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Lifting Tail for the Alpha

Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  “I can scent yours as well.” Xav’s voice was low, dark, but filled with a hell of a lot of desire. “Yet you ignored me until this point. Why?” The electricity bounced between them, but neither made a move. Arsen couldn’t deny he had kept his distance, but there were pack laws, ones that deemed he was to marry an alpha female when he ascended the rank, even if he didn’t want that. But having this male, this one who was alpha in his own right but so very submissive as well, want him, too, had everything else fleeing his mind. He didn’t give a shit about pack laws, or that he was to marry a female. All he cared about was this male in front of him. The only problem was, as he kept inhaling the bobcat’s scent, he couldn’t stand the thought of only having one night with him.

  “What should I have told you? That I desire you, need you, want to fuck the shit out of you?” He took a step closer and growled low in his throat when Xav moved one back. Instantly the bobcat stilled. Arsen was about to take a whole lot from Xav, and there was no one and nothing that would stop him.

  Chapter Two

  Arsen reached out, curled his hand around the back of Xav’s neck, and pulled him toward his face. For long moments all they did was stare at each other, and then the wolf in Arsen snapped and growled and took what it wanted. Slamming his mouth on Xav’s, he didn’t go slowly in thrusting his tongue past the seam of his lips and into the hot, spicy cavern of Xav’s mouth. It was then, when he had the first taste of Xavier that he knew this wasn’t just a male he wanted to fuck, but his mate. He broke away and stumbled back a step. He stared at the other male, his lips still tingling with electricity, and his mind reeling over the revelation. He was breathing just as hard as Xav, and the conclusion on the bobcat’s face was evident. Yeah, he fucking knew the truth as well. Everything he felt for Xav now made sense. Arsen should have turned and left, gone back to his perfectly rounded and ordered life and forgotten about the man that wasn’t just a man at all, but the one person born to be his. Instead Arsen moved closer, stared into Xav’s green eyes, and took his mouth again. Their deep groans filled the small balcony, but Arsen didn’t care if anyone heard. He wanted the sounds of their pleasure filling his ears, and wanted Xavier to grunt out Arsen’s name as he came long and hard. Fuck, but he really wanted to hear that.

  Xav instantly growled and groaned, and thrust his tongue against Arsen’s. He gripped strands of Arsen’s hair, tugged on them hard, and bit the bottom of his lip. Arsen grunted in response, tasted the tangy, metallic flavor of blood, and gave as hard as this little bobcat did. Pushing him against the iron railing, he pressed his erection into Xavier’s. They both made deep unintelligible sounds deep in their throats, but it wasn’t nearly enough. Arsen knew it would never be enough. Breaking the kiss, Arsen trailed his mouth along Xav’s strong, square jaw, loved that he hadn’t shaved in a day and his scruff abraded his mouth, and growled low.

  “It fucking feels good to have your mate touch you, doesn’t it?”

  Xav purred, and Arsen realized he wanted to hear more of what the feline breed had to give. “Shit, you know it does.”

  Why hadn’t they done this sooner? Why hadn’t he been the bigger male and just gone after what he wanted, and not let what others might think control how he felt? He had been a fool, but no more. He would do whatever the fuck he wanted, and that started with claiming his mate good and hard. Xav pressed his own hardness against Arsen, and he knew he couldn’t wait any longer and fuck around with this making out bullshit. They ground their erections against each other, their noises growing more animalistic by the second. No matter how good it felt, he wanted this male beneath him now. Using all of his strength he forced himself to move away from his mate, took his hand, and led him back into the bedroom.

  The sounds of the party going on downstairs and outside were loud, but none of that mattered. He had his mate right where he wanted him, had waited long enough to claim him, and was going to relieve both of their aches. There was a flash of uncertainty and some other kind of emotion on Xavier’s face. “You’re thinking too hard.” He moved closer, smelled the male’s uncertainty, and knitted his brows. “You don’t have to think, just feel what’s happening between us.”

