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The Outlaws: Jess

Page 5

by Connie Mason

  "Just give me the gown, I'll do it myself," Meg bit out.

  Jess searched her face. "Oh, I understand. You'd rather have Zach help you."

  Meg grit her teeth. What an impossible man! Whatever gave him the idea that Zach was her lover instead of the father she had adopted as her own? Her own father had given her away, without a thought to her welfare.

  "No," she said, slowly and precisely, "I'd rather do it myself."

  Jess handed her the nightgown and stood aside, arms crossed over his broad chest. "Very well. You're welcome to try."

  Meg grabbed the gown with her left hand. "Turn your back."

  Jess complied with incredible good humor.

  Meg's movements were clumsy as she tugged at her shirt with her left hand. She managed to shrug out of it without help, but when she attempted to pull her camisole over her head, pain stole her breath away and she whimpered.

  "Are you ready to accept my help now?" Jess asked.

  Meg glanced up. He had turned around and was watching her, compassion etched in every line of his face.

  "I can't stand to see someone suffer."

  Meg nodded, overwhelmed by waves of stabbing pain coursing down her right side.

  "I'll try not to hurt you." Carefully he raised her into a sitting position and worked her camisole strap down her left arm. He did the same with the right strap, lowering the garment until it was bunched around her waist. Immediately Meg's hands flew up to cover her breasts.

  Jess slanted her an amused glance. "They're beautiful, you know."

  "You're not supposed to notice."

  "I'm a doctor, not a dead man. Lift your hips," he ordered hoarsely as he unfastened the waistband of her trousers.

  Meg raised her hips and Jess slid her trousers down her hips, over her legs, and off, tossing them into a chair. His expression was unreadable as he removed her bloomers and camisole.

  Did Jess pause a moment longer than necessary, stare at her with more heat than a doctor should display? Meg wondered, feeling her cheeks flame.

  "Now for the nightgown," Jess said. "I'll ease it over your head first, then you can work your left arm into the sleeve. If it hurts too much to move your right arm, we can leave it."

  Meg had never known such gentleness from any man save Zach. She felt no pain, at least not from her injury, as Jess slipped her nightgown over her head and helped her ease her left arm inside the sleeve.

  "Shall we try the right arm or leave it as it is?" Jess asked.

  "I'd feel more comfortable with both arms inside the sleeves. The nightgown buttons down the front, almost to the waist, so you'll be able to treat my wound without removing my nightgown."

  "All right. Ready?"

  Meg sucked in a steadying breath and held it as Jess carefully eased her right arm into the sleeve. By the time he finished, tears were rolling down her cheeks.

  "Oh, God, Meg, I'm sorry," Jess said, wiping away her tears with the callused pads of his thumbs.

  "It's all right, Jess. I'll survive." She gave him a watery smile. "This will teach me to be more careful next time."

  Jess went still, his expression fierce. "There won't be a next time."

  Meg returned his scowl. "Who's going to stop me? Bounty hunting is my profession."

  "Zach might have something to say about that. He loves you. I think you love him, too."

  "Of course I love Zach," Meg exclaimed, indignant. "But that has nothing to do with anything. I'm my own woman. I've learned to make my own decisions. Life is never easy, Jess, as you probably know. It's even harder for a woman."

  "Not if a woman has a husband. Or in your case, a protector."

  "You're so damn sure of yourself, aren't you?"

  Jess heaved a weary sigh. "Meg, I didn't save your life so you can go out and take risks again. I had a talk with Zach. He agrees with me."

  "You've had a busy day," Meg said sourly.

  "You're right. I'm exhausted. I'm going to give you some laudanum to help you sleep. Zach will be here soon." He gave her a hard look. "And Meg, don't attempt any strenuous exercise until I say it's all right. I'm sure you know what I mean."

  "Strenuous..." His meaning finally became clear to her and she sent him a contemptuous look. "Don't worry, doctor, I'll try to control myself." She turned away.

  Jess captured her face between his hands, forcing her to look into his eyes. "Meg, I how it is between you and Zach, I'm not blind. As a doctor, I care what happens to you."

  "Of course," Meg answered dryly. "As a doctor."

