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Runt of the Litter (Halfbreed Chronicles Book 1)

Page 9

by Hemlock, Isabelle

  He looks back at me, and I can see his wolf coming to the forefront, as he licks his lips. It’s gone as quickly as it came, but I just smirk, glad to know that I got them both wanting me. It won’t be much longer: I can feel it, my wolf can feel it, and no one, not even my Dad knocking on the screen door, can stop it from happening.

  Chapter. 19 – Avery

  This woman is going to be the death of me.

  From the books I read, the woman wants to be seduced, and sometimes, only seems to be doing it to please the man - which gave me seemingly unrealistic expectations of me needing to convince Riley, or any other woman, that I’m a worthy mate. But she wants me just as badly, and isn’t afraid to hide it. And it just turns on me more. She knows what she wants, and it’s me. My ego couldn’t be stroked any harder. I want her, and if the family wasn’t encircling us, I wouldn’t even care to loose my virginity in the fucking mudroom.

  But they are, and I need to lose the hard on fast. In fact, I don’t even reply to her mating comment, because it would just make my dick twitch in response. I need to pretend she isn’t even here, if I’m going to survive this family gathering.

  When her Dad knocks on the screen door, I’m almost ecstatic. Nothing gets rid of my sexual urges faster, than seeing him glaring at me. I reach for the handle, and he walks in, followed closely by Savannah. She’s kind enough to offer me a smile, and ask where the rest of my family is, while their Dad continues to seethe, “Oh, everyone is sitting in the living room - we’re just waiting on an apple pie to finish baking in the oven.”

  Riley, defiant as usual, takes my hand, and I’m pretty certain if it weren’t for Savannah, their Dad would growl at the sight. For now though, I lead them across the kitchen, and past the dining room, walking into the room where Liam and Lou stand, while Haley remains seated because nowadays it takes her half a minute to stand, or sit, with her pregnant belly. After the rounds of introduction, and some generic pleasantries, Liam and Lou sit down on either side of Haley, while I suggest the large two seater for Riley, Savannah and their Dad. I planned on taking the lazy boy for myself, but it doesn’t seem like my woman wants to be too far away from me, and she plops herself on the arm of the chair, resting her hand on my knee. To be honest, I like her being so close to me, far too much to really object, though I’m sure her Dad hates to watch us almost snuggling in front of him.

  I’m still hoping to go with a more respectful line of earning his approval, so I make no play to get her any closer to me. Though Riley begins to absentmindedly stroke my leg and I’m pretty sure I’ll have to pull her to me after all, if anything, to hide the erection.

  “It’s so weird to see you be romantic. From one day to the next.”

  I look up, and catch Liam eyeing us, but Haley slaps his arm, and he mumbles something unintelligible. “It’s been weird for me, too,” I answer honestly, because frankly, two days ago, I was a virgin bachelor accountant for the local community. No more, no less. Just the statue, unchanging, as the sun rose and set around me. Now, time isn’t going by the same way. It’s like it’s slowed down, where every moment with Riley counts, and when I’m not with her, I’m counting down the minutes for when I am. I know what this means - that I love her, but I’ve never been before, and I’m not sure if I should say it to her, unless I know for sure this is what it is. I think it is. But I don’t have anything to compare it to.

  “Aren’t you mated with your wife?,” Riley chimes in, all eyes got to Liam and Haley, and I chuckle. Because yup, sure enough it was the exact same for them. Liam went to work one day, and then we didn’t see him for almost two. In fact, we were just about to go to the police, or even the Council, when he must have come up for some air, and called us when he realized how long he had been at Haley’s apartment.

