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Runt of the Litter (Halfbreed Chronicles Book 1)

Page 14

by Hemlock, Isabelle

  Once we’re back inside, I spot my beautiful Riley, chatting with Haley, deep in conversation it seems; and I think back to Frederick’s question, whether he might be coming back out soon. Savannah joins her father, and I’m sure everyone is ready to celebrate with cake. The only one we’re waiting on is Lou, and I’m surprised he isn’t back by now. He’s been at the festival site most of the afternoon, getting things prepped (and mostly lugging booths for people). But I also don’t want to wait any longer to tell people of the engagement, so I ask everyone to get back to the dining room, so we can make the announcement.

  With everyone seated, I begin to rise, surprisingly not nervous at all to make the toast. Maybe because it feels like finally, I have something to announce, all on my own. Something to share, that I can take pride in. My mate, my Riley. Even now, I can feel her hand warming mine, as I lift the glass before us. I don’t think anyone will be shocked, much less object, but honestly, I’m not even worried. All I feel right now, is pure bliss, “I didn’t think this night could get any better, and I am so grateful for the good news shared about Liam and Haley’s little girl - “

  Liam interjects, just briefly, to share my niece’s name - decided all of five minutes ago between him, and Haley, and I’m happy to lead everyone else into a round of clapping. This is really happening, I have a mate, a family, a niece on the way, and the love in this room is more than I ever could have hoped for, “I’m a blessed man.” I didn’t even realize I said it out loud, till I notice everyone’s eyes focused back on me, waiting for me to continue. So I lower the glass a little, shrug, and try to remember the words I rehearsed earlier, “Another reason I had hoped to gather everyone tonight is -”

  Just then, the side door opens, and we all understandably turn to see Lou. Just standing there. Liam hollers over my shoulder, asking our brother where the heck he’s been, and is about to share his own news about a baby girl joining the family soon. But Lou just keeps standing there, in silence, and I’m starting to get worried, “Lou, are you - “

  “I think I found my mate.”

  He says it so quietly, that I don’t think Haley was able to hear it, but the rest of us sure did, and Riley claps her hands, talking about how great this evening is turning out to be. Savannah asks why - and I think she’s hoping that somehow Riley is aware of her attraction of Frederick, and praying her sister is already trying to break the news to their Dad on her behalf. But instead, Riley looks at me, and I nod. It’s time, and as Lou almost absentmindedly sits down at the table, still in shock it seems, I try to gather the words one more time, “Since we’re celebrating all sorts of things tonight, I was hoping to announce that Riley and I are engaged, and hope to be married next month.”

  There’s another round of applause, with Haley chiming in, to ask us sarcastically what took so long. I smirk back at her, with a wink, before I bring the glass close to my mouth . . . and then Riley adds, “Oh, and Avery is going to run for a position on the Council, so we’ll be moving to Atlanta as well.”

  I’m pretty sure someone dropped a glass.

  Lou is mumbling about an act at the festival and mentions getting a guitar.

  Haley starts crying due to hormones. And Liam says, “Oh shit” but in a happy way.

  Savannah practically squeals, while their Dad shrugs, and declares he’ll be moving close, because he wants to be around for any children we might have.

  I’m not sure if we’ll ever have children, but if they’re anything like Riley, then I’d be ecstatic. I’ll give her however many children she wants, if it makes her happy, and Mother Nature allows it. So long she’s safe, that’s all I care about. I love her, and would do anything for her. I know her and me moving to Atlanta, is all about me, and my hopeful eventual position with the Council. The least I can do is see to her happiness, while I try to win some votes along the way.

  Just a few days ago, my life was a never ending cycle of repetitive nothingness. I had brothers who I couldn’t seem to bond with, not realizing they were just as desperate as I was, to have a relationship with me. I had a job in accounting, not aware that all this time, some of my clients were werewolves that could have helped me understand who I am. And when I met Riley, I fought against our bond as long as I could. I seem to have made things harder for myself all my life. On the defense, accepting the role of the runt of the litter, as if that was the only thing about me that was identifiable.

