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Listen Pitch

Page 14

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  It’d been when he’d been informed that he couldn’t find a release for about a week that he started showing outward signs of being inconvenienced at not being allowed to use my body when he wanted to.

  Which seemed to be a lot lately.

  “What are you going to do to make me hard? Because swear to God, Hen. This place is honestly giving me the creeps. I’m scared to even lean against the counter at this point.”

  I didn’t mince words or waste any time.

  I was ready to be out of there, and for that to happen, he had to deposit his goods in the cup across the room.

  The moment I hit my knees, his eyes widened.


  I started to unbuckle his jeans, and pull them down his muscular thighs, all the while keeping my eyes on the target—his cock.

  The moment that I had his jeans down around his ankles, I tugged his Under Armour underwear down, momentarily admiring them.

  He’d gotten them to try last week from one of his sponsors, and though he hadn’t liked them all that much, I had. I’d also told him so, and he’d gone out and gotten a few more pairs.

  Now it was all I ever saw him in.

  It was awesome, because the light, tight fabric fit him like a second skin.

  And clearly showed how aroused he was with me on my knees despite being in a sterile room at a doctor’s office.

  “Now, focus,” I said, tugging down the waistband of his underwear to reveal his cock.

  His fully engorged cock that came to a stop about a half inch from my face when I tugged it free of its confines.

  Moments after it stopped bobbing, I leaned forward and sucked the head in my mouth.

  He hissed out a breath and growled, his hands going to my hair where he didn’t pull but rested them.

  He’d never force me in any way.

  Sometimes, I almost wish he would, though.

  These dark desires, ones that I’d never had with any other person, started to take root inside of me.

  I wanted him to dominate me. I wanted him to show me how much he needed and wanted me by taking what I was freely offering him.

  Rhys’ hand tightened in my hair, and he pulled until I was looking up his body at him, the head of his cock resting on my lower lip.

  “You’re not paying attention.”

  I knew that my eyes dilated, because I saw the way he studied my face.

  I tried to hide how much I liked the way his hand tightened, but he tilted his head and studied me closer.

  He reached for his cock and gripped it at the base, his thumb going about halfway up his shaft as he guided his cock over my lips.

  I felt the added wetness there, indicating that his pre-come was likely now covering my lips right along with my saliva, and felt a shiver tear through me.

  He didn’t miss a thing, my Rhys.

  So, he did it again, this time being sure to push his cock a little farther into my mouth, so I could taste his pre-come and not just feel it against my lips.

  An inadvertent moan slipped free of my mouth, vibrating against the head of his cock, and he growled in response.

  “Fuck,” he rasped. “You like this, don’t you, baby?”

  I could do nothing but nod.

  That’s when things got out of hand.

  I forgot that this was a doctor’s office. I forgot that we’d come in here to do things that would’ve been better behind the closed doors of our bedroom. I forgot about anything and everything but Rhys, and the way he was making me feel.

  I closed my eyes as his cock slipped farther into my mouth, rubbing against the soft palate. I swirled my tongue around the head, swirling off yet another drop of pre-come.

  His cock, so thick and soft, filled my mouth almost completely with just the head.

  Then he started to feed the rest of it to me, rubbing against the back of my throat with each thrust. Saliva started to pool in my mouth, and if I didn’t swallow soon, I’d be drooling.

  Yet he didn’t seem to care.

  And when I opened my eyes and started to lift my hand to wipe the saliva away, he shook his head. “Don’t.”

  I stopped with my hand halfway to my face and then dropped it back to my knee.

  “Put your hands behind your back.”

  I did as he bid, and he started to go a little farther, this time to that point where I was on the verge of gagging.

  “Ah, fuck.” He hissed. “I’ve wanted to fuck myself down that pretty little throat all damn day.”

  Everything I’d ever wanted from him happened then. He held nothing back, giving me everything that I’d ever imagined he’d give me when he finally fought past that iron control of his.

  He fucked my throat, like a man possessed, and just when I thought he was going to blow his load in my throat, he pulled back.

  He panted, his eyes closed as he allowed his cock to rest against my mouth.

  “Take your shorts off,” he rasped.

  I didn’t hesitate.

  One second, I was on my knees, and the next I was yanking my shorts off without taking off my shoes.

  In my haste to untangle myself, I nearly tipped over, but he caught me with his hands firmly planted on my hips.

  “Easy, baby.”

  I didn’t feel ‘easy.’ I felt like I was in a different world. As if I was watching the goings on from a window—from the outside looking in.

  But I finally got my pants and shoes off, and just when I was about to turn to jump him, he pulled my hips with one hand while he pushed on my back with the other. “Bend over.”

  I did, and as soon as my pussy was exposed, he notched the head of his cock up with my entrance and pushed inside.

  I’d never, not as long as I lived, get used to how big Rhys was.

  His dick was wide and long, the head of his cock even bigger than that. And there wasn’t an inch to spare when he was inside of me.

