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Don't Come Looking for Love 2: Kenjay's Takeover

Page 9

by Natavia

  “You scared of that nigga? He bleed like we do! That nigga can get got too, nigga!” I told him.

  “He got pull, nigga! This was all your idea! We should’ve just killed the nigga!” Tuchie said.

  “Would you shut the fuck up with your bitch ass?” My phone rang and it was Latavia. I was surprised she was calling me.

  “What’s up, wifey?” I asked.

  “Meet me at my mother’s house tomorrow,” she said then hung up.

  The next day…

  I went to Latavia’s mother’s crib. I walked in and Tuchie was on the couch. He was a scrub-ass nigga.

  “Yo, my nigga, you need to get your own crib! Your bitch ass twenty-six years old and still laying around!” I said to him. Latavia’s mother came into the living room. “Is that my son-in-law? You been home for a few months and you are just now seeing me?” she asked hugging me.

  “Yes, ma’am! I didn’t want Latavia to get in trouble!” I said then Latavia walked in. She grilled her brother then hugged her mother, kissing her cheek.

  “Where is my kiss at?” I asked then she rolled her eyes.

  “Walk outside!” she said.

  I followed behind her then tapped her on the ass. She turned around then swatted my hand away. She took a seat in the chair on the porch. I sat across from her.

  “I want a divorce. This shit is going too fucking far! You are always calling and now you work for my man? You are up to something!” she said.

  “Shorty, I just found out that he was your man two days ago!” I lied.

  “Dayquan, I want a divorce! I married you when you went to jail to prove I was down for you. But I was young! I didn’t know any better! I thought I was in love and when you got sentenced to life, I start living mine!” she said to me.

  My blood started boiling. I wanted to choke her ass.

  I smirked. “I know you are working with some celebrities now and getting that paper. You want a divorce then I want alimony! Adultery will fuck someone’s pockets up! I’m just getting home from jail and I don’t have a job yet!” I said then laughed. If looks could kill, I would be dead. Latavia was mean-mugging the fuck out of my ass.

  “I don’t give a fuck if I was in jail or not! You are still my fucking wife!” I said to her then mushed her face.

  “You want what I worked hard for?” she said with tears in her eyes.

  “It’s cheaper to keep me!” I told her.

  “You are a pathetic-ass negro!” she shouted at me.

  “My lawyer will contact your lawyer!” I told her. A tear fell from her eye then she hurriedly wiped it away.

  “I know you work for that rapper O’Shea and his girl, Britain! I see that you are doing your thing! I know you can afford it!” I said standing up.

  “Your nigga got money! You will be okay!” I laughed then she got up smacking me in the face.

  “I work hard for my shit and I wish a bitch-ass nigga would come and try to take my money from me! I don’t give a fuck what Kenjay has! All he does is add to my life! I’m good with him or without him! My name is in the industry because of my hard work! IT’S ALL MINE!” she screamed. I pushed her in the corner of the porch then pressed my body against hers until she was halfway off the rail. I kissed her lips then sucked her neck as hard as I could.

  She tried pushing me off but she wasn’t strong enough. I pressed my hard-on into her center then squeezed her ass. Latavia was a freaky type of bitch and I knew she was turned on.

  A moan escaped her lips then I rubbed between her legs. Her nipples hardened. “Your body still responds to mine! Just like how it’s supposed to!” I said licking her lips then grinded into her.

  She kneed me between the legs then pushed me. “My body might respond to yours but my heart doesn’t! It only beats for one nigga, now! Dick isn’t shit if it’s not connected to the nigga I love!” she said then walked off.

  Her brother walked out. “Let me hold something!” he asked her.

  “Bitch, hold this!” she said giving him the finger.

  “Get a fucking job! Help pay the bills! I shouldn’t have to keep putting food in the house and all of that! Nigga, you are a grown-ass man and you want to live off your baby sister! Fuck you! You scrub-ass nigga!” she said getting into her car.

  She started it up then rolled the window down. “Fuck both of y’all niggas! Y’all act like y’all are fucking each other! Tuchie, I know you been telling Dayquan all of my business, too, you fucking lame-ass clown!” she said before speeding off.

  “I hate that bitch!” Tuchie said.

  “Call her another one, nigga, and watch what I do to you!” I said holding my nuts. He waved me off then my phone rang.

  It was Manessa’s bug-a-boo ass. “Yoooooo!” I answered.

  “Come over here! I want to see you!” she said.

  “Okay, I’ll be there!” I said.

  I walked to my Charger. “I’ll get up with you later, nigga! I’m about to go and see this little shorty I been fucking with!” I said to him.

  “Okay, then! I’ll get up with you!” he said.

  On my drive from Baltimore to Annapolis, I think of ways to get Latavia on my team where she belonged. I wanted my wife back and I wasn’t backing down!


  I rushed home with tears in my eyes. I could not believe the lengths Dayquan was willing to take to fuck my life up. My business phone rang but I ignored it. I needed a drink to calm my nerves.