  Meg was startled when those golden flecks in his eyes turned brittle with emotion. "If I wasn't a doctor, if I were just a man you had encountered by chance, I'd do this."

  Meg watched in utter fascination as Jess's lips hovered scant inches above hers. His cheeks bore a day's growth of beard and lines of exhaustion rimmed his eyes, but his lips...ah, his lips looked so soft and inviting that she felt herself being drawn irresistibly into his kiss. He let out a long, slow breath moments before his mouth closed over hers. A tiny moan slipped past her throat. The sound seemed to spur him on and he deepened the kiss. His tongue was in her mouth, and his hand...his hand was on her left breast, surprisingly gentle, shockingly arousing.

  His fingers found her nipple through the material of her nightgown. Meg felt heat spiral downward from where he touched her to her belly, and lower, oh God, yes, much lower. His hand followed the flaming path to the place between her legs that suddenly felt wet and swollen. She thought Jess must be feeling the same things she was for he groaned her name into her mouth. Then abruptly he broke off the kiss and stared at her with an utterly bewildered look on her face.

  "That's what I would do if I weren't a doctor," Jess whispered hoarsely. "Knowing that you and Zach are lovers wouldn't stop me, either. You're quite a woman, Meg Lincoln. You deserve better than Zach, but that's my opinion. Think about that kiss and how it would feel to be loved by a young, vigorous man."

  He poured a measure of laudanum into a glass and handed it to her. "Good night, Meg."

  Unconsciously Meg drained the glass before she realized what she had done. Jess watched her drink, then strode from the room. Meg watched him leave, wondering why he had kissed her with such passion. Jess Gentry presented a challenge she didn't need.

  Conceited ass, Meg thought, disgruntled. What made Jess think she would regard him at all? She knew about men. They were all the same. They took and took and then they used. She should know. She'd fallen victim to that kind of man once. Not that she would place Jess in the same category as Arlo. There was no comparison between the two. And that's where the danger lay. It would be easy to trust Jess; so easy for him. But she was afraid. Once bitten twice shy. Besides, men with secret pasts were better left alone.

  Zach arrived a few minutes later. "Is Jess gone?"

  Meg sent him a irritable look. "Do you see him anywhere?"

  Zach pulled the chair close to the bed and sat down. "What's wrong, honey? You like the doc, don't you?"

  "He saved my life. I'll always be grateful to him, but that doesn't mean he can dictate my life."

  "It's for your own good, Meggie-girl. This latest incident made me realize how vulnerable you are. You could have died. Even if I wanted to go with you I...I'm not up to it."

  She touched his beloved face. This man was incredibly dear. "You've been looking peaked lately. Is anything wrong? Maybe you should have Jess take a look at you."

  "Maybe," Zach said, refusing to meet her gaze. Abruptly he changed the subject. "Jess ain't like Arlo."

  Meg slanted him an curious glance. "How do you know? I don't trust any man who's secretive about his past. Jess is hiding something."

  "So are you, Meggie-girl. You and Jess alike in that respect. I've been studying him since he arrived, and I believe he's a good man. He certainly is a conscientious doctor."

  Meg's suspicion was aroused. What was Zach brewing in the back of his fertile brain? "What are you implying?"

h sent her an innocent stare. "Nothing, honey. Just keep an open mind where Jess Gentry is concerned."

  "Then you must keep an open mind about my profession. I have no intention of giving up bounty hunting. It provides us with a good living. Not all jobs are as dangerous as the one involving the Calder brothers. I just happened to stumble upon them and couldn't resist the chance to capture all three brothers at once."

  "You could have died, Meggie."

  "But I didn't. Go to bed, Zach. You look exhausted." She yawned hugely. "Jess gave me laudanum. I'll be asleep soon."

  "I'll just sit here until you fall asleep."

  Zach sat back, hands laced together, watching Meg drift off. She could have been the daughter he lost many, many years ago, he mused. She had come into his life months before he'd taken that blasted bullet, and had since become a vital part of his life.

  Zach's mind shifted backward in time, to the day he'd found Meg on the prairie; a bruised and battered woman hardly more than a child. No one would recognize her today as that pitiful wreck he'd brought home and nursed back to health.