  “I—” Xav looked around, anywhere and everywhere except for meeting Arsen’s gaze. “This is all new to me, and going very fast.” Arsen’s heart beat hard and fast in his chest. His wolf was right on the fucking verge of attacking Xav, ripping his clothes off, and sinking into his tight ass. He wanted to claim the other male, wanted him to realize that there was nothing that would keep him from taking what was his. Arsen couldn’t walk away from him, and he scented the fact Xavier felt the same way. So why was he hesitant?

  “You want me. I want you. I don’t see what there is to think about, baby.” Arsen took another step closer and reached behind his head to grip the back of his shirt and pull it over his head. “I shouldn’t have stopped what I wanted to do to you, or that I wanted to be with you more than with anyone else.” He tossed the material to the side and went for the button of his jeans. He wouldn’t force his mate to do anything he didn’t want to do, but if he needed a little temptation to wash away the uncertainty then he could deliver. That thought had him grinning, especially when Xav looked at his bared chest, and then moved his gaze lower to where his cock pressed against the zipper of his jeans. “You can’t hide your arousal, baby, not from me.” Arsen undid his pants, pushed them down his thighs, and kicked them aside. He wasn’t wearing any underwear, and when he took hold of the root of his dick and started stroking himself, he could see the walls that his mate had erected around himself slowly crumbling. He took another step, and another, but then Xav held up his hand for him to stop.

  “Wait.” Xav swallowed roughly before continuing. “I have never done this.”

  Confusion settled into Arsen before he assumed what the bobcat was talking about. “Neither have I, baby. You’re my first male, too. But you’re the only one I want to ever fuck again, Xavier.”

  The bobcat closed his eyes briefly, and when he opened them again the green irises seemed to glow. “You don’t understand. I’ve never had sex.” He paused for a moment. “With a male or a female.” Arsen stood frozen in place, unsure if he had just heard him right. “Yeah, you heard me right. I’m a fucking virgin.” Xav’s anger rose, and Arsen wondered if he had spoken aloud. His mate curled his lip, showing the wild bobcat he housed inside of that big muscular body, and a spike of potent arousal slammed into him. The rumble that left Arsen was one of male satisfaction. His male was fresh and untouched. It wouldn’t have mattered either way because Arsen wanted him regardless, but knowing that Xav had never been with anyone had a violent wave of possessiveness moving through him. He crashed into the other male, gripped his hair and yanked his head back, and took his mouth in a brutal kiss.

  “I fucking love that I’ll be your first,” he said against his mate’s mouth. Arsen kissed Xav hard and long, biting, nipping, and licking until the flavor of his mate’s spilled blood covered his tongue. But his mate gave as good as he took, and soon Arsen was feeling the sting of pain from his cat’s bites, and the taste of blood. “And I fucking love that I’ll be your last.” He took hold of Xav’s hair tighter and pulled his head back so they were looking at each other in the eye. “And I will be your last, Xavier. There isn’t any other male or female that will touch what’s mine. Understand?” His mate narrowed his eyes at him and bared his teeth.

  “So now you want to claim me?” He snapped at him, and Arsen’s cock jerked forward.

  “If I would have known you were mine before now I would have fucked that sweet ass of yours long ago.” He lowered his head, inhaled the scent that laced his mate’s flesh, and ran the tip of his tongue along the muscular arch of Xav’s throat. “And I’m yours, baby. I really am fucking yours. I don’t want anyone else, and I haven’t even fucking had you yet, but I know as soon as my cock is buried deep inside of your body, that you will ruin all others for me.” He bit at Xav’s throat, loved the mo
an erupting from the other male, and ground his cock into him. He needed those fucking clothes off of his mate, needed to feel his bare skin along his, and needed to be with him in the most animalistic ways. “Let’s put everything behind us, the fact we never came to one another, and the realization that if not for this one moment we wouldn’t have found out we are each other’s mates.” He kissed Xavier’s neck, moved his tongue up the salty and stubbled flesh, and captured his mate’s mouth again. “Just say you’re mine, because I sure as hell am yours,” he murmured against Xav’s mouth.

  Finally, Xav moaned and let loose. In-between kissing each other roughly, the rest of the clothing was removed until their naked bodies were pressed together. At the first touch of the bobcat’s thick, hot length, Arsen felt the first bead of pre-cum line the tip of his shaft. Reaching between them while their tongues swirled together, he took hold of Xavier’s cock and started stroking it in long tugs.