  My oldest brother shares a bit of their story: how he went to work at the farm on the other side of Sleepy Eye, and though he’d been there for months, it was the first time he met the foreman’s daughter. Her being human, he didn’t think she’d have the same pull, but it seemed mating took a hold of both of them, and from the first moment they accidentally brushed up against one another, they were going to be together come hell or high water. They haven’t been apart since, and that was two years ago. Now, she’s expecting their first child, and though of course the rest of us smile, and Riley and Savannah congratulate her, their Dad has to chime in a bit with reality - though for once, he seems to be trying to be sensitive, “Pardon me for even bringing it up, but I understand it’s very rare for a human to be able to carry a werewolf pup. Is it different for shifter babies? I only ask, because I’m not familiar with the subject.”

  Haley shifts a little to look at him directly, her red waves bouncing slightly on her bare shoulders. Liam, as usual, follows her line of sight, and holds her hand, obviously knowing what she’s about to say, before she even opens her mouth, “Sometimes it can be, but we’re very grateful, because unlike others we haven’t had any losses yet.” The ‘yet’ is slightly emphasized, and I think it’s saddled with fear. A lot of half breeds don’t survive the birth, so the sense of anxiety we have for Haley’s - and the baby’s - safety, can easily overshadow our joy for her. This whole pregnancy has been filled with cautious optimism.

  “I’m just happy, because for a long time I had worried that maybe we’d never have any kids. So if we can just even have one, I’ll be very grateful.”

  Their Dad nods his head, and sits back in his seat a little, while Savannah continues the conversation by asking her how she’s feeling, and the names they have picked out - but suddenly, their father chimes in again, not having realized they were still talking, “So it is safer for a shifter to mate with a human, than a werewolf with a shifter? Because I’ve never heard of a successful birth between pureblood and a halfbreed.”

  It’s obvious he’s referring to Riley and me, and though I can tell Lou is about to come and defend my honor or something, I hurry to respond first. Because frankly, I know that my response is going to be calmer than his (and especially Riley’s - who’s own hand is now digging into my leg, trying to hold back). I actually don’t think he’s trying to be an arrogant prick for once. In fact, I believe he’s coming from genuine concern for our possible future children, and the pain it would cause Riley if we never get pregnant. Or worse, do, but lose a child. It’s not something I had really allowed myself to contemplate yet, but it is valid concern to raise, and I need to make sure everyone else in the room, understands it, too, “I don’t think it’s entirely baseless to be concerned about any future children we try to have - because I actually haven’t heard of a pureblood and halfbreed breeding successfully either.”

  I can tell Riley is looking at me, but I keep my eyes on her Dad, because I want him to understand that any concerns he’ll raise, I’ll treat seriously. He needs to know that I care about his daughter, as much as he does. But he tests even my patience, by what he says next, “So you agree - it is better for a shifter to stick with a human mate, and allow the recessive gene to win out. To have human babies, and allow the human side to get back to what it does best: be normal.”

  Liam growls, actually growls, as if to prove he’s no mere human - and Lou leans forward, his sheer size seeming to actually get bigger, as if his own wolf is ready to pounce on Mr. Connolly, in his phased form (too bad, they can only phase during a full moon). The room is about as tense as it could get, but Riley’s dad just sits there, unsure of how just how offensive his words seem to be. I can’t tell if he’s ignorant, or just doesn’t care. So I try one more time, just in case I can diffuse the situation, “Our mother was a pureblood werewolf sir, and it obviously worked out just fine for her - she had three sons.”

  He looks between the three of us, but otherwise, seems unphased, “But that’s just the thing, Avery. A werewolf, mixing with a human isn’t the answer either – look, it obviously didn’t work out for you guys. You have the short end of the stick, in terms of abilities, in comparison to us werewolves, because
you’ve been tainted by human blood. And worse, if your mom is any indication, a pureblood obviously can’t raise a halfbreed, since she is nowhere to be found.”

  I’m sure my jaw would be dragging the floor by his statement, if I didn’t have to stand and stop Lou from attacking the guy. Liam joins me in trying to keep Lou back, and thankfully he allows us to pull him aside, closer to the dining room. Riley and Savannah drag their Dad to another corner, close to the fireplace, and I’m assuming we’re all telling each other to keep calm. Thankfully Lou hadn’t said anything out loud to the guy yet, but he’s got plenty to say to me, “How can you marry into a family like that? You’ll never have any respect from them, or your mate.”