  My body responded to his in a way that it shouldn’t have! That was frightening to me because I knew that lust could get you into some things that it couldn’t get you out of. His body was nice and built from being in jail all of those years. He was covered in tattoos. His dark-chocolate skin looked kissable. I shook my head of the visions of his thick arms grabbing me. Dayquan was fine! He looked like a younger version of the actor Sean Blakemore.

  Britain called me but I didn’t answer. I had to call her later. I pulled up in our circular driveway. I unlocked the door, shooting straight into the huge bar we had in the den.

  I poured some Henny then downed it. I usually drank white liquor but I needed something strong.

  “Had a long day?” Kenjay’s deep voice asked me from behind me. I dropped my glass because he scared the hell out of me.

  “Yes, I did! I had a very picky client today! The bitch didn’t like shit I picked out for her!” I halfway lied. I did have a picky client. That just wasn’t my problem.

  He slightly limped to me because of the bullet wound he got in his leg last night. That’s why I wanted Kenjay to stay out of the streets. That bullet could’ve went somewhere else and killed him.

  “You cheating on me?” he asked me.

  “Seriously? Why the fuck would you ask me that?” I yelled at him.

  “You have a big-ass hickey on your neck! Why is the zipper of your pants undone?” he asked me. That’s what Dayquan was doing. He did this shit to get me in trouble on purpose.

  “I don’t know!” I said walking away from him. He was scaring me right now.

  He grabbed me by the shirt then slammed me onto the couch.

  “What the fuck have you been doing?” he asked me with red eyes.

  “Nothing! Get off of me!” How was I supposed to tell Kenjay I was married to a nigga that worked for him?

  He started choking me. “WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?” he asked me with hurt in his eyes. I tried getting his hands from around my neck. O’Shea came into the den.

  “Yo, what the fuck is you doing?” he asked, rushing to Kenjay. He pushed Kenjay off of me. “Nigga, you lost your fucking mind?” O’Shea asked him.

  “Who were you with? Don’t lie to me! Why the fuck is your pants undone and that hickey on your damn neck?” he yelled.

  “I don’t know!” I cried then he reached back slapping me in the face. Sameer and Jameer ran into the room. I didn’t even know they were here. O’Shea grabbed him off of me as he tried to choke me again. Sameer helped me up as Jameer and O’S
hea tussled with him out of the room.

  “You dirty bitch!” he yelled as they dragged him down the hall. I had never seen this side of Kenjay. If it were just us two here, he would’ve probably killed me.

  “Damn, shorty! Are you okay? Your lip is bleeding,” Sameer said.

  “I didn’t do anything!” I cried.

  “That might be true but it doesn’t look that way! That hickey didn’t just fall there!” he said giving me the side-eye.

  “Mind your fucking business!” I told him.

  “Next time he fuck you up, I’m not helping you out!” he said walking out of the room.

  I took my heels off then went upstairs as I heard fussing and yelling. O’Shea and Kenjay were still arguing. I called Britain.

  “He hit me! He fucking hit me!” I cried into the phone. I touched my lip and it was starting to swell.

  “That nigga did what? Oh, hell nawl! Put your tennis shoes on! We about to tangle with his ass!” Britain said into the phone.

  “You are pregnant!” I said.

  “The baby can fuck him up, too! Plus, O’Shea is there!” she said.

  “I’m coming right now!” she said hanging up. I changed my clothes, put my tennis shoes on then walked down the steps. They just stared at me. “Yo, she changed her clothes! Awww, shit! Latavia about to get G on your ass, nigga!” Sameer said to Kenjay.

  “Shut the fuck up!” we all said to him. He shook his head then went down the hall.

  “I’m ready to kill this bitch!” Kenjay said punching the wall. Sameer ran back down the hall. “What I miss?” he asked. I charged into him then Jameer grabbed me. I was sick of Sameer’s mouth.

  “Yo, you better get this crazy-ass broad! Only females that can put their hands on me are the ones I’m fucking! Anybody else can get knocked out!” Sameer said.

  “Who was you with Latavia?” Kenjay asked me.

  “Nobody! I don’t know where that bruise came from!” I said pleading my case. I wanted to tell him but I knew that would just piss him off more. He walked into the den. My cellphone was on the bar. I ran past him, grabbing it.

  “Yo, you dumb as fuck! I was about to pour me a drink! You guilty as shit, huh?” he said laughing taking a shot.

  “You fucking another nigga? I hope he loves you! You need someone to be there for you to put flowers on your grave!” he said taking another shot.

  “I love you! Will you listen to me?” I asked him.

  “Why did you grab your phone like that?” he asked pouring another shot.

  “I thought it was ringing,” I said.

  He pulled his gun out of his pants then placed it on the bar. He took another swig. “Who was you with?” he asked me.

  “I was attacked! I had a client who came on to me! I swear I didn’t do anything! I love you!” I pleaded.

  “Who was the nigga?” he asked me raising an eyebrow.

  “I will never cheat on you!” I said.

  O’Shea stood there shaking his head. “Yo, you wilding out! You pulling guns out and shit! The girl said she didn’t do shit!” O’Shea said.