  But now, everything has changed. I look around this table, and realize the blessings I have. The family that has been by my side all this time, and the new family I’m clinging to now.

  My beautiful Riley, who holds onto me just as tightly as I hold onto her.

  All of these people, are my family. This is my family.

  And I’m a lucky son of a bitch for it.

  Chapter. 30 - Riley

  Epilogue - One Year Later

  I’m getting ready for our dinner, and finding a dress in our walk in closet. We moved here shortly after our wedding, ten months ago. It was a small affair, just our families, and by then, we already knew we were expecting. Of course Savannah told me about Frederick, and I was glad to help, by requesting him to run our lab work as well. When he came by the house, eight months ago, I was all too happy to let her stay in our guest room, to conveniently run into him.

  Now I got a vampire for a brother in law, and Savannah is talking about adoption, after becoming the sweetest aunt to our two little girls. Oh yes, I ended up having twins, and to the shock of everyone (even me), they are full blooded werewolves. My father couldn’t have been more proud, and Avery keeps talking about how special they are for having inherited our werewolves genes only. Supposedly there’s less than ten other cases of a pureblood coming from a halfbreed, in the Council’s registered cases. Ever.

  As for Avery’s job - he had a few accounting gigs, while being interviewed by the Council. They seemed impressed with his work, but some elders decided against his application. But with a few younger ones already backing him up, he’s making headway in the general population, and he’s obviously got the halfbreed vote to count on. We’ve been making the rounds socially at various political parties, where it’s far too easy of a job for me to sing his accolades. Because frankly I’ve always believed in him. And have no problem convincing others to believe in him as well. If him being married to a werewolf, and having werewolf daughters, buys him the pureblood vote, than no fur off my back.

  Slipping the navy blue dress over my head, I pull on the hem till it lands just over my knees. Thanks to my metabolism I managed to loose the weight quickly, but my hips are little wider, and my breasts are a good cup size bigger (thanks to all that milk!). It took a little while to get used to, but Avery loves my new body. But he loved my body before just as much, and once I started to show, he was practically salivating. It’s hard not to feel sexy, when you got a man who can’t seem to get enough of you, no matter what you look like.

  So even now, when I know we’re getting ready for another political dinner, I smile to myself. Sure, we’ll make an appearance, but I got us reservations at a downtown hotel for the night. The girls just got laid down, and Savannah (who generously offered to babysit, in place of our Dad), should be here in the next thirty minutes. My Dad kept his promise of moving nearby. He’s on the first floor of our apartment building, and moved in a week after we told everyone we were expecting. He watches the girls every afternoon, and one night a week so we can go out for some fresh air. His and Avery’s relationship has improved leaps and bounds above anything I could have wished for. And it warms my heart to think about how much my life has changed in the last year.

  Stepping into a pair of strappy heels, I open the door and stop in the doorway, watching my handsome husband sitting on the bed, putting on his shoes. I love our girls, but ever since they were born, we’ve only had a few quickies, and I’m ready for an all nighter again. I already pumped for their midnight feeding, and I packed the pump for the hotel later. In my mind, everything’s
covered, and we’re going to be taking our sweet damn time tonight . . . I just need to fill him in on our plans.

  When he notices the light from the closet shining into the room, he looks up at me, seemingly at a loss for words. I don’t know if there’ll come a day when he’s no longer all that impressed by me (and if so, not for a long, long time). Every day, he tells me how blessed he is to have me as his wife, and frankly, it’s a confident boost to the ego, that I never knew I needed. He makes me feel like I have all the power, that I’m the key to unlocking his happiness. And it’s a favor I plan on returning every night.

  By way of having his eyes roam back up to mine, I gently wave my hand in front of my face, and practically coo, “Do you like this shade of lipstick on me?”