  I look back at Riley, almost twenty feet away from me, and the concern on her face - the worry her Dad might have just ruined everything between us - tells me Lou is wrong, and I need to help us move passed this. As quickly as I can. Turning back to my brothers, I try to whisper, and hope Mr. Connolly is too distracted by Riley’s words, to hear mine, “Look I get it, the guy is a total ass, or ignorant, or both, but please don’t rip into him right in front of Riley. It wouldn’t bode well for my long term plans.”

  Lou straightens a little, and both he and Liam take a deep breath at the same time, looking more like twins than ever, “Fine, for your sake, I’ll back off. For now.”

  I shrug, and grin, “Hey, I’ll take it. Thanks.”

  Liam rolls his eyes, seemingly already aware that he left Haley alone on the couch, in the middle of this mess, “Let’s just get through this dinner, so I can bring her home.” Lou and I nod in agreement, and head back into the living room. I’m not exactly sure what his daughters told him, but the werewolf actually apologizes, and for what it’s worth - though it’s tense - we move into the dining room, and begin to eat quietly.

  Too quietly.

  Maybe this night isn’t going to get any better.

  Chapter. 20 - Riley

  Even though the dinner was far more strained than I had hoped, at least we made it through without my Dad making anymore dumb statements about who should mate whom. And neither of Avery’s brothers tried to lunge at him. So I guess that counts as a win. Savannah tried to make small talk with Haley, and at least for a little while, their generally happy moods managed to help balance out our sour ones. But nobody else talked, not even Avery and me.

  In fact, I’m so desperate to get this dinner moving forward (and send everybody home), that when Avery begins to pick up the plates after dessert, I quickly volunteer to help him. Because all I want is to kiss him, and hold him, and for now, it’s just easier to do that away from everyone else. I hope it won’t be this hard all the time. And that even if Avery is a halfbreed, he’ll be respected as my mate. I feel like a big part of the reason I need to mate him tonight, is simply to prevent any more fighting between our families. Which makes me kind of sad to dwell on, because that shouldn’t even part of it.

  Once in the kitchen, I look over my shoulder for just a moment, and see Savannah and my Dad talking, while Avery’s family sticks to themselves. Not a ringing endorsement for future family gatherings, but we both knew we’d have to start somewhere. Taking a step closer to the sink, I gently place the dishes inside, when suddenly Avery grabs me and kisses me. The small peck deepening instantly, and I gladly wrap my arms around his neck. When we come up for air, I see Avery grinning, and it makes me smirk, “Missed kissing me?”

  “What do you think?,” he presses his pelvis against mine, and I feel the almost hot heat between us. How am I ever going to make it through the goodbyes at this rate? I give right back into him, pressing my groin against the bulge, and sucking in a quick breath at the pleasure that comes along with it. Closing my eyes, I try to breathe, but my whole body is tensing up, knowing full well, that only he can give me the relief I need, “Why don’t we leave - tonight. Just go rent a cabin on the beach, and fuck each other’s brains out till sunrise?”

  Avery grunts against my neck, and I know he’s fighting against the idea. His body seems ready to carry me off at any moment, but his brain is telling him something else, something I don’t understand, “Come on Avery, we’d be at the beach in an hour.” I lower my right arm, to take his hand, ready to lead him outside. But he stops me in my tracks, when he grabs my wrist, “Wait Riley. We can’t leave tonight.”

  I lean into him, just a breath away from his lips, “And why not?”

  “It’s just - ,” he releases his grip on me, and takes a step back, and I know him well enough to know the moment is gone. Once he’s made up his mind, he can be just as stubborn as I am. Luckily, I’m persistent, too, “Why not, Avery?”

