomach before moving up to touch her tits. “You fed them from these?”


  He teased the strap down her shoulders, keeping his gaze on her. The cups eased away from her breasts, and still he didn’t look.

  Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, his gaze went to her tits.

  “Oh, baby.” He stroked his thumb back and forth. “So pretty. So mine.” He pressed her tits together, flicking his tongue across each peak.

  She gasped, her head falling back just a little as he pinched one bud at the same time sucking the other into his mouth.

  Pleasure filled her entire body. Her pussy pulsed, and she couldn’t get enough of his touch. Sinking her fingers into his hair, she tried to hold on to him, to keep him close. He took her hands and placed them at her sides.

  “Tonight, I get to explore this body. I get to explore what belongs to me.”

  Slowly, he eased her to the bed, and when she sat down, she came face to face with his cock. He was rock-hard, pressing against the front of his boxers. Licking her lips, she glanced up at him.

  “Lie back.”

  “You want me to think of England as well?” she asked, smiling.

  “No, I want you to think about how good my cock is going to feel being deep inside you.” He gripped her panties and pulled them from her body, making her gasp.

  Dale spread open her thighs, and she stared up at the ceiling. The tips of his fingers skimmed along her legs, and she opened them even wider. He stroked the hairs covering her pussy but pulled away before she could beg for more.

  She tried to press up to feel his touch, but he left, making her whimper.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “You. I only want you.”

  His hand covered her pussy, and she wriggled, trying to get him to touch where she wanted him.

  “Please,” she said.

  “What do you want?” He repeated the question.

  “I want you to touch me.”

  “I am touching you.”

  “No, more, please. I need more.”

  Slowly, he slid a single finger between her folds. He circled around her clit before sliding down, filling her pussy. “You’re so wet, baby. You want me? You want this?”

  “Yes. Please, Dale. Don’t stop.”

  He pinched her clit, which caused her to cry out. Dale didn’t linger as he slowly moved his fingers down, filling her pussy with two this time. She screamed his name as his tongue attacked her clit. She hadn’t even sensed he moved before he began to lick, suck, and lap at her pussy.

  “You taste so fucking good. I always knew you would.” He muttered the words against her sex, and she gripped the sheets beneath her, trying to keep control. Her orgasm was already building, and she didn’t want it to. She wanted this to last.

  The pleasure of his tongue and fingers was too much. Screaming his name, she came. He pressed his other hand against her stomach, keeping her on the bed, not allowing her to move. Dale continued to torment her pussy, drawing more pleasure from her, until he finally let her go.

  She opened her eyes as he crawled between her thighs.

  His cock pressed against her slit, and she gasped when the tip bumped her nub, wreaking havoc with her need, heightening it.

  “You look ever so pretty and sexy when you come.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. He took both of her hands, pressing them above her head, keeping her secure.

  When it came to this man, she trusted him more than anything else in the world. He’d been the love of her life for so long, and she knew that no matter what, he’d never hurt her. Their crossed words may have hurt, but that was all in the past.

  Molly was determined to start afresh, to not let their history dictate how their present and future would be.

  With her hands secured in one of his, the other he reached between them, and she moaned as the tip of his cock pressed against her entrance.

  Staring into his eyes, she bit on her lip as he slammed every single inch inside her. “This is how it was always supposed to be with us,” he said, pulling her lip from between her teeth.

  He cupped her face and took possession of her lips. Dale stayed completely still, and she felt each pulse and ripple of his cock.

  The pleasure was instant, and she knew there was no backing away now. Dale owned her, heart and soul.

  Slowly, he began to make love to her, sliding in and out, taking his time, and she felt every single inch of his cock as he filled her.

  He didn’t rush, kissing her lips, holding her close, and they finally found their pace together, loving more than they’d ever done before.

  “You are my entire world,” he said.

  They came together, crying out, grasping each other, and Molly wouldn’t change it for anything.

  Afterward, he rolled over and she cupped his face, knowing that they had finally moved on.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for a very long time.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes. You’re a woman that deserves to be made love to, and I’ve never been given the chance to show you how damn much I love you.”

  She chuckled. “That wasn’t too bad.”

  “You know, even after six years together, you still drive me wild. You’re the first person I think about when I wake up, and you’re who I think about when I go to sleep.”

  “I think about you all the time. When I look at the kids, I see you. I don’t regret getting pregnant with them, or what we’ve shared.”

  He kissed her again, and she felt his cock begin to thicken once more. Holding him close, she gave herself completely to him, and this time, she was sure she felt him do the same.


  “Just go in there and apologize. It’s nothing bad, or mean. Just be the good guy. You said some nasty shit, and now you’re over it.” Max saw the door of the bakery. It was six in the morning, and he was completely crazy to do this. Aria had taken over the early morning shift to help June rest while she was getting further on in her pregnancy. Trey had updated him with everything that was going on. Max had also been helping babysit Sasha and Luke. At first Trey and June had been unsure about letting him look after the kids. The moment they saw him, and cried out, “Uncle Max” it had been clear he’d spent a great deal of time with them. He had in a way.

  Molly was a sweet girl, and an even nicer woman. She’d needed help at times with mowing the lawn, and taking out the trash, and he’d been more than happy to help her. This wasn’t because he had any feelings for her either. When he looked at Molly, he saw more of a sister than a potential lover.

  Probably a good thing, seeing as his best friend had a hard-on for her and they had kids together.

  He was still pissed off about that though. Being the last one to find out the truth had hurt.

e were times he knew he wasn’t a great guy. He was the number one asshole in Winters Fall, and he allowed for the title. Women flocked to him because he knew how to have a good time, and he was fine with that. Totally fine. What they needed to realize that when he was done, he was done, and they could all fuck off.

  That made him a bad guy. It couldn’t be that bad though.

  They always kept coming back for more no matter how badly he spoke to them or treated them. It was kind of freaky, actually.

  “Just do this.”

  He’d started talking to himself over the past couple of days, and he didn’t like it. He figured it made him look like a crazy person.

  Opening the door, he entered the bakery.

  “Just a minute,” Aria said.

  He didn’t say anything as he waited.

  Finally, after a minute she came out, and looked so damn cute. Flour streaked across one cheek, and they were red from kneading dough. See, he did pay attention to what he’d been told.

  The smile that was on her lips died the moment she saw him.

  She stood near the counter, and for the longest time neither of them spoke. He hated that she withdrew into herself, and looked anywhere but at him.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, blurting the words out.

  “What?” she asked.

  “The way I spoke to you in high school, and what I called you. I was having a bad day, and I shouldn’t have done it.”

  For the longest time she didn’t say anything.

  “Can I get you anything?” she asked.

  “Do you accept my apology?”

  He saw the tears in her eyes, and he felt like the biggest prick in the world.

  “You want me to accept an apology from you, even though what you called me, turned my life into something worse than it already was?” she asked.


  “I was invisible for a long time. No one cared about the fat redhead. I could go up and down the halls as if I was a ghost. I liked it like that. You were in your last year, and after that I had two years of them defacing my locker. Calling me a lard ass. Someone even got an entire truckload of lard delivered to the school. They dumped it on my car. You want me to forgive you because you were having a bad day?”

  Max saw the pain he’d caused her that he’d not even meant to do. It had all been an accident.


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