  He'd taught Meg to become the independent woman she is today. For years he'd been preparing her, perhaps needlessly, to defend herself against Arlo, should he turn up again and attempt to interfere in her life. She could shoot straight, wield a knife when she had to, and track outlaws. She'd soaked up everything he'd taught her and became so proficient at what she did he'd grown complacent over the years, ignoring the danger she faced whenever she set off on her own.

  But no more, by God. The poor state of his own health and Jess's providential appearance into their lives had set him to thinking about Meggie's future. Smiling, he picked up Meg's limp hand and threaded his fingers with hers. He had plans afoot, plans he intended to set into motion very soon. He knew his Meggie. She wasn't as immune to the handsome doc as she pretended to be.

  Furthermore, he had peeked inside the room while Jess was alone with Meg. What he saw didn't surprise him none. He'd seen Jess kissing Meggie, and she wasn't complaining. He'd watched for a moment, then returned to the kitchen to plot and plan. He fell asleep with a smile on his face and his fingers still clasping Meg's.

  Jess awakened during the darkest part of night and decided to look in on Meg. He pulled on his trousers and padded barefoot from the attic to Meg's room. Flickering lamplight created a warm, intimate atmosphere inside the room. Meg appeared to be sleeping soundly. So was Zach. His head was lowered upon his chest and his hand was entwined with Meg's. Jess stared at the lovers with an anger he shouldn't have felt.

  Why should it bother him that Meg and Zach were lovers? Meg was nothing to him but a patient. There was no place for jealousy in their relationship. He chided himself anew for kissing her; it had been uncalled for. But truth to tell, he couldn't have stopped himself had he wanted to. Those sweet, lush lips just begged to be kissed. For some damn reason he wanted to show Meg that kissing a tired old man was far different and much less enjoyable than kissing a young vigorous one.

  Suddenly Zach lifted his head and looked toward the door, where Jess stood poised in the shadows. Zach disengaged his hand from Meg's and walked over to Jess. The older man placed his finger against his lips and walked into the hallway, motioning for Jess to follow.

  "Everything is fine," Zach said, indicating Meg with a nod of his head. "She's sleeping soundly."

  The dim light made Zach's pallor appear more pronounced. "You should go to bed yourself. Not Meg's bed," Jess stressed. "She needs undisturbed rest."

  Zach sent him a puzzled look. Jess assumed he was deliberately pretending to misunderstand. "Surely there's another bedroom in this house where you can sleep." He couldn't be more plainer than that.

  "Of course."

  "Then use it. You look drained. Perhaps I should examine you tomorrow. Have you seen a doctor recently?"

  "That ain't necessary. I know what's happening. Excuse me, I'm going back to Meggie. I don't want to leave her alone."

  "Go to bed. I'll sit with Meg."

  Jess got the impression that Zach was pleased with the offer.

  "I think I'll take you up on that, Doc. I am a mite weary."

  Jess watched him limp away, a sudden jolt of compassion diminishing the jealousy the man's presence in Meg's life provoked. Jess approached Meg's bed and lowered himself into the chair. Meg's small, delicate hand was splayed outward over the covers. It appeared fragile and somehow needy. Without conscious thought, Jess reached out and gently enfolded her fingers inside his.

  Jess dozed off, her warm hand held snugly in his. A short time later Meg's thrashing around in bed awakened him. He swore softly, fearing she would reopen the wound, which had just begun to heal. He was on the verge of awakening her when her eyes opened wide and she reached for him.

  "Don't let him find me," she sobbed, obviously still under the influence of laudanum.

  Jess had no idea who Meg was talking about but decided the best course of action was to humor her. "Don't worry, no one will hurt you as long as I'm here."

  Her wild thrashing continued. Unable to make her understand that she might hurt herself, Jess reacted instinctively. He lay down beside her and gently placed his arms around her. She quieted immediately, snuggling against his bare torso. Jess kissed the top of her head and felt her relax. When he was certain she had drifted off again, he closed his eyes and let sleep claim him.