  “Ugh, fuck.” Arsen smiled against his mouth, tilted his head, and deepened the kiss. He adjusted his hold so he could grip both of their cocks in one hand. Stroking the rock hard flesh at the same time had both of them shaking in ecstasy. It wasn’t just Arsen that had pre-cum. The tip of his mate’s dick was getting slicker by the moment, and Arsen’s mouth watered for a taste. He had never done anything like this before, but it was like he was on autopilot, like his instincts had taken over now that his mate was with him. Nothing else mattered, and everything fell right into place.

  He pushed Xav onto the bed, and the sight of the male’s hard dick slapping against his belly and of his huge balls resting on the mattress nearly had Arsen coming right then and there. Shit, he knew as soon as he bottomed out inside of his mate he wouldn’t last five fucking minutes.

  Chapter Three

  Xavier couldn’t believe this was fucking happening. Here he was, sprawled out butt ass naked in front of Arsen. Not only that but this alpha wolf was his mate, and about to claim him in every conceivable way. Arsen was just as nude as he was, his cock long and thick, hard and glistening with pre-cum at the tip. Xav wanted to leaned forward and lick him clean, run his tongue along the slit until there was no fluid left. Not only was he about to have the male he had been fantasizing for far longer than he even cared to admit, but Arsen was his, and there wasn’t anything that could change that.

  His fucking mate.

  He had heard enough about other shifters finding that one person that completed them, that made all others grossly lack in comparison, to know that this was a lifelong commitment and not to be taken lightly. But never had he thought it would happen to him. Could this be why he had been so attracted to Arsen, why he felt this invisible connection that was like a cord tightening around his cock with resounding force? There were a lot of “what ifs” that played through his mind, but they were far less important than what was going on right now. His mate had a fucking body to die for, all hard lines, defined muscles, and raw power. Arsen’s abdomen flexed, and his six pack became shadowed and tight. That hot as hell V that led right to his shaft was ripped and firm, and begging for Xav’s mouth.

  Arsen was his mate, and he was about to have sex with him. Nothing would ever be the same. Xav had never been this hard, and had never wanted something or someone as much as he did the wolf before him. Arsen gripped the root of his cock, slowly slid his hand up, and stopped when he got to the tip. He squeezed out another bead of pre-cum, and Xav’s dick throbbed in need. His nuts were big weights right below his impressive length, and Xav wanted to lick them, suck those golf sized balls into his mouth and then do the same to his cock.

  “You’re looking at me like you want to taste me, Xav.” Arsen said in a low, husky voice, one that was more wolf than human. Xav licked his lips, not trusting his voice. “Well come here then, mate. Suck on my dick like you’re starving for it.” He moved closer, and Xav pushed himself up so he was now sitting on the edge of the mattress. He had thought about it doing this with Arsen so many times, jerked off to it even, but never imagined his fantasies would be a reality. Would he suck at it, no pun intended? Although there was a surge of pleasure knowing that Arsen liked the fact he was a virgin in all senses of the word. He had experimented with a couple of females where it concerned kissing and touching, but there had been absolutely no desire to progress things, so he had just given up on all of that. But he wasn’t about to give up on this.

  Taking hold of Arsen’s cock he tested the length in his hand. Shifters were naturally well endowed, and Xav knew enough to know that mates knotted. The base of their dicks grew even more substantial, locking them inside of their mates as they came.. Knotting. That one word had moisture beading at the crown of his shaft, and he fidgeted. What would it feel like to have Arsen buried in his ass, and that hard, thick bundle at the root of his length lock him in place as he climaxed? He didn’t know, but he sure as fuck was going to find out. Xav started to glide his hand up and down the length, and everything inside of him tightened. He moved his face closer to Arsen’s erection, but stopped right before his mouth made contact with the tip of the wolf’s length. The scent of him was like nothing he had ever smelled: musky, potent, and with a hint of citrus. For several seconds all he did was stare at the cock in front of him, wanting this so fucking badly, but also feeling apprehension. Arsen gripped the short hair in the back of his head, and tugged on the strands until Xav was forced to look into his face. His mate bared his teeth, and the exquisite pheromones that came from the wolf were making him drunk with desire.