  His blue eyes look into mine, “It’s just, I know that if I get you under me, then I have no idea when I’ll come back up for air, and I don’t want to miss the festival.”

  The festival? My brow narrows, in obvious frustration, “Who cares about the fucking festival?” Not when he should be more concerned about mating me? It’s infuriating, but thankfully, he’s quick to explain, “Not the festival, but I mean, about the Council coming. Remember, I want to do the bloodtest.”

  Oh God, we’re still on that? I shake my head, and lift my hands to either side of his face, “Baby, please, you’re a shifter, just like your brothers. I can see your wolf leering at me from the inside.”

  For a second, I think he believes me, but then my Dad has to walk in, and ruin the whole damn moment:

  “You do realize she’s only trying to get you out of town because more werewolves are coming, right?”

  “Dad!” I practically hiss right back at him, angry as Hell that he knows me too fucking well and saw right through my plan. But I’m even angrier that he’s trying to turn Avery against me for it.

  Avery is still holding my wrist, seemingly desperate to clutch to me, while his brain tries to understand what is being said, “Wha- I’m not following.”

  I open my mouth, trying to say something, anything, that might smooth over the blow. But my Dad once again says it all, in the most monotone way. As if he wasn’t trying to ruin everything for me, “A few weeks ago, I had sent out a message that there’s an unmated female werewolf in Sleepy Eye - there’s plenty of males coming to vie for her hand, and it’s not uncommon for male werewolves to prove themselves by going one on one against one another.”

  Avery still looks confused, and I can’t hold back against my Dad’s barbaric ideas any longer, “I’m not a piece of meat, for you to sell off to the highest bidder.”

  For once, my Dad actually looks bothered by what I say, and lets his impatience get the better of him, “Stop it - I know that. I was honestly just trying to help you find your mate - I had no idea it was going to be Avery, nor did you.”

  Avery finally lets go of me, and I instantly miss his touch. He moves forward a little, stepping between me and my Dad, and I think he’s more confused than ever, “Okay, but I’m still not following - “

  My Dad, looks back at Avery, probably more exasperated than anything,

  I’m practically seething, but my own feelings don’t even come into the equation when I realize Avery is now turning to me, having realized what is being said, “ . . . wha- Riley, is this true?”

  My anger is gone, replaced by one of the very new feelings I’ve tapped into since I met my mate: desperation, “I just want you to be safe. Not get hurt.”

  I think it makes him more upset that I haven’t instantly waved off my Dad’s comments as ridiculous, “Do you think I can protect you, or not? Stop anybody else who might have their sights on you?”

  I’m not sure what I can say that will make him understand where I’m coming from. And in my hesitation to respond, while I contemplate the best explanation, I break eye contact, unsure of how to approach the subject, “. . . Avery I - “

  “Oh my God, you don’t, do you?”

  I can hear the tone of his voice, the shock behind his words, and I instantly look right back into his eyes. All I see is confusion, and even a
hint of pain, “Avery please, I couldn’t stand it if you got hurt - and we aren’t mated yet. Once we do, no one else would ever touch me.”

  “So you want to mate me solely because you don’t think I could protect you, not because you just want to be my mate?,” my Dad is nodding in the background, as if he agrees with Avery’s statement, but luckily, my mate’s eyes are only on me, and he doesn’t see my Dad’s actions. But he still wants an explanation, and dammit, if I don’t screw it up even more, “It’s - It’s for both reasons - but Avery, please.“

  He seemed upset when I took too long to answer, now I think I made another mistake by responding too quickly, and not finding the best way to word it all. So I do everything I can to make it better, and reach out for him.

  But he instantly backs away from me, “I - don’t Riley.”

  His reaction feels like a punch in the gut, and I can even feel tears beginning to form in my eyes, and my throat has that distinctive emotional burn, making it hard to talk. But I’m desperate, and have to try anyway, “Oh please, no - don’t be mad, I just don’t want to see you hurt, I - “


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