  Sameer came back in the room eating a sandwich with pickle juice running from it. “I don’t know about you, but I need to get the fuck up out of this house! ‘First 48’ is about to come here and I’m not trying to be around! Latavia, it was nice knowing you! R.I.P., shorty! This nigga is about to kill you and your simple ass is still standing there!” Sameer said to me. This was the worse, arrogant jackass ever!

  “Shut the fuck up!” O’Shea said to Sameer.

  “You shut the fuck up, nigga! This nigga is sitting here drinking with red eyes and he has a gun on the table! Y’all just standing here! Y’all motherfuckers need to be leaving! Kenjay is crazy! He fixin’ to take all of us out!” Sameer said.

  The doorbell rang and Jameer answered it. Britain started fussing and cursing as she walked down the hallway into the den.

  “Kenjay! I know damn well you are not putting your hands on my damn friend!” Britain said walking towards him. O’Shea grabbed her then pulled her back.

  “It’s not the time, baby!” O’Shea says to her.

  “He shouldn’t be hitting her!” she said trying to yank away from him.

  “Calm your ass down! You are pregnant!” O’Shea said to her.

  “She is right, my nigga! I shouldn’t have been putting my hands on her,” Kenjay said finishing his drink. He had to be drunk by now.

  “I apologize, shorty!” Kenjay said to me. He stood up kissing my lips then caressed my face.

  “Next time you lie to me, I’m going to kill you!” he said walking out of the room.

  Everyone had a shocked expression on their faces.

  “Well, that about sums it up!” Sameer said burping. Jameer chuckled at his brother, shaking his head.

  “That’s just fucking gross, Sameer!” Britain said.

  “What’s popping, shorty?” he said winking at Britain.

  “Sameer, my nigga! Don’t fuck with me!” O’Shea said to him.

  “I’m ready to go! Lo-Lo got a plate warmed up for me!” Sameer said heading out.

  “There is a fat man trapped in his body! Wait, Sameer I rode with you! I want a plate, too! Bria isn’t cooking shit!” Jameer called out.

  “Latavia, you can come over our house until Kenjay cools off! He has a lot going on and I think it would be best for you to leave,” Britain said.

  “I don’t care! I want to stay here with him!” I told her. They walked out of the room. Their relationship was so easy that I sometimes got jealous. Kenjay was a loving man but he had a mean streak that was out of this world. The way he loved was different, but at the same time, I was addicted to it.

  I went up the stairs and he was lying across the bed. A tear fell from his eye but he hurriedly wiped it away when he saw me standing in the doorway.

  “You are fucking around on me, shorty! I can feel that shit! Your phone stays going off and when it does, you get timid! I’m not going to sweat that shit, though! The only woman that meant something to me is dead! She is fucking gone! The shit still hurts!” he said getting up. He went into the bathroom slamming the door. I know some of that anger that I just saw was because of his mother. He was still grieving over her.

  But I wasn’t going anywhere! Kenjay would have to drag me out of this house or even kill me. I’m not living without him! Now, I just had to figure out what I was going to do with Dayquan.


  Shine lay across the bed with his boxer briefs on smoking his blunt. It had been a few months now and he practically moved in with me in my two-bedroom condo. I got a nose job a week after I got settled in Eastern Maryland. My old look was completely gone. Shine got off the Greyhound with me and has been with me ever since. We moved too fast but it was love at first sight.

  I climbed on top of him then he squeezed my ass. “What are you doing, shorty?” he asked me.

  I giggled then my smile faded as Tammy, Nathan, my daddy and Veronica stared at me. I took my pills faithfully now but I could still see them. They all looked at me with smirks on their faces.

  “I love you!” I told him then he leaned forward, kissing me.

  “I love you, too!” he said tracing his hand down my face. I rubbed his chiseled chest with the word “King” written across his stomach. Shine was beautiful! When I went into my episodes he just stood there and waited for me to calm down. I purposely stabbed myself in the forearm a week ago because he didn’t come home when he said he was going to.

  I grabbed his dick then he smacked my hand away. “Troya! I keep telling your mental ass you are not ready for this dick!” he said pushing me off of him.

  “Are you gay?” I asked. All of a sudden he backhanded me in the face then started choking me.

  “Bitch, I will fucking kill you if you ask me some shit like that again!” he said smacking me again. I tasted blood in my mouth.

  I started laughing. “Is that the best your bitch ass got?” I laughed even harder. />
  “You’re crazy ass thinks this shit is funny? I got something for you!” he said pulling me up. He stood me up then elbowed me right in the stomach.

  He knocked the wind out of me. He put his ear to my face as I bent over with tears coming down my cheeks.

  “Talk that shit now, bitch! What was that? I can’t hear you? Oh, that’s what the fuck I thought!” he said getting dressed. I curled up on the bed.

  “When I get back I hope this place is clean! Bitch, you are not crazy! You just need someone to bust you in your shit! I don’t give a fuck about how many people you see! None of them can do what I can do to you! Think about that shit while I’m gone!” he said leaving out then slamming the door. Shine could be sweet but he could be violent, too. I loved both sides of him.


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