  “Quit fucking second guessing things. I am your mate, standing right in front of you, and you and I both know you want to suck my dick.” Arsen leaned down so their mouths were inches apart. “So fucking suck it.”

  The alpha-ness that came from Arsen would have knocked anyone on their ass and instilled a dose of fear in them, but all it did to Xav was turn him the fuck on. He had always thought he was a dominant male, and he was, but when it came to being the mate of the future alpha, he was sure as fuck not in control. Opening his mouth and doing exactly what both of them needed desperately, he sucked the head in, swirled his tongue along the bulbous crown, and lapped at the salty pre-cum that spilled from the tip. A groan came from Arsen, which fueled his own pleasure to take him deeper. Arsen tasted so fucking good. Instinct just took over, and he bobbed his head up and down the length, trying to get as much as he could in his mouth, but not nearly able to take it all in. Seems Arsen had other plans, though.

  “You’ll fucking take it all the way to the back of your throat, mate.” He growled the last word and tightened his hand in Xav’s hair for only a second before he was pushing his hips farther into his mouth. When the tip of his erection hit the back of his throat Xav’s gag reflex kicked up. “Yeah, that’s it. That’s the sound of you really fucking taking it.” Arsen cupped each side of his head, and started fucking his mouth. His dick slid between his lips fast and smooth, and the accumulation of Xav’s saliva and the jets of Arsen filling his mouth with pre-cum, had fluid seeping down Xav’s chin and dripping onto his chest. It was hot as fuck, and right when he felt the pulse of that elusive knot start to form at the base of Arsen’s erection, he was pushed back with enough force that his back bounced off the mattress once. “Get on your stomach, Xav.”

  Arsen’s voice was deep and sharp, like broken glass sliding over his skin. Xav’s heart was pounding so hard that it felt as if it would burst right through his ribcage. Moving into the position his future alpha wanted had his ass in perfect view. For several long seconds nothing was said, no movement was made, and even the air seemed to still. Looking over his shoulder showed Arsen’s gaze transfixed on his rear. He stroked himself with hard, but languid strokes.

  “You’re thinking too hard.” Xav threw back Arsen’s words, and slowly the wolf lifted his eyes to his. The flash of his wolf made an appearance, and the smile that he gave Xav was predatory in nature.

  “The only thing I’m thinking about is how hard and deep I plan on fucking your ass.” Xav c
ouldn’t hold back the groan that came from him. But instead of Arsen moving closer he turned and started walking toward the bathroom that was connected to the room. With his back toward him Xav got the delicious view of his firm, muscular bottom, his narrow hips, and the wide, defined expanse of his back. Covering the entire width of it was the tribal wolf tattoo, one that all alphas got etched into their flesh when they reached adulthood. The lines were dark, sharp, and it was like that animal was staring right at him, calling for Xav on a primal level. It only took a minute for Arsen to get whatever he had gone in there for, but he stopped once more, reached into his pants pocket on the floor, and grabbed a condom. When he finally made it back to Xav he was still hard, still leaking pre-cum, and had that animalistic look in his eyes that said Xav was the prey and he was about to attack. He held up the condom in one hand and the lube in the other, and gave a lopsided smirk.

  “You’ve never done this before?” Arsen shook his head, and Xav was shocked that for a male that claimed he had never fucked another man, Arsen was prepared. Right now he felt like he was drunk, but that also had to do with the fact the scent of Arsen saturated the room.

  Arsen cocked a brow and said, “Now get on your damn hands and knees and let me see the ass that now belongs to me.”

  Holy fuck. Once Xav was in position his whole body shook with anticipation, excitement, and a little trepidation. The sound of the condom being opened, and then of Arsen grunting as he no doubt slid that Magnum down his cock, slammed into Xav with so much force his arms nearly buckled. He expected the feel of cold lube to precede what was about to happen, but instead he felt the warm, humid breath of Arsen along the cheeks of his bottom.


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