  He filled me so full that sometimes I wondered if it was healthy to have something that big taking me.

  But then there were the other times when he was fucking me like he was doing now, that I realized that I couldn’t be more made for him than I was. It felt so good, felt so fucking right, that it could never be wrong.

  “Oh fuck,” he hissed. “You better be close, because you feel too goddamn good.”

  I was.

  I was never far behind him, and he saw to that.

  He’d never leave me behind.

  Even if it damn near killed him.

  “So fucking close,” he rasped.

  That knowledge that I was making him lose control was enough for me.

  My clit started to pulse, and I was coming. Clamping down so hard onto his thrusting cock that I couldn’t stop myself if I’d tried.

  He cursed and pulled out moments later. “Cup. Oh, fuck, where’s the cup?”

  I was halfway out of it, so it took me a moment to realize why we were there.

  I scrambled up, my pussy still pulsing, and reached for the cup.

  I had the lid off just in time for him to come.

  A half a spurt missed the cup and landed on my face, and I couldn’t help myself. I had to dart my tongue out and lick it off.

  That little bit was mine.

  The rest they could have.

  His eyes opened, and he watched me while he came, filling up the small specimen cup with his release.

  The moment he’d finished, his eyes closed.

  When his they flew back open, his eyes were shining with laughter.

  “Almost forgot why we were here.”

  “You and me both.”

  He pulled away gently, and I was careful to replace the lid on the cup before setting it on the floor and standing up.

  It was weird not to have him coming inside of me. We’d spent the last few weeks fucking like crazy, and not one time had he come anywhere but inside of me.

  But, after my period had co
me and gone a few days ago, we’d been a little disheartened.

  Luckily, we had our backup plan in place, and today was the day that we got this entire thing started.

  “You okay?”

  I untangled my shoes from my pants and then slipped the shorts back on.

  I forwent putting the panties on. They were so wet that I knew they’d be uncomfortable.

  Rhys, watching me, reached for them, and then slipped them into his pocket while offering me a wink.

  I blushed while surreptitiously watching him dress out of the corner of my eye.

  But I didn’t object to his panty snatching ways. If I were being honest, I liked the way he was so over the top sometimes.

  “Ready, Freddy?” I asked once I had my shoes on.

  He winked and bent for the cup.

  Once he had it in his hand, he placed it on the counter where we were instructed to leave it once we were done and headed for the door.

  I was proud to say that I only blushed for a few seconds as we passed a few of the nurses.

  Luckily, I missed the way their eyes were filled with envy as he guided me down the hall to my own appointment.


  After much discussion, we’d decided to place two embryos in each surrogate.

  Rhys was at my side as they harvested the eggs, and not once did he let go of my hand.

  And later that night, we were informed that if all went well, tomorrow morning the fertilized eggs would be placed in our donors.

  Our entire life was about to change.

  Chapter 25

  When you say something really fucked up out loud, and everyone thinks you’re kidding. But you’re not kidding.

  -Rhys’ secret thoughts


  Two weeks later

  All four embryos have been implanted and have taken. If all goes well, you should both be parents in exactly eight months and…


  Strike two.

  “Get your head in the game, motherfucker!” Coach called from the dugout.

  I winced and looked at the pitcher.

  My eyes watched as he dragged his knuckles against the laces of the ball, and I read the ball as it came off his fingertips. Knuckleball.

  I planted my right foot, then swung where I expected the ball to be. And connected.

  The ball flew like a missile straight through the infield, splitting the two players in center and right field.

  The ball hit the wall, and I was already halfway to second base.

  I rounded second and hit third and was about to head home when the third base coach held me at third. “Stop!”

  I did, coming to a halt on the bag and looking around.

  The ball hit the pitcher’s glove two seconds later, and I aimed an angry look at the third base coach. “Could’ve made that.”


  The third base coach, Danny Dan Daniels—his real name was Daniel Daniels, no shit—shrugged.

  He didn’t seem like he cared one single fuck, even though I knew he did.

  “You’ve been off your game tonight,” he eyed me. “I didn’t want you to get thrown out at home when we need the run.”

  He was right.

  I had been off my game tonight.


  And all of it had to do with the phone call that Henley had relayed to me.

  Four kids.

  Four fucking embryos had ‘taken.’


  That was a whole lot of fucking kids.

  And four likely meant that I’d never have any more with Henley the right way.

  For some reason, that really fucking bothered me.

  Like, way more than it probably should have.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Rivera! Run, goddammit!”

  That was said by both the third base coach, and the head coach that was all the way back in the dugout across the entire damn field.

  I ran.

  And made it back just in time for the ball to come flying at my head.

  I slid on my belly and touched the plate with the tip of two fingers as I slid completely away from the catcher who was inches away from touching my face with the leather of his glove.

  “Close one,” the pitcher drawled.

  I looked up and offered my old friend my hand.

  “You’ll never catch me,” I told him.