  Avery shifts a little, as if he’s squirming, ready for me to close the distance between us. But I don’t move an inch. I’m still waiting on his answer, and luckily, he doesn’t disappoint, “I’d like it better if it was on my dick.”

  His eyes widen, always so surprised by what comes out of his mouth when he’s talking dirty to me, but I love it. I feed off of it. And frankly, even if he’s still a little surprised by what he says to me sometimes, he never backs away from his words. Because we both know he means them.

  For my part, I just lick my lips, and meander on over to him. I thought I was playing coy by going slow, but as soon as I’m within closing distance, Avery practically pulls me to him, his big hands covering my ass, as he keeps his legs on either side of me. He’s got me caged, and my wolf doesn’t like it. She’s behind the force of knocking him back onto the bed - though my climbing on top of him afterwards, is all me.

  “Fine,” I growl, “I’ll put this lipstick back on after I suck you dry - “

  He beams up at me, and something tells me he caged me on purpose, just to make sure he got some before we left the apartment. Alright, by all means, if he can force my hand, I’ll push right back, too. I lean down to kiss him, but stop just short, making him whine for my attention, “Don’t worry baby, I didn’t change my mind.”

  I give him the lightest peck, far too gentle for the moment, and he flops his head back on the bed, as I’m teasing him too much. I just smirk, and finally put my cards on the table, “But afterwards, when we go out, we’re skipping that boring ass dinner, and going straight to a hotel for the next twelve hours, got it?”

  Avery wraps his fingers behind my neck, and grins, “My wife sure is fucking romantic when she wants to be.”

  I just roll my eyes, because it’s not as much about being romantic, as much as I just miss my man. Though I guess those things tend to go hand in hand.

  When Avery starts to nuzzle into my neck, I notice the bedside clock. We got maybe fifteen minutes, but I know I can get him off in five, and still have plenty of time to make myself presentable before Savannah gets here.

  I’m not sure if life can get much better than this. I know it sounds like a cliche, but I never would have believed it if you would have told me a year ago, that I was literally going to crash into Avery. And now, we’ve been blessed with this amazing life, and two beautiful babies. The only thing that’s going to make this night any better, is taking our own sweet damn time loving every inch of one another, from the inside out.

  So as I start to trail my tongue down his body, and I hear that all too familiar hiss of his, trying not to cum on the spot, I smile, all too pleased with my ability to make him weak in the knees. Once his hand comes to grip my hair, I run my fingertips down to his pants, and unbuckle the belt that barely contains the bulge begging for air - and my undivided attention.

  “God, I love you, Riley.”

  I unzip the slacks, and pull them down just enough to let his dick spring free, bouncing right up to my mouth as if it’s got a mind of its own. And just before I latch my mouth around the dripping tip, I look up at my man, and grin, “I love you, too.

  Preview Chapter of The Halfbreed Chronicles - Book 2, “Alpha of the Litter”

  Chapter. 1 – Lou

  I just finished setting up the tenth booth, when Mr. Carson mentions I can take a dinner break. I don’t think I really need one, and besides if I don’t get at least one more booth up now, I might miss this important dinner for my brothers. Avery just got back, from being mated, and Liam is finding out if his baby is safe. There’s a lot of changes happening in our little family - except when it comes to me. It’s the same ol Lou, doing the same ol’ Lou things. And honestly, I don’t really mind. I’m more of a simple kind of guy.

  “Thanks Mr. Carson, I’m just going to get this last booth set up, and then I’ll call it a night anyways.”

  He taps his clipboard, and smiles back at me, “Alright Lou, thank you so much for your help - and I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  I nod, all too happy to help out, “Oh of course, bright and early at seven.”

  “Thanks again, you have a great night,” he waves his clipboard over at me, and I raise my chin a little, “Yup, you too.”