  Chapter Four

  The lamp had sputtered out and daylight streamed through the window when Jess awakened. Meg was still sleeping soundly within the circle of his arms. Carefully he unwound himself from her soft, warm body and rolled off the bed so as not to disturb her. He glanced down at her one last time before quietly departing.

  Jess walked into the kitchen, surprised to find Zach busy at the stove. He gave Jess a knowing grin.

  "How's Meggie?"

  "She was a bit restless last night. She's still sleeping; I overslept myself."

  "You can wash up at the pump outside. There's a mirror hanging on the back porch if you want to shave. I'll have breakfast dished up by the time you're finished."

  "I'll fetch my shaving gear and shirt from the attic. The shirt can use a good washing."

  Zach eyed Jess's bare chest. "You can borrow one of my shirts, if you want. Don't bother washing your own. Just bring it and anything else that needs laundering down and I'll do them later. Put everything in the basket on the back porch."

  "You don't have to wash my clothes, Zach."

  "It's the least I can do for the man who saved my Meggie's life. I can't pay you in cash so you'll just have to accept my services, such as they are. Go wash up. Do you like flapjacks?"

  Jess eyed him curiously. "If I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to butter me up."

  "Maybe I am," Zach said with a chuckle.

  Zach returned to the kitchen a short time later; water dripped from his hair and he was cleanly shaven. He spied a plaid shirt hanging over the back of a chair and he pulled it on. Zach set with a plate piled high with flapjacks on the table.

  "Sit down and dig in, Doc," Zach invited, pouring him a cup of steaming coffee.

  Jess didn't need a second invitation. He was starved despite having eaten a substantial supper the night before.

  "How about some bacon and eggs to go along with those flapjacks?"

  "Sounds good," Jess mumbled over a mouthful of food.

  Zach dished up Jess's bacon and eggs and sat down to join him. "You say Meggie was a mite restless last night?"

  "Yeah, she was, but she calmed down after I..." He flushed and lowered his gaze. Then he stuffed his mouth with eggs and mumbled something unintelligible.

  Zach slid back his chair. "Reckon I'll take her up some water and towels so she can wash up and clean her teeth. Sit here and finish your breakfast."

  Zach rose, stumbled over the chair leg, clutched at his chest, and turned deathly pale. Jess was beside him instantly, easing him into a chair.

  "Are you all right?"
br />   "Just let me catch my breath. I get these spells now and again. I'll be all right in a minute."

  "I'll get my bag."

  "Not now, Doc, I'm better already. It always passes."

  "How often do you have these spells?"

  "Now and again," Zach hedged.

  "What happened?"

  Both men turned toward the doorway at the sound of Meg's voice. Jess spit out a curse when he saw Meg leaning against the doorjamb, cradling her right arm, her long white nightgown clinging to her supple curves. He surged forward and slipped a supporting arm around her waist.

  "What in God's name are you doing out of bed? Don't you ever follow orders?"

  "Now you see what I've been up against all these years," Zach muttered.

  "It goes against my nature to lie in bed all day," Meg said in a trembling voice that convinced Jess she was pushing her strength to the limits.

  Without giving her a chance to protest, he swept her from her feet and carried her back to bed. "Lie still. You're not ready to test your strength yet. I'll fetch water and towels and bathe you myself, if need be."

  "I can manage," Meg protested. "How long are you going to keep me tied to this bed?"

  His gaze traveled the length of her and back. He missed nothing, not her paleness nor the purple shadows beneath her eyes. "Until you're ready to leave it."

  "What did I interrupt in the kitchen?" Meg asked. "There's something wrong with Zach, isn't there? I've suspected it for some time but he'd never admit anything to me."

  "I won't know until I examine him, but he keeps putting me off. I suggest you concentrate on getting well before worrying about Zach. Are you hungry?"

  "Not really."

  "You're going to eat. I'll fetch soap and water, then your food. If you don't eat enough to satisfy me, I'll feed you myself."

  "Despot," Meg muttered. "I'm not a child."

  "Then prove it. Someone has to set rules around here. Obviously you have Zach wound around your little finger. While I'm here, you'll do as I say regarding your health. Is that clear?"


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