  Rhodes locked his hand with mine.

  “You doing okay?” He looked at me in concern.

  I let go of his hand and dusted myself off, my eyes automatically going to the stands for my wife—who I knew wasn’t there.

  Henley had the flu, just like the rest of the county, state, and country.

  Unfortunately for her, it also came with strep throat, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

  I’d left her in the care of her sister at home, and I’d been looking at her empty goddamn seat all night.

  I was fuckin’ lost without her, and honestly? That scared the shit out of me.

  It was as if, one day, I’d woken up and she’d become the center of my world.


  From the moment that I’d woken from that coma, my life had irrevocably changed.

  I didn’t scare her. I didn’t intimidate her. I didn’t hate her.

  I fucking loved her.

  A lot.

  So much that I’d been thinking about her all night, and our future kids.

  “I’m fine,” I told him. “Head hurts a little bit every once in a while, but ultimately, I feel like the same Rhys…just older.”

  The head thing was luckily the truth.

  Over the weeks that had followed my deposit into the sperm bank, my head had started to get back on track with my norm, and the headaches were coming fewer and further between.

  Rhodes laughed. “Aren’t we all getting there, man.”

  I picked up the previous hitter’s bat, and walked off the field to the dugout, ignoring the warning glare I received from the coach on my way past him.

  “Need to get your head in the game,” he muttered as I passed.

  No fuckin’ shit.

  “So…my bet is it was either the call from your wife, or the call from your wife’s brother.”

  I grimaced.

  My wife’s brother, Tyler Cree, had also called me today.

  But that one I hadn’t answered.

  I’d been on the way out to the field, and there hadn’t been time.

  Apparently, from what I could tell from the voicemail I’d heard, Henley had been dodging Tyler’s calls, and their mother had given my phone number to him.


  The sharp crack of a ball and a bat connecting had me glancing back up to the game, and I sighed when the pitcher caught the ball before it could even make it to the infield.

  “Shit,” I muttered, reaching for my glove.

  I was halfway out of the dugout when I was stopped by Coach.

  “Listen to me,” he said. “If you don’t get your head out of your ass, I’m pulling you out. I can’t afford for you to be hurt. Not with playoffs right around the corner.”

  I grinned.

  “I’ll be fine. My head’s in the game,” I lied.

  He grunted and let me go, and I ran to the exact spot where I liked to stand.

  The next three innings went about as expected. Three up, three down.

  Our pitcher, Gentry, was pitching a no-hitter, and with it being the sixth inning, whispers were starting to make their way around the stadium.

  Would Coach pull him? Would he play the entire game? Who would they put in for him?

  It was my turn up at bat again when I saw some man sit in Henley’s seat.

  I narrowed my eyes and realized that that ‘man’ was actually her brother.

  I hadn’t met him in person yet, but I could tell it was him from the pictures that were stashed around our house now.

  I struck o
ut looking.

  God. Fucking. Dammit.


  I rushed out of the side door that led out into the parking lot, in a hurry to get home to Henley.

  I was turning into a real bitch, that was for sure.

  Before Henley, I hadn’t ever rushed home. I would party, invite some of the boys over, or even go out to a bar and drink a beer by myself.

  What I did not do was rush home and talk to the woman I was currently fucking—even though there hadn’t been too many of those.

  What I hadn’t planned on was to run into Henley’s brother, Tyler, as I rushed out to my truck.

  I came to a sudden halt when I saw him standing beside it, hands in his pockets, staring at me.

  “Tyler.” I offered him my hand.

  He took it, shook it two times, and then released it.

  His eyes stayed on me, though.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked neutrally.

  His eyes narrowed.

  “I’m not buying it.”

  I winced at Tyler’s words, knowing what he was thinking regardless of whether he’d put any explanation into his words.

  “Not buying what?” I questioned.

  “I’m not buying this marriage,” he said. “What’s going on?”

  I got angry.

  He didn’t know a goddamn thing that was going on, mainly because he wasn’t ever fuckin’ around.

  Though Henley and her sister had spoken of him often, not once had I seen him at any family dinners over the past few months that I’d been in the picture.

  And I knew damn well and good that Henley hadn’t kept our marriage a secret. She’d invited him.

  But, from what I’d heard, Tyler was a busy man. He’d taken over as chief of police for a corrupt police department about forty-five minutes south of town. However, that didn’t mean that he couldn’t have made a goddamn appearance in town once or twice.

  “You’re not buying the marriage,” I said slowly. “Who are you again?”

  Tyler narrowed his eyes. “People like you don’t choose people like my sister. They…”

  I held up my hand. “Your sister is perfect. And what exactly do you mean ‘people like my sister?’”

  Tyler’s eyebrows rose. “People like my sister—meaning deaf. You’re richer than God…what are you doing with her?”

  I frowned. “I’m married to her, Tyler. I love your sister. And, for your information, my sister is deaf, too.”


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