  Once he’s out of sight, I grab the ice tea nearby, and lift the edge of my shirt up a little to wipe the sweat off my brow. To be honest, even with my strength, I’m a little famished, and am definitely ready for a good home cooked meal. But when I lower the glass, a woman walks by me, and though I didn’t see anything but the edge of her dress as she passed – I got a good whiff of her: a mixed scent of sand, and coconut oil. And the glass I was holding instantly breaks in my hand. Luckily no one seemed to notice, and I chuck it to the nearby trashcan, before hurrying back over to where I saw her last.

  I thought I was doing a good enough job, staying back a good ten feet, but all I do really is mimic the moves. When she slows, I slow; when she bucks to the right, I do as well. I can tell I’m loosing all reason. I haven’t even seen her face yet. All I can tell is that she’s a good foot shorter than me, and petite and lean. Between her long blond hair, curled into beachy waves, and the loose maxi skirt, I can’t really tell the rest, but every now and then, the wind pulls the dress forward and I see the thin outline of her ass, and lean legs. I almost want to growl, and warn anybody around us to look away, because the thought of anybody else having these thoughts while looking at her, makes me jealous as fuck.

  In fact, by the time she makes it to the stage, I’m just about ready to follow her onto it, too. I seem to be devoid of any reason. What the hell am I going to do on a stage? I’ve never held an instrument in my life. Am I going to pretend to play the fucking tambourine behind her? So when she stops, I do as well, grateful I don’t have to find an excuse to get on up there But when she turns around, I’m completely unprepared. She’s so beautiful, I can’t even think straight.

  All I see is that beautiful hair of hers, cascading likes waves around her shoulders. And all I can picture is it swaying back and forth, while she rides on top of me. Her mouth parts a little, her perfect lush lips, making me crave a taste. Her big seagreen colored eyes stare directly into mine, and any question as to whether this was my mate or not, evaporates. I know it down to the core of my being. I know she’s feeling it, too - because my sheer size should scare such a small thing off from me completely. But instead, she slowly takes a step towards me, and I to her. Like a string between us is being pulled tighter. And yet just before we touch, barely a foot between us, we stop, still trying to process what’s happening.

  “Why are you following me?” her voice is like a deep ocean, the waves of her words crashing over me, and making me want to follow her anywhere. Deeper into an endless void, as far as the horizon can see,.

  “You don’t know?” it’s all I can say, because she has to be feeling this, too. But she shakes her head, and maybe I mistook her curious courage for something more than it was. Maybe because I’m a shifter, I feel the pull more than her - but she’s not human (at least not entirely), I can smell it.

  I don’t know what she is, but I want her, and I’ll do anything to have her, she just needs to name her terms.

  “Rhiannon, who is this?”r />
  Rhiannon, a sweet name for a sweet creature. I want to say it again and again, until I realize there’s a middle aged woman and man standing behind her. They look nothing like her, and smell human enough. I don’t know who they could be, but she tries to wave me off to them. That’s okay, soon enough she’ll proud to call me her mate to whoever might ask. I’ll prove I’m worthy of her, no matter how long it takes.

  “Are you the security we hired from the agency?”

  The older woman looks me up and down, and I guess I look like I could be doing the job adequately, “Yes m’am, I am.”

  Though I’m looking back at the older woman, I can see Rhiannon smile a little, and it makes happy (and desperate). to make her do it again. The older one nods over to the man, before saying, “You’ll do.”

  The man pulls out his wallet from his back pocket, and reaches in for a big wad of cash, “We need your services for the weekend, to offer protection for Rhiannon during the festival - five hundred bucks, take it or leave it.” Five hundred does sound good, and hey, if it gives me, and Rhiannon a good start, I’ll take it free and clear. I have no problem spending the weekend keeping everybody away from her. I agree to the terms, and he hands me half, claiming the other half for Sunday. And then before they start to drag Rhiannon towards the stage, they tell me to go home, take a shower, and meet them at the hotel in Sleepy Eye in two hours for a briefing.


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